Revision of S. Korea's "NSL" called for

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The Amnesty International on November 30 released an article headlined "'National Security Law' should be revised in keeping with declaration on human rights" 50 years after the institution of the "NSL" in South Korea.
The article said:
The "NSL" has been used to violate freedom and rights of people in contradiction to the world's declaration on human rights and arrest, torture and punish numbers of people in the past scores of years. Still, it stamps out people's expression of political views and democracy. This year the South Korean authorities have arrested and put behind bars hundreds of South Korean people on the charge of praising and benefiting North Korea by invoking the evil law that defines the north as "enemy". It is hypercritic for them to call for "exchange". It is another suppression of ideology that the South Korean authorities demand "political prisoners" "write a pledge to observe the law." They should set free prisoners who have been kept in solitary cells for scores of years and the South Korean people should struggle for the sake of all rights including the freedom of speech and association. The South Korean authorities should revise the "NSL" fundamentally.

Right to preemptive strike does not rest entirely with enemies

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The Korean people have been a long time awaiting the moment to settle accounts with the U.S. imperialist aggressors, the Japanese reactionaries and the South Korean authorities. The right to preemptive strike does not rest entirely with them, said Kim Chol Man, an anti-Japanese revolutionary fighter. The statement of the spokesman for the general staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) is a declaration of Korea's resolution to shower bombs of revenge on the stronghold of the sworn enemies, he said, and went on: Once the enemies dare to unleash a war we will never miss the opportunity to achieve the historic cause of national reunification and build a powerful state in this land. The U.S. imperialists will see the Korean people raising their iron fists with wrath. They will clearly see how they will meet destruction in the '90s in this land of history where they started downhill in the '50s.

Workers resolve to annihilate U.S. imperialists and their stooges

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- A meeting of workers was held here on Saturday in support of the statement of the spokesman of the general staff of the Korean People's Army. Present at the meeting were chairman Ryom Sun Gil of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, officials concerned and workers. Speakers at the meeting stressed that the statement reflected the revolutionary principles and the stamina of the Korean workers to annihilate the enemy. The U.S. imperialists, clamouring about "aggravation of situation" caused by an "underground nuclear facility" and the launch of an artificial satellite, blare that they will "take a resolute countermeasure," the speakers said, stressing that this is a reckless behaviour such as digging up their own graves. Speakers went on to say: The enemy should clearly know that the Korean people will not be perturbed by the aggressors' reckless acts and the Korean workers will not shrink back in fear of the nuclear arms and bombs. We workers are fully ready to cope with any actions of the enemy. If a war is imposed, we will fight with the dignity and honor of Korea, a country of Juche, and drive the U.S. imperialists out of the Korean peninsula.

Young people, students denounce U.S. war moves

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- A national meeting of young people and students was held in Chongsan-ri, a historic land, on December 5 to denounce the new war moves of the U.S. imperialists after the statement of the spokesman of the general staff of the Korean People's Army was published. Present there were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, officials concerned and over 50,000 young people and students. Speakers said at the meeting that the statement is a sledge-hammer brought down on the heads of the U.S. and Japanese imperialists and the South Korean authorities who are running wild in new war provocation and a solemn declaration of the revolutionary conviction and indomitable will of the People's Army, people and youth of Korea who are singleheartedly united around Marshal Kim Jong Il. Saying that the U.S. imperialists are bringing the situation to the brink of war, vociferating about the "aggravation of situation" by the DPRK's "underground nuclear facility" and its launch of the artificial satellite, they denounced the war moves as an unbearable aggressive act against the dignity and sovereignty of the country and people and outrageous challenge to the DPRK. The patience of the Korean people has its limitation. If the U.S. imperialists finally unleash war they will be made forlorn wandering spirits. A letter of indignation was read out at the meeting.

U.S. warned not to try to test DPRK's strength and will

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a signed article on the dangerous situation of the Korean peninsula where a second Korean war may break out because of the U.S. imperialists' putting "operation plan 5027" into effect. Recalling that the U.S. troops present in South Korea and Japan and the U.S. armed forces in the U.S. mainland are moving actively with the Korean peninsula as a target, the author of the article says: At this rigorous time, the general staff of the Korean People's Army solemnly declared that the KPA, not fearful of the confrontation of strength with the imperialist aggressors, will annihilate them with the dignity of Kim Il Sung's Korea, the country of Juche, and become proud victors without fail. This is not an empty word nor an exaggerated declaration. The DPRK declares that it will win because it is firmly confident of its strength and will. The U.S. imperialists must not try to test the strength and will of the DPRK. The Korean army and people are led by Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il, the brilliant commander no one can match in character and courage, resource and commanding art. Led by him, the Korean people will win. This is the unswerving faith of the Korean army and people. If the enemies try to destroy our socialism, all the people will turn out in the sacred war for justice and fight it out with the firm determination that they will not make the earth exist without the DPRK. There is no limit to the strike of our People's Army, and on this planet, there is no room to escape this strike. The Korean army and people will answer enemy's reckless war of aggression with liberation war of justice and fire with merciless strike and root out the sources of aggression and war in this world.

Anti-"government" struggle vowed in South Korea

Pyongyang, December 6 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions declared it would stage an anti-"government" struggle for abolition of the "lay-off system" and for legalization of the "National Teachers' Union," according to a radio report from Seoul. The organization said that the South Korean "government" and "parliament" are only enforcing reactionary "lay-off system," refusing to legalize the "National Teachers' Union" and to allow union activities of the unemployed. It declared it would wage a struggle against the "government" and political camp. It said that it will begin a sit-in strike in front of the National Assembly on December 7 to push the five-point demand including abolition of the "lay-off system" and legalization of the union and stage people's rallies across South Korea on December 12.