Letter to Kim Jong Il from Ri In Mo

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a letter from Ri In Mo, incarnation of faith and will, on September 8 on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The letter describes 63 unconverted long-term prisoners' exodus to socialism from capitalism as the greatest event ever known in history of humankind.
    Over the last seven years he has enjoyed a happy life under the care of leader Kim Jong Il in the wake of his 34 year- long imprisonment in South Korea, the letter says, and goes on:
    You recovered the 2,075 years of 63 unconverted long-term prisoners and myself that were lost in prison and highly appreciated the years as the those dedicated to the struggle for reunification.
    Indeed, you precisely represent a great affection.

Greetings to Kim Jong Il from ITF President

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a message of greetings on Sep. 9 from president Choe Hong Hui of the International Taekwon-do Federation on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The message says:
    As the President Kim Il Sung founded the DPRK, new independent Korea centred on people was born for the first time in history and the exploits he performed by building a powerful socialist state, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in national defence will shine forever together with his august name.
    The message says that Kim Jong Il has reliably defended the sovereignty of Kim Il Sung's Korea and fully demonstrated the dignity of the nation in the period when the country was undergoing ordeals unprecedented since the foundation of the DPRK.
    Thanks to the unsparing love and solicitude of the President and you, Taekwon-do is being disseminated worldwide as martial art peculiar to the Korean nation and further efflorescing and developing, the message notes, and goes on:
    80 years old as I am, I will dedicate my whole life to the cause of national reunification with Taekwon-do true to the noble intention of the President and you and exert all my efforts for the prosperity of the country.

Unconverted long-term prisoners go round Tower of Juche Idea

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Unconverted long-term prisoners, the indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters, on Sept. 8 went round the Tower of the Juche Idea.
    They looked round the rear of the pedestal of the tower decorated with choice stone pieces from different countries and groups of sculptures on both sides of the tower, being briefed on the Tower of the Juche Idea, the enduring grand monumental edifice, symbolic of the greatness and brilliant victory of the Juche idea clearly indicating the road to be followed by the Korean revolution and humankind in the era of independence.
    Then they went up to the observation platform of the tower where they enjoyed a bird's-eye-view of Pyongyang which has been built into the magnificent capital city of the revolution under the wise guidance of the President Kim Il Sung and the Worker's Party of Korea.
    They renewed their firm resolution to devote themselves to the final victory of the cause of Juche and national reunification to the last moments of their life under the guidance of the respected leader Kim Jong Il.

Floral basket to Kim Il Sung's statue from President of State of Palestine

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Yasser Arafat, President of the State of Palestine, sent a floral basket to the statue of the President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The floral basket was laid before the statue of the President by Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian Ambassador E.P. to the DPRK, on Saturday.
    Written on the ribbon of the floral basket were words "The great leader his excellency Kim Il Sung will live forever."

DPRK government gives banquet

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- The government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea gave a banquet at the People's Palace of Culture on September 9 in celebration of the 52nd anniversary of the DPRK.
    Attending the banquet were Kim Yong Nam, Hong Song Nam and other senior party and state officials.
    Present were 63 unconverted long-term prisoners who returned to the socialist homeland on September 2.
    Present on invitation were foreign diplomatic envoys, representatives of international organisations and foreign guests here.
    Premier Hong Song Nam, addressing the banquet, said the foundation of the DPRK by the President Kim Il Sung was a historic event that gave a new origin to the building of man-centred socialist state.
    He further said:
    The history of the DPRK is a proud history of creation and building in which the untrodden path was paved victoriously and man-centred socialism of Korean style has been built, strengthened and developed under the guidance of the great leaders and a glorious history of struggle and victory in which the sovereignty and dignity of the country and nation have been defended in face of the unabated aggression and challenge of the imperialists and reactionaries.
    In the DPRK thanks to the outstanding guidance and energetic activities of the great Kim Jong Il proud successes have steadily been achieved to guarantee a bright prospect of building a powerful nation, great progress has been made in the efforts to promote national reunification and the international prestige and authority of the DPRK have been strengthened as never before.
    The recent return of many unconverted long-term prisoners to the DPRK from South Korea is the greatest event ever known in the world history and gives a strong impetus to the efforts of the people to build a powerful nation.
    There are still many difficulties in our way, but our people and army will push ahead with the general march for the building of a powerful nation to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea as a grand festival of proud victors and demonstrate the dignity and potentials of the DPRK all over the world, rallied close around the great Kim Jong Il in one mind and purpose.

