Diplomatic relations opened between DPRK and Philippines

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- A joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of the Philippines was published in Manila on July 12. The communique says:
    The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the government of the Republic of the Philippines, guided by the principles of the United Nations charter and the generally accepted principles of international laws, including respect for domestic laws, national sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual respect for international agreements to which both countries are parties, non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and equality and mutual respect, and committed to develop friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, have agreed to establish diplomatic relations between the two countries at the ambassadorial level as from the date of signing of this joint communique.
    In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this joint communique.
    The joint communique was signed by Jo In Chol, ambassador e.p. to the Kingdom of Thailand, on behalf of the DPRK government, and Domingo Siazon, secretary of Foreign Affairs of Philippines, on behalf of the government of the Republic of the Philippines.

Victims testify to Japanese imperialists' drafting

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Papers here on July 11 and 12 carried articles by Ri Ho Jun and Hong Chan Jong residing in Ryonhwa-dong no. 2 in central district of Pyongyang, revealing the Japanese imperialists' drafting of Koreans. They belonged to at least six million young and middle aged Koreans who were forced to do slave labour in Japan after being drafted by the Japanese imperialists before the liberation of the country.
    They wrote about what they experienced, recalling that the Japanese imperialists kidnapped or drafted Koreans.
    Ri Ho Jun noted he could not repress his bitter anger at Japan persistently raising a hue and cry over "kidnapping" by the DPRK.
    As far as the issue of "kidnapping" is concerned, it is the DPRK that should indict Japan, he pointed out, and continued:
    My native home is Anak county of Hwanghae province, a plain area.
    I was drafted at the age of 21, when I was a worker of the Kyomipho Iron and Steel Factory (now Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex).
    I was taken to Pusan from Hwangju Railway Station by train and to Shimonoseki from Pusan by a ship and finally to the Kawasaki shipyard in Japan. During the trip I was treated no better than an animal and under the constant watch by Japanese.
    Tentacles of the Japanese imperialists' drafting stretched to every nook and corner of Korea.
    Hong Chan Jong, who was living in a mountainous village of Jasong county of Jagang province at that time, was cheated by the then county headman with a promise to give him an opportunity to study in Japan before being taken to the Kobe steel plant of Japan.
    He said:
    The drafting was supervised by fully armed Japanese imperialist MPs or plainclothes Japanese.
    I was given only a few grains of boiled beens and thin salty soup as meals though I was forced to toil 12-14 hours a day like a slave.
    Ri Ho Jun and Hong Chan Jong in the articles emphasized the history can neither be denied nor covered up. No country is so shameless as Japan which has not said any word of apology for forcing Koreans to labour like beasts of burden after kidnapping and drafting them, far from paying compensation to them, and is now working hard to charge the DPRK with "kidnapping."
    The Japanese authorities should clearly judge the Korean people's anti-Japanese feelings and make an official apology and compensation for all the crimes committed by Japan against the Korean people in the past, they demanded.

Friendly meeting with officials of Cuban embassy

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting was held at the DPRK-Cuba Friendship Pyongyang Textile Machine Plant on July 12 in the month of solidarity with the Cuban people. Invited there were Jose Manuel Inclan Embade, ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the DPRK, and embassy officials.
    Present there were Ri Jin Su, vice-chairman of the central committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea who is also vice-chairman of the DPRK-Cuba Solidarity Committee, officials concerned and employees of the plant.
    Its participants, after being briefed on the boards bearing on-the-spot teachings of the great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the compound of the plant, looked round various places of the plant and saw a Cuban documentary film.
    They conversed with each other, deepening friendly feelings.

History of Kim Il Sung continues

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Six years have passed since the demise of the great leader President Kim Il Sung. The history of the president, however, has steadily advanced in the DPRK through the drive to build a powerful nation over the last six years.
    In his lifetime the president wished to see the Korean people building a powerful socialist nation on this land by their own efforts and with their own technology and natural resources as its master.
    The Korean people have put the president's desire into practice, keeping to the road of self-reliance and making the "arduous march" and forced march.
    Servicemen of the people's army and people of Korea carried out land levelling and rezoning in Kangwon and north Phyongan provinces in a big way though they were hard pressed for everything and thus implemented the president's last instructions to free peasants from hard work.
    They also finished Wonsan-Mt. Kumgang railway project and built the Kwangmyongsong Saltern covering hundreds of hectares.
    And they put into operation the Anbyon Youth Power Station (first stage), an oxygen blown furnace and a high-quality magnesia clinker factory and built a dam for the Namgang Power Station.
    True to the will of the president, they wonderfully built grand monumental edifices in the era of the Workers' Party of Korea, including the mausoleum of King Tangun, the monument to party founding, Chongryu Bridge and Pyongyang-Hyangsan Tourist Motorway.
    Scientists and technicians succeeded in launching "Kwangmyongsong 1," the first artificial satellite, into its orbit and made many inventions to dynamically advance the building of a powerful nation.
    Kim Jong Il has always led the work to lay the solid foundations of a powerful nation, true to the behest of the president.
    Kim Jong Il saw to it that the grand monumental edifices which the president had planned to build in his lifetime were constructed before anything else and preferentially gave on-the-spot guidance to the places associated with revolutionary activities of the president so as to make the august name and exploits of the president shine forever.
    Thanks to Kim Jong Il the president is immortal as the eternal sun of Juche together with the history of the building of a powerful socialist nation.

Chinese consul general hosts reception

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Liu Zhigang, Chinese consul general in Chongjin, on Tuesday hosted a reception on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of the Korea-China treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance. Invited there were Kim Song Gwon, vice-chairman of the North Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee, and other officials concerned.

