October.07.1997 Juche 86
Secy. Kim Jong Il sees art performance
Secy. Kim Jong Il sees students' basketball game
National art exhibition
Reception given on Egyptian Army Day
Economic and commercial councillors corps here visit the Party founding museum
Mexican Committee for Welcoming Election of Secy. Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary formed
Resolutions on recommending Secy. Kim Jong Il as Party General Secretary hailed
Provocative remarks
Party given on WPK anniversary
Bayoneting for fraudulent "election"
Joint statement of Asian Regional Committee and Indian political parties and organisations
Letters of trust and love
Brilliant life of internationalist
Speech of head of DPRK delegation at UN
Efflorescing Juche-based literature and art
Mysterious natural phenomena continue
Greetings to the 5th Congress of CPC
DPRK reiterates its call for confederacy