DPRK Red Cross spokesman on care shown for unconverted long-term prisoners

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the central committee of the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today gave an answer to a question put by KCNA as regards the care shown for the unconverted long-term prisoners who returned to the North Korea.
    He said:
    The central committee of the Red Cross Society together with all the people in the North Korea warmly welcomed 63 unconverted long-term prisoners with kinship and has made every possible effort for their health and happy living conditions.
    Departmental detailed medical checkups are now under way in the wake of the first round of health screening of the unconverted long-term prisoners and relevant steps have been taken for the hospital treatment of patients whose illness is critical and serious cases.
    Opportunities have been offered to them to meet with their families and relatives and a work is making brisk headway to provide them with the dwelling houses and stable living conditions and deep attention is paid to their visits, rest and home-town visits.
    The spokesman expressed deep thanks to all the people at home and abroad, the world progressives, international Red Cross organisations and national Red Cross organizations and human rights organizations around the world for all their sincerity and efforts made for the return of the unconverted long-term prisoners to the DPRK.
    He also expressed the expectation that they will continue to make every possible effort for the repatriation of Jong Sun Dok and Jong Sun Thaek and all other unconverted long-term prisoners in South Korea who failed to return to the DPRK and who hope for the return to the DPRK and give sincere aid needed for the medical treatment of 63 unconverted long-term prisoners back to the DPRK and their stable living.

Int'l support for three-point charter of Korea's reunification

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Japanese trade union organizations took part in the international signature campaign supporting the three-point charter of Korea's reunification.
    The signature paper was inked by Nagagazu Sakakibara, chairman of the central executive committee of the Japan Teachers' Union, on behalf of its 400,000 members, Toshio Sitara, director of the international department of the General Federation of Private Labour Unions of Japan, Yukio Yokohara, general secretary of the Peace Movement Center of Hiroshima Prefecture, Hachiro Torikoe, chairman of the Okayama Prefectural Council of Peace, Human Rights, Environment Trade Unions, and Suekichi Koumoto, chairman of the central executive committee of the All-Japan Dock Workers' Union, respectively on behalf of their members.

Japanese ambassador's lecture under fire

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Members of the Group to Defend Tok Islet staged a surprise demonstration against the lecture given by the Japanese ambassador to South Korea in the lecture hall on Sept. 8, according to Radio No. 1 from Seoul.
    The moment the Japanese ambassador was about to give his lecture in the hall under the sponsorship of the South Korean press foundation they lodged a protest with him, chanting slogans "Expel Japanese ambassador" and the like.
    His lecture had to be suspended for a while due to the commotion in the hall.

Evening galas of youth and students in Pyongyang

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Evening galas of youth and students in Pyongyang took place before the Tower of the Juche Idea, the monument to party founding, the arch of triumph and other places yesterday to celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Songs "Let Our Tri-colour Flag of Republic Fly." "Ours Is Country of Eternal President" and "Best Is Our Country," etc, reverberated far and wide as if to tell about the history of the DPRK.
    The participants danced to the tune of such songs as "My Country Is Best", "Pride of Youth" "Let Us Love Our Country" and "Ongheya," stirring up the festive mood.
    The evening galas once again demonstrated the firm pledge of the youth vanguard to hold the respected leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem and make a long journey of revolution without the slightest vacillation, true to the last instructions of the President Kim Il Sung.
    On the same day, evening galas of youth and students were also held in all provinces, cities and counties.

Meeting and banquet of Korean residents in Japan held

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- A central meeting and a banquet of Korean residents in Japan was held in Tokyo on September 8 on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the DPRK.
    Present there were first vice-chairman So Man Sul and chief vice-chairman Ho Jong Man of the central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan and others.
    So Man Sul said in his report at the central meeting that the founding of the DPRK by the President Kim Il Sung 52 years ago was a historic event that brought about a radical turn in carving out the destinies of the country and people.
    He referred to the fact that the President built the DPRK into a powerful socialist state, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in national defence.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il, true to the noble intention of the President, has ushered in golden days of the national prosperity with his outstanding ideological and theoretical activities, dynamic leadership and his noble virtue of taking care of all people, he said, and went on:
    The compatriots in Japan, rallied close around Chongryon, the overseas compatriots organization of the DPRK, are stoutly living with the pride and self-respect of being proud overseas citizens of Korea of Juche defending their national rights and interests.
    He called upon Chongryon and compatriots to advance dynamically for the growth and development of the movement of Koreans in Japan, true to the idea and leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    A congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    Present at the banquet were secretary general Hiromu Nonaka of the Liberal-Democratic Party of Japan, leader Takako Toi and secretary general Satao Fuchigami of the Social-Democratic Party of Japan and other political, public and academic figures and men of the press, foreign ambassadors to Japan and representatives of international organizations and non-governmental organizations.

