Friendly gathering on Day of Revolution in Libya

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- A friendly gathering was held in Pyongyang on September 2 to mark the 28th anniversary of the Great September 1 Revolution in Libya. Invited there were Ahmed Amer Al Muakkaf, Secretary of the People's Bureau of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in Korea, and bureau officials. Present were Li Song Ho, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and Vice-Chairman of the Korea-Libya Friendship Association, and officials concerned. The attendants saw the Korean documentary film "Korea, land of morning calm" and had a friendly conversation.

Buddhists called upon to perform their duty for national reunification

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Pak Thae Ho, Chairman of The Central Committee of the Korean Buddhist Federation, issued a statement to the press on September 2 in support of "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification", a work of Secretary Kim Jong Il. The statement said: The work is a complete work which comprehensively consummates undying exploits and valuable experience gained by President Kim Il Sung for national reunification and the most fair, aboveboard and realistic reunification platform which makes it possible to open up a decisive phase for the reunification of the country. It is an encyclopedic work which gives comprehensive answers to all matters from the general target, orientation,tasks and way of national reunification. Accordingly, it is a great sutra for national reunification which all the Buddhists should take as their guideline and apply in their activities. Pak Thae Ho called upon all the Buddhists in the north, the south and overseas to hold Buddhist masses for the great unity of the nation and the reunification of the country. He also called upon them to resolutely fight to frustrate the vicious moves of the "civilian"-veiled Kim Young Sam fascist group to plunge the fellow countrymen into confrontation and holocaust of war, and achieve the reunification of the country, the cherished desire of the nation, at an early date. He declared that all the Buddhists in the northern half of Korea would perform their duty as members of the nation in the sacred cause of national reunification, cherishing deep in their mind their great pride and honour of holding General Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the lodestar of national reunification.

Another scandal revealed in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Another scandal of the Kim Young Sam group in dealing munitions has been revealed in south Korea, said a Seoul-based radio. Last year, the puppet Ministry of Defence reportedly paid 5.5 billion won more than the actual price to purchase military supplies of 9 kinds from 5 business enterprises. The Ministry doubled the personal expenditure of employees of relevant enterprises to increase the prime cost and pay 5.5 billion more money. The south Korean people will never pardon the crime of the "civilian"-veiled fascist clique in squandering their taxes in the purchase of war supplies against the fellow countrymen in the north and in filling its own pocket.

Party on Vietnamese National Day

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Vietnamese Ambassador to Korea Le Xuan Vinh gave a party at the Okryu Restaurant on September 2 to mark the 52nd anniversary of the National Day of Vietnam. Invited were Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam, Chairman of the State External Economic Affairs Commission Li Song Dae and other officials concerned and foreign diplomatic envoys. Speeches were made there.

Last resort of walking corpse

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Young Sam reportedly called an "enlarged meeting for reviewing reforms of administration" at "Chongwadae" Monday. At the meeting he called for "ceaselessly propelled reforms", prattling that he would clinch the "reforms" during the remaining days of his office. This is nothing but a last-ditch effort to demonstrate his "administration" ability and save himself from the lot of an outcast totally forsaken as "dead body" by political and public circles. Kim Young Sam is not in a position to mention "reforms". Since the traitor took office with commitment to "reforms" he has done nothing but driven south Korea to a total bankruptcy in all aspects of politics, economy and social culture. It is long ago that the south Korean public estimated his criminal "reforms" as "retrogressive revision" and the people turned their back on him.

What they seek in "Amnesty"

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun in a signed commentary today denounces the Kim Young Sam regime for trying to grant "clemency" to Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo. A few days ago, Chairman Ri Hoe Chang of the "New Korea Party" recommended Kim Young Sam to set free Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo before the harvest moon day, the news analyst says, and goes on: His recommendation is a product of Kim's plot. The Kim Young Sam regime's attempt to nullify the crimes of the traitors and fascist murderers and set them free is an unbearable mockery of and insult to the people with the grudge against the chief culprits of the Kwangju massacre. It is clear why Kim Young Sam is trying to release the military dictators of the "Fifth and Sixth Republics". As soon as his term expires, he will be taken to a prison as Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo. So, he hopes that his successor will release him as he did.

Press review

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today rounds up words of the south Korean people fully supporting the work of Secretary Kim Jong Il "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification" as an encyclopedia for reunification and national salvation. Carried in the paper are statements released by the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Christian Federation and the Chairman of the Federation of Korean Nationals in China in welcome of the work. The paper runs a poem titled "Kim Jong Il, sun of 21st century" written by an Egyptian. Printed in the paper is an article on the wise leadership of Secretary Kim Jong Il, who solves all the problems in the revolution and construction in a Korean way. Minju Joson introduces immortal leadership of President Kim Il Sung, who devoted himself to continuous development of fish farming in Korea. Conveyed in the press are accounts of the harvest of corn and successful production in the garment industry and the consumer goods sector. Rodong Sinmun in a commentary denounces the Kim Young Sam regime for trying to grant "Amnesty" to Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo, former military dictators. The paper carries an article saying that Kim Young Sam turned south Korea into a graveyard of democracy and civil rights. Papers run articles on the recent situation of Cyprus which is complicated by internal discord and interference of outside forces. Rodong Sinmun deals with an article titled "crafty anti-socialist plots of imperialists".

