Anti-DPRK campaign entails catastrophic consequences
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The inveterate hostile action of the Japanese reactionaries against the DPRK is touching off the angry and hatred of the Korean people and People's Army. Minju Joson says this in a commentary today.
The news analyst goes on:
It is needless to say that the Japanese reactionaries' allegation that the north's launch of an artificial satellite was a "missile launch" stems from their intention to justify their moves for a military giant and overseas expansion.
Their reckless moves are a substantial threat and challenge to peace and security in Korea and Asia.
Japan is trying to get something in relations with us through share of funds for the light water reactors, which is inviting criticism and ridicule as a political ignoramus, not knowing the essence and principle of things. If the Japanese reactionaries resort to the anti-DPRK moves, joining hands with the hostile forces, they will get nothing but the most catastrophic consequences.
S. Korean students' New Year declaration
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- A 1999 declaration of student representatives was released in South Korea, according to the newspaper Hangyore. Among them were chairmen of general student councils of universities and colleges including Korea and Hanyang University.
The declaration denounced the South Korean authorities for reducing education budget to impose more burdens on private schools and continuing the forced collection of foundation fees.
It clarified that the one million students will struggle to the end with the people for the deduction of registration fee and for the people's vital rights.
It urged the authorities to withdraw the deduction of education budget and ensure people's rights to existence by stopping the wrong "restructuring" which is fattening foreign capitalists and conglomerates. It also called for defence of economic sovereignty, dissolution of conglomerates, and measures for job security and the unemployed.
Anti-DPRK remarks of Japanese Prime Minister
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Japanese Prime Minister Obuchi referred to the issue of the DPRK-Japan relations at the plenary meeting of the House of Representatives on January 21, according to a news report.
He said that Japan adopted an "active counteraction" after the DPRK launched a "missile" and that Japan is willing to improve relations with the DPRK through dialogue and exchange, if "North Korea shows a constructive response."
This is Japan's "strong message to North Korea", he noted.
His remarks are arrogant ones reversing black and white.
"Willingness and strong message" on his lips are aimed at justifying Japan's criminal war campaign against the DPRK and intensifying confrontation with the DPRK by misleading public opinion.
The Japanese reactionaries should not act rashly, mindful that they will get nothing but catastrophic ruin from the anti-DPRK confrontation campaign.
S. Korean motor trade unions vow joint struggle
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Trade unions of Kia and Hyun Dai Motor Companies on January 20 held a ceremony in Seoul to form a joint measure committee for job security and vital rights and vowed to conduct a joint struggle against the authorities-imposed "restructuring", according to a radio report from Seoul.
The trade unions said that the Hyun Dai Motor Company is trying to reduce its personnel 30 percent, renegueing on the original promise it made when it took over KIA. It is because it seeks unilateral layoffs, they said, and declared they would wage a joint struggle against it.
Eternal life of President Kim Il Sung prayed for in S. Korea
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Members of the April 15 Fellowship Society held a ceremony to pray for an eternal life of the President Kim Il Sung on the New Year, Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation quoted the Pusan city committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) as saying.
At the ceremony, the participants said that, whenever New Year's Day comes every year, they would remember the immortal exploit of President Kim Il Sung who devoted his whole life to the restoration of the nation and the happiness of the fellow countrymen, and prayed for his immortality.
It adopted a resolution to hold various events to exalt his immortal exploits forever on the occasion of his fifth death anniversary.
DPRK's Joint New Year Editorial supported
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The National Action Front Party of Jordan, the National Party of Jordan, the Arab Christians' Committee for Peace, the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People and Supporting Korea's Reunification and the International Front Against Zionism Central Committee made public a joint statement on Jan. 12 in support of the Joint New Year Editorial published in the DPRK.
The joint statement said that the joint editorial reflects the line for building a just society where President Kim Il Sung's idea of loving people is inherited, political and economic independence strengthened and human freedom and rights are ensured.
They will always follow Kim Jong Il's guidance in the struggle to realize justice and build a peaceful, new society, it added.
