Floral baskets laid before statue and portrait of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A ceremony was held at a 10-year middle school in Altanbulag county, Tov Province, Mongolia, on October 10 to lay a floral basket before a Statue of the President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the first anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 53rd anniversary of the WPK. A ceremony was held at the Kim Jong Il class of a senior middle school in Georgetown, Guyana, on October 7 to place a floral basket in front of a portrait of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.

Celebrations in foreign countries

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The first anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 53rd birthday of the WPK were celebrated in different countries. Celebration meetings were held by the Communist Party of Bulgaria, the New Yugoslav Communist Party, the Labour Party of Bangladesh and the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People and Supporting Korea's Reunification in Jordan. The first secretary of the C. C., the Communist Party of Bulgaria said in his speech that the WPK played a great role in carrying on the Korean revolution and the world revolution and it is now famous as the most revolutionary party with organising ability. The general secretary of the New Yugoslav Communist Party noted that the WPK led social revolutions of different stages, so that the DPRK might smash the persistent blockade and pressure of the imperialist allied forces and demonstrate the might of a powerful socialist state. Film shows, book and photo exhibitions and other colorful events were held in different countries and by international organizations including Equatorial Guinea, Tanzania, the secretariat of the Pan-African Movement, Madagascar, Syria and Peru. Lectures were given in Nepal, Syria, Laos, Libya, Grenada and Bulgaria.

Anti-Chongryon moves in Japan brought to light

Tokyo, October 14 (KNS-KCNA) -- Ryu Kwang Su, director of compatriots' livelihood of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), on Oct. 13 called a press conference and brought to light the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon moves of Japan. In a statement he said that on Oct. 12 gangsters of a Japanese right-wing organization blocked the entrance of the Chongryon central headquarters hall with two street-propaganda cars and said wild words. From Sept. 1 right after the launch of an artificial satellite in the DPRK, unidentified threatening phone calls came almost every night and wild words and violence were committed on branch organizations under Chongryon, schools, commercial groups, Korean credit unions and compatriots, he said, and went on: The Japanese authorities should strictly round up the right-wing gangsters who drove street-propaganda cars into the compound of the Chongryon Central headquarters hall, give an account of its background and take a proper measure to prevent such illegal action. The press conference was attended by newspaper, news agency and radio reporters of Japan and foreign correspondents in Japan.

Japanese authorities will not be pardoned =KCNA commentary=

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Choong-Ang Daily October 13 reported that the South Korean "Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade," Hong Sun Yong, in an interview with foreign journalists on October 13, said that "Japan has been qualified for a permanent member state of the UN Security Council." If Hong had a drop of the blood of the Korean nation in his veins and the spirit of the nation even a bit, he would not have made ridiculous utterances as regards the qualifications of Japan and the issue of its permanent membership of the UNSC. Japan's history of aggression began with the invasion of Korea. The crimes it committed during its occupation of Korea are innumerable. It, preoccupied with the historical view of militarism even though more than half a century elapsed, is rushing headlong along the road of reinvasion. It still refuses to make up for the greatest losses of man power and materials it imposed upon the Korean people. It is clear to anyone that Japan, which has not dissociated itself from the past of unprecedented crimes, is not entitled to gain a permanent seat on the UNSC, a responsible position to deal with important issues for world peace. Hong, however, tried to curry favour with Japan, saying that Japan has an important role to play in the UN and that he has a high opinion of Japan's share of expenses for the UN. By doing so he proved to be an avowedly pro-Japanese element. The South Korean authorities are making sheep's eyes at Japan one after another in the wake of the South Korean chief executive's recent trip to Japan during which he "invited" the Japanese king to visit South Korea, regarding him as his saviour. All this clearly shows that the South Korean "government for the people" is to all intents and purposes a herd of pro-Japanese authorities. The Korean people will never pardon the authorities.

