Congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) sent a congratulatory letter to the great leader Kim Jong Il today, the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
The letter said 55 years covered by the WPK are a proud history of victory and glory in which it has wrought miracles and feats of the century in the annals of gigantic creation and revolution with the indomitable faith and will, upholding the great sun and under the banner of the immortal Juche idea.
With rare wisdom and scientific insight Kim Jong Il has developed and enriched the Juche-based line of party building and thoroughly applied the idea, theory and method of the fatherly leader Kim Il Sung and thus strengthened the WPK into the party of the great Kim Il Sung and turned the cause of the party into the cause of immortalizing the leader. This is the most brilliant feat achieved in the history of the WPK and a monument of particular note in the history of the international communist movement, it stressed.
The letter further said:
As you, the great man born of heaven, have been acclaimed as the great leader in the era of independence, the imperialists' "theory on end of socialism" was dismissed and socialism of Juche has become the beacon of hope for the progressive humankind struggling for independence, peace, progress and prosperity and the world's socialist movement and cause of independence are freshly advancing on the orbit of Juche around the WPK.
The vanguard fighters of the NDFSK and patriotic people from all walks of life will cherish the absolute worship of you and prepare themselves more thoroughly to be men of strong faith and will who are intensely loyal to you.
"Carrying the unanimous wish of the vanguard fighters and people of all walks of life in the south, the NDFSK central committee wholeheartedly wishes you a long life in good health," the letter said.
Wreaths and floral baskets laid before martyrs' cemeteries and monument
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong and the Patriotic Martyrs' Cemetery and floral baskets before the monument to victory in the Fatherland Liberation War on Monday, the day before the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
Seen at the wreath-laying stands of the cemeteries were wreaths from the great leader Kim Jong Il.
Present at the ceremonies of laying wreaths and floral baskets were Kim Yong Nam, Hong Song Nam and other senior party and state officials.
Placed at the cemeteries were wreaths in the name of the WPK Central Committee, the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly and the cabinet of the DPRK. Laid before the monument were a floral basket in the joint name of the C.C., the WPK and the Central Military Commission of the WPK.
Also placed there were wreaths and floral baskets in the name of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces, working people's organizations, commissions and ministries of the cabinet, national institutions, units of the Korean People's Army, organizations of the Korean Children's Union, and others.
Floral basket to Korean party from Chinese party
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Worker’s Party of Korea received a basket of flowers from the central committee of the Communist Party of China on the occasion of its 55th birthday.
Chinese ambassador to Korea Wang Guozhang on Monday handed the basket to department director of the WPK Central Committee Kim Yang Gon.
The WPK Central Committee also received a floral basket from the Chinese embassy here on the same day.
Floral baskets laid before statues of Kim Il Sung
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- People and servicemen across the country and unconverted long-term prisoners and members of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea laid baskets of flowers before the statues of the President Kim Il Sung on Monday, the day before the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
Seen at his statue on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang was a floral basket from General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
Laid before the statue were floral baskets, together with bouquets and flowers, in the name of the party and armed forces bodies, power organs, public organizations, ministries, national institutions and others.
Baskets of flowers in the name of the unconverted long-term prisoners, indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters, and the Pyongyang mission of the NDFSK were also placed there.
Besides, floral baskets, bouquets and flowers were presented to the statues of the president at Kim Il Sung University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's Security and other places of Pyongyang.
Meanwhile, working people, servicemen and school youth and children across the country visited the statues of Kim Il Sung in their residential quarters on the same day to lay floral baskets, bouquets and flowers.
The military attaches' corps in Korea, too, visited his statue on Mansu Hill to lay a basket of flowers.
Silk banner to Kim Jong Il from unconverted long-term prisoners
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The unconverted long-term prisoners, indomitable pro-reunification patriotic fighters, presented the great leader Kim Jong Il with a silk banner on the occasion of the 55th birthday of the Worker's Party of Korea.
