Greetings to Angolan President

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, on Nov. 7 sent a message of greetings to Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, President of the Republic of Angola, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its independence.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the President, government and people of Angola on the occasion.
    It sincerely wished the President and people of Angola great success in the work to end the civil war at an early date and achieve peace and economic progress of the country and expressed conviction that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will grow stronger and develop.

Kaechon part-time sports school

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- There are many part-time sports schools for children in Korea, which play an important role in the development of the country's physical culture and sports and the training of the future athletes.
    Among them is the Kaechon City Sports School.
    Those who take a fancy to sports are enrolled in this school. After school is over, they receive training in football, basketball, table-tennis, softball and others in accordance with special schedules worked out by coaches.
    Emphasis is laid on the combination of basic and physical training, and improving stamina through competitions.
    Individual instruction is given to those endowed with special constitution and skills.
    All this helps them improve their skills quickly and develop distinguished styles of action.
    At the 36th national competition of part-time sports schools last year, the school achieved good results in basketball, softball and table-tennis and became runner-up in male and female events at the schoolchildren's table-tennis championships this year.
    It has produced two merited athletes and eight master athletes and captured 172 gold, 432 silver and 687 bronze medals and seven trophies.
    The recent three years saw the joining of 50 of its graduates in national sports teams. Pak Ok Sil at Amnokgang Sports Team was awarded a prize for her special merits in a football game. There are also ace players including Kim Sung Nam, male football player at Rimyongsu Sports Team and O Hi Un, female football player at April 25 Sports Team.
    As a center of extracurricular sports activities for schoolchildren, the school produces promising athletes, contributing to labour, national defence and sports development.

New stamps

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has recently issued a stamp and a souvenir sheet that feature Taehongdan, a northern inland county in Korea.
    Before liberation, this inhospitable backwoods area, with primitive forests stretching well over 100 kilometres long, was riddled with howling of beasts and inhabited by slack-and-burn farmers and gold miners. It was not until Juche 43 (1954) when President Kim Il Sung visited there that it began to develop into a modern integrated farm.
    The souvenir sheet carries an oil painting that depicts the President on his visit to the county.
    Taehongdan is associated with the struggle of the anti-Japanese fighters and honored with inspection trips by leader Kim Jong Il, who has boosted it into a pace-setter in the nation's potato farming and provided its population with welfare.
    The stamp shows in the upper part the slogan "Bring about a decisive turn in potato farming to convert Taehongdan county into a communist paradise " and in the center the facelifted appearance of the county as a modern farm.

Achievements in land management

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Land management is brisk in different parts of the DPRK.
    According to information available, at least 10 million trees have been planted, roads extending over 1,500 km improved and projects carried out to give face-lifting to rivers extending about 500 km since the autumn land management campaign started. Besides, at least 4,500 hectares of land have been leveled and rezoned, over 4,700 buildings repaired, fish farms covering more than 400 hectares built and various other projects successfully completed.
    Jagang, Ryanggang and north Hamgyong provinces have honored their main land improvement quotas before the arrival of winter by energetically pushing forward the work in keeping with their specific conditions.
    At least 7,000 tall trees have been planted around revolutionary battle-sites and revolutionary sites in Ryanggang Province and are under good care.
    Under a long-term plan to create forests every city and county of the province built nurseries each covering scores of hectares and carried out projects of making dykes and stairs in the areas where trees are to be planted next spring.
    Kim Jong Suk county removed at least 47,000 cubic metres of earth and completed rubble work in an area covering over 28,000 square metres by concentrating its efforts on the work to expand roads extending tens of km up to Hyesan.
    Munak-Samgang road improved project and the Jangja River embankment project and other minor river improvement work were wound up earlier than scheduled in Jagang province.
    Working people in North Hamgyong Province finished the repair of public buildings, roads, rivers and dykes severely destroyed by flood and typhoon in the last rainy season and completed the sewerage project in the 30 odd km long section of Chongjin.

Implementation of three-point charter of national reunification called for

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The three-point charter of national reunification--the three principles of national reunification, the 10-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo-- serves as a great banner of national reunification because it is most reasonable and realistic one, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
    The fundamental principle and ways of achieving national reunification are laid down under an integral system in this charter, the article says, and goes on:
    The three principles --independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity--are a cornerstone of national reunification as they indicate a basic stand and ways of settling the issue of the country's reunification by the efforts of the nation in line with its will and interests.
    The principle of independence is an issue related to the destiny of the country and the nation and a starting point of the movement for national reunification.
    The principle of peaceful reunification indicates a basic way of solving the issue of national reunification in keeping with the unanimous desire and demand of the whole nation.
    The principle of great national unity serves as a guideline of action as it calls on the entire nation to unite close as one under the patriotic banner of national reunification.
    The ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation for the country's reunification serves as a political programme for strengthening the driving force for national reunification through the unity of the whole nation.
    Comprehensively elucidated in the programme are the goal of great national unity and its ideological basis, the principle and ways of achieving it.
    The proposal for founding the DFRK is a blueprint showing the whole picture of a reunified state and ways of building it. The proposal indicates a basic way of achieving the reunification of the country most fairly and smoothly on condition that the north and the south tolerate ideologies and systems there.
    The three-point charter of national reunification set forth by the President Kim Il Sung and formulated by the respected leader Kim Jong Il is a highly important guideline to be held fast to by all Koreans desirous of reunification.