Anti-DPRK smear campaigns denounced

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang students held a meeting on October 15 to flail the anti-DPRK hostile policy of the Japanese reactionaries. The Japanese authorities, branding the DPRK's satellite launch as "ballistic missile launch," have tenaciously enforced an anti-DPRK hostile policy such as suspending negotiations on normalisation of Japan-DPRK diplomatic relations and food assistance to the DPRK and cancelling charter flights. The speakers of the meeting said that the Japanese authorities' frantic racket is aimed at finding a pretext for overseas aggression by stepping up their moves to become a military power. The Japanese reactionaries, who committed horrendous anti-ethical, anti-historical crimes during Japan's illegal occupation of Korea, must ponder over the consequences to be entailed by their moves for reinvasion of Korea and act with discretion, the speakers noted. They stressed that if the Japanese authorities persist in their anti-DPRK racket in disregard of our warnings, five million youth and students will become bullets and bombs and take a thousand-fold revenge upon the provokers. A letter of indignation was read out at the meeting. Present there were Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, youth league officials, presidents and directors of universities and colleges and students in the city.

World Food Day observed

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Newspapers here today dedicate bylined articles to the World Food Day. Rodong Sinmun estimates various activities the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has been conducting on the occasion of the day. The activities mark an occasion in striking home to peoples how important the food problem is for existence and development of humanity and in drawing the interest of the world community to increasing food production and eliminating poverty and starvation, the paper says, and goes on: Though it has undergone great difficulties in agricultural production from years of natural disasters, the DPRK has been taking positive steps to clear away the aftermath and increase the agricultural production. Much time is still needed for humanity to attain the world target for stable food production. Anyhow, good results will be made in solving the world food problem, if each country and nation strives for it and international cooperation and exchange are strengthened in agriculture and food. Minju Joson says the DPRK government will work harder for the complete solution to the food problem and thus greatly help the FAO discharge its mission and goal of getting rid of poverty and starvation on a worldwide scale.

Despicable, absurd behavior

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the fact that during his recent visit to Japan, the chief executive of South Korea, together with the Japanese reactionaries, slandered the DPRK. A news analyst of the paper says: The Japanese reactionaries and the South Korean authorities stressed the need to enhance "cooperation" in security because the DPRK they said poses "threat" to Japan and South Korea. They also argued that the DPRK should be guided to "reform" and "opening." Their rash behavior was prompted by their dismay at the victorious advance of the DPRK. In recent years, they took the lead in the hostile campaign of the international reactionaries against the DPRK. They have, however, drunk bitter cups. The farther our socialism advanced, the greater their fear grew. As they have committed excessively many crimes against Korea and the Korean nation, they feel upset in the wake of our recent satellite launch. Their call for guiding the DPRK to "reform" and "opening" is all the more ridiculous. People around the world call the Japanese authorities political dwarfs. The South Korean authorities are colonial stooges without an equal in the world. Is it not ridiculous for these fellows to call for guiding the DPRK to "reform" and "opening"?

Congratulatory visits to Korean embassies

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Nepalese personages paid a congratulatory visit to the DPRK embassy in Kathmandu on the occasion of the first anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and the 53rd birthday of the WPK. Among them were the chairman of the National Council, the general secretary of the C. C., the Nepal Communist Party (United Marxism-Leninism), the general secretary of the C. C., the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Nepal, the chairman of the C. C., the Nepal Worker-Peasant Party and the chairman of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung National Memorial Commission, Nepal. The chairman of the National Council said that the WPK founded by President Kim Il Sung is displaying its might as an ever-victorious iron-willed party and a guiding force leading the struggle for socialist construction and national reunification to victory under the guidance of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. The General Secretary of the C. C., the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) of Nepal said: The activities of the WPK are characterized by maintenance of independence with the stand point of Juche. When socialism was frustrated in some countries, the WPK led the socialism of Korea to advance, enjoying support and trust from the popular masses. The chairman of the C. C., the Nepal Worker-Peasant Party stressed that as long as there are the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il and the singlehearted unity of the leader, the party and the masses, the WPK will be invincible and greatly encourage the world communists. Meanwhile, the department of external affairs of the C. C., the Communist Party of Vietnam sent a floral basket to the Korean embassy in Hanoi on the occasion of the 53rd founding anniversary of the WPK.