The banner, 55 cm in width and 110 cm in height, carries a picture of Kim Jong Il on the center of its front. Portrayed below it are the slogan "Long live general Kim Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century " and 55 Kimjongilias, which are symbolic of the unconverted long-term prisoners' loyalty to him.
On its right upper part is Mt. Paektu, the holy mountain of the revolution, and below it are letters reading "55th anniversary of the party." Seen on its bottom are letters "October 10, Juche 89 (2000)" and "the unconverted long-term prisoners who have come under the care of the party."
On the back of it are names of the 63 prisoners.
Peruvian honorary citizenship awarded to Kim Jong Il
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a certificate of Honorary Citizenship of Comas, Peru, on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
The Comas City Council decided on October 3 to award this certificate to him with due ceremony.
At the ceremony Mayor Arnulfo Medina conveyed the certificate to the Korean ambassador to Peru.
Written on the certificate are the following words:
The Comas city government awards a certificate of Honorary Citizenship to Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea and Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission, on the occasion of the 55th birthday of the WPK, in high appreciation of his great contributions to global peace and cultural development.
Kim Jong Il visits Kumsusan Memorial Palace
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il today visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace together with senior party and state officials to pay homage to the President Kim Il Sung on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the WPK.
The palace was enveloped in a solemn and serene atmosphere.
Kim Jong Il entered the hall where the statue of the President is standing.
He was accompanied by Kim Yong Nam, Hong Song Nam, Kim Yong Chun, Kim Il Chol and other senior party and state officials and leading officials of the party and armed forces institutions.
Flags of the WPK and the DPRK and colors of the KPA were seen on both sides of the statue.
A guard of honor of the KPA three services was lining up there.
A floral basket was laid before the statue in the joint name of the Central Committee of the WPK, the Central Military Commission of the WPK, the National Defence Commission of the DPRK, the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and the cabinet of the DPRK.
A ribbon hanging from the floral basket was bearing letters reading "the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung is immortal."
Kim Jong Il, together with senior party and state officials, paid profound respects to the statue of the President.
He entered the hall where the President is lying in state.
He, together with senior party and state officials, made a deep bow to the President in humblest reverence.
Kim Yong Chun speaks at military and civilian parades to celebrate 55th WPK anniversary
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's Army, made a speech at military and civilian parades held today in celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
He said:
The grand military and civilian parades that are to be held in celebration of the significant 55th anniversary of the WPK mark an important occasion in glorifying for all ages the immortal exploits the great leader Kim Il Sung performed for the cause of building of a revolutionary party of Juche type, fully demonstrating the revolutionary traits of the whole party, the whole army and all the people rallied close around the leader in one mind and purpose and the fixed faith and will of the people's army and people to firmly defend and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the guidance of the party.
President Kim Il Sung founded the party right after the liberation of Korea, a historic event of weighty importance in carving out the destiny of the Korean people and developing the Korean revolution.
With the foundation of the WPK the Korean people came to have their own reliable vanguard unit, a militant staff and the glorious worker's party era began in this land.
The WPK that paved a new road for the building of a revolutionary party in the era of independence and set a brilliant example in this process under the guidance of the President has attained the height of prosperity in its development because it has been led by the great Kim Jong Il.
Under his outstanding and tested guidance the WPK has grown to be an invincible party with the unitary ideology and leadership as well as strong organisation and discipline. The whole party is rallied close around the leader and forms a harmonious whole with the popular masses.
It has discharged its noble mission with credit as a staff of the Korean revolution and a leading political organisation.
Thanks to the party's army-first politics the Korean People's Army has grown to be an invincible army strong in ideology and faith to devotedly defend the party and the leader as well as the security of the country and people.
All the victories won by the people's army and the people in their efforts for sovereignty, independence and socialism and the miracle of the century they wrought by opening an epochal phase in the building of a powerful nation and the struggle for independent reunification of the country, overcoming difficulties in the recent years of the "arduous march" and the forced march are a brilliant fruition of the tested and experienced guidance of the WPK blessed with outstanding leaders generation after generation.
