Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il inspected unit no. 507 of the Korean People's Army on October 6.
    He arrived at the unit situated on the forefront.
    After overlooking the defence theatres and the enemy's line within hailing distance, he acquainted himself in detail with the topographical condition, deployment of forces and the enemy's situation and heard a report on the situation from the commander of the unit.
    Watching the defence theatres for long, he said that as trustworthy soldiers of the KPA ready to cover the long road of the revolution to the end, sharing life and death with the party, are defending the forefront like an impregnable fortress, burning their hearts with loyalty, our Juche revolutionary cause is sure to win and our country will shine more brilliantly as a fortress of socialism.
    He put forward highly important tasks which would serve as guidelines in further increasing the fighting efficiency of the unit and consolidating the defence theatres into impregnable fortresses.
    He went to the soldiers' bedroom, kitchen and other places and said that there is nothing to spare for the soldiers of the forefront who are reliably defending the forefront, and showed warm love and favour for them.
    He gave a pair of binoculars, a machine gun and an automatic rifle to soldiers as gifts.
    He met with soldiers on duty at the forward observation post, praised their devoted service and posed for a photograph with them by a trench on the height.
    After the inspection, he saw an art performance given by an art propaganda squad of KPA combined unit no. 549.
    He was accompanied Jo Myong Rok, director of the general political department of the KPA= Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA = Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed Forces= and staff members of the supreme command of the KPA.

Joint statement of WPK and Belarussian party

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- A joint statement of the Worker's Party of Korea and the Belarussian Communist Party was released here on Tuesday.
    V. Chikin, first secretary of the central committee of the Belarussian Communist Party, and his companions visited Korea from September 21 to October 5 at an invitation of the WPK Central Committee.
    In the period talks were held between a secretary of the WPK Central Committee and the first secretary of the Belarussian party central committee.
    Both sides at the talks informed each other of the situation of their countries and of the situation and activities of their parties and discussed matters of common concern such as resolutely defending and advancing the cause of socialism and further developing the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties. The identity of views on the issues discussed was noted with satisfaction.
    The WPK highly praised the Belarussian Communist Party for adhering to the socialist principles and developing itself into an influential mass party deeply rooted among broad working people, and sincerely wished it greater success in its future activities.
    The Belarussian Communist Party extended heartfelt congratulations to the worker's party and people of Korea who have been smashing the persistent anti-DPRK, anti-socialist moves of the imperialists and demonstrating the dignity and stamina of Kim Il Sung's nation under the outstanding high-priority army policy of the great Kim Jong Il. And it expressed the belief that the entire party, army and all the people of Korea would surely build a powerful socialist nation in the near future, rallied close around him.
    Stressing the need to more dynamically advance the cause of socialism under the banner of the Pyongyang Declaration, the statement said:
    The two sides held that all the progressive forces around the world including communist and worker's parties should form an anti-imperialist united front on a regional and international scale against the blatant strong-arm action and highhandedness of the imperialists and work hard to build an independent, new world.

Chinese consul-general gives reception

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Liu Zhigang, Chinese consul-general in Chongjin of North Hamgyong Province, hosted a reception at the consulate-general on Wednesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and China.
    Invited to the reception were Kim Song Gwon, vice-chairman of the north Hamgyong provincial people's committee, and officials concerned.
    speeches were made there.

Reception given for Chinese FM

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave a reception at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Wednesday in honor of Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and his party on a visit to Korea.
    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in his speech expressed the belief that the DPRK-China friendship would continue to strengthen and develop as it is based on the deep comradely intimacy between leaders of the two countries.
    The Korean people are rejoiced over the great achievements made by the fraternal Chinese people in building socialism with Chinese characteristics under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, he said, wishing them greater success in their future work.
    In his reply tang said that they would learn from the revolutionary spirit with which the Korean people have overcome difficulties through hard work in recent five years.
    They firmly believe that the Korean people will make greater success in their efforts to build a prosperous and powerful nation through the second grand Chollima march under the leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, he stressed.
    Though serious changes took place in the international situation in the past 50 years, the traditional Sino-Korean friendship remains unchanged, overcoming the rigorous trials and determination of the two peoples to develop the Sino-Korean friendship is invariable, he said.
    He declared that they, together with Korean comrades, would strengthen cooperation and exchange between the two countries and continuously carry into full bloom the flower of Sino-Korean friendship.
    Invited to the reception were Chinese ambassador to Korea Wan Yongxiang and embassy officials.
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok Ung and other officials concerned were on hand.

