Kim Jong Il gives gift to Russian President

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il gave a gift to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
    The gift was handed to an official concerned on July 20.

Kim Jong Il sees off V.V. Putin at airport

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation, left here today by a special plane after successfully concluding his visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the invitation of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Jong Il saw off V.V. Putin.
    Thousands of Pyongyangites turned out to the airport with flags of the two countries and bouquets in their hands.
    Seen on the flag poles were flags of the DPRK and Russia.
    When Kim Jong Il, together with V.V. Putin, came out to the airport amid the playing of the welcome music, a stormy cheer of "hurrah " burst forth.
    Putin's suite members also came out to the airport.
    Present there were Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and director of the general political department of the Korean People's Army, and leading officials of party, armed forces and power institutions, commissions and ministries of the cabinet and national institutions and the DPRK Ambassador E.P. to Russia.
    Russian ambassador to the DPRK V.I. Denisov and embassy officials were on hand.
    A function took place at the airport to farewell V.V. Putin.
    The national anthem of the DPRK and the anthem of the Russian Federation were played.
    V.V. Putin, together with Kim Jong Il, reviewed a guard of honor of the three services of the KPA.
    He was presented with bunches of flowers by Korean children.
    Kim Jong Il shook hands with V.V. Putin in farewell and warmly hugged him.
    The plane left Pyongyang airport at 10:15 a.m.

V.V. Putin lays wreath before Liberation Tower

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, in company with General Secretary Kim Jong Il today laid a wreath before the Liberation Tower.
    The area around the tower, the symbol of the DPRK-Russia friendship, was wrapped in a solemn atmosphere.
    A guard of honor of the three services of the Korean People's Army lined up before the tower.
    V.V. Putin, in company with Kim Jong Il, laid the wreath in the name of the President of Russia after the playing of the anthem of the Russian Federation and the national anthem of the DPRK.
    The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the soldiers of the soviet army who fell in sacred battles for the liberation of Korea.
    Kim Jong Il and V.V. Putin looked round the tower.

Gift to Kim Jong Il from V.V. Putin

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a gift from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
    The gift was conveyed to an official concerned on July 20.

DPRK-Russia joint declaration released

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The DPRK-Russia joint declaration signed by General Secretary Kim Jong Il and President V.V. Putin of the Russian Federation reads in full:

