Secy. Kim Jong Il visits military university

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Secretary Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA), inspected Kim Il Sung Military University entitled Kum Song lifeguard on Wednesday. He was accompanied by Director of the KPA General Political Department Jo Myong Rok and Chief of the KPA General Staff Kim Yong Chun and staff members of the KPA supreme command. At three p.m. he arrived at the university amid warm welcome of the teachers and cadets. After receiving a salute, he looked round the Statue of President Kim Il Sung, the board bearing his on-site instructions and the revolutionary museum of the university. Looking at the materials associated with the President's effort for military construction, which were preserved in the university that is one of the glorious military schools named after the President, Secretary Kim Jong Il recalled the unforgettable days of history. He said the heroic KPA could be born and grow into a matchless army thanks to the President's outstanding military idea and wise leadership. He then learned about education of the school, inspecting the military idea study rooms. Greatly satisfied, he highly praised the teachers of the school for devotedly working for education so that all the cadets could improve their military and politico-theoretical standards and their unit management ability and have military science suited to the specific conditions of Korea. It is of paramount importance for the university to improve the quality of education because it is a breeding centre of the hardcore elements of the KPA, he said, urging the school to select subjects rationally on the principle of close combination of politico-ideological education with that of military techniques and concentrate on educating the cadets in the party's unique Juche methods of war. Thanks to such military cadre training centres as the school, it has been possible to train the commanding officers of the KPA with the nation's own efforts, he said, adding that the party and people are very proud of this school. He then went round the dining hall and other logistic facilities of the school to take care of the cadets' life. He noted with satisfaction that the school had built the logistic facilities on modern lines to provide the cadets with good conditions for study and life. He asked the school to train all the cadets to be commanding officers equipped with strong physique and deep military knowledge. He gave the school important tasks for its education and management, saying that the school holds a very important position and role in the strengthening of the Party's revolutionary armed forces. He met and encouraged professors, doctors and other teachers of the school and had a picture taken with them.

Secy. Kim Jong Il sees art performance "Song of Sun's Korea"

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) - Secretary Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, appreciated the art performance "Song of Sun's Korea" given by the merited choir of the KPA song and dance ensemble to celebrate the National Day. Seeing the performance with him were KPA vice marshals Jo Myong Rok, Kim Yong Chun and Ri Ha Il and secretaries of the Workers' Party of Korea Central Committee Kye Ung Thae, Choe Thae Bok, Kim Kuk Thae, Kim Ki Nam and Kim Yong Sun. The program included "Song of General Kim Il Sung", "Song of Declaration of People's Republic", "Song of National Defence", "Korea, I will glorify thee" and "We will defend the headquarters of revolution with our lives". The choir sang of the proud course of victory and glory covered by the KPA and people under the banner of the DPRK and represented well their unshakable faith and will, militant spirit and resolution to defend the headquarters of the revolution with their lives under the red flag in any adversity and complete the Juche revolution under the leadership of the party generation after generation. Secretary Kim Jong Il expressed great satisfaction and highly praised the choir for giving a successful performance filled with the indomitable revolutionary spirit of KPA soldiers. He said the DPRK is a great gain of the Korean revolution which was won through a long-drawn-out and arduous struggle. And he put forward important tasks to strengthen the DPRK as Kim Il Sung's country where the Juche character and national identity are embodied to the full.

Korean Ambassador to Egypt appointed

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Paek Yong Ho was appointed as Korean Ambassador e. p. to Egypt, according to a decree of the DPRK Central People's Committee.

Sinthae Senior Middle School named after DPRK hero Sin Ki Chol

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- A ceremony for naming Sinthae Senior Middle School in Toksong county, south Hamgyong Province, Sin Ki Chol Senior Middle School and unveiling his bust at the school was held on the spot. In the past Fatherland Liberation War Sin Ki Chol, a squad leader and head of a party cell, performed heroic feats in several battles including operations to liberate Seoul and Taejon. He died a heroic death in the night assault on height 854.1 in September Juche 41 (1952). He destroyed the enemy's three pillboxes with handgrenades and covered the gun muzzle of the fourth pillbox with his chest to ensure the advance of his unit. Even 40 odd years after the war, the respected General Kim Jong Il, not forgeting the hero, saw to it that Sinthae Senior Middle School in his hometown was named after Sin Ki Chol and his bust built at the school, said speakers at the ceremony.

