DPRK Red Cross Society delegation leaves for China

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Red Cross Society of the DPRK headed by Vice-Chairman Ri Song Ho left Pyongyang on September 3 to attend the first meeting of the DPRK-Japan Red Cross Liaison Council which will be held in Beijing from September 6. It was seen off at Pyongyang railway station by Song Ho Gyong, Chairman of the DPRK-Japan Friendship Association.

Military threat and pressure do not work

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- Any military threat and pressure to make the Korean people abandon socialism are a foolish attempt, and the people in the northern half of Korea will not allow the enemies to infringe upon the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation, warns Rodong Sinmun in a signed article today. The imperialists have left no stone unturned to stifle the anthropocentric socialism of Korean style, the article says, and goes on: It is the unshakable faith of the Korean people that the abandonment of socialism leads to ruin and the defence of socialism leads to victory. The Korean people have an invincible revolutionary army with General Kim Jong Il, the ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander, as its supreme commander. If the enemies dare try to test our military potentials, ignoring the firm resolution and will of the Korean people to bear up under any adversity, they will get nothing but ignominous defeat and death. The imperialists and reactionaries should be aware of this and should not resort to a military adventure. And they should give up an attempt to bring the Korean people to their knees. The United States should stop pursuing the policy hostile towards the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, work hard to conclude a peace accord with the DPRK as soon as possible and do things helpful toward the peaceful reunification of Korea.

Chairman of National Reunification Committee of Hanchongryon arrested in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet clique arrested student Ri Jun Gu, chairman of the National Reunification Committee of the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), on September 2, according to a radio report from Seoul. This fascist outrage was committed by the puppet police which had tried to arrest him while spreading a dragnet throughout south Korea. The puppet clique are charging him with involvement in the inaugural ceremony of a new-term Hanchongryon, a "violent demonstration" and "case of murder caused by violence". They are trying to arrest leading members of Hanchongryon and impose heavy penalties upon them in a bid to destroy it.

Basketball tournament closes

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The First National Basketball Tournament of Youth and Students for "August 28 Youth Cup" closed on September 2. The tourney had been held to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Young Communist League of Korea and the 6th Youth Day. Certificates of commendation of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, trophy cups and medals were awarded to the excellent teams and players. Pyongyang teams placed first in the tourney which was held, divided into groups of working youth (men), university students (men and women) and senior middle school pupils (men and women).

Enlarged meeting of KRCA Central Committee held

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- An Enlarged meeting of the Central Committee of the Korean Roman Catholics Association (KRCA) was held in Pyongyang on September 2. It was attended by permanent members and members of the Central Committee of the KRCA and chairmen of its branches. It discussed "tasks of Roman Catholics to implement the great platform for national reunification which was laid down in 'let us carry out President Kim Il Sung's instructions for national reunification', a famous work of General Kim Jong Il". Jang Jae Chol, Chairman of the Central Committee of the KRCA, delivered a report at the enlarged meeting, which was followed by speeches. The reporter and speakers unanimously said that the historic work of the General is a great reunification platform common to the nation and a patriotic banner which inspires all the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and overseas with unshakable faith in the reunification of the country and new courage and powerfully rouses all the members of the nation to a true road of reunification and patriotism, putting aside their ideology and ideal, political view and religious belief. They voiced full support to the work. It is a great fortune of the Korean nation to have the General as the saviour of the nation and the lodestar of national reunification, they said. They declared that they would tightly join hands with the Roman Catholics in south Korea and overseas to achieve the reunification of the country on the basis of the three major charters of national reunification. It expressed full agreement to the appeal to the south Korean people and overseas Koreans which was adopted at the joint meeting of the reunification policy committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland. It decided to send letters calling for an extensive struggle to implement the reunification platform of the General to the Korean Roman Catholic organisations and figures in the south and overseas.