"Hall of Chinese people's volunteers"

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- October 25 is the day of the participation of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) in the Korean War. On this occasion, many people are visiting the "hall of the Chinese people's volunteers" of the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum. The visitors are recalling with deep emotion the feats performed by the volunteers who fought bravely on the Korean front under the banner of "resisting America and aiding Korea, safeguarding the home and defending the motherland" during the June Juche 39 (1950)-July Juche 42 (1953) Korean Fatherland Liberation War. On display in room No. 1 are materials exposing bombings and military provocations carried out by the U.S.imperialists in the northeastern area of China including Dandong and Changbai in the early period of the Korean War and data on the struggle of Chinese people on the Korean front. Seen in rooms No. 2 and 3 are sand tables illustrating the eye-catching battle gains scored by soldiers and officers of the CPV in numerous battles, including the battle of encircling Hyonri, the battle of defending Sanggam Peak and the Kumsong counterattack. Put on display there are a rifle with which a Chinese soldier shot down more than 400 enemy soldiers in one month, a light machine gun used by hero Sun Zhanyuan at the battle of defending Sanggam Peak, a merited field artillery piece that killed about 1,400 enemy soldiers and other combat equipment. In room No. 4, visitors can see materials representing Korea-China friendship, including behaviours of Luo Shengjiao who died after rescuing a Korean child from drowning and of a Korean peasant Pak Jae Gun who devotedly helped the volunteers. Also seen in the room are photos of 60 Chinese heroes and model fighters produced in the Korean War including Mao Anying, son of chairman Mao Zedong, Huang Jiguang, Li Jiafa and Yang Genshi and materials on their feats. The materials tell the younger generation about the undying feats performed by soldiers and officers of the Chinese people's volunteers in the Korean War against the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces. The feats are a vivid example of noble internationalism.

Paper on U.S.-S. Korea plan

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today comments on the U.S. plan to "commemorate" the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War in the year 2000 together with the South Korean authorities. The news analyst says: The U.S. plan reveals its ulterior intention to conceal its nature as war criminal and aggressor, continue occupying South Korea in the 2000s and unleash another war of aggression in Korea. The U.S. sustained a serious defeat in the Korean War, and its true colors as aggressor have been brought to light. The U.S. is, however, trying to whitewash its war of aggression and watching for a chance to ignite another war against the DPRK. The People's Army and people of Korea cherish peace and do not want war. But, they will wage a war of justice to safeguard the country and revolution if the enemies unleash a war.

Loyalty to leader, highest level of patriotism

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today comments on the U.S. plan to "commemorate" the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War in the year 2000 together with the South Korean authorities. The news analyst says: The U.S. plan reveals its ulterior intention to conceal its nature as war criminal and aggressor, continue occupying South Korea in the 2000s and unleash another war of aggression in Korea. The U.S. sustained a serious defeat in the Korean War, and its true colors as aggressor have been brought to light. The U.S. is, however, trying to whitewash its war of aggression and watching for a chance to ignite another war against the DPRK. The People's Army and people of Korea cherish peace and do not want war. But, they will wage a war of justice to safeguard the country and revolution if the enemies unleash a war.

Release of Father Mun Kyu Hyon demanded

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- The Europe headquarters of Pomminryon (National Alliance for the Country's Reunification) made public a statement to denounce South Korea's socalled "government for people" for arresting Father Mun on charges of violation of "National Security Law" (NSL) and demand release of him and champions of reunification. The statement also called for abolishing the "NSL", an evil law of cracking down on human rights.

WPK delegation back from India

Pyongyang, October 16 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Workers' Party of Korea led by Choe Thae Bok, alternate member of the political bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, returned home on Oct. 16 after participating in the 16th Congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).