March 8 Revolution greeted

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on March 6 sent a message of greetings to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the March 8 Revolution in Syria.
    The message said:    The Syrian people have achieved great successes in the struggle for building a new society under the leadership of the Arab Socialist Baath Party led by the President since the victory of the revolution. The Korean people rejoice over their successes and positively support and encourage the just struggle of the President and people of Syria for the nation building and a fair and comprehensive solution to the Middle East issue, it added.
    Expressing the belief that the excellent friendly and cooperative relations and the bonds of solidarity between the two countries would grow stronger, it wished the Syrian people greater progress and prosperity.

Manifestation of absolute trust in socialist government

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Papers here today editorially hail the successful elections for deputies to provincial (municipal), city (district) and county people's assemblies held in Korea on March 7. 99.9% of the registered voters participated in the elections and 100% of them voted for the candidates. This is a manifestation of absolute support and trust of all the people in the socialist government, Rodong Sinmun says, and goes on:   The elections powerfully demonstrated the might of the political and ideological unity and cohesion of the revolutionary ranks, which have grown purer and stronger despite rigorous ordeals.
    It is the stirring reality produced by the single-hearted unity which grows stronger despite manifold difficulties that all the electors turned out and cast yes votes. Thanks to this unbreakable unity and cohesion the revolutionary government remains mighty and the country is demonstrating its dignity as an ideologically powerful socialist state. Elections have provided a firm guarantee for enhancing the militant function and role of the people's government.
    The local people's assemblies have been reorganized with people's true representatives with the result that the revolutionary government has struck roots deeper among the popular masses and the revolutionary system of state structure has come to display its great superiority and vitality. This is a proud victory achieved in the year that marks a great turning-point in building a powerful nation. Through the elections Korean-style socialism, which enjoys full support from the popular masses, demonstrated once again its invincibility at home and abroad.
    The election results clearly proved that neither moves for isolation and stifling nor vicious ideological and cultural infiltration by the imperialists and the reactionaries can ever destroy Korean-style socialism. Minju Joson stresses that the elections provided an important occasion in strikingly demonstrating the superiority of Korean style-socialism based on the Juche idea and accelerating the building of a powerful nation.

S. Korean worker's struggle for vital rights

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a signed commentary supporting the struggle of South Korean workers for vital rights which is gaining momentum in spring. The news analyst of the paper says:   Their massive struggle is an eruption of their pent-up resentment against the present rulers who are imposing only sufferings and sacrifices upon them after having destroyed the economy and impoverished the people's living through the flunkeyist, treacherous and anti-social policies.
    In the last one year, the "government for the people," acting as a servant for the economic trusteeship of outsiders, has worked only for its interests and for the security of its power, thus doing harm to the working people. Since South Korean workers have keenly realized this through their bitter experience, they are fighting against the "government" and for vital rights. Their struggle is a very just action.

Preparatory committee inaugurated to fight for vital rights

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- 28 civic and public organizations, including the "Citizens Federation for Democratic Society" and the "Citizens Federation for Economic Justice," at a joint press conference on March 4 inaugurated a preparatory committee for a joint council to press legislation on people's basic needs for right to existence, a Seoul based radio said.
    These organizations highlighted the importance of rejecting the deceptive "measure for employment" of the authorities and of enacting a law on basic needs for the livelihood of the people as soon as possible for the protection of the living of the poor. They vowed to launch into an all-people movement, including a demonstration of the unemployed, all over South Korea at the end of the month to press this demand. They also pledged to launch an anti-"government" struggle in solidarity with the people out of job in case the "government" ignores or refuses to meet the demand.

3rd seminar on building of new society

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The 3rd seminar of political parties in Americas on the building of new society was held in Mexico to celebrate the 57th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il. Participating in the seminar were 30 delegations from political parties in Americas, among them those from Cuba, Mexico and Argentina. Present there as observers were a delegation of the Workers' Party of Korea, delegations from political parties in China, Vietnam and other countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.
    The seminar heard speeches made according to agenda items. Speakers exposed and condemned the reactionary nature of the "globalization" and "integration" on the lips of imperialists. They underlined the action program and tasks of the parties advocating socialism, including matters of building revolutionary party and increasing support, cooperation, solidarity and unity among the parties. They also underscored the need to learn from the experience of the WPK in the party building and leadership, adding that the ideology and theory of Kim Jong Il on preserving the Juche character and national character in the revolution and construction, were the great idea and theory that serve as a guideline for the world's progressive parties desiring socialism in party construction and activity.
    The seminar adopted a joint statement supporting the struggle of the WPK and the Korean people and issued a communique of the seminar as its final document. It also adopted a letter to Kim Jong Il. It decided to have the 4th seminar in next February in Mexico under the name of "forum of the world political parties for building of socialism" and formed a preparatory committee.

