G.S. Kim Jong Il enjoys art performance

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il enjoyed a performance given by officers' family art circle members of the KPA naval command, air command, unit no. 549 and unit no. 337 who participated in the contests of KPA officers' family art circles held on the occasion of Sun's Day. The art circle members put on the stage choruses "40 Million Sing of the Leader" and "Let Us Sing of Sun's Day," a trio "We Will Hold Our Commander in High Esteem," a duologue "Mind of a Wife" and other colorful numbers, which were acclaimed by the audience. General Kim Jong Il expressed deep satisfaction with their wonderful performance of high ideological and artistic value which vividly represented their life and feelings. He said that officers' families are working and living in a revolutionary way, filled with conviction and optimism, with their readiness to defend the beloved fatherland and the socialist system together with their husbands in a decisive battle as the closest revolutionary comrades, revolutionary comrades-in-arms of their husbands standing at the outpost line of the fatherland. He stressed the need to follow their noble spiritual world, fighting trait and way of life to keep the whole society replete with revolutionary spirit. The first contests of KPA officers' family art circles fully proved the validity and vitality of our party's policy of literature and art on popularizing art and the rapidly developed cultural standard of our people, he said. He put forward highly important tasks which will serve as guidelines in promoting popular and massive art activities.

Greetings to Mongolian Prime Minister

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Acting Premier Hong Song Nam of the Administration Council sent a message of greetings to Mongolian Prime Minister Tsakhiagiim Elbegdorj. The message extended warm congratulations to him upon his appointment as Mongolian Prime Minister and expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will continue to develop in the interests of the two peoples.

U.S., Japan and S. Korea urged to act with prudence

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Recently, U.S., Japanese and South Korean military officials met and discussed coping with "emergency" on the Korean Peninsula. Commenting on the fact, Rodong Sinmun today says it indicates that the aggressive triangular military alliance is now in operation and it aims at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The daily says: "Jointly coping with emergency" on the Korean peninsula is just a scenario of aggression war for stifling the DPRK. The United States, Japan and the South Korean puppets are clamouring about "North Korea's military threat" in a bid to strengthen the triangular military alliance and justify their aggressive moves. We cannot but heighten vigilance against their reckless acts. And we cannot remain a passive onlooker to their indiscreet military moves. It is the unshakable will and stand of the Korean people and army to deliver merciless retaliatory strikes at the aggressors and reliably defend the country's sovereignty and socialism. The United States, Japan and the South Korean puppets had better act with prudence, pondering over what their aggressive moves may cause.

May Day rallies and demonstrations in South Korea

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- More than 30,000 workers affiliated with the south "Korean Confederation of Trade Unions" (KCTU) held a May Day rally at Jongmyo Park in Seoul on May 1 and vowed to more dynamically struggle for vital rights, according to a report. At the rally, KCTU held that the present ruling authorities should withdraw the lay-off system and employment exchange system unconditionally and immediately and stop harsh exploitation by businessmen at once with a view to improving the miserable life of workers caused by the outside bailout fund. It declared that all labour unions and confederal unions will wage a struggle with concerted efforts against the "government" from May 23 till the just demand of the workers is met. After the rally they staged a demonstration, chanting slogans. Meanwhile, the "People's Victory 21," the "Federation of Korea Trade Unions" and other labour organisations held May Day rallies and demonstrations in different parts of South Korea, strongly calling for vital rights of the workers. Upset by this, the South Korean authorities sent riot police of 110 companies more than 13,000 strong to crack down upon them.

Short-lived "Minister of Health and Welfare"

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The "Minister of Health and Welfare" of the new government of South Korea was dismissed on April 28, according to a radio report from Seoul. She, who has been criticised for filling her pocket through speculation on real estate since before taking the job, was dismissed 56 days after her appointment under the daily increasing public pressure. Nine persons were dismissed from the portfolio in five years of the "civilian-veiled government" only to serve half a year or so each on an average. The "Minister" of the new "government" met the same end as her predecessors.

First Taekwon-do tournament for sun prize held in China

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The first Taekwon-do tournament for sun prize was held at the Koryo Taekwon-do Hall in Yanji, China, on April 18 to mark Sun's Day. It was sponsored by the Yanji Taekwon-do association. The tournament was held, divided into men's team pattern and parring matches, men's and women's pattern individual and men's parring individual.