Secy. Kim Jong Il is recognised great leader

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Marwan Sudah, under Secretary General of the Al Ansar Jordan Arab Party, was interviewed by KCNA. He said that he was once again struck with admiration at the great and popular traits and noble moral obligation of Secretary Kim Jong Il and his qualities as a great brilliant commander. He said that Secretary Kim Jong Il is a great man who has perfect virtues and charisma befitting the people's leader. The Korean people entrust their future and destiny entirely to Secretary Kim Jong Il and remain true to his leadership, he said. Saying that the world acknowledges the high authority and prestige of Secretary Kim Jong Il, he added that he is a recognized great leader. The Workers' Party of Korea and the Korean people exalt their might as a great Party and great people thanks to Secretary Kim Jong Il's personality as a great man, he noted. He said that Secretary Kim Jong Il is a distinguished military strategist endowed with extraordinary military wisdom and courage. Since they are honorably defending the nation's sovereignty and dignity and advancing along the road of their own choice in close unity around Secretary Kim Jong Il, the Korean people and army encourage the people of the developing countries to consolidate the independence, he added.

Crafty anti-socialist plots of imperialists

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- It is an important guarantee for triumphant advancement of socialist cause to approach the anti-socialist moves of the imperialists with vigilance and thoroughly smash them. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed article today. The daily notes: The imperialists, claiming that socialism is a "mistake of history" from the first days of its appearance in the historical arena, have launched ceaseless offensive to stifle it. Included in the offensive are military threat and blackmail, aggression, economic blockade, diplomatic isolation, ideological and cultural infiltration, moves for disorganization from within and assistance to reactionaries and buying off. Particularly, the strategy for "peaceful transition" has become a primary part of the imperialists' anti-socialist manoeuvres. The imperialists have attached great importance to the fulfilment of the long-term strategy devoid of gun report for stifling socialism, and concentrated ideological offensive on the rising generation that has not undergone the ordeals of revolution. If the countries that were building socialism in the past had approached the imperialists' strategy for "peaceful transition" with vigilance, educated the people, the rising generation in particular, in a revolutionary way and constantly strengthened the ideological position of socialism, the tragic development such as the collapse of socialism would not have occurred. The collapse of socialism by the anti-socialist moves of the imperialists and by the betrayers and renegades who have become their henchmen leaves a serious lesson. To decisively shatter the anti-socialist plots of the imperialists is an important matter vital to the destiny of socialism. If the plots are allowed, the cause of socialism will suffer a setback.

Despicable act casting sheep's eyes at "5th and 6th Republics" forces in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Chairman of the "New Korea Party" of south Korea and Presidential candidate Ri Hoe Chang and President of the "National Congress for New Politics" and Presidential Candidate Kim Dae Jung on August 31 demanded "Amnesty" for Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo who are now behind the bar, a Seoul-based radio reported. Ri Hoe Chang said that amnesty must be granted to them before the autumn festival to come. Kim Dae Jung said that they must be "pardoned" even if they refuse to repent of their crimes. The remarks of the two heads of the ruling and opposition parties reflect their position forsaken by the people. What they seek in casting sheep's eyes at the fascist forces of the "5th and 6th Republics" who have been ostracized by history is to win their sympathy in reward for the Amnesty and obtain even a vote in the forthcoming "election".

Dolmen discovered

Pyongyang, September 3 (KCNA) -- Historical relics have been unearthed in Korea. Recently, a research team of the Korean Central History Museum discovered 25 dolmens in Osan-ri, Sunan district, Pyongyang. The dolmen tombs are on ridges of Chongryong mountain range. A survey of tombs' structure and relics discovered there says that they are 3,500 years old. Each of those tombs of Mukpang-ri type was built by piling up small stone plates to make a burial chamber and its roof was covered with one big flat stone. The burial chamber remains in its original state. This shows that people at that time had advanced stone-processing and stone-building knowhow. The floor of the chamber is rectangular. The size of the chamber of a tomb is 180 centimetres in length, 140 cm in width and 80 cm in depth. The flat stone is 360 cm long, 280 cm wide and 67 cm thick. Seen in chambers were narrow brass dagger, stone dagger and arrowhead, dangling beads and human bones. Osan-ri dolmens are of high academic significance as precious materials which prove that Pyongyang was the centre of ancient Korea as well as of ancient culture. In particular, the narrow brass dagger and other relics show that Pyongyang was the cradle of culture.