Anniversary of Secy. Kim Jong Il's work marked

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held at the People's Palace of Culture on Wednesday to mark the 5th anniversary of the publication of Secretary Kim Jong Il's work "Let Us Improve City Management to Meet the Demand of the Developing Situation". Present at the meeting were secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea Kye Ung Thae, Vice-Premier of the Administration Council Hong Song Nam and city management officials. Hong Song Nam said in his report that the respected General Kim Jong Il's work is a great program which solves all the theoretical and practical problems arising in city management of Korean socialism centred on the popular masses. City management in socialist society is in essence a public welfare service, he said, adding that the Korean people are now enjoying an affluent and cultural life. He said city management is not a simple technical work to repair buildings and facilities and keep towns and villages, but an honorable work to protect what the people have created. The city management officials should take good care of dwelling houses, beautify towns and plant trees so that towns are in a park and houses in garden.

Press review

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- Papers here today carry a message of greetings Secretary Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, received from Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, President of the Council of state and President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, on the 49th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK. Rodong sinmun reports that Secretary Kim Jong Il sent thanks to units and people for contributing to the construction of the high-quality magnesia clinker factory of the Tanchon magnesia works. Given in the press are an account of a meeting and an article to mark the 5th anniversary of the publication of the famous work of Secretary Kim Jong Il "Let Us Improve City Management to Meet the Demand of the Developing Situation" (September 4, 1992). Minju Joson introduces achievements in the city management sector. Rodong Sinmun carries a statement released by the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Buddhist Federation in support of Secretary Kim Jong Il's work "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification". Printed in the paper is a revolutionary legend on President Kim Il Sung's love and sense of obligation to his revolutionary comrades. The paper runs information bulletin no.744 published by the secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland denouncing the Kim Young Sam regime for trying to grant "Amnesty" to Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo. The paper carries an article on the crimes of Kim Young Sam, a fascist tyrant without an equal and henious enemy of reunification. The paper carries an article denouncing the imperialists' attempt to destroy the socialism of the Korean people with military threat and pressure.

Statement of KRCA chairman

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- Jang Jae Chol, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Roman Catholics Association, issued a statement to the press on September 3 supporting "Let Us Carry Out the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification", a work of Secretary Kim Jong Il. The statement said: This work is a great library of national reunification which the entire fellow countrymen should firmly hold fast to and thoroughly apply. It is also beacon of patriotism, a banner which inspires all the fellow countrymen in the north, the south and overseas with courage and confidence in the reunification of the country and which powerfully rouses all the members of the nation to the true road of reunification and patriotism, transcending differences in ideology, ideal, political view and religious belief. In the work, General Kim Jong Il said that the DPRK would join hands with those who take the road of national reunification with national conscience, regardless of their ideas and religious beliefs, and whether they are capitalists, army generals or high authorities. This proceeds from his noble patriotic intention to clear away the misfortune of national division at an early date and build a reunified country on this three thousand-ri land. All the Roman Catholics who are members of the Korean nation should devote themselves to the struggle to implement the patriotic work, taking it as a great platform for national reunifidation and a great bible. The statement expressed the belief that all the Roman Catholics in south Korea and overseas would subordinate the idea of Roman Catholicism of justice and human love, reconciliation and harmony to the noble idea of the country and the nation, reunification and patriotism and turn out as one man in the sacred cause of national reunification under the intelligent guidance of General Kim Jong Il, the saviour of the nation and lodestar of the reunification of the country.

Attempt to grant "clemency" to Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo denounced

