2nd session of tenth SPA opens

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The 2nd session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea opened at the Mansudae Assembly Hall in Pyongyang today. Present at the session were deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly.
    Senior officials of party, military and government organs, commission and ministries of the cabinet, national institutions and public organizations and officials in the fields of science, education, culture and art, public health and the press were present as observers. General secretary Kim Jong Il, chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission, appeared on the platform. The platform was also taken by Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Hong Song Nam, Ri Jong Ok, Pak Song Chol, Kim Yong Ju and other leading officials of the party and the state.
    The session adopted the following agenda items:
    1. On the summing up of the fulfillment of the state budget for Juche 87 (1998) and on
       the state budget for Juche 88 (1999) in the DPRK
    2. On adopting a law of the DPRK on the plan of the national economy@
       Minister of Finance Rim Kyong Suk made a report on the first item.
    Ri Thae Nam, member of the budget committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, delivered a report of the SPA budget committee on the summing up of the fulfillment of the state budget for Juche 87 (1998) and on the state budget for Juche 88 (1999) in the DPRK.
    Speeches were made on the first item. The speakers said that the state budget for Juche 87 had been correctly fulfilled on the basis of the Juche-oriented socialist independent national economy under the experienced and tested leadership of Kim Jong Il despite the difficult conditions of the forced march, thus positively contributing to consolidating the socialist stronghold of Korea in every way, making a solid springboard for the building of a powerful, thriving nation and promoting the welfare of the people.
    The successful fulfillment of the state budget last year, they added, is patent proof of the validity of the Juche-oriented financial policy of the Worker's Party of Korea and the DPRK government and the solidity of socialist finance of Korea. They expressed full support to and approval of the state budget for 1999, saying it had been correctly worked out as a realistic dynamic one that can provide a financial guarantee for the general march to defend and exalt Korean socialism and make a great turning-point in the building of a powerful nation. The session will continue.

State budget discussed at SPA session

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The 2nd session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) which opened here today is discussing the agenda item "on the summing up of the fulfillment of the state budget for Juche 87 (1998) and on the state budget for Juche 88 (1999) in the DPRK."
    According to the report delivered by Minister of Finance Rim Kyong Suk at the session, the total state budgetary revenue last year was 19,790,800,000 won, or a 98 % of the plan, and the total state budgetary expenditure was 20,015,210,000 won, or a 99 % of the plan. The revenue and expenditure of last year were less than those in the early 1990s. But, the revenue was 0.4 % larger than that of 1997. This has enabled the nation's finance to take the road of fresh advance.
    The state budget for 1999 has been worked out in such a way as to ensure that financial resources of the nation are concentrated on important sectors that play a key role in bringing about a great revolutionary upswing in socialist economic construction and making a turning-point in the building of a powerful nation. The total revenue and expenditure of the state budget for this year are 20,381,720,000 won each, or 3 % bigger than last year in total revenue and 1.8 % up over that in total expenditure.
    This year the state will increase financial expenditure for the national economy 2 % as against last year in order to give full play to the production potentials of the economic foundation and stabilize and improve the people's standard of living. Expenditure will grow 11 % in agriculture, 15 % in the power industry and 10 % in coal, mining, metal, machine-building and other key industries and railway transport over last year.
    A colossal amount of fund will be allotted to the light industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the construction of the capital city this year. In order to build up the strength of the revolutionary armed forces this year, the DPRK government plans to earmark 14.5 % of the total state budgetary expenditure for defense spending.
    It is also planned to increase expenditure for science 10 % as compared with last year and allot a huge amount of fund to education, public health, culture and sports.

