Wild ambition for unchallenged domination

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary assails the ever-intensifying moves of the United States and Taiwan to develop the "Theatre Missile Defence" system (TMD). The commentary observes that the development of "TMD" stepped up by the United States with increased frenzy is principally targeted against not only our republic but against China as well. The basic aim sought by the U.S. in going ahead with the "TMD" by getting not only Japan but Taiwan involved in it is to contain China and thus have a military edge and a hegemonic position in the Asian and Pacific region, it notes, adding: The United States' ambition for domination knows no end. Though loud-mouthed about "partnership," the United States abandons overnight any country which it considers obstructive to the realization of its wild design and moreover, threatens and contains it by force of arms. This is the wicked mentality of the United States.

Struggle against anti-DPRK campaign called for

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea issued bulletin No. 294 on Mar. 19. The bulletin in an article titled "Do they want to have a dialogue for the country's reunification based on national independence or persist in reckless confrontation policy?" noted that the U.S. and the South Korean authorities have intentionally aggravated the situation, throwing a cold blanket over the proposal for sincere dialogue. This shows the U.S. does not want the reunification of Korea but is going to bring the Korean people to their knees by force. It stressed that friends of Korea should further intensify activities for solidarity with the Korean people in view of the anti-DPRK campaign of the U.S. and South Korean authorities. In an article titled "Despicable smear propaganda of South Korean authorities" the bulletin revealed the ill-intentioned moves of the South Korean authorities to hurt socialist Korea.

Struggle for national reunification called for

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The spokesman of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland released a statement on March 27, 10 years after the President Kim Il Sung received Rev. Mun Ik Hwan during his visit to the DPRK. The statement said:   President Kim Il Sung met Rev. Mun Ik Hwan twice in March Juche 78 (1989) when he was staying in Pyongyang and frankly discussed issues related to national reunification with him. Besides, he took care that Mun held a consultative meeting with officials concerned with reunification.
    As a representative of the "Coalition for National Democratic Movement" in South Korea, Mun discussed principled issues of the independent, peaceful reunification of the country including the way of achieving national reunification by means of confederacy with officials of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland and published a joint statement. This was a historic event of great significance in the reunification movement of the country in which a dissident politician of South Korea sat face to face with politicians of the northern half of the country for the first time since Kim Ku participated in the April north-south joint conference in 1948.
    The respected Marshal Kim Jong Il saw to it that the national reunification prize was awarded to Mun for his great service to the cause of reunification. These days, the "late spring commemoration council of the late Mun Ik Hwan for embracing national reunification" is trying to integrate the "70 million Korean people's meeting for embracing national reunification" and the "commemoration council of the late Mun Ik Hwan" composed of famous pro-reunification figures into a single reunification movement organization on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Mun's Pyongyang visit. It is also pushing ahead with preparations for colorful events according to a plan.
    We express the belief that patriotic pro-reunification movement organizations and people of different social standings in South Korea will resolutely smash obstructive maneuvers of the separatists at home and abroad in firm unity and turn out in a nationwide struggle for realizing national reunification.

S. Korean trade unions demand right to existence

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions presented the "prime minister" with an official document carrying 4 demands including a stop to "restructuring" and layoff on March 24, according to a radio report from Seoul. The document urged him to withdraw his calls for holding a meeting on the reinstatement of the "Labour-Management-Government Committee" and to respond to practical negotiations with a sincere stand towards the demands of workers. The Federation of South Korean Trade Unions also said that it would decidedly secede from the "Labour-Management-Government Committee" and go on a general struggle if the "government" neglects worker's demands until late this month.

Doctorate of DPRK awarded to Chinese linguist

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- A doctorate of linguistics of the DPRK was awarded to Qian Bingshan, director of the linguistic institute of the Yanbian Academy of Social Sciences in Jilin Province, China. Qian has put the study of linguistic circumstances on a scientific and theoretical basis, making a great contribution to the development of the Korean language and philology. A ceremony of awarding the doctorate took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Saturday. Present at the ceremony were vice-premier Jo Chang Dok and officials concerned and a councilor of the Chinese embassy here.

