Socialism, most ideal society of democracy wanted by progressive humankind

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- The anthropocentric socialism built in Korea is the most ideal society of democracy wanted by progressive humankind. E. Balanandan, Politburo Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), stressed this in a statement. He said: "Socialist Korea has pursued benevolent policies for the people so that all the people may lead an even happy life. "General Secretary Kim Jong Il has worked hard day and night to give full play to the vitality of socialism. "By giving on-the-spot guidance to factories, farms, construction sites and units of the people's army without even a day's rest he has brought about a great advance in political, economic, military and all other fields. "He is the future of a reunified Korea."

Bulletin printed in Nepal

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- The Nepal Communist Party (United) printed a bulletin under the title "anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk" to commemorate the 80th birth anniversary of the communist revolutionary fighter mother Kim Jong Suk. The party distributed the bulletin among its members to follow and convey long her revolutionary exploits.

Books published in Peru

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- A book "Aphorism in the Era of Independence" authored by Chairman Angel Castro Lavarello of the Peru-Korea Institute of Culture and Friendship and Colombian writer Jose Luis, a book "Korea, Road to Victory" by Secretary General Felix Fernandez of the Peruvian Committee for Supporting the Independent and Peaceful Reunification of Korea and a book "Going through Tempest" by Peruvian writer Mario Luna were brought out by the Fredi Publishing House in Peru to commemorate the sixth anniversary of General Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and the 80th birth anniversary of the communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk. The book "Aphorism in the Era of Independence" says how General Kim Jong Il could put forward a large number of aphorisms indicating the correct path of shaping the destiny of a human being and that the aphorisms are encouraging the peoples of Latin America to struggle. The book "Korea, Road to Victory" says President Kim Il Sung defeated the U.S. and Japanese imperialisms and demonstrated the authority of Korea to the world and that General Kim Jong Il is building up the driving force of the revolution and leading the anthropocentric socialism of Korea to a brilliant victory. The book "Going through Tempest" says the anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk embarked upon the road of revolution in her early years, remained loyal to President Kim Il Sung with a single heart, devoted her all to the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche and gave sure guarantee for the brilliant future of the Korean revolution which is her undying feat for the revolution.

Mother of revolutionary school children

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- An increasing number of people are these days visiting the national art exhibition which is being held at the Korean art gallery. On display there are an oil painting "The General is waiting for you," Korean paintings "as real parents of bereaved children" and "On Unforgetable New Year's Day" and other fine art pieces showing noble traits of the communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk. Even in rigorous days of the anti-Japanese war, President Kim Il Sung stoutly brought up children to be undertakers of the revolution, saying that they were flowers of the nation and humankind and it was an honorable duty of communists to cultivate the flowers well. Right after the liberation of the country, mother Kim Jong Suk, bearing deep in mind the noble intention of the President, met officials who were about to depart to various areas on a mission to find children of comrades-in-arms who had fallen in the anti-Japanese war and earnestly requested them to take the children with them without fail. Informed that they took sons and daughters of revolutionary martyrs with them, she met the children, leaving aside all affairs. She often called at the revolutionary school built in Mangyongdae, a time-honored place, at the suggestion of the President and meticulously looked after the pupils in their study and life. She personally designed uniforms for children of the school and made sure that they were made on the highest level. She arranged birthday tables for them, not forgetting their birthdays. On Sundays and other red-letter days, she visited the school for the children who would long for their parents more eagerly than ever and enjoyed New Year's Days and sports games with them. Considerate of the ardent desire of the children to be always with the President, she took an initiative to set up his statue at the school for the first time in Korea and energetically directed the work to erect it. Indeed, she was the mother of the revolution and children.

Land administration, environmental protection in Korea

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- A brisk drive was conducted in Korea last year to renew the territorial environment. In the past one year, over 750,000,000 trees of various species were planted on mountains and riversides, in villages and along roads. New roads extending 1,560 km were laid across the country and 40,000 km of roads readjusted. More than 99,000 road-signs of various types were put up along roads across the country. And sidewalks extending 600 kilometres were laid along Pyongyang-Wonsan, Pyongyang-Kaesong and Pyongyang-Hyangsan highways so as to ensure traffic safety and speed and offer better conveniences to people. People throughout the country readjusted embankments extending 11,000 km to prevent natural disasters. Meanwhile, a dynamic campaign was launched to protect environment such as air and water and promote the people's health. As a result, over 4,000 environmental protection establishments including gas and dust collectors, sewage purifying sites and sewage settling basins were repaired or built across the country. City afforestation was intensified so that quick fences extending 3,000 kilometres were built throughout the country.

Source of war should be removed from Korean Peninsula

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- The way of ensuring peace and security on the Korean Peninsula is to remove the source of tension and war. Rodong Sinmun says this in a commentary today. The analyst goes on: It is the United States that is keeping tension and threat of war on the Korean Peninsula. The United States is reinforcing the armed forces of aggression in and around South Korea for the purpose of stifling the DPRK with strength. The frantic war manoeuvres against the DPRK are leading the situation of the peninsula to an armed conflict and a phase of war. The conservative hardliners of the United States are directing the arrow of their aggressive military strategy to the DPRK after the cold war in a bid to destroy the socialist bulwark. The fact clearly shows what is the source of tension on the Korean Peninsula and from which side the threat of war comes. Accordingly, the question of ensuring peace and security on the peninsula should be discussed, focusing on removing the source of tension and war from the peninsula. The international community, if it is truly interested in peace and security on the peninsula, should clearly see the situation of the peninsula and concentrate its efforts on removing the source of tension.

Pyongyangites vow to adorn DPRK's 50th National Day as grand festival of victors

Pyongyang, January 5 (KCNA) -- Pyongyangites from all walks of life met today at Pyongyang Indoor Stadium to vow to adorn the 50th founding anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as a grand festival of victors in socialism by thoroughly carrying out the tasks set forth in the joint editorial of the newspapers Rodong Sinmun and Joson Inmingun, true to the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK). The meeting was attended by Vice-President Pak Song Chol and Secretary Han Song Ryong, who are politburo members of the WPK Central Committee, and other leading officials of the party and the state. A report was delivered at the meeting by Kang Hyon Su, chief secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK and chairman of the Pyongyang Municipal People's Committee, followed by speeches. The reporter and speakers put stress on further exalting the nation-building exploits of President Kim Il Sung, the father of socialist korea, this year under the slogan "Let Us Greet the 50th Anniversary of the DPRK as a Grand Festival of Victors in Socialism !" they also called for working hard to make the country, the motherland more prosperous in the indomitable revolutionary spirit and with the working style displayed during the "arduous march". They appealed to officials, party members and other working people in the capital city to defend General Kim Jong Il in the spirit of defending the leader at the cost of life and in the spirit of human bombs and to become forerunners at all times in securing his absolute authority in every way, in order to build the politico-ideological fortress of socialism as firm as rock. Noting the economic construction is the major front requiring main effort this year, they called upon the people to courageously break through the present-day difficulties on their own strength and effect a new upsurge holding fast to the principal line of the WPK in socialist economic construction. In order to successfully carry out the vast tasks for this year, the Juche character and national character should be firmly maintained in the revolution and construction, socialist principles be thoroughly adhered to in all domains of social life and the party be strengthened, so as to iron out all problems arising in socialist construction with the political and ideological might and with the might of collectivism, they stressed.