State budget for 1998 and on state budget for 1999

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Minister of Finance Rim Kyong Suk delivered a report on the first agenda item "on the summing up of fulfillment of the state budget for Juche 87 (1998) and on the state budget for Juche 88 (1999)in the DPRK" at the 2nd session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK which has opened today.
    The reporter said:   Last year's state budget was creditably implemented through the stepped up forced march of socialism under the wise guidance of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK) despite all trials and difficulties. The WPK has firmly maintained and executed the policy of securing necessary funds as much as possible by domestic efforts in reliance upon the financial foundation of the country even under the difficult conditions and effectively utilizing them on a priority basis for economic construction, national defense building and the people's living.
    Last year, the total state budgetary revenue was 19,790,800,000 won, or 98 % of the plan, and the total state budgetary expenditure was 20,015,210,000 won, or 99 % of the plan. Last year's state budgetary revenue and expenditure did not reach the level of the early 1990s in scale but the budgetary revenue showed an increase of 0.4 % over 1997.
    As seen above, the finance of the country took a new road of advance last year with the increase in state budgetary revenue. This is one of important achievements made in the struggle to carry out the state budget and bring the forced march of socialism to a successful end. Last year, the DPRK government made sure that appropriations for the national economy were increased.
    Notably, its outlay for the power, coal, metal and machine-building industries and railway transport showed an increase of 6 % as compared with the figure of the previous year. Last year, the construction of large hydraulic power stations was stepped up forcefully, more than 5,000 minor power stations were erected in a single year and a foundation was laid to rapidly increase coal production.
    In addition, the DPRK succeeded in realizing the underground coal gasification, with the result that a bright vista was opened to make an effective use of coal resources abundant in the west coastal areas so as to solve the energy problem of the country and develop various domains of the national economy.
    In the domain of the metal industry, a foundation was laid to lift steel production at the Songjin Steel Complex and other metal plants to a high level. A large quantity of pig iron was produced at the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex as the Juche-based iron-producing method was invented and the construction of an oxygen-blown blast furnace was completed. The machine-building industry consolidated its foundation on which to make a new leap forward in production.
    In the domain of railway transport, its material and technical foundation was consolidated and Haeju-Ongjin and Singangryong-Pupho broad-gauge railways extending more than 60 km were laid out. As a result, the transport capacity markedly increased.
    In the domain of agriculture, too, some progress was made and a vista was opened for solving the food problem completely. The WPK and the DPRK government invested a larger amount of state funds in the agricultural domain than the previous year. Many strains of high-yielding seeds were obtained and the technology of doing two-crop farming in paddy and non-paddy fields was developed and introduced in many areas. The number of composite micro-biological fertilizer factories increased to at least 100, which is a solid foundation to drastically increase grain production.
    Last year, the DPRK government made huge state investments in the construction of the capital city of Pyongyang and major projects in various domains. Soldiers and constructors in the capital completed September 9 Street extending over 8 km and April 25 Hotel with the accommodation capacity of 20,000 persons in a matter of one year.
    Last year, the construction of the December 5 youth mine was dynamically stepped up and an extension project of electric furnace at the furnace shop of the October 13 youth iron works was finished and the electric furnace No. 3 at the carbide shop of the Sunchon Vinalon Complex and the Loyal Sinpho Salt Refinery and the Pyongyang Integrated Circuit Plant were successfully built and put into operation. Besides, a large number of new dwelling houses were built in Pyongyang, local cities and rural areas.
    Last year, the DPRK government directed huge funds and state efforts to the city administration and land management, with the result that many successes were made in this domain. Kangwon Province pushed ahead with the land rezoning for the purpose of standardizing arable land.
    The reporter said:   Last year the government of the DPRK allocated 14.6 % of the total budget of the state for the defense of Korean socialism. Though there were a lot of things to be done for economic construction and betterment of the people's living, it attached priority to the military to meet the fundamental interests of the revolution, directed primary efforts to increasing national defense capabilities, built the People's Army into an invincible army equipped with highly-efficient sophisticated combat and technical means and further consolidated all-people, nationwide defense system.
    She said last year a colossal amount of money was disbursed for the building of socialist culture. She gave details of the fact that despite big difficulties for the last few years, the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK) and the government of the DPRK have consistently pursued policies for the good of the people through the allocation of a huge amount of state fund and provided them with a great many additional material and financial benefits at state expense.
    She said all the successes gained in socialist economic construction and performance of the state budget fully demonstrate the validity of the WPK's line of economic construction and financial policy, as well as inexhaustible potentials of the independent national economy of Korea. She attributed the proud achievements made in the forced march of socialism last year to the energetic wise guidance and distinguished strategy of the great Kim Jong Il, who devotedly led the whole party and army and all the people to a new victory.
    She touched upon the state budget for 1999. She quoted Kim Jong Il as saying "We should bring about a turn in the building of a powerful nation this year." He said:   In hearty response to the militant slogan of the WPK "Let this year mark a turning-point in building a powerful nation " we should run at a canter on steed so as to build at an early date a prosperous powerful nation of Juche on this land of socialism, Kim Il Sung's country.
    The state budget for 1999 has been compiled in such a way as to concentrate financial resources of the country on key domains of weighty importance in effecting a new upswing in the building of a powerful nation.
    The state revenue and expenditure for 1999 total 20,381,720,000 won respectively, up 3 % in total revenue and up 1.8 % in total expenditure over last year. This year the state will increase the expenditure for the national economy by 2 % as against last year, the biggest shares of which will go to power industry and agriculture.
    For a decisive solution of food problem this year the government of the DPRK will make 11 % larger investment in agriculture than last year and channel big nationwide efforts into farming before anything else. The investment in power industry will be 15 % bigger than last year. This year the state will spend 10 % more funds than last year to upgrade coal, mining, metal and machine-building and other key industries and give precedence to railway transport.
    This year the WPK and the government of the DPRK will disburse a huge amount of funds for light and pharmaceutical industries. This year the government of the DPRK will make a big financial allocation for carrying out vast projects in Pyongyang, the capital city of Juche Korea, for the construction of monumental edifices in the building of a powerful nation.
    This year the state will increase expenditure on land development and city management. With a view to increasing the strength of the revolutionary armed forces the government of the DPRK envisages the allocation of 14.5 % of the total state budgetary expenditure for military spending this year. This year state expenditure on scientific researches is expected to be up 10 % over last year.
    It also envisages a huge financial disbursement for education, health care, culture and physical culture and sports so as to push ahead with the building of socialist culture this year. The government of the DPRK will send a lot of education aid fund and stipend to children of Koreans in Japan for their democratic national education this year, too.
    The state budget for this year which has been submitted for deliberation at the current Supreme People's Assembly session, the reporter said, is a revolutionary and popular budget that gives a sure financial guarantee for the heroic struggle of the Korean people and the People's Army who have turned out as one to bring about a fresh great Chollima upsurge in socialist construction and a great turn in the building of a powerful nation by making the best of potentials of the socialist independent national economy of Korea.

