Leader Kim Jong Il greets President Kim Dae Jung

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- President Kim Dae Jung and his entourage arrived here today by air to visit Pyongyang at his own request for historic Pyongyang meeting and inter-Korean summit.
    At Pyongyang Airport General Secretary Kim Jong Il warmly greeted President Kim Dae Jung.
    The airport and streets of the capital city of Pyongyang were wrapped in an atmosphere of warm welcome.
    Citizens from all walks of life were present at the airport to give welcome to a delegation of the south side.
    Leader Kim Jong Il went there.
    Also present there were Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and director of the KPA General Political Department, Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the SPA, Kim Kuk Thae and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the Worker's Party of Korea Central Committee, Kim Yun Hyok, secretary of the SPA presidium, Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the c.c., the Korean Social Democratic Party, and other leading officials of the party and power bodies, public organizations, ministries and national institutions.
    The plane carrying the south side's delegation landed at the airport.
    Kim Jong Il shook hands and exchanged greetings with Kim Dae Jung.
    Also arriving today were his suite members including Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of Finance and Economy Ri Hon Jae, Minister of Culture and Tourism Pak Ji Won and special aide to the President Rim Tong Won and journalists.
    Kim Jong Il, together with Kim Dae Jung, reviewed a guard of honor of the KPA three services.
    Children gave bouquets to Kim Dae Jung.
    Then the honor guard marched past.
    Kim Dae Jung made public a written arrival statement at the airport.
    Escorted by motorcycles, the limousine carrying Kim Jong Il and Kim Dae Jung headed for downtown Pyongyang.
    Over 600,000 citizens from all walks of life warmly welcomed Kim Dae Jung and his entourage with compatriotic feelings along the route extending tens of kilometers.
    On the route women workers presented bunches of flowers to Kim Dae Jung and his wife.
    Kim Jong Il acknowledged the warm cheers of the crowd.
    Kim Dae Jung and his entourage waved to Pyongyangites, deeply touched by their enthusiastic welcome.
    Kim Jong Il went together with Kim Dae Jung to the state guest house where he had a conversation and posed for a picture with Kim Dae Jung and his suite members.

Kim Dae Jung pays courtesy call on Kim Yong Nam

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- President Kim Dae Jung who came here for historic Pyongyang meeting and north-south summit today paid a courtesy call on Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK.
    Present there were Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of Finance and Economy Ri Hon Jae, Minister of Culture and Tourism Pak Ji Won, special aide to the president Rim Tong Won and other members of the delegation of the south side.
    Also present there were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Kim Yun Hyok, secretary of the SPA presidium, Kim Yong Dae, chairman of the c.c., the Korean Social Democratic Party, Ryo Won Gu, presidium member of the c.c., the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland, Kang Nung Su, Minister of Culture, and An Kyong Ho, director of the secretariat of the Committee For the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.
    Kim Yong Nam talked with President Kim Dae Jung in an atmosphere overflowing with compatriotic feelings.

President Kim Yong Nam hosts banquet in honor of President Kim Dae Jung

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave a banquet at the People's Palace of Culture today in honor of President Kim Dae Jung and his entourage.
    Present on invitation were President Kim Dae Jung and members of the south side's delegation including Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of Finance and Economy Ri Hon Jae, Minister of Culture and Tourism Pak Ji Won and special aide to the president Rim Tong Won, and journalists.
    Present there were vice-president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly Yang Hyong Sop, chairman of the SPA Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea Kim Yong Sun, secretary of the presidium of the SPA of the DPRK Kim Yun Hyok, chairman of the c.c., the Korean Social Democratic Party Kim Yong Dae, leading officials of the party and power bodies, public organizations, ministries and national institutions and officials of science, education, culture and arts, public health and the press.
    Kim Yong Nam in his speech said that he was pleased with the visit of President Kim Dae Jung and his entourage to Pyongyang.
    This meeting overflowing with compatriotic feelings is a significant one arranged by our independent choice and patriotic resolution, he noted.
    We have lost too much time in the efforts to achieve the reunification of the country, he said, adding that the history of nation's distress in the 20th century which witnessed national ruin and then division teaches us that it was attributable to the consequences of the interference of outside forces and deep-rooted flunkeyism towards them.
    He told that we should usher in the 21st century of reunification and prosperity with our own efforts.
    Speaking at the banquet next, Kim Dae Jung said accorded the cordial hospitality of the north, he was deeply moved by compatriotic love. It is fortunate, indeed, for me to meet with chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission Kim Jong Il to discuss the future of the fellow countrymen, he added.
    Pointing out that our future should be carved out by ourselves, he sincerely hoped that the current visit would help switch relations of distrust and confrontation that have lasted for more than half a century to those of reconciliation and cooperation.
    There is nothing out of our reach if the nation pools its strength, he said, calling on the nation to work together so that the era of division may be recalled as a thing of the past.
    History will obviously bring honor to our nation that has chosen reconciliation and cooperation, he noted.
    He prayed that today will be a day for the nation to make a new start toward reconciliation and cooperation.
    The banquet proceeded in a warm atmosphere overflowing with compatriotic feelings.
    An art performance was given there by Pyongyang artistes.

