Korean film month opens in Sweden

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- The opening ceremony of a Korean film month was held in Sweden on March 3 to mark the 85th birthday of President Kim Il Sung. Chairman of the Communist Party of Sweden Rolf Hagel in his opening address warmly hailed the 85th birthday of President Kim Il Sung and said that the setting up of the month in Sweden represents support of his Party to the President's cause and solidarity for the Korean people's struggle. He said that films will be shown widely in different areas to mark the President's birthday.

Press review

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang-based papers today frontpage a report that Secretary Kim Jong Il sent thanks to the employees of the Komdok Mining Complex for effecting innovation in the production of non-ferrous metal ores. Rodong Sinmun conveys news that Secretary Kim Jong Il's inspection of unit 212 of the Korean People's Army was reported by foreign mass media and that his famous works have been disseminated and studied abroad. Appearing in the paper is news that foreign newspapers published articles on the birthday of Secretary Kim Jong Il. Seen in the paper is an article on South Korean people's deep reverence for and praise of him. Today is the fifth anniversary of the publication of the great leader President Kim Il Sung's celebrated work "For the Inheritance and Accomplishment of the Socialist Cause". Papers dedicate articles to this occasion. Under President Kim Il Sung's proposition "a firm guarantee for carrying forward and accomplishing the socialist cause lies in remaining unfailingly loyal to the leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il." and under the banner title "let us carry forward and accomplish the Juche revolutionary cause through generations" papers carry articles headlined "praise of great man" and "earnest request, great behests", illustrated by pictures. Rodong Sinmun in an article titled "We started on the ruins" says that if the driving force of revolution is strong, a miracle can be wrought on the ruins and victory be achieved. A commentary of the paper denounces the political gangster-like act of the Kim Young Sam group going against the trend of the time by retrogressively revising the fascist laws and causing the Hanbo scandal. Minju Joson in a commentary flails Kim Young Sam for spreading a false rumor about "threat from the north" and crying out for "allout security posture". Rodong Sinmun comes out with a commentary condemning the Japanese reactionaries for trying to flee from the responsibility for the crimes against the "Comfort Women for the Army" and runs an article headlined "Japan must remove the shadow of the past". Minju Joson in an article analyzes the sharpening internal contradictions and discord of imperialism.

South Korean puppets' moves for introducing new military equipment

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- The Kim Young Sam group plan to equip the South Korean puppet army with low altitude radar systems and high-speed warning and ordering systems, a Seoul-based radio report said. The puppets passed a "budget" of some 184 billion won to purchase the equipment allegedly to detect the intrusion of northern airplanes as early as possible and inform all units from the outposts to the headquarters of the joint chiefs of staff of the situation at the same time. This shows the Kim Young Sam group are hell-bent on aggravating confrontation between the north and the south.

Political gangsterism

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Young Sam has carried out a "cabinet shakeup" and restructuring in the ruling Party, shifting the blame for the Hanbo scandal on to some of his underlings. He has also railroaded "the second version of fascist labor laws" behind the facade of deceptive "ruling-opposition negotiation." He is insisting that no phrase should be rectified in the retrogressively revised "law on the agency for national security planning." Rodong Sinmun today brands this as a political gangsterism revealing his treacherous and fascist colors and an unpardonable challenge to the South Korean people and labor movement calling for the abolition of fascist laws and the probe into the Hanbo incident. The news analyst says: It has been proved once again that unless the Kim Young Sam regime is removed, independence and democracy cannot be achieved in South Korean society, nor can the improvement of inter-Korean relations and national reunification be expected, nor can the people be freed from social vices and subhuman sufferings and misfortunes in the society where the rich get richer and the poor poorer. People see in the political gangsterism of the Kim Young Sam regime the ugly colors of the weak and a miserable end of the "civilian government." The South Korean people's struggle for the probe into the Hanbo incident and the abolition of the antinational and fascist "law on the agency for national security planning and labor laws" will grow stronger, and Kim Young Sam will meet his miserable end.