Kim Jong Il's works published and disseminated abroad

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Over 540,000 copies of famous works of General Secretary Kim Jong Il were published in 41 national languages and widely disseminated among the world's progressives in recent years. Last year alone, publishing institutions of about 20 countries including Cuba, Russia and Laos published his works in 17 languages. The Academia Publishing House of Cuba, the Solidarity Publishing House of Dominica, the Tanyus Publishing House of Italy and others brought out over 8,000 copies of his works in booklet on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the DPRK and the 53rd anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea. Meanwhile, many foreign mass media gave special write-ups to his works. They stressed that General Secretary Kim Jong Il showing the road for the world's progressives to follow is the sun of Juche who will lead the 21st century and that the world will advance, guided by his ideas.

Kimilsungia show at Public Security Ministry

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A show of immortal flower Kimilsungia was held on Tuesday at the Ministry of Public Security on the occasion of significant Sun's Day. Displayed in the exhibition hall were Kimilsungia in full bloom raised by public security organs, people's security force's units, public security officers and soldiers with sincerity. Chae Mun Dok, director of the political department of the Ministry, said the flowers fully reflect servicemen's firm will to uphold the President Kim Il Sung as the eternal sun of Juche for all ages and to devotedly defend the headquarters of revolution led by General Secretary Kim Jong Il. The participants looked round Kimilsungia on display.

