Papers observe Constitution Day

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate editorials to the 24th anniversary of "Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" proclaimed by the great leader President Kim Il Sung (Dec. 27, 1972). The press describes the constitution as a political charter of Juche which confirms by law the great victories won by the Korean people in the revolution and construction under the leadership of the party and the leader and sets out the principles of state and social life and the major tasks for socialism and communism. The editorial of Rodong Sinmun entitled "Let us resolutely defend and exalt our socialism" says: The proclamation of the socialist constitution made clear the Juche-oriented and revolutionary character of our state and social system and enabled our people to harden their confidence in the invincibility of their socialism. it also marked an important milestone in our people's efforts to push ahead with the ideological, technical and cultural revolutions, increase our political, economic and military potentials and make their country and motherland prosperous. President Kim Il Sung not only built man-centred Korean-style socialism, the embodiment of the Juche idea, but also provided the socialist constitution, an eternal guide for our system and state. His exploits will shine long along with the history of the country. We must venerate him as the father of socialist Korea and the sun of Juche for all ages and firmly defend and exalt his precious legacies of revolution as the lifeline of our socialism and an eternal wealth of our country. The respected comrade Kim Jong Il clearly indicates the path of our socialism with rare intelligence and scientific insight and resolutely defends the socialist cause from imperialist challenges with matchless courage and iron will. We must unite around him more closely, pull through all difficulties and achieve a new victory in the revolution. Minju Joson runs an editorial headlined "Let us implement socialist constitution to the letter to exalt our socialism."

Third-rate "cabinet shake-up" for maintenance of power

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the recent "cabinet reshuffle" made by the traitor Kim Young Sam with the clamouring for "intensified ecomomic power" and "new start". The analyst says that Kim Young Sam's recent replacement of "government ministers and vice-ministers" with his faithful servants is aimed at further intensifying his traitorous rule and holding "presidential elections" slated for next year without difficulties and securing his safety after retirement. After coming into power the traitor Kim pursued anti-social fascist politics, politics of corruption and irregularities. as a consequence, he has been forsaken by the people as the most heinous traitor, gangster and thief outdistancing his preceding military fascist dictators. The Kim Young Sam group have made desperate efforts to maintain the puppet government which is shaken to its foundations, but in vain. The fate of the traitor Kim was already decided. The traitor will face destruction because he has neither the way nor the ability to save the ruling crisis and he is forsaken by the times and the people.

National symposium of educators on comrade Kim Jong Il's work

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- A national symposium of educators on the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Intensifying University Education to Meet the Requirements of Developing Revolution" (October 1, 1996) was held at Kim Il Sung University on December 26. It was stressed at the symposium that his work is a highly important work which indicates the most correct way of training reliable heirs to the revolutionary cause of Juche to meet the urgent requirements of the developing Korean revolution for many revolutionaries faithful to the socialist cause. The speakers underlined the need to prepare university students as resolute revolutionaries and ardent patriots through the strengthened political and ideological work and educate them in the latest science and technology. They also said that great efforts should be directed to the education of social sciences so that the university students can firmly be prepared politically and ideologically and they can manage and run the socialist society. They laid emphasis on close combination of education and scientific researches at the universities. Attending the symposium were Choe Thae Bok, alternate politburo member and secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea central committee= and presidents, rectors, professors and doctors, teachers and researchers of universities and colleges across the country.

38th anniversary of victory of Cuban revolution observed

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- Jose Ramon Rodriguez Varona, Cuban ambassador to Korea, gave a reception at his embassy on December 26 to commemorate the 38th anniversary of the victory of the Cuban revolution. Invited to the reception were Kim Yong Nam, politburo member of the Workers' Party of Korea central committee and vice-premier of the administration council and foreign minister= Hwang Jang Yop, secretary of the WPK central committee, and other officials concerned. The Cuban ambassador, addressing the reception, said that today the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is giving full play to the advantages of socialism and taking a dignified place in international arena. The New Year 1997 greets the 85th birth anniversary of the great leader of the Korean people comrade Kim Il Sung and the 55th birthday of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il, he said, adding that the friendly relations between the two parties, two governments and two peoples of Cuba and Korea will grow stronger, which were provided by comrade supreme commander Fidel Castro, and comrade Kim Il Sung and are being developed by comrade Kim Jong Il. In his reply the foreign minister of Korea said that over the 38 years the Cuban people under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of Cuba headed by respected comrade Fidel Castro Ruz defended the country, revolution and the gains of socialism, successfully smashing the incessant moves of the U.S.-led imperialists to isolate and stifle Cuba. He wholeheartedly wished the Cuban people greater success in their efforts to overcome difficulties in the "special period of peace time". He stressed that the Korean people will, in the future, too, make every possible effort to consolidate and develop the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between Korea and Cuba down through generations as wished by President Kim Il Sung and in accordance with the invariable stand of the Workers' Party of Korea.

Gangsterism at "national assembly"

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The "New Korea Party" of the traitor Kim Young Sam singlehandedly railroaded the "amendments to the laws on the agency for national security planning and on labour" through the "national assembly" in the absence of opposition "lawmakers". Minju Joson today charges that this is an undisguised fascist outrage against the will of the people. The analyst further says: The laws passed through the "national assembly" are all reactionary ones aimed at further intensifying fascist rule, intelligence politics, exploitation and plunder of the workers. The recent outrage clearly shows what the "parliamentary democracy" advertised by the Kim Young Sam group is.

Second-stage project of Anbyon Youth Power Station starts

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The second-stage project of the Anbyon Youth Power Station has started. The vast project will mainly include five objects such as dams and aqueduct tunnels. When the project is completed, the request of the great leader president Kim Il Sung for the construction of a gigantic power station in Kangwon province will be implemented and the Anbyon Youth Power Station will increase power production with a larger capacity so as to contribute to demonstrating the might of the independent national economy of the DPRK.

Reduction of penalty for Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo flailed

Pyongyang, December 27 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the National Democratic Front of South Korea released a statement on December 19 denouncing the Kim Young Sam group for their decision to reduce the penalties for the traitors Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo, according to radio voice of national salvation from Seoul. The traitor Kim Young Sam's decision for the chief culprits of the Kwangju massacre is an unpardonable challenge to the south Korean people= It is the declaration of cancellation of his commitment to the liquidation of the past, the statement says, and continues: The decision to save the murderers against the will of the public is a treachery that cannot be justified in any case. by doing so, they admitted that they have violated "laws" and maintained power in league with the murderers of the military. The traitor Kim Young Sam should be mindful that the "civilian" dictator as well as the traitors Chun and Roh was already sentenced to death.