DPRK-Russia joint declaration
    V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, visited the DPRK from July 19 to 20, 2000, at the invitation of Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission.
    The DPRK-Russia summit meeting and talks held in Pyongyang were a landmark event in the history of the friendly relations between the two countries.
    The leaders of the two countries had an open-hearted exchange of opinions on the matters related to bilateral relations and international issues of mutual concern and declare as follows according to the results of the talks:
    1. The signing of the treaty of friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation between the DPRK and the Russian Federation on February 9, 2000, demonstrated each other's desire to strengthen the traditional relations of friendship, good neighborliness, mutual trust and multilateral cooperation, respect the objective and principles of the UN Charter, achieve international security and stability and develop equitable and mutually beneficial cooperation in northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
    Further developing cooperation and close bilateral interaction efforts between the DPRK and Russia conforms with the fundamental interests of the two peoples and the trend towards building a multipolar world and establishing a new fair and reasonable international order based on the principle of equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation. This international order is aimed to guarantee reliable security of every country in the political, military, economic, social and cultural and other fields.
    2. The DPRK and the Russian Federation express their unwavering intention to make positive efforts for disarmament and global stability and security against all the policies of aggression and war.
    The DPRK and Russia express the willingness to get in touch with each other without delay if the danger of aggression to the DPRK or to Russia is created or when there is the need to have consultations and cooperate with each other under the circumstances where peace and security are threatened.
    The DPRK and Russia confirm their commitment neither to sign with a third country any treaties and agreements detrimental to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other party, nor to participate in any actions, steps and blocs.
    3. The DPRK and Russia, hailing the efforts to independently settle the question of Korean reunification by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation according to the north-south joint declaration, reached a consensus of views on not allowing any outside interference in this process and consider it important for the countries concerned to support it.
    Russia confirmed its support to the agreement reached between north and south Koreans on this matter.
    4. The DPRK and Russia have confirmed their respect for the objective and principle of the UN Charter which is of universal and enduring nature.
    The DPRK and Russia will cooperate in reforming and reinforcing the United Nations and enhancing its leading role in handling world affairs.
    They also base themselves on the view that use of force or threat of its use in violation of the UN Charter should be regarded as an intolerable challenge to the fundamentals of the system of international relations.
    They will closely cooperate with each other to make the UN millennium summit and general assembly successful and fruitful, and call upon all the member nations to make a constructive contribution to achieving this objective.
    5. Confirming each state's sovereign right to choose its own way of political, economic and social development, the DPRK and Russia oppose interference in other states' internal affairs perpetrated under the pretext of humanitarian intervention and support each other's efforts to defend its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
    6. The DPRK and Russia call for strengthening strategic and regional stability and, at the same time, further reducing factors of use of force in international relations.
    It is of key significance to ensure that START-2 will take effect as soon as possible for its full implementation and START-3 be concluded at an early date, while preserving and reinforcing the 1972 ABM treaty, a bedrock of strategic stability and drastic reduction of strategic offensive arms.
    The DPRK expressed full support to Russia's efforts in this regard.
    The DPRK and Russia consider that the results of the analysis of the present international realities prove the missile threat from some states cited as a pretext to justify their projected amendment to the ABM treaty to be totally groundless.
    In this connection, the DPRK stated that its missile program does not pose any threat to anybody but is purely peaceful in its nature.
    The DPRK and Russia consider that any deployment of the closed Theatre Missile Defense system of bloc style in Asia and Pacific may seriously wreck regional stability and security.
    7. The DPRK and Russia are convinced that any form of international terrorism, separatism, religious extremism and multi-national criminal activities pose threat to security of sovereign states and world peace as a whole.
    Hence the two sides cooperate with each other in combating organized crimes or terrorism, including illegal actions against security of civil aviation and maritime navigation and illegal trafficking in drugs, arms and cultural and historical treasures.
    8. The DPRK and Russia hold that the 21st century should be a century of prosperity for all peoples of the world and, to this end, sovereign states should expand equitable and mutually beneficial international cooperation to ensure sustainable economic growth while cementing their own economic foundations.
    9. Acknowledging that the two countries are interested in turning northeast Asia into a zone of peace, good-neighborliness, stability and equitable international cooperation, the DPRK and Russia stressed that the bilateral relations of cooperation are of invariable importance in this regard.
    The two sides, highly estimating the role of the ASEAN regional forum, expressed their willingness to make a due contribution to its work.
    10. The DPRK and Russia manifested the willingness to actively develop trade, economic and scientific and technological ties between the two sides and create legal, financial and economic conditions favourable for this.
    To this end both sides sign economic agreements in conformity with the generally accepted principles and norms of domestic and international laws.
    Chairmen of the DPRK and Russian sides to the inter-governmental committees for cooperation in trade, economy, science and technology have been authorized to step up the work of drawing up gigantic plans for cooperation in various fields such as metal, power, transport, forestry, oil, gas and light industries. Both sides agreed to pay a special attention to the reconstruction of the jointly built enterprises.
    11. The DPRK and Russia will strengthen the relations between judicial and state power institutions and social organizations of the two countries and realize cooperation in security, national defence, science, education, culture, public health, social security, law, environmental protection, tourism, sports and other fields.
    V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation, expressed thanks for the cordial hospitality accorded to him in Pyongyang and invited Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, to visit Russia at an appropriate time and the invitation was accepted with pleasure.

Kim Jong Il                 V.V. Putin
Chairman                  President
The DPRK National Defence          The Russian Federation
July 19, 2000

Russia-DPRK treaty ratified by Russian State Duma

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was ratified by the State Duma at its general session held on July 19, according to Itar-tass.
    Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Ivanov introduced the treaty to the deputies to the State Duma and said that it is the sole basic document on the relations between the two countries.

Signal successes

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The 6th National Invention and New Technology Exhibition is open in Korea.
    On display are over 11,000 inventions and new technical data of over 3,400 kinds achieved by officials and scientists of ministries and national institutions and scientists in the efforts to uphold the Worker's Party of Korea's idea of attaching great importance to science and technology.
    Coal industrial sector has presented more than 90 varieties of inventions and new technical data for development of new blasting methods, the mechanization of coal cutting faces and improvement of coal cutting equipment.
    Power industrial sector presented nearly 100 varieties of inventions and new technical data including "crusher of air current style" and "floating midget hydro-power generator," which have been made in operating thermo-power plants in full capacity and building large and minor hydro-power stations to resolve the problem of electricity.
    Metal and machinery industrial sectors have made oxygen-blown blast furnace and other scientific and technical achievements contributable to the production of iron and steel, the normal operation of hot rolling equipment, the numerical control of machine tools and the introduction of , large, high-speed, precision and automatic rolling stock.
    New technical achievements have been made in the fields of public health, chemical industry, electronics, communications and light industry.
    All the exhibits are of weighty significance in putting production on steady footing and improving technical equipment in different sectors of the national economy, thus drawing the attention of experts.