Jang Chol meets Chinese government cultural delegation

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Chairman Jang Chol of the organizing committee of the 17th April Spring Friendship Art Festival Tuesday had a talk with a Chinese government cultural delegation led by vice-Minister of Culture Ai Qingchun in Pyongyang. The head of the delegation said Sino-Korean friendship was forged by the Chinese people's great leader Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other revolutionaries of old generation of china and the great leader of the Korean people Kim Il Sung. The friendship sealed in blood grows stronger and develops generation after generation, he said. The Korean people have registered big successes in socialist construction under the leadership of the great Kim Jong Il, particularly in the field of culture, he added.

Kim Il Sung's reminiscences widely disseminated abroad

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Overseas Koreans and foreigners pore over the reminiscences of the President Kim Il Sung "With the Century." 100,000 copies of part I the anti-Japanese revolution of the reminiscences were published in 9 languages and disseminated in more than 190 countries in seven years after the foreign language press group of the DPRK released its first and second volumes on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the President.
    The books were disseminated to overseas Koreans, international and regional Juche idea organizations, Juche idea study groups, friendship and solidarity organizations, and state and university libraries of different countries. They have been intensively read by party, state and government leaders, prominent personages of political, social, academic and press circles, workers, farmers, intellectuals, servicemen and other progressive people of many countries.

Public discussion on Kim Il Sung's greatness held

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A public discussion on the greatness of the President Kim Il Sung sponsored by the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces was held at the April 25 House of Culture on Tuesday on the occasion of Sun's Day. Speeches were made at the discussion by director of the general political department of the Korean People's Army Jo Myong Rok, chief of general staff of the KPA Kim Yong Chun, Minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol and others.
    They pointed out that the President started the Juche revolutionary cause with the leadership art of attaching priority to the army, led the revolution to victory and defended and exalted the sovereignty of the fatherland and the nation. Speakers said that long ago the President put forward the revolutionary slogan of a-match-for-a-hundred and infused invincible courage and wisdom into servicemen to smash any enemy at a stroke and increased combat readiness and fighting efficiency of the KPA units, travelling a journey of 224,868 km for on-site guidance to them.
    They called upon all the KPA officers and men to bring about a new turn in increasing the combat readiness and fighting efficiency of the KPA and fulfil their mission as hardcore unit and driving force of the revolution in carrying out the noble cause of building a powerful nation of Juche under the guidance of the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il, holding the great Kim Il Sung in high esteem as the eternal leader.

Outbursts of high-ranking Japanese figure

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A few days ago, the director general of the Public Security Investigation Agency of Japan said at the diet there is the danger that the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) might "conduct violent subversive activities." Commenting on his outbursts, a news analyst of Rodong Sinmun today says:   His outbursts are part of a premeditated plot to hurt the DPRK and Chongryon.
    Chongryon is a dignified organisation of overseas Koreans. Since its foundation, it has conducted legal activities amid wide support and encouragement of honest-minded peoples of the world including the Japanese, firmly maintaining the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of Japan. Nevertheless, the reactionary Japanese authorities have enforced an unjustifiable hostile policy toward the DPRK and committed subversive moves and plots against Chongryon in a planned way almost every day, groundlessly finding faults with it.
    It cannot go unnoticed that his outbursts came when the scenario of a second Korean war of aggression called "possible scenario" to cope with the "emergencies" on the Korean peninsula is afloat in Japan and the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon moves are being intensified over the "mysterious ships pursuit case" invented by the reactionary authorities. This reveals the criminal intention of the Japanese reactionaries to intensify the anti-DPRK hostile policy and the suppression and restriction on Korean residents in Japan and, furthermore, launch into a more frantic campaign to destroy and disintegrate Chongryon on the plea of coping with "emergencies."
    The suppressive and subversive activities of the Japanese authorities against Chongryon are precisely a challenge and provocation against the DPRK. It can never overlook this. The Japanese authority's hostile policy against the DPRK and Chongryon is an anachronistic one which seriously contravenes the universal declaration on human rights endorsed at the Japanese diet and the international covenant on human rights based on it. The Japanese authorities should stop the anti-DPRK, anti-Chongryon racket at once.

