Greetings to Croatian President

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Croatian President Stipe Mesic on the occasion of its Independence Day.
    Extending warm congratulations to the President, government and people of Croatia on the day, the message sincerely wished the President and people fresh success in their work for the stability and prosperity of the country.
    The message expressed the conviction that the bilateral relations would develop on good terms.

Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Art Troupe back home

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Schoolchildren's Art Troupe led by Choe Hwi, secretary of the central committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, came back this afternoon from its performance tour of South Korea.
    It was greeted at the airport by Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the c.c., the youth league, officials concerned and their parents.

Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, President of Equatorial Guinea, praised General Secretary Kim Jong Il when he met with the Korean ambassador to his country on May 22.
    He said he was happy to hear that Kim Jong Il is wisely leading the Korean people, true to the noble intention of the President Kim Il Sung. He wished Kim Jong Il greater success in his work.
    He extended warm congratulations to Kim Jong Il upon the 36th anniversary of the start of his work at the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea and said his people should learn from Korea which is led by him.
    Wishing for a success to the soon-to-be-held inter-Korean summit talks, he stressed that Equatorial Guinea always supports the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Party leader of India on role of IIJI

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Debabrata Biswas, general secretary of the central committee of the All-India Forward Bloc and director of the board of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, made public an article headlined "the DPRK holding high the banner of the Juche idea."
    He said in the article:
    The 15th board meeting of the International Institute of the Juche Idea held in Pyongyang stressed socialism is an inevitable result of historic development as a science.
    The IIJI, one of broad forums against the imperialist and neo-colonial forces, plays an important role in historic development.
    The IIJI will do its best to bring the essence and vitality of the Juche idea home to hundreds of millions of people and deepen the study of the Juche idea.
    The IIJI organizes seminars, workshops and lectures on a world-wide scale which will greatly encourage and propel the building of a new society in all progressive countries.

S. Korean students' struggle supported

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- The inaugural meeting of the 8th-term South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) was held at Pusan National University on May 28 with at least ten thousand students from different parts of South Korea attending.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary describes this student action as an expression of their firm conviction and will to realize their desire for independence, democracy and reunification at any cost despite whatever difficulties and ordeals.
    Students affiliated to Hanchongryon successfully held all functions as planned including its inaugural meeting in the teeth of the authorities' harsh suppression and stringent watch, the commentary notes, and goes on:
    This was a righteous and courageous action that could be taken only by the brave patriotic students of Hanchongryon who are ready to devote themselves to the struggle for independence, democracy and reunification.
    What they stated and demanded at the functions were most realistic and just ones such as repeal of provision branding Hanchongryon as an "organization benefiting the enemy", abolition of the "Security Law", stop to the fascist suppression and condemnation of GIs' massacres and so on.
    This struggle reflected the firm will of Hanchongryon to escalate the anti-U.S. struggle for independence including the campaign denouncing GIs' massacres in keeping with the South Korean people's growing anger at the U.S.
    Nothing can break the firm conviction and will of the students to carry on their struggle under the right slogan of struggle despite the fascist crackdown, the commentary says, adding their just cause is commanding full support and appreciation from the whole nation.

36th anniv. of Kim Jong Il's work at WPK marked abroad

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Lectures, photo exhibitions, film shows and joint Taekwon-do demonstrations were held by the Juche Philosophy Women's Study Society of Meerut, India, the National Immunology Institute of India, Addis Royal College of Ethiopia, the Taekwon-do Federation of Madagascar and the Yangtze Cruise and Tour Sdu. Bhad., of Malaysia from May 16 to 23 on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the start of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's work at the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Screened at the film shows were Korean documentary film "The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Gives On-the-Spot Guidance To Different Fields" and other films.

International signature campaign

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Political parties and organisations of Pakistan and Guyana joined in the international signature campaign for supporting the DPRK three-point charter of national reunification.
    The signature paper was signed by chiefs of 53 Pakistan political parties and organisations including the Sind Provincial Committees of the People's Party, the Democratic Party and the Muslim League (Nawaz), the National Awami Party, the Party of Workers, the Karachi branch of the Pakistan-Korea Friendship Association and the Federation of Trade Unions on behalf of 1,808,140 members and by the acting general secretary of the National Movement for the Authentic Independence of Guyana on behalf of members and by Noris E. Witer, chairman of the General Council of Labour of Guyana and chairman of the General Workers Union of Guyana, on behalf of 52,000 members.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work observed

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous work "On Some Issues Related To Ideological Foundation of Socialism" (May 30, 1990).
    His work serves as a monumental one proving the inevitable triumph of socialism as it scientifically elucidates the ideological foundation of socialism, the article says, and goes on:
    The advantages and invincibility of Korean-style socialism lie, first of all, in that it fully meets the intrinsic demands of man.
    In the work Kim Jong Il clarifies that our style socialism fully meets the independent and creative demands of man and gives highest display to his consciousness.
    Our style socialism is invincible because it fully meets the collectivist demand of man as a social being.
    He explains in the work that collectivism is required by man as a social being to live a worthwhile life as a member of social collective and provides fundamental conditions for augmenting might of social collective.
    The work explains that collectivism is important and significant in highly displaying the advantages and vitality of socialism and it reaches its height in the socio-political integrity based on the unity of the leader, the party and masses.
    Our style socialism is invincible also because it consistently adheres to the revolutionary principle.
    The work profoundly analyzes the reactionary nature of modern social democracy aimed to destroy the ideological foundation of socialism and its ideological and theoretical source, and its harmful effect and danger in accomplishing the cause of socialism.