Three-point charter of Korea's reunification supported

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- Foreign political parties participated in the international signature campaign supporting the three-point charter of Korea's reunification.
    Osvaldo Leza, international secretary of the Socialist Democratic Party of Argentina, signed the signature paper on behalf of its 45,000 members and Fernando Vasquez, general secretary of the March 26 Movement of Uruguay, on behalf of its 5,000 members.
    The Czechy-Morava Communist Party of the Czech Republic also participated in the signature campaign.

Distribution chart of Korean medicinal herbs published

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The Koryo medicine resources surveying team under the Koryo medicine production management bureau of the Ministry of Public Health has brought out a distribution chart of Korean medicinal herbs.
    The chart consists of two parts which deal with information about the distribution and growth of medicinal herbs, resources in all parts of the country and their, ingredients and use.
    Part one contains regional maps for survey, distribution of medicinal herbs and their boundaries and distribution charts of resources, which give an account of distribution of medicinal herbs of 150 species and their growth.
    Part two gives an account of each medicinal herb, along with botanical name, family, shape, resources, protection, ingredients and use.

KCNA urges Japan to make bold decision to redress its past crimes

   Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The German government recently signed an agreement on creating fund for compensation to those who were subjected to the forced labor by the Nazi regime during World War II.
    This enables more than one million people to receive compensation from funds amounting to 5 billion dollars offered by the German government and enterprises.
    This deserves world public appreciation as it is a positive move to fully redeem Germany's past crime in face of human conscience.
    It is only Japan, perpetrator of most hideous crimes against humanity in Asia, that has not admitted its aggression and crimes in the past. On the contrary it is resorting to dastardly moves to evade compensation for the tremendous damage done to the Korean people.
    During more than 40 years of their military occupation of Korea, the Japanese imperialists took away over 6 million young and middle-aged people for forced labour, killed millions of Koreans and abducted nearly 200,000 women to reduce them to "comfort women for the army."
    The international community, bitterly condemning the Japanese imperialists' military occupation of Korea, is calling for an unconditional apology and compensation for it because that was most horrible crimes against humanity in its history.
    Not content with dreaming up a stratagem to evade this claim of the international community, Japan is peddling the "suspected kidnapping" in a bid to paint itself as a victim, not an assailant.
    This betrays particular impudence and moral vulgarity peculiar to Japan quite different from those countries which fully redress their past crimes.
    This impudence of Japan only invites increased isolation.
    If the Japanese politicians truly think over Japan's future, they should make a political decision, though belatedly, and fully redress its past crimes.

Early national reunification called for

    Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- National reunification is a sacred mission assigned to this generation of Korea and supreme national task, the solution of which brooks no further delay, said Rodong Sinmun yesterday in a signed article.
    The continued division of the country hinders the uniform development of the Korean nation and brings unspeakable disasters, misfortune and pains to the whole nation, the article noted, and went on:
    Failure to terminate the division in our generation would bring greater sufferings and misfortune to our posterity.
    The issue of national reunification is a matter related to the rise and fall of the Korean nation.
    The continued national split will only escalate distrust and confrontation among compatriots which may bring irrevocable disasters to the nation.
    The country should be reunified as early as possible for the security of the nation and peace of the country. This is the only way of leading the Korean nation to survival and prosperity. The sooner, the better.

New Koryo remedies developed

   Pyongyang, July 20 (KCNA) -- The medical workers of the DPRK paid great attention to traditional Koryo remedies and succeeded in developing new methods of treatment and drug stuffs.
    Drawing special attention of medical workers are heart stimulant effect of balm, a new method of treating painful regions by applying acupuncture, treatment of asthma by use of sound pressure, application of moxa for the cure of pelvis peritonitis, the method of putting a cupping glass together with garlic juice, small pellets of vanillin drug and cough syrup, and so on.
    Kyulhyanghwan and kyulhyanggangsimhwan made by adding various subsidiary drug stuffs to balm are efficacious for nervous breakdown of heart, cardic insufficiency, valvulitis and heart weakness.
    The new method of treating painful regions by applying acupuncture proved almost 100 successful specially in curing chest troubles without using pain-killers, vitamins and antibiotic medicines.
    Small pellets of vanillin drug are efficacious for the treatment of chronic hypoacid gastritis and chronic non-acid gastritis.
    Parsley, salt, chelidonium majus alcohol solution and Koryo water containing ions are also good for treating paradentitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
    The method of treating back troubles by using gruel made of gasoline and wheat flour is popular as it is more effective than the existing method of acupuncture, simple in treatment and causes no pains to patients.
    Also made public recently were a number of valuable research successes and experience in treatment including "experience in treatment of acute and chronic gall inflammation by use of moxibustion treatment device and Koryo medicine," "experience in treatment of chronic pharyngitis by Koryo remedy " and "experience in Koryo remedy of thyroid," and so on.