Decree of SPA presidium

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A decree of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly on removing and appointing ministers of the cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was promulgated on Tuesday. According to the decree, Choe Jong Gon was removed from the post of Minister of City Management and Land Environmental Protection and appointed as Minister of City Management. Jang Il Son was appointed as Minister of Land Environmental Protection.

Unabated confrontation with DPRK under fire

    Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland released Tuesday information bulletin No. 783 denouncing the South Korean authorities for their recent unabated confrontation with the DPRK.
    On March 31 the South Korean chief executive, addressing a "commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the pan-national union for liberal democracy," urged the "union" to take the lead in "popular consciousness reform," adding that he would persistently pursue "engagement policy towards the north." The document describes his remarks as clear evidence of his sinister intention to break the pro-north spirit which is gaining momentum among the South Koreans and sustain confrontation with the people in the North Korea, the fellow countrymen.
    It says:   It must not go unnoticed that the South Korean authorities never hesitated to reiterate their willingness to continuously pursue their worn-out "policy." The loud-mouthed "policy" denies the system in the North Korea. It is precisely the other side of their policy of confrontation with the north. History eloquently proves that those who have been engaged in confrontation with the north, setting themselves against national unity and reunification, have met a miserable end. The South Korean authorities will get nothing from confrontation with the north. They should be aware of this and should immediately stop confronting the DPRK.

National art exhibition opens

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A national art exhibition for commemorating Sun's Day opened at the Korean Art Gallery on April 6. Displayed in the exhibition hall were over 120 art works showing the glorious revolutionary history of President Kim Il Sung, who performed immortal exploits before the fatherland and people, and his noble traits.
    Korean paintings "The great leader comrade Kim Il Sung standing in front of the house of his birth in Mangyongdae," and "April 15, 1912" and an oil painting "You should demonstrate Koreans' mettle," and so on. Fully reflect the President's immortal revolutionary activities and leadership exploits. And posters "We are ever-victorious as we are led by great general" and "Long live April 15, Sun's Day," and so on represent well the Korean people's confidence and unwavering will to consummate the revolutionary cause of Juche by rallying close around General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Also on display there were art works powerfully encouraging the whole party and army and all people in the drive to build a powerful nation. Kim Ki Nam, secretary of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, and officials concerned were present at an opening ceremony. The 2nd Songhwa Art Exhibition for Commemorating Sun's Day opened on April 2.

Working people's organizations meet

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- Members of trade unions and women's union and agricultural workers met on Tuesday respectively to celebrate the 6th anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's election to the chairmanship of the National Defense Commission of the DPRK. Speeches of chairmen of working people's organizations and other speeches were made at the meetings.
    Speakers said the election marked a historic event of weighty importance in the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche and the strengthening and development of the revolutionary armed forces. They highly praised Kim Jong Il for crushing maneuverings of the imperialists and all hues of enemies, firmly defending the country and increasing the nation's military power in every way through his experienced and tested guidance over the revolution with precedence given to the army. In the wake of the election, they said, the whole party and army and all the people have made leaping strides forward in increasing national defense capabilities and building a strong and thriving country, true to his leadership.
    The workers, farmers, and women should perform exploits in the struggle for building a powerful socialist nation of Juche, strong and prosperous, by pushing ahead with the second grand march of Chollima, taking the cue from workers of the Songjin Steel Complex visited by Kim Jong Il, they added.