Kim Dae Jung sees art performance

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- President Kim Dae Jung and his entourage, staying here for historic Pyongyang meeting and inter-Korean summit, appreciated a music and dance performance given by Pyongyang artistes at the Mansudae Art Theatre today.
    Invited to see the art performance were President Kim Dae Jung and members of the south side's delegation including Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of Finance and Economy Ri Hon Jae, Minister of Culture and Tourism Pak Ji Won and special aide to the president Rim Tong Won and journalists.
    Seeing it together with the guests were President of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the c.c., the Korean Social Democratic Party Kim Yong Dae, presidium member of the c.c., the Democratic Front for the Reunification of the Fatherland Ryo Won Gu, Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su, director of the secretariat of the Committee For the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland An Kyong Ho and working people in the city.
    When Kim Dae Jung and his wife and his entourage appeared in the auditorium amidst the playing of the welcome music all those present gave a warm welcome to them with ardent compatriotic feelings.
    Put on the stage were numbers including an orchestra "Arirang" and a dance "Jaeggang Dance".
    The performance was acclaimed by the audience for its strong national flavor and high artistic skill.
    Kim Dae Jung and members of the south side's delegation enthusiastically applauded every number of the program.
    At the end of the performance, he and his wife, together with Kim Yong Nam, mounted the stage and presented a floral basket to the artistes, congratulating them on their successful performance, and posed for a photograph with them.

U.S. attempt to cover up GIs' massacres during Korean War

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a signed commentary slams the U.S. warmongers for getting frantic in their moves to evade the responsibility for GIs' massacres of civilians during the Korean War (June 1950-July 1953).
    It goes on:
    The United States is spreading the sheer fiction that there might be soldiers of the people's army among the refugees in a bid to justify GIs' bestial atrocities and evade the state responsibility for them.
    The Korean People's Army liberated Seoul three days after the Korean War was ignited by the U.S. against the DPRK and advanced southward, dealing crushing blows to the enemy. Then, who on earth believes the false story that there might be soldiers of the people's army among the refugees?
    Among the innocent peaceable civilians killed by GIs were aged people, mothers with babies, children and pregnant women.
    According to the U.S. assertion, all of them appeared as soldiers of the people's army. Is there any more sheer whooping lie than this?
    Clear is the true aim sought by the warmongers of the united states in letting reptile media and riff-raffs spread this lie.
    They seek to justify GIs' brutal massacres, evade the state responsibility, to tone down the anti-U.S. sentiment mounting among the South Korean people these days and incite confrontation with the DPRK.
    The United States should clearly know that the day is sure to come when it will be forced to pay for the crimes committed against the Korean people and history.

"Joint Vision 2020" assailed

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Some time ago, the U.S. joint chiefs of staff released a strategic document called "Joint Vision 2020". It is a document worked out to carry out its extremely dangerous strategy for world supremacy with military strength, Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed article.
    This document, in which strategic targets and tasks of the United States are laid down, fully reveals its unchanged dominationist design, the daily says, and goes on:
    The U.S. reexamined its world strategy for the new century at hand and has set strategic targets in Asia, more keenly aware of the importance of the region.
    What merits attention in the "vision" is that the U.S. attack is targeted against the DPRK to materialize its Asia strategy for world supremacy.
    That is why the U.S. has intentionally aggravated the situation on the Korean peninsula and raised a hue and cry over "threat" from the DPRK in recent years in a bid to invent a pretext for aggression.
    Such movement of the U.S. does not aim at the Korean peninsula only. Its intention is to realize its military
    Domination over the peninsula under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK and contain countries surrounding it, taking it as a strategic stronghold and thus establish its military and political domination over Asia.
    Struggle against the U.S. strategy for world supremacy is the only way for ensuring global peace and security and building a free and prosperous, new world, the paper stresses.

