Reception given for Yugoslav Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Foreign Ministry gave a reception for the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and his party on a visit to Korea at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday.
    DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun in his speech said that Korea visit of the Yugoslav Foreign Minister and his party will mark a significant occasion in expanding and developing the excellent friendly relations between the two peoples to a new higher stage.
    Stressing that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries whose firm foundation was laid by the great leader Kim Il Sung are now growing stronger and developing under the particular care of the great leader Kim Jong Il, he said:
    The DPRK will, in the future, too, make every possible effort to further consolidate and develop these traditional relations in keeping with the demands of the present developing situation.
    Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic in his speech said that the Yugoslav leadership and people highly appreciate the DPRK leadership and people for having condemned the interference, pressure and aggressive maneuvers of foreign forces against Yugoslavia and supported it in the United Nations and the non-aligned movement.
    He said that Yugoslavia expresses full support to the Korean people in their struggle to reunify the country independently and peacefully, true to the ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation for national reunification set forth by Kim Il Sung and the five-point policy of great national unity advanced by Kim Jong Il.
    He expressed the belief that the relations between the two countries would further expand and develop in political, economic, cultural and other fields.

GI's killing spree condemned

    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- A spokeswoman for the central committee of the Korean Democratic Women's Union issued a statement on Feb. 26 to bitterly denounce, in the name of all the Korean women, the U.S. aggressors for inflicting innumerable disasters and sacrifice on the South Korean women.
    The recent murder of a South Korean woman by a gi is an unbearable insult to the Korean women, the statement says, and goes on:
    Today the human rights and dignity of the South Korean women are trampled underfoot and they are undergoing hardships because they are put under the yoke of the U.S. colonial subjugation and yankees who are obsessed with abnormality, sexual urge and immorality and depravity consider them playthings for dissipation.
    Realities show that as long as the U.S. and the South Korean authorities subservient to them still remain in South Korea, the South Korean people including women cannot emerge from misfortune and pain and all sorts of crimes of yankees will go on.
    All the women in the northern half of Korea will always extend full support to the South Korean women and other people in their just struggle to retake the sovereignty of the nation and the dignity of the women.

"Catholic solidarity for general elections" formed

    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The "Catholic solidarity for general elections" was reportedly formed in South Korea on Feb. 23 at a time when the struggle of the people from all walks of life against the corrupt and incompetent rulers is gaining momentum with the National Assembly elections at hand.
    35 catholic organizations across South Korea, including the "National Catholic Alliance for Justice" and the South Korean Catholic Priests' Council for Justice, held a press conference in Seoul that day, at which they expressed their vow to struggle in the teeth of the authorities' suppression, saying that they would conduct an anti-candidate campaign for a "political reform."
    They stressed that they would oppose such reactionary laws as the "law on political relations" which suppresses the political rights of the people and conduct a campaign to let politicians rejected by civic organizations resign of their own accord.

S. Korean authorities urged to abandon "engagement policy"

   Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- A top-ranking official of the "Ministry of National Unification" of South Korea at a "seminar on unification policy" said that "engagement policy" is the "policy of strength" based on military force, with clamoring about "target of the policy of engagement toward the north" and someone's "change" and "opening."
    In commenting on his remarks Rodong Sinmun today says:
    His remarks betray a criminal design for "unification by the invasion of the north." For the South Korean authorities to "induce" someone into anywhere through the "engagement policy" is a foolish attempt.
    Any "change" wanted by them will never happen in the North Korea. If anything, it will be vigorous progress and great victory of the anthropocentric socialism of Juche to make them shudder.
    The remarks prove that the "engagement policy" is a policy of confrontation and war to militarily stifle the north in conspiracy with outsiders.
    We warn again the South Korean authorities not to seek a foolish attempt any longer.
    They are well advised to throw the "engagement policy" already condemned by the world into a trash basket.

Japanese reactionaries hit for spreading fiction of "nuclear threat"

    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries are clamoring about "nuclear threat" from the DPRK, spreading rumour that the DPRK is a source of grave "nuclear threat." the anti-DPRK smear campaign comes under fire in Rodong Sinmun today.
    The news analyst says:
    Leader of the Japan Liberal Party Ozawa, who visited South Korea shortly ago, asserted that a "resolute attitude should be taken" toward the "nuclear development" by North Korea and the chairman of the policy research council of the Japan Liberal Democratic Party demanded that the DPRK-U.S. talks deal with "threat" to Japan by missile "Rodong 1."
    It is a folly for them to raise a hue and cry over "missile threat" from the DPRK which has no "nuclear suspicion."
    The Japanese reactionaries have introduced, produced and stockpiled a large amount of plutonium for the production of nuclear weapons and squandered a colossal amount of money on nuclear arming every year. Japan is, indeed, a sensitive hotbed of nuclear war.
    In talking about "nuclear issue" of the DPRK the Japanese reactionaries betray militaristic nature and quality of aggression and vaulting ambition to become the leader of Asia.
    Efforts for the nuclear weaponization and re-conquest will only precipitate their destruction.
    They should be mindful of this.

Ukrainian national seminar on Juche idea held

    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The Ukrainian national seminar on the Juche idea under the subject "Juche idea, idea of 21st century" was held in Kiev on Feb. 19 on the occasion of the 58th birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    It was stressed at the seminar that they are faced with a historic task to rebuild socialism and build a free and prosperous, new Ukraine on the basis of the Juche idea, the great guiding idea of the 21st century, and that an idea indicating the road to be followed by the socialist movement is the great Juche idea, a scientific doctrine for realizing independence of the popular masses.
    The seminar analyzed a historic lesson of the socialist movement in Ukraine and expressed the determination to triumphantly advance the movement without deviation by maintaining the independent stand and the creative stand.
    A declaration "invincible is socialist movement advancing under the banner of the Juche idea" was adopted at the seminar.
    The collapse of socialism in the former Soviet Union and other east European countries is a heart-rending loss of the socialist movement but it does not mean the "end of socialism", the declaration said, stressing:
    Socialism still remains alive in the hearts of the people and is pulsating dynamically.
    The great Juche idea is a banner of victory of the socialist movement in our era and the Juche-based theory on socialism gives flawless scientific answers to all the theoretical and practical problems arising in the socialist movement at present.
    We are firmly convinced that the Juche idea and the Juche-based theory on socialism are, indeed, the most correct idea and theory which confidently guarantee the victory of the movement for rebuilding socialism in Ukraine at present.
    We will deeply study the Juche idea and widely disseminate it and thus make the people have it as their faith and build socialism as demanded by it.
    We staunchly oppose the moves of the imperialists and reactionaries to isolate and stifle socialism of Korea and extend full support and solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle to build a powerful nation of Juche and reunify the country.
    A letter to the respected Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.
    The letter said that a new century which will pass under the banner of the immortal Juche idea will shine with the immortal feats of Kim Jong Il who is carrying forward to completion the revolutionary cause started by President Kim Il Sung, the great leader in the present era.
    You have invariably maintained the staunch spirit of independence against imperialism and the revolutionary principle and set the brilliant example of internationalism in the struggle for global independence, thus enjoying deep trust and respect from the Ukrainian people and the progressive people of all countries, the letter said.
    It stressed his great feats would be cherished deep in the mind of humankind.