Revision of "law on private schools" demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- At least 10,000 people including teachers under the "National Teachers Union" (Jongyojo) of South Korea, students and their parents staged a rally on Nov. 5 to demand the "National Assembly" amend the "law on private schools," according to Seoul-based CBS.
    Stating that the "law" should be amended in the "National Assembly" this time to root out irregularities and corruption at private schools, its participants declared that they would launch a widespread popular signature campaign to have their demand met.
    They also adopted a resolution demanding the authorities give up their plan to take legal and penalty actions against those involved in the struggle of Jongyojo.

Single-hearted unity is most essential for Korean revolution

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The single-hearted unity of the leader, the party and the popular masses is most essential for the Korean revolution.
    This was clearly proved by the military and civilian parades, evening gala and torchlight procession, mass gymnastic display and artistic performance and other functions which were held in October to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    All the celebrations strikingly demonstrated that the leader, the party and the people form a great harmonious whole on the basis of absolute trust, love and loyalty.
    The tradition of the single-hearted unity in Korea was established by the President Kim Il Sung in the period of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    Kim Il Sung who started revolution in his early years proclaimed the anti-Japanese war believing in the strength of the people and relying on them and achieved the historic cause of national liberation by mobilizing broad sections of anti-Japanese patriotic forces.
    The might of the single-hearted unity was fully displayed in every period and at each stage of the Korean revolution.
    For example, the party and the popular masses under the leadership of Kim Il Sung turned out as one and successfully carried out difficult and Herculean tasks in the periods of building a new country, the Fatherland Liberation War and the socialist revolution and construction.
    The single-hearted unity has grown stronger over the past six years when the President unexpectedly demised, the country was hit by natural disasters of several consecutive years and imperialists became more undisguised in their moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK.
    In the years of the "arduous march" the great leader Kim Jong Il created a new history of army-first politics and made endless trips for on-the-spot guidance, instilling conviction of sure victory into all the party members, servicepersons and people and mobilizing them to the struggle to defend the country and build socialism. As a result, the revolutionary spirit of soldiers, the Kanggye spirit were created and torches lit by the Songjin Steel Complex and the Rakwon Machine Plant to bring about a great revolutionary advance across the country.
    This revolutionary practice more firmly convinced the Korean people that they are sure to win despite many ordeals and difficulties as long as they are under the leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Nothing can break the single-hearted unity in the DPRK based on the leader's boundless love and devoted service for the people and their absolute trust and loyalty to him.

Greatness of Kim Jong Il widely introduced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- The greatness of the respected leader Kim Jong Il has been widely introduced in South Korea through media and by various propaganda means.
    At least 380 pictures of the President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il and the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk were carried in South Korean leading newspapers including Hangyore, Dong-a Ilbo, Pusan Ilbo, and monthly or weekly magazines such as Shin Dong-a, Kil, Hangyore 21 and Sisa Wolgan from 1994 to may 1999.
    Brisk activities of various forms have been conducted to widely introduce Kim Jong Il's greatness.
    The February 16 Fellowship Society made a video cassette entitled "General Kim Jong Il, Leader of 70 Million People" which recorded his leadership exploits. Meanwhile, members of the society for loving the country video-recorded the Korean documentary film "the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il Meets President Kim Dae Jung on June 13-15, Juche 89(2000)" broadcast by Pyongyang TV and disseminated it to Seoul citizens.
    "North Korea page" praising the DPRK was set up in the internet. When the page is called, the portrait of Kim Jong Il and the slogan "Long live the great comrade Kim Jong Il " are displayed on screen to move the people.
    Besides, copies of literature carrying his picture were found in Koyang of Kyonggi Province, Youido of Seoul, Phohang of North Kyongsang Province and other parts of South Korea.

Three-point charter of Korea's reunification supported abroad

   Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- P. Malanuk, first vice-chairman of the Society for the Study of the Juche Idea of Ukraine, inked the signature paper in support of the three-point charter of Korea's reunification on behalf of 380 members of the society on Nov. 3.

Consultative meeting of Pomminryon held

    Pyongyang, November 9 (KCNA) -- Rim Min Sik, secretary general of the joint secretariat of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon), on a visit to the homeland and members of the north headquarters of the Pomminryon had a meeting to discuss issues of further strengthening the organization's movement to implement the June 15 north-south joint declaration.
    The meeting took up a series of matters including issues of an extraordinary meeting of the joint presidium of the Pomminryon to be called as an immediate task and general meetings to be held by its regional headquarters and a consensus of views was reached on the issues discussed.