All the party members, officers and men of the people's army and people should get united in one mind and purpose around the great Kim Jong Il, their destiny and banner of victory, and fight it out to strengthen and develop the WPK into the party of the great leader Kim Il Sung forever and accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche under the guidance of the party.
The officers and men of the people's army will always be mindful of the iron truth of the revolution that peace can be preserved and victory of socialism be guaranteed only by the arms of the people's army and will increase the military power enough to mercilessly frustrate all sorts of aggression moves of the enemies, safeguard the party and socialist cause, perform continuous exploits in the building of a prosperous country and thus discharge its honorable duty as befits the pillar and main force of the revolution.
The people's army and people will take the guidance of the party as their lifeline, carry through the WPK line of attaching importance to the ideology, arms and science and technology, defend and glorify socialism of Korean style and build a powerful, thriving socialist country of Juche in this land without fail.
Military and civilian parades held to celebrate 55th anniversary of WPK
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Grand military and civilian parades took place here today to mark the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
The participants in the parades lined up on Kim Il Sung Square in the center of the capital city and boulevards leading to it.
Seen at the square were a portrait of President Kim Il Sung and slogans reading "Long live the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung " and "Long live the glorious Worker's Party of Korea "
Floating in the sky above the square were large balloons from which were suspending slogans reading "Great leader comrade Kim Il Sung will always be with us", "Long live the revolutionary idea of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung " "Greatest glory to the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il " "Long live the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il " "Long live the 55th anniversary of the glorious Worker's Party of Korea " and "glory to the revolutionary armed forces loyal to our party "
Amid the playing of welcome music, General Secretary Kim Jong appeared on the tribune of honor.
The moment, stormy cheers of "hurrah " burst forth and thousands of balloons soared into the sky above the capital city.
The tribune of honor was taken by Kim Yong Nam, Kim Yong Ju, Pak Song Chol, Hong Song Nam and other senior party and state officials, anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters, commanders of services and arms of the KPA and leading officials of working people's organizations.
The reviewing stands were taken by the delegates to celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the WPK, diplomatic envoys of different countries and members of the military attaches corps here and foreign guests.
The immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung" was played while a 21-gun salute boomed.
KPA vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the KPA, made a speech.
"Song of General Kim Jong Il" was solemnly played.
Colonel General Kim Jong Gak, chief commanding officer of the military parade, reported to Kim Yong Chun that the columns of the paraders lined up to be inspected before the parade.
Kim Yong Chun and Kim Jong Gak rode past them, warmly congratulating the paraders on the 55th anniversary of the WPK.
All the paraders responded to them, loudly shouting "we serve the country "
Kim Jong Il received a report from Kim Yong Chun on starting the military parade.
He raised his hand in acknowledgement of the report.
All the paraders broke into cheers "hurrah " and shouts of slogans "Kim Jong Il", "devoted defence" and "national reunification" and "let us devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution headed by the great comrade Kim Jong Il " a clarion call sounded to start the parade and a limousine carrying a flag bearing Kim Il Sung's portrait drove into the square, escorted by the colors guards of the KPA three services, amid the playing of the song "Long Live Generalissimo Kim Il Sung".
All the paraders held their rifles upright to salute the flag and pay highest tribute to him.
Columns of Kim Il Sung Military University, Kim Il Sung Political University, Kim Jong Suk Naval University, Kim Chaek Airforce University, Kang Kon General Military Academy and other military academies, columns of the three services of the Korean People's Army, columns of guard infantry division no. 1, guard Seoul tank division no. 105 named after Ryu Kyong Su and other guard units which performed matchless military merits during the Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953) and columns of revolutionary schools marched past in fine array, fully demonstrating the WPK's great army-first politics and the tremendous vitality of the WPK's line of making the entire army a cadre army and modernizing it.