Kim Jong Il's election as WPK General Secretary marked at Cuban embassy

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Cuban ambassador to Korea Jose Manuel Inclan Embade gave a party at the embassy Wednesday to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election as General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and the 54th WPK birthday.
    The ambassador said at the party that friendly ties and comradely relations between the two parties, countries and peoples of Korea and Cuba have been based on special intimacy between their supreme commander Fidel Castro Ruz and the President Kim Il Sung. They are strengthening and developing under the deep care of General Secretary Kim Jong Il, he stressed.
    The Cuban people sincerely hope that the fraternal Korean people, who are braving all hardships and difficulties and vigorously advancing with confidence and optimism to build a powerful nation under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Il who has shaped army-first politics to carry out the last instructions of Kim Il Sung, will register greater achievements in socialist construction, he said.
    Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, said the Fraternal Cuban Party and people are now invariably holding high the banner of socialism in Americas under the revolutionary slogan "Let us defend the country, revolution and socialist gains " rallied around Fidel Castro, supreme leader of the Cuban revolution.
    The DPRK, true to the intention of Kim Jong Il, will closely cooperate with Cuba to further strengthen and develop the friendly relationship between parties, armies and peoples of the two countries, the unbreakable comradely relations which were established on the road of struggle for socialism against imperialism and the United States, he said.

Anniversary of DPRK-China diplomatic relations

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The Foreign Ministry of the DPRK gave a reception here Wednesday to mark the 50th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and China.
    Invited to the reception were Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and his party, a delegation of the China-Korea Friendship Association led by president Li Shuzheng and Chinese ambassador to Korea Wan Yongxiang and embassy officials.
    Paek Nam Sun in his speech hoped that the DPRK-China friendship forged and cultivated by the President Kim Il Sung and veteran leaders of China would continue to develop on good terms by the joint efforts under the care of the two parties and governments of the DPRK and China.
    The Chinese people are now maintaining political and economic stability and registering enormous achievements in the efforts to build a modernized and powerful socialist state with Chinese characteristics under the guidance of the Communist Party of China headed by Jiang Zemin, he noted.
    The DPRK is sincerely rejoiced over the fact that all things are going well in China, he said, adding: We wholeheartedly wish the Chinese people greater success in their future efforts to carry out the tasks laid down at the 15th CPC congress and the 2nd session of the 9th National People's Congress.
    Tang Jiaxuan said the Sino-Korean Friendship, fostered by the great leader of the Chinese people chairman Mao Zedong, respected premier Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the Korean people and a close friend of the Chinese people, and other veteran revolutionaries of the two countries, would further develop certainly in the new century, too.
    China is a close neighbor of Korea and the Chinese people have consistently attended and supported the Korean people's socialist construction, he noted, and said: We see with joy the fresh progress the Korean people have made in consolidating the people's power and overcoming temporary economic difficulties by displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and strenuous efforts, closely rallied around the Worker's Party of Korea headed by General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    The government of China will make its efforts and contribution for peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and its independent and peaceful reunification, he said.

Communique of Nepal preparatory committee

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The Nepal national preparatory committee for an Asian regional seminar on the independent development of society and self-reliance released a communique on October 2.
    The communique said it is the demand of the times for the developing countries to go along the road of self-reliance and independent development on the basis of mutual benefits and equality today when sovereignty of each country and nation is being violated by the colonialists of modern style. The Asian regional seminar on the independent development of society and self-reliance will be held in Katmandu to meet this demand, it stressed.
    At the seminar extensive views will be exchanged on the independent development of society and self-reliance for all the oppressed nations, it said, adding: All discussions there will be made on the basis of the Juche idea fathered by the President Kim Il Sung, which serves as the guiding idea of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    According to the communique, the seminar will be sponsored by the Nepal national preparatory committee in cooperation with the International Institute of the Juche Idea, the Asian Regional Institute of the Juche Idea and the Nepal Institute for Juche Studies.

