4th session of 10th DPRK SPA held

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The fourth session of the tenth Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were deputies to the SPA.
    Officials of the party, armed forces and power bodies, commissions and ministries of the cabinet, national institutions, public organizations and those in the fields of science, education, culture and the arts, public health and the press were present as observers.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il took the platform.
    Also taking the platform were senior party and state officials--Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Hong Song Nam, Kim Yong Chun, Kim Il Chol, Jon Pyong Ho, Yon Hyong Muk, Ri Ul Sol, Yang Hyong Sop, Paek Hak Rim, Ri Yong Mu, Kim Chol Man, Kye Ung Thae, Han Song Ryong, Choe Yong Rim, Kim Yun Hyok, chairperson of the c.c, the Chondoist Chongu Party Ryu Mi Yong and members of the presidium of the SPA.
    The session discussed the following agenda items:
    1. On Juche 89 (2000) work and tasks for juche 90 (2001) of the DPRK cabinet.
    2. On the summing up of the fulfilment of the state budget for Juche 89 (2000) and the state budget for Juche 90 (2001) of the DPRK.
    3. On approving laws adopted by the spa presidium during a recess of the SPA.
    4. Organizational matter.
    Premier of the cabinet Hong Song Nam and minister of finance Mun Il Bong separately delivered reports on the first and second items.
    Then followed speeches on the items.
    The session separately adopted the SPA decision "On Approving the Report on the Work of the DPRK Cabinet and the Summing Up of the Fulfilment of the Juche 89 (2000) State Budget" and the spa ordinance "On the Juche 90 (2001) State Budget of the DPRK".
    It also separately adopted the spa ordinances "On Approving 'on Adopting the DPRK Law on Processing Trade,' A Decree of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA", "On Approving 'On Adopting the DPRK Law on Lockgate,' A Decree of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA" and "On Approving 'on Adopting the DPRK Copyright Law,' A Decree of the Presidium of the DPRK SPA".