Letter to Kim Jong Il from unconverted long-term prisoners

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a letter from unconverted long-term prisoners, the indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters, on September 9 on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the DPRK.
    The letter said:
    It was thanks to our motherland, the great leader President Kim Il Sung and you the respected marshal Kim Jong Il that took care of and protected us that we could remain true to our faith and overcome trials in prison, not allowing ourselves to be converted.
    The days we have spent in the fatherland are nothing but a moment as compared with scores of years of prison life.
    But in these days, we have keenly felt that the people's society built by Generalissimo Kim Il Sung is the best in the world and are moved to tears by your trust and love shown for the soldiers in the enemy-controlled area.
    This was the main source of our strength with which we could remain true to the revolutionary faith despite hangmen's savage torture and persistent temptation.
    That is why you represent all our lives and destinies and the strongest faith and will.
    Indeed, your care is that of a true mother who embraces and brings up all children and puts them forward, you represent mainstay of the faith and will of the unconverted long-term prisoners and a bright future of the reunified country for the 70 million fellow countrymen to live in.

S. Korean human rights organization sends written protest to U.S. President

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the Movement Against GIs' Crimes, a South Korean human rights organization, held a mass rally in Seoul on Sep. 5 calling for the total revision of the South Korea-U.S. "Status of Forces Agreement," according to a radio report from Seoul.
    A message of protest to U.S. President Clinton was adopted at the meeting.
    The headquarters charged that the agreement is full of unequal provisions, calling for its total revision.

Competition in composing poems eulogizing Kim Jong Il under way

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- A competition in composing poems in praise of the great leader Kim Jong Il is under way in South Korea nowadays, according to a news report.
    Composed poems are widely introduced through internet.
    More than 200 poems such as "Three-verse Poem on Country" and "Three-verse Poem on Getting Together" have already been fed into homepages.
    Among them are a three-verse poem explaining the august name of Kim Jong Il and a four-verse poem explaining the essence of "summit talks" which means the historic Pyongyang meeting arranged thanks to his bold decision.
    The poems represent the ardent desire of the South Korean people to welcome Kim Jong Il in Seoul as early as possible and their confidence that he has a clear orientation of national reunification and call for using the Pyongyang meeting as an occasion of opening the door to reunification.

Japan urged to make proper option

    Pyongyang, September 10 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today comments on the whole aspect of the recently disclosed secret agreement signed by the governments of Japan and the United States when they revised the "Japan-U.S. Security Pact" in 1960.
    The signed commentary says:
    According to a secret document of the U.S. State Department which was obtained by the "National Security Archive", a non-governmental research institute of the United States, it was stipulated that U.S. vessels carrying nuclear weapons will need no prior consultation with Japan when they want to call at ports of Japan or when the U.S. forces sally forth from their bases in Japan in "emergency" on the Korean peninsula.
    This goes to prove that the United States has long got the U.S. forces stationed in South Korea and Japan ready to stifle the DPRK by force of arms and secretly pushed ahead with the preparations for a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula in particular.
    What is noteworthy is Japan's sleight of hand, the commentary says, and goes on:
    As already known, Japan identifies "three non-nuclear principles" with its state policy. But the principles that ban Japan from possessing producing or introducing nuclear weapons turned out to be sheer hypocrisy due to the secret promise made to the United States as regards nuclear weapons. Japan, in fact, is shutting its eyes to the U.S. shipment, stockpiling and deployment of nuclear weapons in Japan though it advocates those principles.
    The Japanese reactionaries allow the United States to use its military bases in Japan as it pleases in case of "emergency on the Korean peninsula. This is intended to realize its ambition for reinvasion with the backing of their senior ally.
    The Japanese militarist forces are driving the U.S. war chariot to stage comeback to Korea.
    The Japanese reactionaries do not bother to cry out for their participation in the Korean War in case of "emergency" on the Korean peninsula.
    But their reinvasion is as foolish an act as jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to take a proper option, if they do not want to repeat their disgraceful history.