Russian consul-general gives reception

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Oleg Dabydov, Russian consul-general in Chongjin, gave a reception at the consulate-general on Thursday to commemorate the 52nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the Russian Federation. Invited to the reception were Kim Song Gwon, vice-chairman of the North Hamgyong Provincial People's Committee, and officials concerned.
    Staff members of the consulate-general were present.
    Speeches were made there.

Kim Jong Il's work released in Germany

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- The Communist Party of Germany brought out in booklet Kim Jong Il's famous work "On The Juche Idea" on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Expounded in the work published on March 31, Juche 71 (1982) are the philosophical and socio-historical principles of the Juche idea and its guiding principles in the revolution and construction.

Pledge of loyalty to Kim Jong Il made

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- A ceremony was held at the Kumsusan Memorial Palace on Thursday to pay deep respects to the great leader President Kim Il Sung and make a pledge of loyalty to the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea. Attending the ceremony were vice marshals, commanders of services and arms of the Korean People's Army and officers and men of the three services of the KPA, and members of the worker-peasant red guards and the young red guards.
    A twenty-one gun salute was boomed amid the playing of the immortal revolutionary paean "Song of General Kim Il Sung and "Song of General Kim Jong Il".
    All the participants saluted President Kim Il Sung.
    Kim Yong Chun, chief of the KPA general staff, made an address at the ceremony. The participants, in hearty response to his address carrying the rockfirm faith of the revolutionary army, solemnly pledged that they would remain loyal to the supreme commander's army-first revolutionary leadership and reliably defend and accomplish the sacred, revolutionary cause of Juche.
    They chanted in chorus the slogans "Let us hold the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung in high esteem forever " and "Let us devotedly defend the headquarters of revolution headed by the great comrade Kim Jong Il " and loudly sang the song "We will defend the headquarters of revolution with our lives".
    Then followed a march-past.

Singlehearted unity of Korean people lauded

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Foreigners expressed their admiration at the military and civilian parades held to celebrate the 55th birthday of the Workers' Party of Korea. Arnaldo Tamayo Mendes, director of the external relations department of the Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba, said: The military and civilian parades were mammoth and excellent ones. I was deeply moved to see the columns of paraders marching past, looking up to the tribune of honor and demonstrators raising stormy cheers.
    Seeing the parades, I felt keenly how deep the Korean army and people's reverence and trust in the great leader Kim Il Sung and the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il are.
    Only the army and people with unbounded loyalty to the leader can make the marvelous scene. No force on earth can break the singlehearted unity of the Korean people.
    Shuhachi Inoue, Honorary director general of the international institute of the Juche idea, said: The military and civilian parades made me see a true picture of Korea, a great country where the leader, the party and the popular masses form a harmonious whole.
    Despite of imperialist moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and years of natural disasters the Korean people could make a vigorous struggle to build a powerful nation full of confidence and optimism because they had the great leader and were led by the great party.
    The realities of Korea show that when the party is great the country can shine as a great country.
    Palestinian ambassador Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, who is doyen of the diplomatic corps in Korea, said: The military and civilian parades helped me have a good understanding of the great ideology, unity and optimism of the Korean people.
    The parades evidently show that nobody can break the might of the singlehearted unity of the Korean people rallied close around the respected Kim Jong Il.
    Vu Dinh Thang, military attache of the vietnamese embassy who is doyen of the military attaches corps said:
    The military and civilian parades were excellent and wonderful ones. They made me keenly feel the reverence of the Korean armed forces and people for the respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il.

Young hero motorway completed

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Young hero motorway was successfully completed. The 40 odd km-long motorway from Pyongyang to Nampho was laid by the young Korean people in less than two years at the hardest time.
    It is the product of self-reliance ranging from design, materials, manpower to method of civil engineering.
    The motorway running through mountains and fields and over rivers is wide enough for vehicles to run at the same time.
    It has green belts, woodlands and scores of bridges and crossings of specific features in good harmony with dwelling houses for thousands of families.
    The motorway has been built in such a way as to fully meet its scientific and technological needs including traffic safety. The construction of the motorway has improved the appearance of the fork at Mangyongdae, Chollima district, Chongsan-ri, Thaesong-ri and other significant towns and given a face-lifting to the appearance of the country.
    It will help perfect the traffic network on the west coast and greatly contribute to the improvement of standard of people's living and the country's economic development.
    Pyongyang has turned into a world-standard capital city of Juche Korea with a major port city.
    The great monumental youth road to be conveyed with the history of the "arduous march" is a brilliant fruition of the bold and big operation and wise leadership of the great Kim Jong Il.
    He initiated the project to build the motorway, turned the construction site as the field for demonstrating the idea and faith of the young people to defend the party and socialism at the risk of their lives at the hard time, gave more than 100 valuable teachings and solved all problems arising in the project including the equipment and material supply and the builders' life.
    The young builders ran for nearly 700 days carrying earth of 14 million cubic metres with bags and stretches to build a roadbed in the do-or-die spirit. And they also finished the construction projects such as over 80 irrigation structures, some 50 bridges, over 3 million cubic metres of asphalt, 83.6 km truck road and connection road. They planted at least 1.33 million trees of over 60 kinds to create 30 metre-wide woodlands, green belts of 800,000 square metres and 75,000 square metres flower garden on either side of the road.
    33 spots of rivers and streams near the motorway extending 36.3 km were adjusted and 16.5 hectares grapery fields have been built in various places.
    Kim Jong Il said that the young people are very admirable and he would like to seat all of them on cushions of gold and that a monument to the young builders should be erected to commemerate the large-scale motorway at the hard time.
    In order to convey the immortal exploits of the party which trained the young people into heroes of era and performers of feats and the feats of the youth shock brigade members and army-builders who demonstrated their youthful wisdom and courage in the construction of the Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway the presideum of the supreme people's assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on October 11 issued a decree on naming the Pyongyang-Nampho Motorway "Young Hero Motorway".

Special envoy of Kim Jong Il returns home

    Pyongyang, October 13 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and director of the general political department of the Korean People's Army, today returned home after visiting the united states as a special envoy of the great leader Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and Supreme Commander of the KPA. First vice-minister of Foreign Affairs Kang Sok Ju and officials concerned, the entourage of the special envoy, also returned home.
    They were met at the airport by Kim Yong Nam, president of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, member of the NDC of the DPRK and chief of the KPA general staff, and others and Wang Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK.
    The special envoy and his entourage left Washington on October 12.