Japan can never shirk blame

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today accuses the Japanese reactionaries of trying to shirk the blame for the "Comfort Women for the Japanese Army" issue. The news analyst says: An experts' panel of the International Labor Organisation (ILO) in its 1997 annual report March 4 says it does not regard the "comfort women" issue as a "wartime exception" and reiterates that this issue belongs to forced labor that is prohibited by the rules of the ILO. The report is a bitter criticism of those who insult justice and human ethics. It shows once again that Japanese authorities can never shirk the blame for this criminal issue. The "comfort women" issue is a heinous unpardonable crime of Japanese imperialism against history and humanity in that it ruthlessly violated human dignity and honor. The Japanese authorities, however, argue that the crime was not committed by the government and that there is no legal evidence. Far from admitting the crime, they are trying to erase it. These days former or incumbent cabinet ministers and right-wing organisations deny this crime. This shows how brazenfaced the Japanese authorities are. With no trick can Japan gloss over this criminal issue.

Useless propaganda

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- As is known, the United States has recently begun broadcasting "Radio Free Asia" in Korean language. This is part of ideological and cultural infiltration to bring under control the Asian countries that build an independent new society free from imperialist domination and subjugation. It is an open revelation of the sinister intention to disunite the socialism of the DPRK from within. The broadcasting of the radio in Korean indicates that the united states has not renounced its policy of antagonising and stifling the DPRK and is pursuing it in a more undisguised way. Although the United States broadcasts American values and Yankee culture over "Radio Free Asia", it has no effect on the Korean people. The Korean people have a history and culture of five thousand years and the most advanced political philosophy in the world and bring into full play socialist national culture. They have long since despised American "values" and decadent Yankee culture. The hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War against U.S.- led imperialist allied forces was a showdown of strength as well as a showdown of ideologies and culture. During the war, the Korean people confirmed the true values of their ideology and culture and, at the same time, the reactionary and immoral nature of American "values" and culture. No one can deny that South Korean society has turned into a den of criminals under the sway of corruption and social vices such as the Hanbo incident because of the influence of the 50 odd years of U.S. military occupation and American "values" and decadent culture. No matter what false propaganda the United States may spread over "Radio Free Asia," the Korean people will feel stronger wrath and hatred for the U.S. And harden their confidence in their ideology, culture and cause.

Achievements made during "arduous march"

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- A large number of praiseworthy edifices have been built during the "arduous march" in Korea to add lustre to the era. Last year Anbyon Youth Power Station and Wolbisan Power Station, symbolic of miracles in the 90s, were built as monumental edifices while the December Thermal Power Plant took shape. They provide a sure guarantee for an increase in the nation's power output. The workers of the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex built and commissioned a vacuum refining furnace with their own efforts and technique. Many modern factories, pits and workshops took their appearance. Typical of them are Suwon Mine, the Calcium Carbonate Factory of the Anju Area Coal Mining Complex, Pit No.8 of Namyang Coal Mine and the Sunchon Export Building- Materials Factory. Meanwhile, export goods production centres for decentralized foreign trade increased into hundreds of units across the country, with its output value considerably growing. Urban and rural construction was promoted. As a result, houses were built for over 1,000 families at the foot of mt. Saedok in Sunchon city, south Phyongan Province while those for above 100 households took shape respectively in Okto-ri, Ryonggang county, Nampho municipality and in Kangdong county, Pyongyang. Besides, modern dwelling houses for several hundred households were built in Sinchon, Anak, Unryul and Jangyon counties and other areas. In south Hwanghae Province alone, houses for over 3,000 households made appearance. Signal achievements were also made in land administration, environmental protection and city management to renew the looks of the country. Many lands and roads and rivers extending more than 6,400 km were improved and forests of above 25,000 hectares created throughout the country.