On 2000 work and 2001 tasks of DPRK cabinet

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Premier of the cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Hong Song Nam delivered a report "On the Work for Juche 89 (2000) and the Tasks of the DPRK Cabinet for Juche 90 (2001)" at the fourth session of the tenth Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK which was held in Pyongyang today. The reporter said:
    The cabinet made great progress in laying the economic foundations for the prosperity of the country through a dynamic drive to carry through the revolutionary economic policy of the Workers' Party of Korea last year.
    It was an important achievement made in the economic construction that solid material and technical groundwork was laid to pep up economy through a powerful drive to increase investments in the industries to be kept ahead of others and adjust and reinforce production processes and equipment in various fields of the national economy.
    Firm material and technical foundations of hydro-power stations and thermo-power plants, coal and ore mines, iron and steel works and railway transport were laid and a guarantee was provided for successful production and construction thanks to the devoted efforts of the people's army soldiers and the working class.
    Achievements were made in agriculture, poultry farming, fish breeding and light industry, and land management, environmental protection and city management greatly improved.
    The reporter referred to achievements in education, literature and art, physical culture and sports.
    All the achievements are a brilliant fruition of the tested leadership provided by the WPK to usher in a new century which will see the rise of a rich and powerful nation, he stressed.
    He pointed to the tasks to step up the socialist advance under the red flag to build a powerful nation in response to the militant appeal of the WPK "Let's open our way through the new century in the spirit of the victorious 'arduous march' " this year.
    The cabinet will thoroughly embody the WPK's great politics of independence, unity and love for the country and the nation in all fields of its activities, he said, and went on:
    All sectors should firmly maintain independence, resolutely uphold our ideology, our own political system, our own mode of revolution and our own economic system, fully apply the party's principle of leadership and consistently implement the Juche-based line of socialist construction, the line of giving priority to ideology, so as to remarkably increase the overall power of the DPRK.
    The politics of unity should be successfully applied to strengthen in every way the single-hearted unity of the whole society replete with the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and revolutionary comradeship and consolidate our revolutionary ranks as invincible forces.
    The Juche character and national identity should be preserved and distinguished creative wisdom and patriotic devotion of our people displayed to the full to enable the country to emerge as a powerful nation in all fields, reach the world level and achieve the prosperity of the country and the nation.
    The army-first revolutionary line is the enduring strategic line of revolution in our era and an all-powerful treasured sword for socialist construction.
    The cabinet will continue to direct great efforts to increasing in every way the military power of the country, taking the army-first revolutionary line of the party as a lifeline.
    The spirit of attaching importance to the army and military affairs should firmly be established in the whole society and the principle of giving priority to military affairs thoroughly maintained to mobilise the economic potential of the country to the maximum in increasing the combat capability of the people's army.
    The spirit of defending the country, the spirit of assisting the army and the spirit of unity between the army and the people should prevail throughout the country and the work of fortifying the rear of the people's army inside the country should be pushed forward.
    The cabinet will bring about a radical turn in building up the economic potential of the country to meet the requirements of the new era of the army-first revolution.
    The main thrust of economic construction this year is to make sustained efforts to equip the national economy as a whole with uptodate technology, while readjusting the present economic foundations and increasing its might to the maximum.
    In order to pep up the national economy as early as possible it is imperative to concentrate efforts on upgrading power, coal and metal industries and railway transport.
    At the same time, a high-pitched drive should be waged to boost production in chemical and building-material industries, forestry and all other sectors.
    The technological modernization of the national economy is a main link in the chain of the economic work at present.
    The cabinet will steadily carry out the work of updating the national economy as a whole with the latest technology to meet the requirements of the new century.
    Machine-building industry should produce many uptodate machines and equipment fitted with latest electronic technology for technological modernization.
    State investment will be increased in science and technology and the exchange of science and technology with other countries and their information strengthened.
    The most urgent task facing the cabinet this year is to improve the standard of the people's living.
    Every effort should be exerted to develop agriculture to resolve the food problem of the people.
    State efforts should be channelled into completing quickly land realignment in South Hwanghae Province and the Kaechon-lake Thaesong Waterway Project.
    The production of meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits and industrial crops should be boosted.
    This year, too, sustained great efforts should be directed to light industry to satisfactorily meet the demand for consumption goods.
    Foreign trade should be developed, solid exports production bases built up to decisively expand the export of goods.
    Many dwelling houses with amenities of modern life and holiday and rest homes and sanatoria will be built to bring more social benefits to people.
    The cabinet will improve the management and operation of the socialist economy our own way in keeping with the changed environment and conditions.
    All the sectors and units of the national economy should thoroughly meet the demands of the taean work system, properly combine the state centralized uniform guidance with the creative ingenuity of lower units in economic management and strictly apply the socialist principle of distribution so that everyone can work to his best ability and get paid according to the work done.
    Education, culture, public health, sports and socialist cultural construction should be improved to meet the requirements of the new century and sustained big efforts be directed to land management and city administration this year.
    Independence, peace and friendship are the basic idea of the dprk foreign policy and the principle of its external activities.
    The DPRK will expand and develop relations with all those countries which are friendly to our country in all fields on the principle of complete equality, independence, mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs and reciprocity, and actively cooperate with international organisations in their work.