"Friendship room" built at Cuban embassy here

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of a "friendship room" which was newly built at the Cuban embassy here was held on Wednesday.
    Cuban embassy officials newly built the "friendship room" at the embassy to convey long the immortal feats performed by the President Kim Il Sung for the development of friendly relations between Korea and Cuba advancing shoulder to shoulder in the common struggle for socialism on the occasion of the 54th anniversary of the founding of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Exhibited in the room are photos of the President Kim Il Sung and Marshal Kim Jong Il having a historic meeting with Fidel Castro Ruz at the Pyongyang Airport in March 1986 on a visit to Korea, and photos of Kim Il Sung visiting the Cuban embassy in Pyongyang.
    Secretary Choe Thae Bok and department director Kim Yang Gon of the WPK Central Committee were on hand at the ceremony.
    Cuban ambassador Jose Manuel Inclan Embade said that the room is clear evidence of the unbreakable friendship and solidarity between the parties and peoples of the two countries, and this friendship and solidarity will be immortal forever.
    He said that the embassy officials will make all efforts to permanently preserve the room, the symbol of friendship between the parties and peoples of the two countries.
    Participants looked round the photos exhibited in the room.
    Prior to the ceremony, they saw a car preserved in the embassy, which President Kim Il Sung presented to the first Cuban ambassador to Korea.

Fraud of S. Korean ruler's "engagement policy toward north"

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the ridiculous rigmarole of the South Korean chief executive at an anti-communist function that the "engagement policy toward the north" is not to ruin somebody or to disarm somebody and that he will put an "end to the Cold War" in the Korean peninsula during his term of office.
    The essence of the "engagement policy toward the north" is to "induce" the north to "unification". In other words, it is to harm and stifle the fellow countrymen by dint of the outside forces and extend the colonial rule of the U.S. over South Korea up to the north, the news analyst says, and goes on:
    The South Korean chief executive is playing a farce to embellish the "engagement policy toward the north" which has already been torn to shreds under fire.
    The louder he reiterates the worn-out "engagement policy", the more the dirty color of the separatist and the enemy of reunification will be brought to light.
    Valueless is the rigmarole about "an end to the Cold War" made by those who are invoking the "security law," a remnant of the Cold War, and staging provocative military drills against the fellow countrymen to aggravate confrontation and tension between the north and the south and inflict the holocaust of outsiders' nuclear war upon the heads of the nation.
    To throw away the "engagement policy toward the north" whose fraud and anti-national, anti-reunification color has been made clear and to make a switchover to national independence and reconciliation with the north, this is a way out for the South Korean chief executive to escape the same doom of the predecessors.

Korean musical instrument Kayagum

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- In the Democratic People's Republic of Korea every encouragement is given to using and developing traditional Korean musical instruments.
    Kayagum (Korean harp) produced in the sixth century, is one of the instruments still loved by our people. It produces a soft, elegant sound and its operation is rhythmical and beautiful. Its structure is simple and it is easy to learn. The instrument, with the strings set in a block of wood, is used as musical accompaniment or for solo music.
    Starting out with 12 strings, it developed into a 13-stringed instrument after Korea's liberation from Japanese rule in August 1945.
    It is plucked by the fingernails of the right hand to produce a ringing, bell-like sound, with the left fingers pulling the hooked strings to alternate the sound. Its main use is for playing lyric folk music. The 13-stringed instrument has some shortcomings, that is, it is small in scale.
    This instrument has been progressively mechanized to expand the compass. The introduction of a new string-clamping device makes it possible to select the necessary pitch changes on the strings.
    While retaining its soft, elegant tone, the improved instrument gives great volume. This has been accompanied by a change in its method of sound production: The use of both hands in playing creates a rich, large volume of sound.
    Kayagum is used for solo music as well as being an ensemble instrument. It plays a major part in folk music. It is also used as an important rhythm-instrument in folk-music orchestras, instrumental concerts and ensemble.
    There are a small-sized instruments for children and a large sized ones that perform as bass instruments. Kayagum ensembles and solo ensembles are particularly popular among the people.