Then followed columns of the worker-peasant red guards and the young red guards.
Kim Jong Il raised his hand high each time a column of paraders marched past the tribune.
Citizens from all walks of life on streets warmly welcomed the paraders marching past them.
The parade was followed by a mass demonstration. It was led by Kim Il Sung's statue.
Columns of party flag-carrying citizens, cheering people, torchlight-carrying demonstrators, happy dancers, heroes and heroines and people of meritorious service, children's union members, people dancing with red flags and other columns marched past the tribune with huge floats, picture-boards and slogans.
Demonstrators marched past, raising cheers of "hurrah " and waving flowers. Their rhythmic and graceful dances fully represented the sky-high spirit of the revolutionary ranks of Juche in which the whole party and army and all the people are single-heartedly united around Kim Jong Il and the happy life of the dignified Korean people.
At the end of the demonstration, Kim Jong Il came out to the balcony of the tribune and waved to the enthusiastically cheering crowd.
Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon central standing committee
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a congratulatory message from the central standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) today, the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
The message wholeheartedly extended warmest congratulations and highest glory to Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea, on the foundation anniversary of the WPK, representing the unanimous mind of loyalty of all Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan.
Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan are overflowing with infinite national pride, bearing in mind the immortal revolutionary history of the great leader President Kim Il Sung, founder of the party of Juche type and the distinguished leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il, builder and leader of the party, on the occasion of the 55th jubilant anniversary of the party, said the message.
The glorious WPK, a party of Kim Jong Il, the greatest man of idea, leadership and virtues, is a defender of our destiny and a heart of life which guides the socialist homeland of Juche to a bright future and encourages the whole nation to achieve a reunified country which will prosper forever, noted the message.
It expressed the determination to absolutely hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem and apply his idea and leadership with loyalty so as to firmly establish the ideological and leadership system of Juche within the organisation and impregnably strengthen the single-hearted unity of Chongryon ranks.
All Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan sincerely wish him a long life in good health, said the message.
Reception given by DPRK embassy in Beijing on occasion of WPK anniversary
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The DPRK embassy in Beijing gave a reception on October 9 on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
Present there on invitation was Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the c.c., the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission of China.
The reception was addressed by Ju Chang Jun, DPRK ambassador to China, and Zeng Qinghong, alternate member of the political bureau of the CPC central committee, member of its secretariat and head of its organization department.
Zeng Qinghong in his speech said that Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the CPC central committee and President of State, and the CPC central committee extend warmest congratulations to the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Il and the WPK Central Committee.
He also offered sincere and hearty congratulations to the WPK members and the Korean people.
Referring to the achievements made by the WPK over the last 55 years, he noted that the party, government and people of China are sincerely rejoiced over the successes made by the WPK headed by Kim Jong Il true to the behest of President Kim Il Sung and warmly hail them.
He expressed belief that the Korean people would achieve greater success in socialist construction and in the efforts to achieve the cause of the independent and peaceful reunification of the country under the guidance of the WPK headed by Kim Jong Il.
He expressed with conviction that the traditional friendship between the two countries would continue to grow stronger and develop.
Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il of the Worker's Party of Korea yesterday received a congratulatory message from general secretary Jiang Zemin of the central committee of the Communist Party of China on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the WPK.
In the message Jiang, on behalf of the CPC central committee and all the party members and on his own behalf, extends the warmest and sincere congratulations to General Secretary Kim Jong Il and, through him, to the WPK Central Committee, all the party members and all the Korean people on the occasion of the glorious 55th WPK anniversary.
The message says:
The WPK is a political party of proletarian class with a long history of revolutionary struggle. It led the diligent and courageous. Korean people to the unprecedentedly arduous heroic struggle to found the democratic people's republic of Korea whose master is the people, overcoming manifold difficulties and hardships and won a great victory in the fatherland liberation war to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country.
