S. Korean authorities urged to make policy switchover

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The last one month after the replacement of the South Korean regime was a blank period in the north-south relations, says Rodong Sinmun today in a commentary titled "one month fraught with apprehensions and disppointment." This has made all the fellow countrymen suspect that the Present South Korean ruling forces are following in the footstops of their predecessors who committed anti-national and anti-reunification crimes and anti-north confrontation, the author of the commentary, says, and continues: Most of South Korean people have expressed disappointment and worries about happenings in the last one month. The South Korean rulers have acted contrary to their advertisement for "reconciliation" and "cooperation" in the relations between the north and the south. They have turned their face away from the principle of national independence, the nucleus of the three principles of national reunification. They have gone the length of crying that they could not agree to the pullout of the U.S. troops under the pretext of "security" and that they would follow the policy of dependence on outside forces. It is a matter of grave concern. They take no account of the principles of great national unity and peaceful reunification. Whenever opportunities presented themselves in the last month they openly declared that they would not repeal the "National Security Law" and dissolvethe "Agency for National Security Planning." and they have frantically staged war exercises against the north and arms buildup. We cannot but think that they have no willingness to remove the political and military confrontation between the north and the south. If they administer politics against the will of people while crying that theirs is a "government for the people", no one will believe them. They should take a right road from the outset. The South Korean ruling quarters should seriously approach our patriotic initiative to pave the way for the nation independently through the unity of the north and the south and show in action their willingness to make a policy switchover.

Long epic on Korea published in Russia

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- A long epic "star above Mt. Paektu" written by a Russian writer Alexandr Brezhnev in praise of General Kim Jong Il was published by the Paleya Publishing House of Russia on March 24 with the approach of Sun's Day. Printed in the book is a picture of General Kim Jong Il. It contains words of President Kim Il Sung about the spirit of Mt. Paektu and "ode to bright star" written by him.

National Day, Liberation Day of Kuwait marked

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- A photo exhibition and a film show took place here on Mar. 27 to commemorate the National Day and Liberation Day of Kuwait Present there were Ri Song Ho, vice-chairman of the Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, officials concerned and working people in the city. The participants looked round pictures on display and then saw a Kuwaiti documentary film.

Rodong Sinmun on anti-DPRK campaign in Japan

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- A "signature campaign" is now being underway in Japan with the "suspected abductions" linked with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in a far-fetched way. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today carries a commentary which says in part: The "suspected abductions" the Japanese right-wingers are loudmouthed about are a product of their reckless anti-DPRK, anti-socialist campaign. They are also a despicable drama seeking a sinister political purpose for obstructing a solution to the historical problems existing between the DPRK and Japan and hurting the DPRK's dignity. In the past Japan invaded korea and many other Asian nations and committed massacres and plunder in the occupied countries. If the Japanese reactionaries are able to feel quilty even a little bit, they should have broken with the crime-woven history and launched a signature campaign for a new start. Doing so is needed for Japan itself. We give a serious warning to the Japanese right-wingers. If they continue the anti-DPRK, anti-socialist campaign, ignoring our repeated warnings and sincere, magnanimous efforts for improving DPRK-Japan relations in the interests of the two peoples, they will have nothing to get from it. And the responsibility for all the possible consequences will rest with Japan.

Posters of 16th Art Festival published

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Posters of the 16th April Spring Friendship Art Festival, which is to be held here on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, were published. With diverse forms and rich ideological and artistic contents, the posters excellently portray the festival, which is held every year amid great expectation and deep attention of the Korean people and the world's progressives and men of culture and art. They were drawn in a peculiar way suitable to the festival's ideal and characters. Especially, the poster portraying Kimilsungia, which is in full bloom in the mind of humankind as a flower of the era of independence, reflects all the people's belief that President Kim Il Sung is immortal in the mind of humankind.

Dismantlement of "UN Command" urged

Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The Amerindian action movement of Guyana and the good green Guyana published a joint statement on Mar. 22 demanding the dissolution of the "UN Command" in South Korea. The prerequisite to ensuring peace and security on the Korean peninsula is to put an end to the foreign occupation of and interference in South Korea, the statement said, and went on: The "UN Command," a legacy from the Cold War, should be dissolved at an early date. It has been used unreasonably for several dozen years as means for aggravating the situation on the Korean peninsula and legalizing the foreign military presence in South Korea. We hold that the United Nations should make a case of the legal ground of the "UN Command" in South Korea and take a step for depriving it of the name and flag of the UN as soon as possible.