17th Art Festival to be held with splendor

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The 17th April Spring Friendship Art Festival will be held with splendor in the capital city of Pyongyang of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the threshold of Sun's Day (April 15). The festival, an annual significant event since Juche 71 (1982), has developed to be an art festival of global scale. According to Kim Yong Sin, vice-chairman of the festival organizing committee, this festival will be attended by more than 80 art troupes, acrobatic groups and overseas Korean's art troupes from 40 odd countries, as well as Korean artistes, international and national prize winners and famous actors and actresses included.
    Colourful items will be put on stages of the festival, including music, dance, instrumental music and acrobatics. The festival will be marked by group and joint performances. Its closing ceremony will be marked by an awarding of group and special prizes, diplomas, prize money and item prizes to troupes and individuals who distinguish themselves in the festival. In particular, this festival, unlike former festivals, will bring together foreign cultural and other delegations to an aesthetics seminar. The seminar to be participated in by artistes from different countries will be held under the subject "present times and national culture". During the festival, the attendants will visit monumental edifices and historical sites of Korea. The past festivals were attended by tens of thousands of artistes from a total of 690 countries. Among them nearly 1,000 artistes were world famous actors and actresses and national and international prize winners.

S. Korean "government" under heavier debt

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "government's" debt amounted to a total of 71,437 billion won as of the end of 1998 or 41.6 % increase over the previous year, according to a Seoul-based radio report. It over issued "national bonds" allegedly to tide over financial difficulties, resulting in 46,648.3 billion won of debt or 63.4 % jump over the year before. The funds South Korea owes to the International Monetary Fund (INF) and foreign countries total 18,784.7 billion won, or 23.4 % increase over the same period. Debt of the South Korean "government" will run into more than 90 trillion won by the end of this year with the issue of a greater number of "national bonds" and introduction of loans from foreign countries.

Trade unions vow to intensify anti-"government" solidarity actions

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federations of Trade Unions vowed to launch various forms of massive anti-"government" struggle in April in solidarity with public organizations, synchronizing with strikes of trade unions of conglomerates, according to the South Korean newspaper Hangyore April 3.
    The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (Minjurochong) fixed its lines for anti-"government" struggle in April-May at its central executive committee held at the end of March this year and discussed and confirmed the detailed programs at a working-level meeting on April 2. Minjurochong announced it would hold a meeting of declaring anti-"government" struggle across South Korea on April 17 unless the "government" accepts just demands of workers by mid-April and call a strike around April 20 mainly in work-sites where the "restructuring" has been enforced.
    The federation expressed the will to sponsor a meeting of the unemployed in solidarity with the jobless people, students, peasants and public organizations, a meeting of releasing declarations on the situation by personages of various strata and a meeting for solidarity with people, through which it would disclose and condemn the present "government's" crimes against workers. Meanwhile, the Federation of South Korean Trade Unions said it would invigorate solidarity activities, including a meeting on may day, in unity with public organizations of various strata.

Taesong Trade Corporation

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The Taesong Trade Corporation makes trade advertisement and contracts with foreign partners and does export business. There are 10 odd factories under the corporation, which produce exports. The goods are advertised through its exhibition. On display now at the exhibition are 27,400 items of goods of over 690 varieties including Kaesong Koryo Insam, glass and rare-metal goods, stone handicrafts, porcelain and garments. Seen there are also white crystal, light gem stone and man-made ruby.
    Foreign traders are making bargaining and contracts at the exhibition hall. The goods on display enjoy appreciation from countries in Europe, southeast Asia and Africa. Foreign consumers are on a steady increase. The exhibition hall stands on the bank of the River Pothong in Pyongyang.
    Its international telephone number is 381-8129 and fax number 381-4431.

7th Pomminryon presidium meeting

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The 7th meeting of the presidium of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) was held in Beijing on March 28-29. The meeting was attended by delegations of the north headquarters and regional headquarters of Pomminryon. Delegates of the south Pomminryon headquarters could not take part in the meeting this time, either, due to obstructions of the South Korean authorities, but they were represented at it in the form of exchanging documents.
    Discussed at the meeting were the orientation and tasks of Pomminryon for its struggle in Juche 88 (1999), and issues of holding the 10th pan-national rally and strengthening solidarity among Korean's pro-reunification movement organizations at home and abroad, as well as an organizational issue. A resolution adopted at the meeting noted Pomminryon would invigorate the struggle to prevent the forces dependent upon outsiders from indulging in treacheries along with the struggle against the United States and other outside forces under the banner of national independence.
    The meeting produced an appeal for national independence and great unity to Koreans at home and abroad. The appeal called for making tangible contributions to the patriotic cause for reunification, under the motto "Let those with strength dedicate strength, those with knowledge give knowledge and those with money donate money." The meeting adopted a statement denouncing the South Korean authorities for their anti-national "policy of combined use of Chinese characters."