The Guyana-Korea Friendship Association, the Guyanese Youth Association for Solidarity and Friendship, other Guyanese youth organizations issued a joint statement.
The statement expressed invariable support to the Korean people in the just struggle to achieve independent and peaceful reunification of the country in accordance with the proposal of founding a Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo.
Meanwhile, the people's rally for socialist of Democratic Congo held a reading session on Jan. 9, the Kim Il Sung Institute of Agricultural Science in Guinea and the Guinean Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification held rallies on Jan. 11 and 12, and a Guyanese Group for the Study of Comrade Kim Jong Il's Idea of Youth Movement held a seminar on Jan. 15.
Preparatory committees formed abroad
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Preparatory committees were inaugurated in Democratic Congo, Mongolia and Mexico on January 18 and 19 to celebrate the 57th birthday of Kim Jong Il.
At inaugural meetings the speakers said that it is the unanimous desire of the world's progressive people to magnificently celebrate the birthday of Kim Jong Il, the great sun of humankind in the 21st century.
They said that Kim Jong Il has shown the road ahead of humankind by developing and enriching the great Juche idea and under his wise leadership, the DPRK has become the fortress of socialism and the beacon of hope for the revolutionary people of the world.
They expressed the conviction that the DPRK's target of building a powerful nation will be surely hit under his leadership.
The meetings elected chairmen of the preparatory committees and discussed programs of events.
Korean people's struggle supported in India
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Indian organizations issued statements in support of the indictment of the Korean Anti-Nuke Peace Committee dated January 7.
The All-India Agricultural Workers Union said in its statement issued on January 18 that the United States is not faithfully implementing an agreement on comprehensive solution to the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula reached in Geneva.
Millions of agricultural workers of India are fully supporting the indictment and extending solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle for denuclearization and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, stressed the statement.
The Indian centre for the UN studies in its statement issued on January 15 expressed deep concern over the U.S. postponement of the implementation of the Geneva agreement.
This is seriously threatening the peace and security of the Korean peninsula, it added.
Noting that this illegal attitude of the U.S. is seriously hindering the DPRK's economic construction, the statement hoped that the agreement would be successfully implemented to ensure peace on the Korean peninsula.
Nuclear weapons are not almighty
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a commentary on the policy speech delivered by the U.S President at a joint meeting of the senate and the House of Representatives on Jan. 20, stressing that "We must increase our efforts to restrain the spread of North Korean nuclear weapons and missiles".
Clinton's policy speech was synchronized with announcement of a "joint statement" full of clamours for "nuclear punishment" by local and foreign warmongers at joint confabs against the DPRK, the news analyst says, and goes on:
This clearly proves that the U.S. defined it as its state policy to stamp out the socialism of Korea even by the use of nuclear weapons and is stepping it up. It is the extreme of despotism and grave encroachment upon the right to self-determination for the U.S to stifle the DPRK even with nuclear weapons as the idea, ideal and the system which the DPRK chose by itself are not in their favor.
The Korean people and army are closely watching the U.S.moves for a nuclear war and if the U.S. ignites a nuclear war, they will make it pay dearly.
What does renaming seek
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities officially renamed the "Agency for National Security Planning" (ANSP) the "National Intelligence Service" (NIS) on January 22 and the chief executive of South Korea sent a "congratulatory message" in this regard.
Rodong Sinmun today says that this is a third-rate political swindle to fool the South Korean people and the entire nation demanding the dissolution of the "ANSP".
Though the South Korean rulers changed the name of the "ANSP", its fascist function remains unchanged. In fact, the "ANSP's" power has been further expanded and strengthened, the paper says, and continues:
They openly challenged the people's demand for dissolving the "ANSP" by renaming the "ANSP" the "NIS".
The South Korean rulers are trying to win the mind of the people by renaming the "ANSP" and talking about "reform".
The chief executive of South Korea is following in the wake of the predecessors who regarded the "ANSP" as a "talisman".
It leads to self-destruction.
The South Korean people will never pardon the rulers who are rushing headlong toward fascism.