In the recent years the WPK headed by you has achieved a single-hearted unity of the Korean people in face of the complicate international situation compounded by years of natural disasters, true to the intention of President Kim Il Sung to register resounding successes in socialist construction, upgrading friendly relations with different countries, promoting the independent, peaceful reunification of the country and preserving peace and stability on the Korean peninsula despite pressure and difficulties.
The Chinese party and people sincerely rejoice at the successes gained by their Korean counterparts in various domains.
China and the DPRK are friendly neighboring countries linked by mountain and river. The two parties, two countries and two peoples have traditional friendship forged and fostered by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, Kim Il Sung and other leaders of old generation. The friendship withstood the trials of history spanning more than half a century and already took deep root in the minds of the two peoples. It has steadily been consolidated and developed amidst the common concern and sincere efforts of our two parties, two countries and two peoples.
To defend and boost the Sino-Korean friendship at the turn of the century, an important historic time, tallies with the shared desire and basic interests of the two parties, two countries, two peoples. It is of weighty importance in defending peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and northeast Asia and the rest of the world.
It is the fixed policy of the CPC to consolidate and develop the friendship between China and the DPRK.
We will as ever increase cooperation with the Korean party and people and boost the China-DPRK relations of friendship in the 21st century with redoubled efforts.
I sincerely hope for a lasting China-DPRK friendship.
Special envoy of Kim Jong Il arrives in Washington
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and director of the general political department of the Korean People's Army, arrived in Washington on Monday by air to visit the United States as a special envoy of General Secretary Kim Jong Il.
He was accompanied by first vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Sok Ju and officials concerned.
He and his party were met at the airport by officials of the U.S. Department of State and, at their lodgings, by the policy coordinator on the DPRK, who is special aide to the President and the state secretary.
The special envoy made an arrival statement at the airport.
Day of Ugandan Independence marked
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- A lecture meeting was held here on Monday to mark the 38th anniversary of the Independence of Uganda.
Present there were Hong Tong Chol, deputy editor of Minju Joson and vice-chairman of the Korea-Uganda Friendship Association, members of the association and citizens.
Hong gave a lecture titled "Uganda today."
Rosy future of WPK
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea is a grand proud festival of victors who overcame the unprecedented "arduous march" and the forced march under the leadership of the great Kim Jong Il, says Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial.
The foundation of the WPK in 1945, 55 years ago, was a historic event which brought a fundamental turn in the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche, the editorial says, and goes on:
Since its foundation the WPK has traversed the road of proud victory and glory and performed immortal feats for the era and revolution, the country and the nation.
Over the last 55 years the WPK has proudly led the trend of history in the spirit of the great guiding idea of the era and displayed patriotism by putting the position and dignity of the country and the nation on the highest level.
Looking back on the 55 year-long history of the WPK that has covered the road of brilliant victory, fully displaying its invincible might, we are most proud in the world of making a revolution with the great leaders in the van.
The great leader Kim Il Sung is the father of the cause of building a party of Juche type who has indicated and brilliantly realised the original idea and theory of building a revolutionary party under the banner of the Juche idea.
The WPK founded and led by Kim Il Sung has entered a new phase of its development by Kim Jong Il.
Kim Jong Il is the supreme brain of revolution and distinguished leader who has strengthened and developed the WPK into a party of Kim Il Sung forever and a guide in a new era of the Juche revolution.
The WPK is a most powerful party that set forth a great target of building a powerful nation and successfully carrying it out and a most experienced and tested party that is leading the revolution and construction to a straight road of victory with the most correct politics.
Kim Jong Il's work released in Italy
Pyongyang, October 10 (KCNA) -- The Data News Publishing House of Italy brought out in booklet General Secretary Kim Jong Il's celebrated work "the Worker's Party of Korea Is the Party of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung" on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
Carried in the booklet is a portrait of Kim Jong Il.
The work was published on October 2, Juche 84 (1995).