Koryo antibiotic suppository

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Thosong Koryo Medicine Export Factory, situated in Phyongchon district southwest of Pyongyang, is only 3 years old and staffed with 16 employees. This small factory brings in handsome profits every year. The standout among others is Koryo antibiotic suppository, a recently manufactured medicine. It markedly boosts the immunity and sterilizing functions. It has been highly effective for many cases which were not cured by penicillin, streptomycin and other poly-antibiotics.
    It produces a wide range of curative effect as it stimulates blood circulation through veins of the rectum without affecting the stomach and liver. After administration, the suppository is absorbed within 7 to 8 hours of slow melting. It is particularly efficacious in the cases of tuberculosis, urinary diseases and abdominal inflammations.
    The factory's researchers have developed a new injection, Jangsaeng 1, for use in combination with the suppository. Experts find in this a new breakthrough in the treatment of aids, the world's hard nut to crack.

History of Kim Il Sung remains shining as ever

    Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The revolutionary history of the President Kim Il Sung remains shining as ever. The credit for this goes to General Secretary Kim Jong Il who is making tireless efforts for the immortality of the preceding leader. Rodong Sinmun stresses this in a signed article today. It says:   The past 5 years are years of his loyalty and filial piety during which he has devotedly worked for the great leader. The 5-year-long revolutionary history in which he has led the Korean revolution by himself was a revolutionary record of a great man, great revolutionary, the kind that could be set only by the supreme incarnation of communist moral obligation = it was a glorious revolutionary record which saved progressive humankind from moral crisis and paved the way for the immortality of the preceding leader.
    He built the Kumsusan Memorial Palace into the most sacred temple of Juche to preserve Kim Il Sung in state. That is his undying exploit for the immortality of the preceding leader. His loyalty and filial piety culminated in constructing the palace for the immortality of the preceding leader. His 5-year-long history is replete with his imperishable exploits in carrying forward and developing the Juche idea, the revolutionary idea of Kim Il Sung, in an all-round way.
    While leading the contemporary revolution by himself in hard times, he conducted energetic ideo-theoretical activities to publish a great many works, including "Socialism Is a Science," "the Worker's Party of Korea Is the Party of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung" and "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction." All these works represent his unshakable faith and will to lead the revolution as indicated by the Juche idea, come what may.
    The daily deals with every effort made by him to exalt the revolutionary exploits of Kim Il Sung for all ages. Over the past 5 years Kim Jong Il has defended Kim Il Sung's revolutionary exploits more devotedly than during the latter's lifetime, it says, and goes on:   Kim Jong Il's long journey of on-site guidance covering tens of thousands ri and reorganization of state structure were aimed to exalt Kim Il Sung's revolutionary exploits forever. Kim Il Sung will always be with us thanks to the history of loyalty and filial piety of Kim Jong Il who is working toward the eternal brilliance of Kim Il Sung's revolutionary exploits.

S. Korean worker's struggle supported

   Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A defector Ri U Gap, member of the consultative council of former South Korean politicians in the north for the promotion of peaceful reunification, said that the present South Korean "government" placed South Korea under the IMF's trusteeship and has been imposing all sorts of sufferings resulting from it upon the workers.
    He went on to say:   The ruling class, exploiters, never gently accedes to demand of the workers for vital rights and struggle is the only way out. I realized that South Korea is an anti-social, anti-worker system while the north is society for the workers. The United States is the very one which drove South Korea into the worst financial crisis and is plunging the workers into a piteous plight by totally controlling the South Korean economy through the IMF.
    To get rid of this wretched plight the South Korean workers must develop their struggle into an anti-U.S. struggle and fight against such a group of flunkeyists and traitors as the "government for people" which prolongs its days clinging to coattails of the U.S. Unity is a key to victory in their anti-U.S., anti-"government" struggle.