Paper on Kim Young Sam's outcry

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Young Sam showed up at a "graduation and commissioning ceremony" of the puppet military academy and cried out for "establishing an allout posture for security" to cope with "misjudgement, adventurism and provocation of North Korea" and its strategy of "communizing South Korea." Minju Joson today brands his outcry as a vicious anti- DPRK propaganda to incite inter-Korean confrontation and war fever against the north among the puppet soldiers and a revelation of his sinister intention to unleash war at any cost. The news analyst says: His call for "all effort for security" is aimed at cracking down on the patriotic pro-democracy forces and propping up the shaking "civilian" fascist dictatorship on the pretext of stability of South Korean society. He must act with discretion, mindful that the adventurous campaign for confrontation and war with the north will only precipitate his own destruction.

Historic work indicating way of accomplishment of socialist cause

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate articles to the fifth anniversary of the publication of President Kim Il Sung's celebrated work "For the Inheritance and Accomplishment of the Socialist Cause". The work is a talk he had with anti-Japanese revolutionary veterans and bereaved children of revolutionary martyrs. The main idea of the work is that in order to successfully carry forward and accomplish the socialist cause, the Juche revolutionary cause, it is imperative to be loyal to Secretary Kim Jong Il and devotedly defend him. The work deals with the greatness and undying feats of Secretary Kim Jong Il, who has the perfect quality and personality as the successor to the leader and as the leader of revolution. His extraordinary intelligence, outstanding leadership ability and noble virtues have been known since long ago. The work calls for remaining loyal to him and firmly defending him generation after generation. President Kim Il Sung in the work said the people and the socialist motherland cannot exist without Secretary Kim Jong Il, and stressed the need to sincerely uphold Secretary Kim Jong Il, firmly defend him, successfully accomplish the socialist cause and reunify the country under his leadership. Rodong Sinmun in a signed article says the work is instrumental in upholding Secretary Kim Jong Il with faith and obligation, strengthening the singlehearted unity around him and steadfastly defending the headquarters of the revolution with its might. In today's decisive battle to defend socialism and never to become slaves of imperialism, all the Korean people are defending the headquarters of the revolution at the risk of their lives, rallied close around him. This powerfully proves how just the idea and theory put forward by the President in the work are.

Animals and plants in Korea

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Korea is abundant in animals and plants. It is good for the animals and plants to live in because of mountains covering 80 percent of the territory, some 6,000 rivers and streams and the seas surrounding three sides of the country, as well as many game and forest reserves. Special attention has been paid to protecting and proliferating rare animals such as Korean tiger, bear and tristram's woodpecker, and useful ones including deer, Korean water-deer and pheasant. That is why their number is on a striking increase. The habitat of Korean water-deer extended from the west coast to the east coast. Today there are thousands of kinds of animals in Korea. Among them vertebrate animals are of some 1,360 kinds, the beasts some 90, birds some 380 and fishes some 850. The kinds of plants in Korea number some 6,700. About 100 of them are useful for timber, about 900 for medicine, and about 300 for afforestation. Higher plants total some 3,800 in variety. Kumgang stephanandraincisa and Kumgang bellflower known as one kind of one species in the world and other indigenous plants live in different parts of the country.

Secy. Kim Jong Il greets Iranian President

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Secretary Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, sent a message of greetings to President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani on Mar.12 on the occasion of the islamic new year. The message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative ties between both countries would be boosted in many fields and wished the Iranian President and his people greater success in the work for the prosperity and progress of the country.

Slovak Ambassador presents credentials

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Vladimir William Klimo, Slovak Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the DPRK, presented his credentials to vice-President Pak Song Chol of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there was vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ri In Gyu. After receiving the credentials, the vice-President had a talk with the ambassador. The Ambassador arrived here on tuesday.

Greetings to Prime Minister of Madagascar

Pyongyang, March 13 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, acting Premier of the Administration Council of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a congratulatory message to Pascal Rakotomavo on his appointment as Prime Minister of Madagascar. The message wished him success in his new responsible work and expressed confidence that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would develop on good terms in the interests of the two peoples. Kim Yong Nam, vice-Premier and Foreign Minister, sent a message of greetings to Herizo Razafimahaleo on his appointment as vice-Prime Minister in charge of foreign affairs.