Epochal event in int'l communist movement

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- Oleg Shenin, Chairman of the Council of the Union of Communist Parties--the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, on Nov. 24 said that the election of Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea was an epochal event in bringing the international communist movement onto a new upsurge. The Korean people, who are firmly building socialism under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, give great confidence and encouragement to the communists, he said, and went on: "We will in the future, too, hold comrade Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the leader of the global movement for rebuilding socialism and conduct brisk activities to propagandize his greatness and the struggle of the Korean people who are successfully building socialism, firmly defending the Juche character and national character."

Korean socialism praised by British Party delegation

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- A meeting to hear about the Korea visit of the delegation of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) was held on Nov. 23. Cristopher Coleman, spokesman of the party who was the head of the delegation, in his report said that the Korea visit of his delegation was of great significance and successful because it was timing with the historical period when Kim Jong Il was elected General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea. He said that the visit helped them understand that socialism of Korea is really for the people and how right is the socialist line of Korea with the man-centred Juche idea as its core. The Korean people with joy over the election of Kim Jong Il as General Secretary of the WPK are stepping up the building of socialism with confidence in complete victory of socialism, he said, and went on: "Korea gave us a firm conviction that socialism is sure to win. "Our party will fully support the struggle of the WPK and the Korean people to build socialism and achieve national reunification."

Repatriation of pows from s. Korea urged

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The Chairman of the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification sent a letter to U.S. President Bill Clinton on Nov. 22, demanding the repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners (also pows) from south Korea. The letter said it is flagrant violation of the Geneva convention and human rights that the south Korean authorities have not yet sent prisoners of the Korean war back to the northern half of Korea. Long-term prisoner Kim In So is in a critical condition caused by tortures and maltreatment and the same is the case of Kim Yong Thae and other prisoners, it noted, and went on: But, the south Korean authorities refused to repatriate them and put them under police surveillance by the anti-democratic and fascist "National Security Law". The Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification urges the U.S. not to turn away its face from the violation of human rights in south Korea but to exercise its influence for the repatriation of pows to the northern half of Korea.

Amnesty International calls for defending human rights in s. Korea

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The Amnesty International appealed to the "Presidential" candidates of south Korea to take the lead in defending human rights and called for establishing an independent committee for human rights issue in south Korea, according to foreign press reports. It urged them to promise the release of all the political prisoners. The "National Security Law" of south Korea has been used to imprison political opponents by the successive regimes and the south Korean "government" must amend the "law", it stressed.

More than 170 occasions of aerial espionage

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The U.S. warmongers committed aerial espionage against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on more than 170 occasions in November, according to military sources. On Nov. 28, u-2 strategic reconnaissance plane flew over the sky above the forefront area for an aerial espionage on the depth area of the DPRK. Aerial espionage was further intensified between November 1 and 7 when the "Foal Eagle" joint war exercises were conducted. Aerial espionage was committed by seven strategic and tactical reconnaissance planes on Nov. 1 and by nine everyday from Nov. 3 to 6. The U.S. overseas-based RC-135 strategic reconnaissance planes, E-3 AWACS planes, P-3 anti-submarine patrol planes made a shuttle flight between the east and west coastal areas along the military demarcation line day and night for aerial espionage against the DPRK on Nov. 19, 21 and 22 after the "foal eagle" war exercises.

Sophism to conceal ulterior intention

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today brands the "statement to the people" recently made by the south Korean puppet Prime Minister, Ko Gon, concerning the upcoming "Presidential election" as a sophism to conceal the intention for bayonet-backed fraud "election." The news analyst says: Ko Gon promised "strict neutrality" and "fair election," but such words are not becoming to the puppets. The present regime of south Korea is a "government" that was born on the strength of an astronomical amount of black money supplied by Chun Doo Hwan, Roh Tae Woo and others at the time of the 1992 puppet presidential election. Kim Young Sam was caught redhanded while letting his son control the rest of the money after using it for "election" rigging. Kim Young Sam is an "election" offender who bought the "presidential" seat with black money. Now, Kim Young Sam is "President independent" from any party after being driven out of the ruling party, which was his private party. Can this guarantee that the upcoming "election" will be a fair election, as he is advertising? It is self-evident that although the Kim Young Sam regime calls for "impartial election control" and "strict neutrality," it will mobilize government power, money and illicit means to back the political party and "Presidential candidate" that promise its "safety" after retirement. In his "statement," Ko Gon threatened to take "resolute measures" against violations of "election law." By this, he meant, however, that he would ruthlessly suppress the struggle of the south Korean people for the establishment of an independent, democratic government. The ulterior intention of the puppets is to support with government power the reactionary forces which will inherit the colonial puppet regime and ruthlessly crack down on the people's righteous struggle for the building of new politics and new life.

KPA, matchless and invincible army prepared politically and ideologically

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries an article contributed by KPA general officer Sim Sang Dae, 20 years after the President Kim Il Sung made a historic speech "Let us build up the strength of the people's army through effective political work" at the Seventh Congress of Agitators in the Korean People's Army. President Kim Il Sung in his work clarifies the principled questions arising in strengthening the political work of the people's army including the questions of conducting well education in the Juche idea, education in revolutionary traditions, education in class consciousness, education in socialist patriotism and education in faith among the soldiers and enhancing the role of propagandists and agitators. The work has displayed its great vitality in the drive for the strengthening and development of the KPA for its validity and truth, the article says, and goes on: Under the energetic leadership of General Kim Jong Il, , political work has been constantly strengthened within the people's army and its political and ideological strength has been immensely enhanced as taught by President Kim Il Sung. The KPA is the army of the leader, the army of the Workers' Party of Korea, in which the spirit of defending the leader at the risk of their lives prevails, and the most staunch revolutionary army with strong class consciousness and transparent faith in socialism. The KPA is the ranks of loyalty that regard it as the general goal and maxim of all struggle and activities to defend the headquarters of the revolution led by General Kim Jong Il at the cost of their lives. It is the revolutionary trait of the people's army that all the officers and men are firmly arming with the spirit of human bombs and the spirit of human attack and their hearts are burning with the faith in following the supreme commander. Whatever storms may come, we will defend the headquarters of the revolution as firm as a rock and exalt the honor and dignity of the army of General Kim Jong Il, holding high the banner of defending the leader at the cost of their lives.

455.59 million personal backgrounds inquired in s. Korea

Pyongyang, November 30 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet police authorities inquired into personal backgrounds on 455.59 million occasions for three years and ten months from 1994, according to a south Korean newspaper report. This means that every person above 17 years old was inquired by the police 3.5 times a year. The fact shows that the fascist suppression under the "civilian"-veiled regime exceeds that under the "Yusin" regime and the fifth and sixth "republics."