Personnel under KEDO must observe DPRK laws

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The spokesman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland (CPRF) issued a statement on Monday in connection with the plan of the South Korean authorities to hold "absentee vote" in Kumho area in the north of Korea. The statement said: The South Korean authorities reportedly announced that they would hold "absentee vote" for the "Presidential Election" among South Koreans who are working in our Kumho area where light-water reactors are under construction according to the DPRK-KEDO agreement. This is an intolerable violation of our sovereignty and a grave political provocation against our Republic. It is clear why they seek to hold "absentee vote" in the Kumho area in the inviolable territory of the DPRK. The puppets intend to "legitimate" their "constitution" which describes the north of Korea as their "territory" and to create an atmosphere favourable for realising their sinister ambition, which is infeasible, however. The South Koreans in the Kumho area are not allowed to make political activities but business affairs related to the LWR project under an agreement between the DPRK and the KEDO. That is why the South Korean authorities' scheme is a violation of the agreement. Everybody under the KEDO must observe the laws of the DPRK. The South Korean authorities must act with discretion, mindful that no "vote" can be held in our area. We will never tolerate their scheme for "absentee "vote" in our area, and if anyone involved in the LWR project acts against the DPRK-KEDO agreement, we will take decisive measures against it.

Preparatory committees for celebrations formed in different countries

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The National Preparatory Committee of India was formed with due ceremony in New Delhi to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the election of Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 80th birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk. The preparatory committee in a declaration on Nov. 25 said that it would set a month of celebrations from Dec. 1 to 31 and organize a meeting, seminar, lecture and other colorful events during the period. The committee stressed that it would actively propagandize man-centred socialism which is making a long drive in Korea and strengthen the movement for extending full support and solidarity to the Korean people in their vigorous struggle for independent and peaceful reunification of the country. Preparatory committees for celebrating the 80th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk were formed in Peru and Guyana. The inaugural meetings discussed programs of celebrations. And the "Russian organizing committee for celebrating 80th birth anniversary of Kim Jong Suk" was formed in Moscow.

R.S. on Kim Young Sam regime's war psychosis

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Defence Minister, Kim Tong Jin, recently invited those from "defence industrial complexes" to a dinner and promised them to ease administrative restrictions, expand aid fund for defence industrial complexes, steadily promote the defence capacity, etc. He impudently described the move as efforts for "independent national defence". In a commentary Rodong Sinmun today says his remark provided a glimpse of the South Korean regime's true colors as warmongers. The daily says: His remark also revealed their intention to further step up war preparations against the north. The South Korean authorities are now in the grip of a serious economic crisis. While crying that they cannot but draw up a belt-tightening budget due to the chronic economic crisis and financial shortage, they are going to continue considerably Increasing the military budget. Disarmament is the trend of the time and peace is just what the people desire. Going against them, however, the authorities are hell-bent on preparations of a fratricidal war. Their war psychosis deserves denunciation from the nation and humankind.

Pullout of U.S. troops from S. Korea demanded

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- N. K. Prema Chandran, member of the Central Secretariat of the Revolutionary Socialist Party of India and member of parliament, demanded the pullout of the U.S. troops from South Korea in an interview with the KCNA correspondent in New Delhi on Dec. 2 in regard to implementation of the resolution of the 30th U.N. General Assembly Session on Korea. Now that structure of the Cold War has been destroyed and great changes have taken place in correlations among countries, the U.S. troops' military occupation of South Korea cannot be justified by anything, he said, and stressed: For successful "four way talks" in Geneva, the U.S. should, before anything else, discard the anachronistic way of thinking and take practical steps for ensuring a lasting peace in the Korean Peninsula with its independent viewpoint and judgement. He expressed the belief that divided Korea will be reunified under the banner of the Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo under the wise guidance of General Kim Jong Il.

S. Korean authorities accused

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- The Council for People's Honor in South Korea lodged complaints with the prosecution against Kim Young Sam, "Prime Minister" Ko Kon, a former deputy Prime Minister in charge of economy and two other high-ranking officials of the "civilian government," charging that they are responsible for the economic bankruptcies, a Seoul-based radio reported. It contended that they have put state affairs in confusion and played havoc with the economy, and stressed that they must be impeached in the name of the people. Its chairman Kim Kyu Bok declared that the complaints were aimed at condemning the rulers for plunging the "state affairs" into failure.

R.S. on withdrawal of U.S. troops and conclusion of peace agreement

Pyongyang, December 9 (KCNA) -- If the United States really wants peace and security on the Korean Peninsula, it should withdraw its troops from South Korea and accept without delay the proposal of the DPRK for establishing a new peace mechanism, Rodong Sinmun says in a signed article today, and goes on: To ensure peace and security on the Korean Peninsula is a crucial matter for peace and security in Asia and other continents. U.S. troops present in South Korea, first of all, should be pulled out for peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. The South Korea-based U.S. troops are a shock force for the execution of the U.S. Korea policy and a major barrier standing in the way of peace and reunification of Korea. So long as the U.S. troops remain in South Korea, peace can never be ensured on the Korean Peninsula. Half a century has elapsed since the U.S. illegally stationed its troops in South Korea and several years have passed since the end of the cold war. The U.S. military presence in South Korea no longer has a raison d'etre. It is high time the U.S. took a drastic measure to remove its troops from South Korea. Conclusion of a peace agreement between the DPRK and the United States is the best way for peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. If a peace mechanism proposed by the DPRK is established the relationship of hostilities between the DPRK and the U.S. will be ended and an epochal phase be opened for stable peace and security on the Korean Peninsula. Attitude toward the issues of replacing the armistice agreement with a peace agreement and establishing a new peace mechanism is the criterion telling who is seeking peace and who is pursuing war. It would be a disgraceful and cursed thing if the U.S. enters the 21st century with its troops remaining in South Korea and the Korean armistice agreement kept intact.