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The moves of the south Korean conservative politicians to grant "clemency" to traitors Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo are bitterly condemned by the people from all walks of life, according to a radio report from Seoul. Upon hearing that Chairman Ri Hoe Chang of the "New Korea Party" and President Kim Dae Jung of the "National Congress for New Politics" cried for "clemency" to Chun and Roh, the May 18 Kwangju pro-democracy organisations and religious, legal and civic organisations and trade unions called press conferences on September 1 and 2 to release statements against the moves, the radio said. The Kwangju federation for democracy and national unification in a statement stressed that the "clemency" to Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo cannot be an object of compromise for any political reason. The orgnisation warned that it would decisively fight against any forces attempting to promote the "clemency". The solidarity alliance of Kwangju citizens in a statement criticised the attempt to grant "clemency" to the two criminals with the truth behind the Kwangju massacre not opened to the public, branding it as aimed at "winning victory in elections". The Kwangju-South Jolla Joint Measure Committee for trials for those involved in the May 18 Kwangju massacre said that in an effort to prevent the "clemency" the members of the May 18 Kwangju incident-related organisations would wage a large-scale struggle in Seoul. The Kwangju May 18 council of bereaved families held an emergency meeting and decided to visit the buildings of ruling and opposition parties and "Chongwadae" in protest against the attempted "clemency". The south Korean bar association in a statement warned if Kim Young Sam who is responsible for the Hanbo loan scandal grants "clemency" to the two criminals, typical figures of politics-business fusion, he will be criticised by the people. Broad segments of people set themselves against the attempt of conservative politicians to grant "clemency" to Chun and Roh, describing it as an act seeking party interests and strategy for "victory in elections."

Synthetic pharmaceutical institute shows off well

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The synthetic pharmaceutical institute of the academy of medical science of the national academy of sciences makes a great contribution to the development of the nation's pharmaceutical industry. This is the 30th founding anniversary of the institute in Hamhung, an industrial city in the northern part of Korea. In the past period the institute made researches into and developed medicines of more than 80 kinds and some 20 kinds of medicine synthetic media with the resources available at home and succeeded in massproducing them. Among those medicines are an anaethetic, a medicine for mental disease, a sterilizer for external application and a medicine for uterine cancer. The medicines are supplied to health service institutions throughout the country for the promotion of the people's health. The institute also succeeded in more than 100 researches worthy of note to solve technical problems arising in building Juche-based, modern and scientific pharmaceutical industry. In particular, it played a great role in turning pharmaceutical factories in Hungnam, Ranam and other areas into reliable independent medicine producers. It has now scores of professors, doctors and masters. It has 8 study rooms, a pilot plant, analysis facilities of the latest type and modern producing process. It is now working hard to develop efficacious medicines with the raw materials available at home for the promotion of the people's health.

South Koreans in Japan call for reunification by confederacy

Tokyo, September 2 (KNS-KCNA) -- The Federation of South Koreans in Japan for Democracy and Unification (Hanthongryon) on August 15 held a meeting demanding reunification by confederacy through independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity and denouncing suppression of the south headquarters of the national alliance for the country's reunification (Pomminryon) and the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), the Minjok Sibo newspaper reported. At the meeting chairman Kwak Tong Ui of Hanthongryon said that the Kim Young Sam regime has cracked down upon the movement for reunification of south Korean people and students. This is aimed at eliminating pro-reunification forces, he said. Hwang Yong Chi, chairman of the South Korean Youth League in Japan (Hanchong), delivered a report on the national alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification before speeches were made at the meeting. The meeting adopted a resolution demanding the achievement of reunification by confederacy, firmly united under the banner of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity, stop of suppression of Pomminryon south headquarters and Hanchongryon, release of arrested pro-reunification patriotic figures and students and abolition of the "National Security Kaw".

Secy. Kim Jong Il's work supported in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The members of the Saeppyol Society held a meeting supporting "Let Us Carry Out The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung's Instructions for National Reunification", a celebrated work of Secretary Kim Jong Il, in Inchon on August 22, said the Seoul-based radio voice of national salvation quoting information from the Inchon city committee of the national democratic front of south Korea. Ri In Guk said in his speech that the work of the leader Kim Jong Il is a platform and library of national reunification which consummates the undying exploits of President Kim Il Sung for the reunification of the country and which powerfully encourages the entire nation to the implementation of the President's instructions for reunification. In his speech, Choe Yon Gu called for valiantly turning out in the great honorable march for the building of a unified country based on confederation in the idea of reunification and patriotism in hearty response to the great reunification charter formulated by the leader Kim Jong Il. The participants of the meeting were unanimous in saying that the country would certainly be reunified because the respected General Kim Jong Il, the sun of the nation and the lodestar of national reunification, stands in the van of the reunification movement. They evinced their firm determination to daringly fight without any slightest vacillation under any trials and ordeals, taking the general's work as the common banner of the nation and a patriotic library of national reunification.