Rodong Sinmun on formation of new military organisation in s. Korea

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- The Kim Young Sam group framed up a military organisation called "a group for checking up war preparations" and began concretizing more than 50 "wartime tasks". Branding this as a mockery of and challenge to the entire fellow countrymen aspiring after peace of the country and its peaceful reunification, a news analyst of Rodong Sinmun today says: Such bellicose acts clearly prove that the Kim Young Sam group want neither dialogue with the north nor peace and peaceful reunification of the country and are frantically trying to stifle the DPRK in league with outside forces. They are openly advertising that they will complete the concretisation of "wartime tasks" till november and then stage a "combined training of civilians, Government officials and army soldiers" to verify their effectiveness. What they seek in this plan of a large-scale war rehearsal against the north in all parts of south Korea is to create a terror-ridden atmosphere and gratify their design for the resumption of power in the puppet Presidential election slated for December.

Repressive move against opposition forces

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Young Sam on Tuesday gave a party for some 40 prosecutors including the puppet prosecutor general at the "Chongwadae", at which he asked them to concentrate efforts on regulating "offenders" to "Presidential elections" to be held in 100 days, according to a radio report from Seoul. The "New Korea Party" is under more unfavourable conditions for the "elections" approaching. Frightened at it, the traitor is seeking to launch into a massive repressive campaign under the pretext of regulating the "election offence" so as to block the electioneering of all the opposition forces.

Vice-Premier Jang Chol meets Chinese guests

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Jo Kwang Gon, a corporal of the Korean People's Army, returned to the embrace of the socialist homeland through Panmunjom this morning after being detained by the south Korean puppets. While on a routine duty in the lower reaches of the River Ryesong at 21:00 on august 24, Jo Kwang Gon was unexpectedly engulfed by rough waves and was drifted unconscious to the west sea before being detained by the south Korean puppets. The south Korean puppets employed all kinds of appeasement, deception, threat and blackmail to make him defect. But, they could not break the will and the revolutionary principle of the soldier who has grown up under the loving care of the great leader President Kim Il Sung and Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Secretary Kim Jong Il. Secretary Kim Jong Il took all steps to bring the revolutionary soldier back to the embrace of the socialist homeland at an early date. Under an agreement between the Panmunjom mission of the KPA and the U.S. Forces side Jo Kwang Gon proudly crossed the Military Demarcation Line. He told a KPA General that he returned to the embrace of Secretary Kim Jong Il, and shouted "Long live the respected Supreme Commander comrade Kim Jong Il ! ." At Panmunjom, people's army soldiers and working people in Kaesong gave him warm welcome. In an interview with reporters at Thongil House Jo Kwang Gon exposed the crimes of the south Korean puppets who tried to make him defect. Though he was alone in the enemy-controlled area, he fought with the belief in General Kim Jong Il, the revolutionary faith and indomitable fighting spirit so that he could return to the socialist homeland, he said, and expressed the firm determination to prepare himself to be a human bomb in defending the general and to be a true soldier faithful to him. He then visited the Statue of President Kim Il Sung standing on Mt. Janam to make respects to him.

Greetings to 15th National Congress of CPC

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Talks were held in Beijing on September 10 between a delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea headed by Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan and a delegation of the United States of America led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charles Kartman. The talks discussed how to dispel DPRK's apprehensions caused by the wrong attitude of the U.S. side which has created obstacles that have a negative influence on the atmosphere of the soon-to-be-held second four-way preliminary talks. At the talks, the sides reached a political agreement for the U.S. side to take measures to save the situation, with the result that conditions for surmounting the recently-created obstacles have been created. Accordingly, the sides agreed to hold the second four-way preliminary talks from the third week of September as scheduled.

KPA soldier returns after being detained by s. Korean puppets

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) today sent a message of greetings to the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). The message noted that the National Congress will review the proud history that the Chinese people made under the leadership of the communist party of china, and will be a historic event that opens up new prospects for the CPC and the Chinese people. The CPC with glorious revolutionary traditions has achieved stability and unity of the country by rallying all people around its central committee headed by President Jiang Zemin and is vigorously working to accelerate the cause of socialist modernization and realise the complete reunification of the country, the message said, and went on: The WPK is sincerely rejoiced over the successes made by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC and hopes that everything will go better in china. The WPK will advance together with the CPC as ever in the efforts for independence, peace and socialism and strive to strengthen the traditional friendship between the DPRK and China continuously. The message wished the Congress success in its work.

DPRK-U.S. political talks held in Beijing

Pyongyang, September 11 (KCNA) -- Vice-Premier Jang Chol met and had a conversation with a friendship delegation of the Yanbian Korean national autonomous region, Jilin Province, China, led by Jong Ryong Chol, head of the people's Government of the region, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.