Overseas Koreans on int'l terrorism of S. Korea
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The European headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) issued a statement on January 22 denouncing South Korea's Agency for National Security Planning (ANSP) for having kidnapped Kim Kyong Phil, secretary of the North Korean mission in Germany, on January 13.
The statement says:
Through information from the German government authorities and the North Korean mission, the European headquarters of Pomminryon has come to conclude that Kim Kyong Phil and his wife were kidnapped by operatives of the ANSP.
The kidnapping had been planned in a meticulous way for years. Choe Chang Dong (former professor of law at Pusan College of Foreign Studies) was infiltrated into Pomminryon for the purposes of disintegration and destruction of the organisation.
Choe stole some of computer files of Kim Kyong Phil and transferred them to the ANSP.
Han Yong Su, an agent of the ANSP, kidnapped the couple on January 13 with the document as a bait.
The Chosun Ilbo Newspaper of South Korea January 17 spread a rumour about the North Korean diplomat's "defection to America." the next day, other mass media of South Korea reported that Kim Kyong Phil asked the U.S. consulate for "asylum."
On January 20, South Korean media quoted a government official as saying that Kim might seek "asylum" in a third country, not the United States. The press reports were incoherent because the incident was not "asylum" but abduction.
We strongly warn the South Korean government and the ANSP, if you do not return the innocent couple, we will inform the world public and conscientious-minded people of this fact, and the Kim Dae Jung regime of South Korea will be branded by the international community as a terrorist regime. The incident will be described as a second kidnapping of Tong Paek Rim, and you will be to blame for the consequence.
The South Korean regime must immediately release the couple and apologize for the criminal act.
We will indict the South Korean regime's international terrorism, informing the German public that this is a second Tong Paek Rim case.
The South Korean regime must give up despicable terrorism and kidnapping abroad at once.
Mass media urged to ensure objectivity of news reports
Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- The European headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification issued a statement to mass media in the wake of the missing of a secretary Kim Kyong Phil of the DPRK mission in Berlin.
The statement says:
On January 18, all the newspapers and internet of South Korea said all at once that a secretary of the DPRK mission in Berlin and his wife disappeared on January 13, adding that they "took refuge" in the U.S. embassy in Bonn. On January 19 German newspapers and news media reported about the missing based on the news report of South Korea.
The DPRK mission in Berlin lost no time in informing police of the missing. Up to this date, it has not been told by an investigation organ, the Foreign Ministry of Germany and the U.S. embassy that the couple "took refuge" in the U.S. embassy. That is why the DPRK mission is asserting that the missing secretary was abducted by use of force on the part of the "Agency for National Security Planning" ("ANSP") in South Korea.
The statement elaborates on the missing of secretary Kim Kyong Phil, and goes on:
When the relevant organ of Germany had no clue as to what happened, the South Korean newspapers and news reports already described the missing as "exile." no doubt, it is clear to anyone that the missing is a plot of the "ANSP" worse still, news media of Germany spread the groundless news reports of South Korea, without confirming and covering them on site.
We want news media of Germany to ensure objectivity of news reports.
The DPRK mission has had direct contacts with the U.S. consulate in the wake of the missing.
Officials of the U.S. consulate said that for the first time they heard what a diplomat and his wife from the north "took refuge" in the territory of the U.S. and that there was no such a fact.
According to a data available at a church institute in Germany, the Foreign Ministry of Germany and the U.S. embassy replied that they had no fact and evidence that the north's diplomat and his wife "took refuge" in the hand of the U.S. judging from the statements of the German and U.S. institutions, we say that the news reports of the South Korean papers that the couple "took refuge" in the U.S. embassy are not true.
We, therefore, hold that the abducted couple are still put to shame by the hooligans of the "ANSP" and that the couple who resist, ready to die, might not be out of the boundaries of Germany and Europe.
From this point of view, we urgently call upon German and European investigation organs and public opinion to find a hide-out of those who were involved in the abduction of the couple as soon as possible and keep a watchful eye on boundaries of Europe in an effort to prevent the abductors from getting out of the boundaries.
It is highly likely that the abducted couple may be murdered by the abductors as a result of failure to discover them as soon as possible.