CPRF on moves for "pardon" of dictators in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- The secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF) issued information bulletin no. 744 on Wednesday, criticising the Kim Young Sam regime for trying to grant "pardon" to the traitors Chun Doo Hwan and Roh Tae Woo, chief culprits of the Kwangju massacre and ringleaders of corruption. The bulletin says: On August 31, the chairman of the "New Korea Party" (NKP) of south Korea,Ri Hoe Chang, said he hoped Chun and Roh would be "pardoned" before the upcoming mid-autumn festival and that he had already "proposed" it to Kim Young Sam. On that same day, an opposition party leader said Chun and Roh should be "pardoned" within the term of the Kim Young Sam regime and that they might be pardoned without any string, that is, even before they reflect and apologize. This is an intolerable mockery of and vicious challenge to the south Korean people and conscientious-minded people of the world who demand strict punishment for the heinous fascist murderers and ringleaders of corruption. The call of the "presidential candidates" from the NKP and the opposition party for granting "pardon" to criminals was motivated by a sinister intention to win the "Presidential elections" slated for December with the help of the supporters of Chun and Roh in south Korea. If the Kim Young Sam regime saves the ringleaders of corruption, it will invite bitterer resentment and protest from the people.

"Forged dollar bills" -- sheer lie

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA)-- Some time ago, the customs authorities of Kobe Port, the Sankei Shimbun newspaper and other reactionary mass media of Japan launched a vicious anti-DPRK smear campaign over the case of "forged dollar bills" they had fabricated when the DPRK merchant ship Rungnado entered the port. The local office of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan lodged a protest and the captain of the ship issued a letter of protest against the unreasonable behavior of the customs authorities and the irresponsible false reports of the press, which angered the Korean people. Although the Japanese press said "twenty forged d100 bills were discovered," the customs authorities confirmed that forged ones were a d100 bill and a d50 bill which had been taken from a third country and which the DPRK crewmen had declared at the time of customs inspection. This being the fact, the customs authorities increased the customs officers to dozens who searched every nook and corner of cabins without putting off their boots and even searched the bodies of the crewmen. The customs inspection reminiscent of a "search operation" lasted nine hours in three rounds, to the consternation of the DPRK crewmen who had travelled around the world for many years. A few days ago, the Sankei Shimbun, given to fabrication and intrigue, carried another false report that a north Korean crewman was found carrying two forged dollar bills when buying goods. Forgery of dollars is unthinkable in the DPRK where people are educated in law observance and a sound way of life is established. Each time a merchant ship of the DPRK goes to Japan, customs authorities and paid media of Japan fake up a case and spread false reports. This shows how viciously they try to slander the DPRK. As facts show, the incident of forged dollars is an intolerable insult to the DPRK crewmen and a product of the undisguised hostile policy toward the DPRK. The incident comes when the talks for normal ties between the DPRK and Japan are to resume. This makes the DPRK suspect that their smear campaign is a deliberate act to throw a wet blanket over the improvement of bilateral relations. Japan's double-dealing tactics will inevitably have no good effect on the improvement of its relations with the DPRK. The DPRK will watch the Japanese authorities' position, measures and attitude toward the incident.

Condolence to Pakistani Prime Minister

Pyongyang, September 4 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, Acting Premier of the Administration Council of the DPRK, sent a message to Pakistani Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif as regards flood damage in the northern area of Pakistan. Hong expressed deep condolence and sympathy to the Pakistani Prime Minister and, through him, to the flood victims. The message hoped the Pakistani Government and people will recover from the damage and stabilize the life of the victims at an early date.