S. Korean worker's struggle supported

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) central committee held an emergency meeting here on Monday to support the just struggle of South Korean workers.
    Ryom Sun Kil, chairman of the c.c., the GFTUK, in his report at the meeting said that a large number of jobless workers are wandering about streets in South Korea. This is an inevitable consequence of the flunkeyist, treacherous and anti-social misrule of the present self-proclaimed "government for the people," the reporter said, and went on:   The chief executive of South Korea in a "dialogue with the people" and a "press conference" cried that he would push ahead with the "restructuring of business groups" even though the number of the unemployed increases. This is the worst anti-social and anti-national one which can never be pardoned.
    The South Korean workers whose existence is hourly being threatened should not resign themselves to retreat. If they expect anything from the authority's misrule and make any concession as regards their vital interests, they will undergo bitterer misfortunes and sufferings than now. The South Korean workers should give a decisive blow to the South Korean rulers and regain their vital rights through their intensified struggle. They also should direct the edge of struggle against the U.S., the root cause of all misfortunes. All the members of the trade unions and workers in the no North Korea will firmly stand by their fellows in South Korea. The reporter referred to concrete measures to extend solidarity to their struggle. Speeches were made and an appeal to the South Korean workers was adopted at the meeting.
    The appeal noted that South Korea has now become a living hell of workers with the total bankruptcy of the economy and unprecedented massive unemployment. The only way out for them is to struggle against the colonial rule and traitorous moves of the South Korean rulers to the last, the appeal said, and went on:   As long as the U.S. colonial rule continues, there will be no improvement in the plight of the South Korean workers and people although "regime" is replaced there hundreds of times. The workers should wage a death-defying struggle holding aloft the banner of the anti-U.S. independence and put an end to the U.S. colonial rule.
    They must firmly unite around an independent labor organization, strengthen solidarity among sections, business categories and regions and endeavor to realize worker-student solidarity and worker-farmer solidarity. They will certainly win in their just struggle to build a new independent and democratic society where popular masses enjoy a genuine life as masters.

Malian and Angolan presidents on friendship with DPRK

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The Malian and Angolan presidents made a point of upgrading friendly and cooperative relations with the DPRK, when receiving credentials from new DPRK ambassadors E.P.
    Malian President Alpha Oumar Konare wished the Korean people great success and epochal progress in the efforts to build a powerful and prosperous country and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country . Though the Korean people suffer from temporary difficulties, they will overcome them thanks to the superb leadership of the great Kim Jong Il, their own inexhaustible strength, economic potentials and strong military force, he said. He noted that the Malian government and people would make every possible effort for further expansion and development of the bilateral relations in various fields.
    Angolan President Eduardo Dos Santos reiterated his government's support for Korean people's efforts for the reunification of the country. The recent effective measures taken by the DPRK government as regards the situation prevailing in Angola are clear evidence of the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, he said. He wished the Korean people greater success in their efforts for building a powerful socialist nation and achieving the reunification of the country.

Jong Ju Yong and his party arrive

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Jong Ju Yong, Honorary Chairman of the Hyun Dai Business Group of South Korea, and his party arrived here today through Panmunjom. They were met at Panmunjom by officials concerned.

Forestalling attack will lead to self-destruction

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The bellicose elements of Japan are insisting on a forestalling attack on the DPRK. Recently, director general of the Defense Agency Norota stressed the legal validity for such attack. Commenting on it, Rodong Sinmun today says:   His assertion is intended to justify their militaristic aggression and war moves.
    The Japanese reactionaries are now seeking to arouse anti-DPRK sentiments among people and accelerate the adoption of wartime legislation in real earnest while using the DPRK's space development as a pretext for reinvasion of Korea. They have gone the length of saying that they would not rule out a war. This is tantamount to a reckless declaration of war. The forestalling attack on the DPRK is a self-destructive option for Japan, the paper says, warning:   The Japanese reactionaries must stop reckless moves, mindful that such attack will lead to thousand-fold retaliation and clouds of catastrophic flames will engulf Japan.

Peculiar natural environment of Mt. Paektu

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- There stands the old home of General Secretary Kim Jong Il at the foot of Jong Il Peak of Mt. Paektu, the ancestral mountain of Korea. The marvelous scenery provided by strange mountains, rocks and a stream and environments peculiar to the area add to sublimity of the old home in the secret camp on Mt. Paektu.
    A mild climate in the highland, 1,700 metres above sea level, provides ecological conditions favourable for the growth of animals and plants. The plants growing in the area are reminiscent of a botanical garden. Clusters of vines and lichen in thick forests with larch, fir and spruce trees and other trees measuring several arms around are indicative of primeval forests. There are in the area nearly 280 species of plants, including some 90 species of edible plants, about 70 species of herbs and 40 species of aromatic plants. The color of the petals is clear and thick and the flowers of the same species are different in color--white, yellow and red--affected by environment.
    A great many species of animals live in the area around Jong Il Peak and the number of the species is increasing. Living in the area are more than one hundred species of birds and some 50 species of animals, including Korean tiger, bear, deer and roe. Various species of special butterflies, which were believed to be found in the area for the first time, drawing the attention of academic circles of the world, and other insects number hundreds in their species.
    The stream Sobaek meandering before Jong Il Peak even in the cold winter provides hydrometeorological conditions favorable for the increase of species of animals and plants in the area.

