Gift to Kim Jong Il from Chinese delegation

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il was presented with a gift by a delegation of the national committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on a visit to Korea. Zhao Nanqi, vice-chairman of the CPPCC national committee who is heading the delegation, handed the gift to DPRK vice-President Pak Song Chol.

Rodong Sinmun on S. Korea's call for "attraction of foreign capital"

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today lays bare the true nature of the South Korean authorities' treacherous call for "attraction of foreign capital." In an article the daily says: They are calling for "globalization and internationalization" of the economy. But their call is a sophism negating nation-state and national economy and a concept of treachery and dependence of modern version which will put the national economy and all other things belonging to the nation at the disposal of outsiders. Obvious is the purpose of their call for "globalization of the economy" and "removal of economic borders." They intend to cover up with rigmaroles such indelible crimes of theirs as reducing South Korea, a colonial military base of outsiders, also to their economic colony. Dependence on foreign countries is treachery which leads to national ruin. Without eradication of treacherous acts in South Korea, its economy can never emerge from the serious crisis. "Attraction of foreign capital" is what only those seeking dependence on foreign countries can talk about for the sake of their own interests. Due to the introduction of foreign capital, the South Korean economy has gone to ruin and the people bled white. In actuality, the bailout loan by the international financial bodies is not for relief but for exploitation. "Attraction of foreign capital" will result in reducing South Korea to a complete economic colony, giving profits only to outsiders and deteriorating the political and economic confusion and crisis of South Korean society. The South Korean puppets must stop resorting to the deceptive, foolish and treacherous call for "attraction of foreign capital" and refrain from such flunkeyist and treacherous acts as sacrificing the South Korean economy to outsiders' interest.

Performance given by KPA artistes

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Artistes of the Korean People's Army gave a performance at Jonsung Square in Pyongyang on June 28 to celebrate the nomination of General Kim Jong Il, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, for a deputy to the tenth-term Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at a meeting of voters registered at constituency no. 666. The square was all afire with cheers of the servicemen who nominated Kim Jong Il for a deputy to the tenth-term spa, representing the unquestioned trust and desires of all the officers and men of the people's army. The colorful program full of zeal and cheers included a prologue "cheers of my country," a folk song duet and men's chorus "Korea, Sing of This Pride," a vocal solo with a keyagum accompaniment "The Country Which is in Full Bloom under the General." The performance shifted into high gear with the merited chorus of the KPA song and dance ensemble singing "Song of General Kim Jong Il," "Thunder on Jong Il Peak," "We will Defend the Supreme Headquarters of Revolution with Our Lives" and other songs. The performance was followed by dancing gala.

Invariable design for domination

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- U.S. and South Korean munitions-related officials recently held a "working-level meeting" in Seoul and discussed issues of expanding U.S. wartime support for South Korea, securing South Korea's capacity of independently developing an arms system and transferring U.S. military technology. Commenting on this fact, a news analyst of Rodong Sinmun today says: This reveals the U.S. invariable dominationist ambition to use the South Korean puppets as a shock brigade for the execution of its Asia strategy by arming them with uptodate military equipment and keep hold on South Korea as its overseas forward base and arms market. The United States intends to stifle the DPRK with strength, militarily occupy the whole of Korea and, with it as a springboard, attain its military domination over East Asia and the Asia-Pacific region. As long as the enemy persists in war moves to stifle our republic, we will continue to attach importance to the military and strengthen our self-reliant defence power for the sake of the security of our socialism and republic, that is, our life and soul.