Japan's participation in "RIMPAC" war exercise

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries seek to expand the scope of military actions of the "Self-Defence Forces" through "RIMPAC" war exercise which focuses on "dealing with local disputes" unlike in the Cold War era.
    Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary terms this a maneuver presupposing its overseas aggression.
    The "SDF" has participated in "RIMPAC" in such a way as shunning joint operation exercises with multi-national forces and forming "special teams" with the United States with the purpose of "improving its tactical skills by examining its capacity of naval vessels."
    The Japan Defence Agency asserts that now that the objective of "RIMPAC" has been changed to "deal with disputes," the "SDF's" joining in the multi-national forces under the name of "international contribution and the UN peace-keeping operations" including "humanitarian operation and disaster relief operations" is not contradictory to the existing constitution which bans "collective exercise of the right of self-defence." They are going to decide on this issue after its exhaustive examination till the next "RIMPAC" joint military exercise.
    If the "SDF" is allowed to exercise the "collective right of self-defence," it will be free to dispatch its forces to different parts of the world and undertake military actions under the pretext of the "UN peace-keeping operations," the commentary notes, and goes on:
    This is little short of scrapping the institutional mechanism banning the "SDF's" participation in overseas military operations.
    The strategic balance is upset on the international arena and "peace-keeping operations," in particular, are carried out under the UN name. Considering this situation as the best chance to realize their design for overseas invasion the Japanese reactionaries have allowed "SDF's" dispatch overseas and its use of weapons and expanded the sphere of their military actions beyond its boundary.
    Japan can launch overseas invasion anytime. Danger of a new war is increasing in Asia. The commentary calls on the Asian people to heighten vigilance against the Japanese reactionaries' moves for a war of aggression overseas and foil them.

20th anniversary of Kwangju Popular Uprising marked

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- A joint statement was issued on may 22 by 18 Dominican political parties and organizations affiliated to the Dominican Solidarity Committee To Support the Struggle of the National Democratic Front of South Korea and the South Korean people on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Kwangju Popular Uprising in South Korea.
    The statement said: Kwangju citizens put the city under their control and fought to the last, calling for independence, democracy and reunification. The uprising will shine forever as a historic struggle which recorded a new page in the history of the revolutionary movement in South Korea.
    The U.S. imperialists put the South Korean people into distress and are persisting in their moves to provoke a new war, thus throwing hurdles in the way of peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula, while the South Korean authorities are zealously following them. This is a mockery of the Kwangju uprisers and an unpardonable challenge to the world's progressive humankind and the South Korean people.
    The U.S., the back-stage manipulator of the Kwangju massacre, must make an official apology to the South Korean people for the crimes and withdraw its forces and war equipment from South Korea at once.
    The South Korean authorities should stop dependence on outside forces and flunkeyist treachery and pursue the policy of national independence. They should abolish the "Security Law" and dismantle the "Intelligence Service" and immediately halt their crackdown upon the patriotic and democratic forces.
    Sending full support to the South Korean people in their just struggle to achieve independence, democracy and reunification as desired by the Kwangju uprisers, the statement called on the world progressive political parties and organizations to launch a campaign for solidarity with them.

Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method are the idea and method on the mass leadership that concretized and developed the revolutionary mass line, the tradition of the Worker's Party of Korea, to suit the new conditions of socialist construction.
    The Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method were created in February, Juche 49 (1960).
    The WPK at the December 1959 plenary meeting of its central committee proposed the task to radically improve the system and method of work to suit the new circumstances after the establishment of the socialist system.
    In February 1960 the President Kim Il Sung gave 15 day-long on-site guidance to Chongsan-ri, Kangso county, South Phyongan Province (Chongsan-ri, Kangso district of Nampho city at present) and Kangso county to solve this problem.
    President Kim Il Sung applied the revolutionary mass line and established from a new angle the system and method of work and the revolutionary leadership method during his on-site guidance. The WPK incorporated all this into the Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method.
    At the enlarged meeting of the presidium of its Central Committee the WPK reviewed the guidance to the work of the Kangso county party committee and took measures to apply the Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method to the system and method of work of the party, state and economic organs.
    The Chongsan-ri spirit is the idea of mass leadership, the embodiment of the WPK's revolutionary mass line of protecting the interests of the popular masses and relying on their strength.
    The Chongsan-ri method is a scientific and revolutionary method of mass leadership which calls for helping the lower level, giving priority to political work among other things, always going down to the work places in order to have a good grasp of actual conditions and find correct solutions to problems and determining the correct order of priorities and concentrating efforts on the main link and combining general with specific guidance.
    The creation of the Chongsan-ri spirit and Chongsan-ri method provided the party of the working class with a powerful weapon with which to properly ensure the revolutionary leadership over the masses and vigorously push ahead with the revolution and construction.
    This spirit and method resulted in enhancing the leading role of the WPK and strengthening the revolutionary ranks.
    It gave a strong impetus to the great advance of socialist construction and the Chollima movement.