Proposal of DPRK joint meeting supported worldwide

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The proposal of the joint meeting of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations is supported worldwide. Statements were issued by the central committee of the Jordanian Communist Party, the Left Democratic Front of Bangladesh and the executive council of the central committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party (Marxist) and a joint statement by the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People and for Support to Korea's Reunification in Jordan and the Islamic World and Arab Regional Leadership of the International Front Against Zionism.
    The statements expressed full support for the proposal of the joint meeting of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations for holding north-south high-level political talks aimed at opening a new phase in national reunification on the principle of national independence and great national unity, and urged the South Korean authorities to accept the proposal.
    They demanded that the South Korean authorities lend an ear to the voice of the Korean nation, accede to a wide-ranging dialogue between the two sides of Korea, abolish the "National Security Law" and lift all steps against the people for democracy in South Korean society and political freedom. They expressed the conviction that Korea would surely be reunified in accordance with the three principles of national reunification and the five-point policy of great national unity, all put forth by the great leaders of the Korean people President Kim Il Sung and Marshal Kim Jong Il.

Denuclearization of Korean peninsula demanded

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Only when nuclear weapons are withdrawn from South Korea to turn the Korean peninsula into a nuclear-free, peace zone, is it possible to ensure peace in Asia and the rest of the world as well as in Korea. Rodong Sinmun today stresses this in a signed article. South Korea has been turned into the most dangerous hotbed of nuclear war and the largest nuclear advance base in the far east under the aggressive U.S. Asia strategy, the paper recalls, saying:   Deployed there are almost all types of U.S. made nuclear weapons and the danger of nuclear war is growing as days go by.
    With the present situation left uncontrolled, not only the Korean peninsula but also Asia and the rest of the world will not be free from terrible nuclear disaster. The United States has hindered the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, increasing nuclear war danger. This has created a dangerous situation in which a new nuclear arms race may flare up in Asia. This is not beneficial to the United States, either. The U.S. can never escape war damage as life-and-death battles are bound to be fought on the front and at home simultaneously. It is well advised to take a sincere stand and attitude toward the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, mindful that the denuclearization is for itself, not for others.

American standards of human rights is not cure for all

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- The U.S. State Department in an "annual human rights report" released some days ago slandered the DPRK, while referring to human rights situation in many countries of the world. It accused the DPRK of "human rights problem", arguing there is a "camp of political offenders in North Korea" and it is a "wasteland of human rights." This assertion is a serious encroachment upon the Korean-style socialist system and our sovereignty and a flagrant interference in our internal affair as it utterly distorted the reality of the DPRK.
    As everybody knows, all citizens of the DPRK enjoy a life as true masters of the state and the society and human rights are legally guaranteed. The Worker's Party and the government of Korea are pursuing the policy of respecting human rights to the utmost, whereby political rights and freedom are guaranteed to all people. Therefore, "human rights problem" does not exist in the DPRK at all. The U.S. hue and cry over the "human rights problem in North Korea" is nothing but a foolish attempt to tarnish the image of the DPRK and undermine its single-hearted unity.
    In actuality, the United States is not in a position to slander others over the "human rights issue". Tens of millions of unemployed and beggars are wandering about streets overlooked by the "statue of liberty", the so-called symbol of "liberty," and murderers, robbers and terrorists are strutting about everywhere in the United States. Before talking about the "human rights issue" in other country the United States should feel shame before the world for the fact that there were two attempts to assassinate the incumbent U.S. President.
    Today the American "human rights standard", that reverses black and white, can not go down with anybody. Moreover, the U.S. view on human rights, which it considers to be a cure for all, cannot but be the target of unanimous denunciation by the world public. Before styling itself a "judge of human rights", the United States is well advised to pay primary attention to solving its own human rights problem.

Namsan restaurant

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Namsan restaurant which stands in the seaside is run by Pugang Joint Venture Company. For its unique cuisine and good service, the restaurant has begun to win its way to rapid popularity. The Korean, Chinese, Japanese and western dishes are available at the restaurant. The fish dishes such as vinegary fish and rice, sliced raw fish, and fish soup stimulate the guest's appetite. Beefsteak, roasted duck, and roasted shellfish and conch are also available. In summer, orders from tourists will receive prompt attention.

DPRK and Yemeni foreign ministers exchange messages

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Messages of greetings were exchanged between DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and Abdul Kader Bajamal, deputy prime minister and Foreign Minister of the Republic of Yemen, on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The messages expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would as always develop on good terms in conformity with the desire and interests of the two peoples. They wished the two countries and peoples greater progress and prosperity.

Delegation of International Atomic Energy Agency arrives

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the International Atomic Energy Agency arrived here today to participate in the 12th round of negotiations for the implementation of the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework.

Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun meets Cuban Ambassador

   Pyongyang, March 9 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun today met and had a talk with Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, new Ambassador E.P. of the Republic of Cuba to Korea, when the latter paid a courtesy visit to him.