Scientists and technicians pose for souvenir photograph

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials posed for a souvenir picture at the plaza of Kumsusan Memorial Palace on Saturday with the participants in the national meeting of scientists and technicians. Among them were Kim Yong Nam, Ri Jong Ok, Hong Song Nam, Choe Thae Bok and Kim Jung Rin. The meeting participants have devoted their all to developing the nation's science and technology and making the national economy Juche-oriented, modernized and scientific with intense loyalty to the Worker's Party of Korea and the leader. Those officials praised their great achievements for the country and the people before having a picture taken with them.

Sheer sophism

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed commentary denouncing U.S. Defense Secretary Cohen for asserting that there is possibility of the DPRK resorting to military actions with biological and chemical weapons. The news analyst says:   The fiction about "threat" of the DPRK biochemical weapons peddled by the United States stemmed from its sinister aim to build up public opinion in favour of putting pressure upon the DPRK. This is not worth a passing note. The United States, left without any more pretext to use "nuclear issue" for an anti-DPRK racket in face of the DPRK's principled stand toward nuclear development and positive activities, faked up a fiction of "threat" of the DPRK biochemical weapons this time. It is the United States that is brewing the threat of biochemical weapons in different parts of the world including the Korean peninsula.
    During the past Korean War the United States dropped at random germ bombs containing malignant contagious virus including cholera and typhoid on peaceful residential areas. Afterwards, it has built a large number of underground chemical arsenals in South Korea and stockpiled there a large quantity of chemical weapons including binary chemical weapons known as mass destruction weapons. If the United States clings to the policy of stifling the DPRK, ignoring this stark fact and reversing black and white, it will only stand more isolated from unbiased international public.

War maneuvers are not way-out

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean rulers decided to stage "Hoguk 99" joint military exercise in central inland area and on west coast of South Korea for 7 days from March 28. Commenting on this, Minju Joson today denounces it as a very dangerous play with fire which will bring the situation on the Korean peninsula to an acute phase of confrontation. The news analyst goes on:   Some time ago, the DPRK held a joint meeting at which it proposed a wide-ranging dialogue to the south side and demanded that the South Korean authorities stop joint military exercises against the north, as a priority to be implemented to realize the proposal. The South Korean authority's ceaseless war exercises against the north are very rude and provocative actions of leveling guns at the north which calls for national reconciliation, unity and reunification. It is mistaken if they try to find a way out of their serious political and economic crisis in intensifying arms buildup and war maneuvers against the north.

Fascist action against democracy, reunification

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities took measures a few days ago to suppress students of a university in Pusan on charges of violation of the "security law." The reason is that the students formed an organization to study advanced ideas. Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun today says:   This is a flagrant violation of democracy and human rights and a fascist action that can be committed only by dictators who are thirsty for suppression. To follow progressive ideas is a basic need of humanity.
    This time, the South Korean authorities, however, branded the student's study of advanced ideas and their organization as "enemy-benefiting" ones that violate the "security law" which prohibits "sympathy with the ideology of the north." By branding the student's righteous activities as "leftist" and "pro-communist," the authorities intend to block South Korean students and other people from longing for the north and to agitate for confrontation with the north. This is as good as negating reunification. It is obvious that national reconciliation and reunification are not in the minds of this group of traitors who work hard for fascism and confrontation with the north on the strength of "security law" far from abolishing this heinous anti-reunification law. It does not make any sense to "engage" the northern people armed with the Juche idea while prohibiting students from studying advanced ideas.

Widespread anti-"government" struggle in S. Korea

   Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) called anti-"government" rallies in Seoul and 17 cities across South Korea all at once on Saturday, a radio report from Seoul said. Attending the rally at Jongmyo Park in Seoul were more than 10,000 unionists affiliated with the confederation. The rallies criticized the "government" for its massive repression of workers and strongly urged it to stop the unilateral lay-off and reduce working hours. The KCTU reiterated its will to launch an all-out anti-"government" struggle including general strikes in April and May unless the just demands of workers are met. Meanwhile, over 10,000 peasants and fishermen from 21 cities and counties in South Kyongsang Province held a rally in Changwon on Saturday afternoon, demanding the implementation of "agricultural policy commitments" and their right to existence.