Scheme to introduce combat equipment into S. Korea

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The South Korean warmongers are seeking to introduce U.S.-made ground-to-ground 30 km-range missiles "ATACMS Block-A" into South Korea from next year, according to a report.
    This was disclosed in a document submitted to the South Korean "National Assembly" by the South Korean Ministry of National Defence.
    They announced they would purchase 110 missiles of the same type phase by phase till 2006.
    Meanwhile, the South Korean Navy planned to introduce the ultra modern system of marine observation and information from the United States towards the end of this year.
    The system is said to get information of the pacific area collected by the U.S. aggression troops stationed in South Korea and the U.S. Navy. It is now being used by the U.S. Navy stationed in Japan and Britain.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a floral basket from officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations of foreign embassies here on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of his election as General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and the 54th birthday of the WPK.
    It was handed to an official concerned by Nirsia Castro Guevara, councilor of the Cuban embassy, on behalf of the embassy officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations on October 7.

Greetings to Ugandan President

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK sent a message of greetings to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on the occasion of the 37th anniversary of the independence of his country on October 5.
    The message wished the Ugandan President and people greater success in the work for achieving peace and stability of the country and developing the national economy, and expressed the belief that the excellent relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries would further develop in the interests of the two peoples.

Talks between delegations of WPK and CPMLS

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between the delegations of the Worker's Party of Korea and the Communist Party of Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) of Sweden here today.
    Both sides at the talks informed each other of the activities of their parties and discussed matters of developing relations between the two parties and of mutual concern.
    Present there were Kim Yang Gon, director of a department of the WPK Central Committee, officials concerned and members of the delegation led by Anders Karlsson, chairman of the central committee of the Communist Party of Marxist-Leninists (revolutionaries) of Sweden.

Japanese urged to stop introducing nuclear materials

    Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK today issued a statement denouncing Japan for having introduced a huge amount of plutonium-uranium compound oxide again from Britain and France at the end of September.
    He said:
    A large number of countries around the world and anti-nuclear peace organisations adopted measures one after another in protest against the nuclear shipment.
    There are increasingly bitter protests to the Japanese authorities following the September 30 nuclear accident, worst in history.
    Clear is the reason why the Japanese authorities are tenaciously shipping more nuclear materials than needed into Japan in defiance of strong protest and denunciation at home and abroad.
    It is to attain at any cost their reckless design to arm Japan with nuclear weapons and turn it into a nuclear giant by stockpiling and securing a large quantity of nuclear materials.
    What cannot be overlooked is the fact that the South Korean authorities are also working hard to poke their nose into the purchase of plutonium as there is a saying "like master, like man."
    Their attempt to purchase nuclear waste under the anti-DPRK "cooperation" system with the backing of the U.S. and Japanese masters is eventually a serious anti-national crime and a very dangerous suicidal act which may plunge the fellow countrymen into a nuclear holocaust and turn the inviolable territory into a graveyard.
    We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the fact that Britain and France are instigating Japan and South Korea to push ahead with their nuclear design.
    If the British and French authorities truly want peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and northeast Asia, they should no longer supply Japan and the South Korean authorities with nuclear materials which may aggravate the situation of the Korean peninsula, the biggest hotbed in the world, and its surrounding areas all at once.
    The Japanese authorities must stop at once the dangerous act of shipping nuclear materials into Japan, mindful of the irretrievably catastrophic consequences to be entailed by their reckless design to arm Japan with nuclear weapons and turn it into a nuclear giant.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from Chinese delegation

   Pyongyang, October 7 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a gift from the delegation of the China-Korea friendship Association.
    It was handed to an official concerned by its president Li Shuzheng, who is heading the delegation on a visit to Korea.