Foreigners visit Korean Revolution Museum

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Diplomatic envoys and members of embassies of the Arab and African countries in Pyongyang yesterday visited the Korean Revolution Museum on the occasion of the 6th anniversary of the great leader President Kim Il Sung's demise. The guests looked round the photos, revolutionary relics and materials displayed in the rooms devoted to president Kim Il Sung's history of energetic revolutionary activities until the last moments of his life and the immortal revolutionary exploits performed by Kim Jong Il.
    At the end of the visit Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian ambassador to the DPRK, wrote in the visitor's book that whenever he visits the Korean Revolution Museum he deeply grasps the great revolutionary history of the respected leader president Kim Il Sung who performed the immortal feats on behalf of the country.
    Haissam Saad, Syrian charge d'affaires ad interim to the DPRK, noted that the Korean people are waging a dynamic drive to build a powerful nation despite the imperialists' blockade and difficulties, adding that Korea will shed more brilliant rays under the wise guidance of the respected leader Kim Jong Il.

General strike in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- The Federation of (south) Korean Trade Unions went on a general strike on July 11. Unionists of at least 50 companies under the organization including the financial industrial workers' union staged a strike, radio no. 1 of South Korea said.
    The federation has demanded the authorities curtail working hours and ensure vital rights.
    Prior to the strike over 10,000 unionists held a meeting at the open-air theatre of Yonsei University in Seoul on the evening of July 1

Japan urged to turn to peace

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article assails Japan for seeking to develop and introduce latest war means in the period of "mid-term defence readjustment program" (2001-2005). The Japanese reactionaries' plan is to equip their "Self-Defence Forces" (SDF) with latest weapons to enable it to undertake any military aggression, the article observes, and goes on:
    Japan's arms buildup is not for any "defence" and "security", but aimed to realize its militarist aggressive ambition.
    Japan is keen on its preparations for overseas reinvasion, oblivious of its shameful past.
    Japan's economy is fully capable of backing its war of overseas aggression. Moreover, there is stronger zeal of Japanese monopoly capital for overseas aggression.
    The Japanese reactionaries can start their overseas aggression any moment. Japan has made Korea and other Asian countries immediate targets of its overseas aggression.
    This is prompted by its military strategic calculation that Korea and its other neighbouring countries should be conquered before any others and its dangerous design to bring vast markets and sources of raw materials in Asia under its control and thus gain world supremacy. If the Japanese reactionaries dare ignite a war against Asian countries, holding them in contempt, they will not escape a severe punishment.
    Peace is the only way for Japan to survive.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to bear this in mind and stop reckless arms buildup and moves for overseas aggression.

Doubt expressed about "threat of North Korea" to U.S.

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Joseph Biden, member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, at an interview with the CBS on July 9 expressed doubt as to "threat of North Korea" to the U.S., according to a news report from Washington. Dismissing the "threat" as uncertain, he demanded a clarification of the need to spend 60 billion dollars for the "national missile defence" plan.

Three-point charter of Korea's reunification supported

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Political party and organizations of Bangladesh took part in the international signature campaign for supporting the three-point charter of Korea's reunification. The General Secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Bangladesh (Marxist-Leninist), the chairman of the Bangladesh peasants' organization, the chairman of the students' movement of Bangladesh and the president of the Bangladesh Nationalist Workers Federation on July 5 signed the signature paper on behalf of their party and organizations.

Hot springs in Korea

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Much attention is paid to the hot spring cure in Korea. The effect of hot spring is greater nowadays when the sunshine rate is high. This is good for the treatment of various diseases.
    Hot spring cure is mainly done during recuperation at sanatoria and rest homes. Those admitted to well-appointed spas receive a 30-40 day-long intensive treatment according to diagnosis.
    Kyongsong and Phaldam spas in north Hamgyong province are well known as they contain hydrogen carbonic acid-sulfuric acid-sodium. Hot springs there are very efficacious for treating arteriosclerosis, duodenal ulcer, respiratory system disorders, dental diseases, etc.
    Ongjin and Unchon spas in south Hwanghae province are good for the treatment of rheumatic arthritis, hyperpiesia and neuralgia as they contain chlorine-sodium.
    Songchon and Sokthang spas in south Phyongan province are famous for containing hydrogen carbonic acid-sodium. They are widely used for curing skin disease, women's diseases and aftermath of operation.
    Hot springs good for the prevention and treatment of hyperpiesia, neuralgia, paralysis of the limbs, otorhinolaryngology and dental diseases are also found in other parts of the country.
    The temperature of most hot springs large in quantity of water in various parts of the country is 35-100 degrees and above.
    Particularly, the Onpho spa in Kyongsong county, north Hamgyong province, which was discovered more than 500 years back, has 25 springs from where thousands of tons of water gushes out a day.
    Effective hot spring cure involves treatment by bath, hot spring wave and exercise in hot spring, etc.

Paek Nam Sun meets Polish delegation

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun today met and had a talk with the visiting delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland led by vice-minister Radoslaw Sikorski. Present there were an official concerned and charge d'affaires ad interim of Poland in Pyongyang.

Greetings to Syrian President

    Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today sent a message of greetings to Bashar al Assad upon his election as President of the Syrian Arab Republic. The message extends warm congratulations to Bashar al Assad upon his election as president of the Syrian Arab Republic amidst the absolute support of the Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria and the Syrian Arab people.
    His election, it notes, is a manifestation of deep respect and trust of the Arab Socialist Baath Party and the friendly Syrian Arab people for the president who is going to invariably carry forward the cause of Hafez al Assad.
    It expresses the conviction that the excellent friendly relations and bonds of traditional solidarity between the two countries based on sincere sense of obligation will grow stronger and develop with each passing day, and sincerely wishes the president great success in his responsible work for the nation's prosperity and the promotion of the people's welfare as well as good health and happiness to him.