National reunification called for

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in its calls issued to celebrate of the 50th founding anniversary of the DPRK, appealed to the entire nation to frustrate the anti-reunification moves of the separatist forces at home and abroad and achieve national reunification through the great unity of the entire nation. This is the reflection of the firm will of the entire nation to frustrate manoeuvrings of the separatist forces at home and abroad and achieve the cause of national reunification without fail in our generation under the banner of the ten-point program of the great unity of the whole nation laid down by President Kim Il Sung and the five-point policy of great national unity renewed by General Kim Jong Il, says Rodong Sinmun today in a by-lined article. Noting that great national unity is the foundation of national reunification, the paper says: To this end, the principle of national independence should be maintained and the banner of patriotism, the banner of national reunification be held high. To achieve great national unity, the root cause of confrontation between the north and the south must be uprooted. It is important to change the anti-north confrontation policy into a reconciliation policy of alliance with the north in South Korea. If the present South Korean government truly wants national reconciliation and unity and improved north-south relations, it should give up the anti-communist confrontation policy pursued by their predecessors and pursue a reconciliation policy of alliance with communism. To achieve the great unity of the nation it is imperative that the whole nation in the north, the south and overseas should have contact, visit each other, promote dialogue and strengthen solidarity and unity, stresses the paper.

Statement on anniversary of April 19 Popular Uprising

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- The Arab regional solidarity committee of political parties and fronts for supporting the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) and the South Korean people and the Arab people's solidarity Committee for supporting the NDFSK and the South Korean people issued a joint statement on April 5 on the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the April 19 Popular Uprising. The statement said that the uprising was a national salvation struggle of South Korean people which overthrew the Syngman Rhee puppet regime and gave a telling blow to the colonial fascist rule of the United States. It stated that the uprising was an event of particular note in the history of the South Korean people's struggle for independence, democracy and reunification and greatly encouraged the struggle of progressive people around the world. The statement strongly urged the U.S. to withdraw its troops from South Korea and the South Korean authorities to abolish the "National Security Law," dissolve the "Agency for National Security Planning," release prisoners of conscience and pro-reunification figures and thus realise democratization of society. It also called for strengthenging support and solidarity for the just struggle of the South Korean people.

Nature reserve for tristram's woodpecker

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Tristram's woodpecker, belonging to the family to woodpecker, is a species of birds native to Korea. It was discovered in Kyonggi Province in 1879. Right after liberation in 1945, Korea took necessary measures to promote forestation and protect useful wildlife. In September 1969, for example, a cabinet order, "On protecting and propagating tristram's woodpeckers and establishing their reserve", was adopted, and a massive protection was given to these birds. In Kaesong city tristram's woodpeckers in Mt. Songak were given special protection as national treasure. Many areas, including Phyongsan and Rinsan counties in North Hwanghae Province and Pongchon county in South Hwanghae Province, were designated as reserves, creating a fine environment for the birds. Nowadays all the areas inhabited by this bird are designated as the reserve, an indication of encouraging their further propagation. Tristram's woodpecker is the biggest bird of the family of woodpecker in Korea. It resembles black woodpecker, but its chest, waist, belly and tail are all white, which makes it easy to tell white from black woodpeckers. Its beak is long, pointed and firm. It has four toes, two of which stretching backward. The tail's feather is also firm. Woodpeckers live near the human communities, on the hills filled with chestnut, oak, poplar and zelkova trees. They tap the bark of trees and dig holes on the bark to search for insects in the trunk. The bird quickly moves from tree to tree and protects itself when faced with danger, by prostrating on the trunk. It sings "kullak, kullak," in a peculiar sound. Before sunset it comes to the nest and at sunrise it flies off. In April and May it lays a litter of 3 to 4 eggs in a hole in the trunk.

Zambian Foreign Minister arrives

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Zambian Foreign Minister Keli S. Waludita and his party arrived here today. They were greeted at the airport by Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam and officials concerned.

FM meets Zambian Foreign Minister

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- Vice-Premier and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam met and had a talk with Zambian Foreign Minister Keli S. Waludita and his party who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present at the meeting was Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Pak Kil Yon.

"The Little Angels" of World Peace Federation here

Pyongyang, May 2 (KCNA) -- "The Little Angels" of the World Peace Federation led by co-chairman Pak Po Hui of the federation arrived in Pyongyang on May 2. They were warmly greeted at the airport by vice-chairman Song Ho Gyong of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee and other officials concerned with compatriotic feelings. Schoolchildren in the city gave them bouquets and flowers, hardly repressing their joy at the emotional meeting with the fellow school boys and girls from South Korea.