Maehyang-ri area seriously contaminated

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- It is said that the area of Maehyang-ri, Hwasong county of Kyonggi Province of South Korea, where there is a firing range of the U.S. forces, is seriously contaminated, according to a Seoul-based radio report.
    Lead ingredient 34 times and chromium 3,700 times those in an industrial area were detected in the area around the firing range.
    Its contamination rate is treble that in Ulsan area where chemical factories are concentrated.
    Due to severe noise pollution many inhabitants around Maehyang-ri cannot hear properly.
    The Environmental Movement Association, publishing the results of its investigation, stated that the joint investigation made so far by the South Korean authorities and the U.S. forces into damage done to inhabitants left many things untouched and there should be, therefore, reinvestigation as a detailed analysis of contamination of waste land and sea is necessary.
    The organization urged the authorities to immediately form a "civilian-government joint investigation group".

New equipment developed to remove gallstone

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Equipment for removing gallstones was developed by Kim Chaek University of Technology in the DPRK.
    The development of this equipment signifies a big advance in the treatment of urinary diseases as it ensures an easy cure of nephrolithiasis, without depending on operation.
    The equipment consists of an ultrasound apparatus for abdominal diagnosis to find gallstones, a reflector for integrating shock waves and a pulser, etc.
    It accurately finds gallstones and sends shock waves to remove them.
    This method of treatment is widely applicable in clinical practice as it does not give pain to a patient and has no aftereffect.

Song on worship of leader

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- A song "Under the Leadership of the Commander" on the worship of the leader is now very popular in the DPRK.
    Created more than 20 years ago, this song is one of the famous songs.
    The song truthfully represents the indomitable will of the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters who devoted themselves to the protracted struggle to fulfil their pledges made to the President Kim Il Sung.
    It also vividly reflects the revolutionary fighters' firm belief that they are sure to emerge victorious in the struggle led by Kim Il Sung though the revolution is thorny and arduous and they will enjoy eternal lives under his care even though they lay down their lives in youth on this road.
    The best example of absolute trust in and worship of the leader was set by the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters including Kim Hyok, Cha Kwang Su, Ri Kwang and O Jung Hup.
    They devoted everything to the struggle for the historical cause of the country's liberation holding the President in high esteem as the outstanding leader of the Korean revolution and the sun of the nation, during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    The spirit of worshipping the leader was fully displayed in the grim days of the three-year-long Fatherland Liberation War, the post-war reconstruction period and in the years of the socialist revolution and construction.
    This spirit has been steadily carried forward and is prevailing throughout the country.
    The Korean people, rallied closer around the great leader Kim Jong Il, are all out to build a powerful socialist nation after successfully making the "arduous march" and forced march unprecedented in history under his supreme leadership.
    The song thus fully reflects the iron will of the Korean people to repose firm trust only in their leader in any adversity.

Great banner of national reunification

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- It is the noble intention and will of the great leader Kim Jong Il to surely achieve national reunification on the basis of the three-point charter no matter how the situation may change, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    The article goes on:
    Kim Jong Il established the three principles of national reunification, independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity, the 10-point program of the great unity of the whole nation for national reunification and the proposal for founding the Democratic Confederal Republic of Koryo (DCRK) advanced by the fatherly leader President Kim Il Sung as three pillars and three-point charter of national reunification. Kim Jong Il thus provided the Korean nation with a great program, an efficient treasured sword for realizing national reunification.
    The three-point charter of national reunification carries strong spirit of national independence and reflects the noble patriotic will to reunify the country peacefully through the reconciliation between the north and south and the great unity of the whole nation.
    The three principles of independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity represent a cornerstone of national reunification as they clarify the fundamental stand and basic ways of solving the issue of national reunification by the efforts of the nation in conformity with its will and interests.
    The 10-point program of the great unity of the whole nation for national reunification is a political program to unite the whole nation and strengthen the driving force for national reunification.
    The proposal for founding the DCRK serves as a blueprint visualizing the future of a reunified country and indicating ways of building it.
    The three-point charter of national reunification is fully supported and accepted by the 70 million fellow countrymen as it shows the most fair and aboveboard and reasonable ways of reunifying the country in conformity with the specific conditions of Korea where the differing ideologies and systems have long existed in the north and south and the unanimous desire of the entire nation for reunification.
    Kim Jong Il formulated the three-point charter of national reunification in which the President's idea and line on national reunification and his undying feats made in its cause are comprehensively expounded and thus provided the Korean nation with an unshakable mainstay for reunification. This is his one more great exploit to shine long in the nation's history of the movement for national reunification.

U.S. reckless military moves

    Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary assails the United States for getting more feverish these days in their moves to make large-scale surprise air raids on the DPRK.
    B-1 bombers additionally deployed in the U.S. airforce base in South Korea are staging flight exercises one after another to get ready for actions.
    The U.S. keeps the entire air force in South Korea ready for battle. It even worked out an "order for its air force to fulfil" in a bid to rapidly hurl its air force present in Japan into the Korean peninsula in "emergency."
    Dismissing these moves as an outright threat to the DPRK and reckless provocations pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to an extreme pitch of tension, the commentary continues:
    Talks for the peaceful settlement of the Korean issue are now under way between the DPRK and the U.S.
    If the U.S. is truly interested in peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, it should refrain from doing anything that vitiates the atmosphere for the hard-won bilateral talks.
    However, the U.S. is posing a direct threat to the DPRK, its dialogue partner, openly escalating military confrontation.
    This goes to prove that in actuality the U.S. does not wish reconciliation and unity on the Korean peninsula and its peaceful reunification.
    While its dialogue with the U.S. is under way the people and army of the DPRK are getting ready to resolutely counter military pressure and possible provocations with arms in hands.
    They will never remain passive onlookers to the reckless arms buildup and moves for aggression escalated by the U.S. behind the curtain of dialogue.