Month of international solidarity with Korean people begins in Russia

Moscow, June 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held here on June 25 to open the month of international solidarity with the Korean people. At the meeting Yuri Vanin, chief of the Korean affairs section of the institute of oriental studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said the last Korean War was provoked by the U.S. imperialists and the South Korean puppet clique against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The Korean people's victory in the great fatherland liberation war gives a valuable lesson to humankind, the speaker said, and went on: The lesson is that nobody can bring to their knees the people who have a great leader, party and army and who advance for a good purpose. It is also that the Korean issue can never be settled by military force though the United States and its junior allies are making desperate efforts. The United States and the South Korean puppet clique must renounce their design for another war and show sincerity to the DPRK-proposed negotiations. Korea's reunification will surely be achieved as planned by Kim Il Sung and as intended by Kim Jong Il. Marshal of the former Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov, at the meeting, praised the Korean people's efforts for the building of socialism and national reunification and called for lifting up voices of support and solidarity for them. A letter to General Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

S. Korean regime protested

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- The 14th-term nation-saving Tongari Federation of Chonnam National University in South Korea accused the present regime of following in the footsteps of the "civilian" fascist dictatorship, the South Korean newspaper Hangyore said. In a document sent to the "government" authorities it urged the "government" to stop defining Hanchongryon (South Korean Federation of University Student Councils) as "organization benefiting the enemy," discontinue the operation for withdrawal of deputies from it and the search for them on the want list and release the arrested students at once.

Brisk canvassing in Korea

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- The election of deputies to the tenth-term Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is due on July 26. Preparations for the election and canvassing are in full swing with the approach of the polling day. Propaganda campaign, including lecture and explanation, is conducted to lead voters to demonstrate the monolithic unity of the Korean people rallied close around General Kim Jong Il in the election. "Long live the revolutionary government of the workers and farmers, founded by comrade Kim Il Sung and led by comrade Kim Jong Il " "Let us participate in the election of deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly to consolidate the revolutionary government " and other slogans and visual propaganda materials are seen throughout the country. In mornings and evenings travelling art propaganda squads and loud-speaker cars are busy encouraging the people to take an active part in the election. Brass bands and loud-speaker cars are hell-bent on canvassing in front of Kwangbok and Sungri stations of the Pyongyang metro and other places of the capital city. Columns of schoolchildren and university students are marching through towns and villages, singing songs to add to the atmosphere of the election. Dissemination of songs and other art activities are conducted in all worksites, including factories, enterprises and cooperative farms as regards the election. A brisk drive is being conducted in all sectors of socialist economic construction to greet the election with great achievements.

U.S. imperialists' deployment of armed forces to attack DPRK

Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- Before the outbreak of the war in Korea in 1950 the U.S. put aggression forces on offensive footing according to a war scenario against the DPRK. They built offensive positions in areas along the 38th parallel and amassed South Korean puppet army soldiers there. On the U.S. order, the South Korean puppets moved divisions and regiments to the areas along the 38th parallel in May and June, 1950. Thus, five divisions were deployed along the Military Demarcation Line as the first echelon and three divisions near Seoul as operational reserves. The U.S. imperialists put their forces on offensive footing so that they could be quickly hurled into the Korean War. And they moved the Japan-based U.S. 24th and 7th divisions around port and airport and put them on the alert. They also built naval and air force bases in Japan and on islands in the pacific, taking it into consideration that the U.S. mainland is far off from the Korean peninsula. They deployed many military planes and vessels on islands in the pacific. Besides, in February 1950, they attached an aircraft carrier, cruisers and destroyers to the U.S. 7th fleet, thus increasing the number of naval ships in the far east. Concentrically deployed in this region were upwards of 12 flying wings including three wings of B-26s, B-29s and other bombers, six wings of fighter planes, two wings of transport planes and other military planes. Having deployed aggression forces to attack the northern half of the DPRK, they blared that if they unleashed the Korean War, they could easily carry it out. However, their attack was frustrated by the counteroffensive of the Korean People's Army from the very beginning of the Korean War.

Salt production picks up

Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Salt producers in South Hwanghae Province are boosting up production. The officials at the salterns in the province organize production scrupulously and are directing it properly in keeping with this year's weather conditions and the workers are tending the salt-ponds on a scientific basis to increase production. The workers at the Yonbaek saltern are trying to increase per-hectare salt production by keeping the watercourse and drain in good conditions and supplying salt water in a proper way. They have secured salt water of high concentration in large quantities. On this basis they have introduced efficient working methods suited to the weather to raise production constantly. Those at salterns in Ongjin county and many other paces are also working hard to increase per-hectare salt production. They are now producing 1.2 times as much salt as put out in the same period of the previous year.