Bright future of Korean nation

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article says that the future of the country and the nation with the respected Kim Jong Il as the great leader is very bright.
    He is the greatest man and the most outstanding and seasoned leader ever known in history, the paper notes, and goes on:
    His idea is an intelligible idea of independence for the country and the nation.
    He has enriched and systematized the Juche idea with new principles and contents, exalting it as the great guiding idea of the era of independence and the transparent idea of national independence.
    His recent works fully reflect his noble patriotic idea and firm will to achieve national independence and national reunification and build a powerful reunified nation in whatever ordeals.
    His leadership is a patriotic leadership to defend national dignity and sovereignty and achieve national reunification.
    The moves of the imperialists and reactionaries at home and abroad to isolate and stifle the DPRK were unprecedentedly vicious in recent years, but he firmly safeguarded national dignity and sovereignty and the security of fellow countrymen with his matchless grit, outstanding stratagem and experienced leadership.
    His moral influence is a great one rallying all the fellow countrymen at home and abroad under the banner of patriotism and the banner of national reunification.
    It is unthinkable without his noble patriotic virtues that the great unity of the nation is being strengthened and the driving force of national reunification is being built on a nation-wide scale.
    His great idea, wise leadership and noble virtues are all to exalt the dignity and honor of the nation and achieve independence, reunification and prosperity of the nation for the sake of the country and the nation.
    The cause of national independence and reunification is sure to win victory because the leader is great and there is the great nation infinitely trusting him and rallied close around him.

U.S. orchestrated prelude to Korean War

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S. started armed intrusions into areas of the North Korea in a bid to increase "combat capabilities" of the troops in 1947 by examining the "war posture" along the 38th parallel.
    That year alone, they committed over 270 cases of intrusions into areas along the parallel, seriously disturbing peace.
    At that time such bellicose slogans as "Here is front. Let's march northward " "Today 38th parallel, tomorrow Pyongyang" were seen in several places along the 38th parallel. Those slogans proved that frequent armed intrusions were by no means accidental ones.
    In 1948 the "ROK" Army units went the length of occupying some areas of Kangwon Province and the then Hwanghae Province north of the 38th parallel.
    These armed intrusions into areas of the North Korea reached their height in 1949 when the U.S. rounded off the plan for "northward expedition."
    Huge armed forces were amassed in areas along the 38th parallel at that time to carry out the plan for "northward expedition." Its main thrust was to advance towards the River Amnok and River Tuman after crossing the 38th parallel with two army corps and occupy Pyongyang at one swoop by seizing the central part of the north through the coordinated actions of the "western front" units, advancing towards the Kumgyo-Sariwon-Pyongyang, the main target of their attack, and "eastern front" units marching towards Ryonchon-Wonsan.
    The difference between the then armed intrusions and the previous ones was that the division-size military strength and special service units as well as the military strength of all services and arms of the "ROK" Army were all involved. The number of cases of the "ROK" Army's intrusions into areas of the north in 1949 alone reached as many as 2,617.
    The U.S.'s initial plan for "northward expedition" was to provoke a war against the north in 1949.
    But repeated setbacks in their armed intrusions compelled the U.S. to postpone the start of the war until 1950.
    The U.S. thus orchestrated in 1949 a prelude to the Korean War.

Remember-Kim Il Sung Committee formed in Uganda

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- A Ugandan national committee for remembering President Kim Il Sung was inaugurated in Kampala on June 8 with due ceremony to commemorate the 6th anniversary of his passing away.
    The Minister of State For Water, Land and Environment and a senior advisor of the presidency of Uganda were elected honorary chairmen of the committee and the chairman of the Uganda-DPRK Friendship Association chairman.
    The inaugural meeting set the days from June 10 to July 10 for remembering him and decided to conduct a seminar, lecture meeting, film show, photo exhibition and other events, through which the committee will introduce the revolutionary life of the great leader Kim Il Sung and his immortal feats and support the Korean people's struggle.

Kim Il Sung's exploits praised

    Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The Indian national committee for remembering President Kim Il Sung of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea said that the progressive people of the world who love justice and peace should learn from the brilliant life of the President and his immortal feats and conduct brisk activities of remembering him.
    The committee stressed this in an appeal to the progressives of different countries, which was adopted at a retrospect meeting on June 3.
    The appeal said:
    President Kim Il Sung was a great leader of revolution and the eternal sun of humankind who adorned the 20th century as the most brilliant century ever known in history of humanity.
    The Juche idea founded by him is a great guiding idea that guarantees progress, prosperity and happiness of humankind not only in the 20th century but also in the 21st century.
    Kim Il Sung was a genius of thought and theory, a great master of leadership, a benevolent father of the people, a great revolutionary and a great man fully possessed of brilliant wisdom, outstanding leadership ability and noble communistic virtues.
    His idea and leadership are being successfully put into practice under the wise guidance of the great Kim Jong Il, the appeal said, adding that socialist Korea will win victory after victory under his leadership.
    A letter to leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.