G.S. Kim Jong Il's work published in Cambodia

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The immoral famous work of General Secretary Kim Jong Il "Let us exalt the brilliance of comrade kim il sung's idea on the youth movement and the achievements made under his leadership" was published in booklet by the People's Publishing House of Cambodia.

CPRF spokesman on anti-DPRK confrontation moves of south Korean puppets

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland made public a statement on November 26 to denounce the puppet Agency for National Security Planning (ANSP) of south Korea for announcing a fabricated "case of a spy couple from the north" on November 20. It said: In the "announcement", the ANSP alleged that "resident spies" and "suspects" connected with the "spy couple" amount to more than 200 at home and abroad, among them renowned professors, government officials, politicians and pressmen. Synchronising with this, the south Korean puppets held a "citizens' meeting" in Taegu to intensify the anti-DPRK smear campaign. Worse still, subsidized publications have been set in motion to draw the public opinion to the case. The anti-DPRK racket by the ANSP in south Korea is nothing but the last-ditch efforts of the south Korean puppets to escape from the crisis of ruin. Whenever "elections" were held in south Korea, the puppets rigged up "spy cases" and forced "elections" in a terror-ridden atmosphere to prolong their fascist dictatorship, which is their trite method. What they seek in the recently-announced "spy case" is to extricate themselves from the crisis of ruin and maintain their colonial fascist dictatorship. The CPRF vehemently denounces the vicious anti-DPRK smear campaign in south Korea as a prelude to the fascist reactionary offensive to suppress and obliterate pro-reunification, democratic forces with the "election" as an occasion and a premeditated move to create a new "security-oriented political situation" and carry the "election" with violence, fraud and swindle. The south Korean puppets must not resort to the anachronistic anti-DPRK smear campaign but stop at once the anti-national and anti-reunification moves of laying grave obstacles to the reconciliation and unity of the nation and the peaceful reunification of the country. We will never pardon any anti-DPRK confrontation move of the south Korean puppets. We will make the provokers pay dearly for their acts.

Press conference at Romanian Embassy

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Neculai Cotlogut, charge d'affaires ad interim of the Romanian Embassy here, called a press conference at the Embassy on Nov. 26 on the occasion of the National Day of Romania. Mass media reporters in Pyongyang were present. Neculai Cotlogut made a speech and answered the questions put by reporters.

Kim Young Sam's suppression of labor movement denounced

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland on Wednesday issued information bulletin no. 752 denouncing the Kim Young Sam group for malicious suppression of the struggle of unionists of the hospital attached to Hanyang University of South Korea for the right to existence and democracy. It said: The fascist clique sent 800 policemen of seven companies to crack down upon a sit-in strike of unionists of the hospital and arrest Cha Su Hyon, former chairman of the trade union, and 150 other unionists on Nov. 19. Their struggle is entirely righteous and just one to defend the freedom of and rights to legitimate union activities and their own lives and dignity. To fairly settle the incident, the hospital management side should be severely punished for its unreasonable dismissal of unionists and its refusal to implement commitments to their reinstatement. The information condemned the Kim Young Sam group for indiscriminately suppressing unionists. This clearly shows that Kim Young Sam is the heinous enemy of workers and fascist tyrant who ruthlessly violates their democratic freedom and elementary right to existence in league with vicious owners. Kim Young Sam should immediately release the arrested unionists, stop suppressing the labor movement and pay dearly for his crimes before the south Korean people as well as all the nation.

S. Korean puppets' begging for relief funds deplored

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- The south Korean press has deplored the Kim Young Sam group's position of begging for relief funds from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in a bid to emerge from the serious economic crisis. Kyunghyang Daily News on Nov. 22 carried a caricature titled "National humiliation day of the economy", which shows the puppet minister of finance and economy handing over "economic autonomy" with tears in his eyes, under the curtain bearing letters "'south Korea'-annexed by IMF". Yonhap News Agency said that south Korea, captivated by illusions about "admission into the ranks of advanced nations", has been driven back to an area of backwardness and carried to a hospital called IMF to undergo a major operation. It means that the south Korean financial circles have been placed under the shameful colonial rule, the News Agency added.

Korean people's cause of reunification supported

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Organizations of Yemen published statements in the month of supporting the proposal for founding the Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo (DCRK). The Yemen Council for Peace and Solidarity in a statement said that the proposal for founding the DCRK put forward by President Kim Il Sung is aimed at reunifying Korea on the basis of one nation and one state, two systems and two governments. It expressed full support to the proposal, saying that it is the most realistic and fair proposal that will hasten national reunification, long-cherished desire of the Korean nation, as early as possible and contribute to peace in Asia and the rest of the world. The Yemen-Korea Friendship Association in a statement expressed the belief that political parties, public organizations and individual personages of different countries all over the world who want the peaceful reunification of Korea and peace will pay due attention to the Korean issue and extend support and solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle for national reunification by means of confederacy.

New Portuguese Ambassador presents credentials to Vice-President Pak Song Chol

Pyongyang, November 27 (KCNA) -- Portuguese Ambassador e. p. to Korea Pedro Catarino presented credentials to Pak Song Chol, Vice-President of the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Vice-Minister Kim Chang Ryong of foreign affairs was on hand. The Vice-President had a talk with the Ambassador after receiving credentials.