SPA of DPRK on last year's state budget and on new state budget

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The fourth session of the tenth Supreme People's Assembly was held here today. At the session minister of finance Mun Il Nong made a report on "On the Summing Up of the Fulfilment of the State Budget for Juche 89 (2000) and the State Budget for Juche 90 (2001) of the DPRK."
    The reporter said:
    Last year the state budgetary revenue stood at 20,903,430,000 won, or 2.4 per cent increase over 20,405,320,000 won under the plan and the state budgetary expenditure at 20,955,030,000 won, or 2.7 per cent growth over 20,405,320,000 won under the plan.
    The DPRK government allocated 40.1 per cent of its total budgetary expenditure for the national economy last year. A colossal amount of money was disbursed for pepping up such important domains of the national economy as power, coal and metal industries and railway transport and agriculture, successfully pushing forward great nature-harnessing projects and constructing many grand monumental edifices. As a result, a foundation was laid to put the nation's economy as a whole on a higher level.
    38.2 per cent of last year's total state budget was spent as expenses for the enforcement of various popular policies including additional expenditure for the betterment of the people's living and free education and free health care, a clear demonstration of the popular nature and advantages of the socialist state budgetary system.
    Last year, the dprk government allocated 14.3 per cent of the total budget for national defence, thus contributing to increasing the defence capabilities of the country.
    The budget of the state for this year has been worked out in such a way as to build up invincible military power and powerful state economic potential, pursuant to the economic policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and the tasks set forth in the joint new year editorial and meet huge financial need for improving the standard of the people's living with its own revenue.
    The state budgetary revenue and expenditure for this year are 21,570,800,000 won respectively, up 3.2 per cent in total revenue and up 2.9 per cent in total expenditure over last year.
    Revenue to come from the socialist economy will hold a considerable proportion of the state budgetary revenue this year: 43.2 per cent of it from turnover levies and 32.9 per cent of it from profits of state enterprises.
    The state will spend 2.7 per cent more fund than last year to upgrade such key departments in the socialist economic construction as power, coal and metal industries and railway transport, increase the production of primary consumer goods and basic foodstuffs essential for the people's living and radically boost agricultural production.
    A big share of funds will be allocated to put our science and technology on the world level, successfully solve scientific and technological problems in economic construction, refashion industrial establishments with modern technology and build new production centres based on up-to-date science and technology.
    The state will allocate 3,487,060,000 won for capital construction to push forward the construction of large-scale hydro-power stations, the Kaechon-lake Thaesong Waterway Project, land realignment project in South Hwanghae Province and the modernization of chicken farms in pyongyang.
    It envisages the allocation of 14.5 per cent of total state budgetary expenditure as military spending this year. 2.5 per cent more money than last year will be spent for the implementation of the popular policies and a huge amount of educational aid fund will be given to the children of korean residents in japan.
    A thorough implementation of the state budget for this year would serve as an important guarantee for building up powerful state economic potential to meet the requirements of the new era of the army-first revolution and glorifying this year as a year of a new advance to build an economically powerful country and a year of an overall revival.

Complete collection of Kim Il Sung's works volume 36 published

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- On the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung the Workers' Party of Korea Publishing House brought out "Complete Collection of Kim Il Sung's Works" volume 36, a library of the Juche idea carrying his famous works in chronological order. The volume contains his 15 works including highly important speeches, concluding speeches and talks covering the period from November Juche 54 (1965) to may Juche 55 (1966).
    The volume includes his unique ideas, theories and policies of intensifying party work and activities and stepping up socialist economic construction to complete overall industrialisation ahead of schedule, develop national culture and build up the defence capacity of the country.

Annual meeting of Korea-Cuba solidarity committee

    pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- An annual meeting of the Korea-Cuba solidarity committee was held in Pyongyang on April 4. Present were Pyon Yong Rip, minister of education and chairman of the committee, Ri Song Ho, vice-chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and other officials concerned.
    Also present were charge d'affaires of Cuba in the DPRK Violeta Goodridge Culzac and embassy officials.
    The meeting reviewed last year's work for friendship and solidarity with the Cuban people who are vigorously advancing along the road of socialism despite the U.S. imperialists' blockade against cuba and discussed the action program for this year.

Meeting of solidarity with Korean people held in Ireland

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- A solidarity meeting denouncing the new U.S. administration's hostile policy toward the dprk and supporting the just struggle of the Korean people was held in dublin on march 25 under the cosponsorship of the Workers' Party of Ireland, the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) and the Irish-Korean Friendship Society. Speeches were made and a letter to the government of ireland was adopted at the meeting.
    The letter said that the new U.S. administration's claim for a bellicose policy of confrontation with the DPRK, eventually, a return to the era of the Cold War, invites the unanimous condemnation and astonishment by the progressive people of the world who value peace and justice.
    The letter called upon the irish government to clearly see the reactionary character and danger of the present U.S. administration's hostile policy toward the DPRK and join the world progressives denouncing it.

14th International Marathon Race for Mangyongdae Prize to be held

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The 14th International Marathon Race for Mangyongdae Prize will be held in Pyongyang on the occasion of Sun's Day, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. It will be participated in by about 500 athletes from more than 20 countries, including the DPRK.
    Preparations for the successful contest are proceeding in high gear.

U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK condemned abroad

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The Arab Socialist Baath Party of Syria, the Syrian Communist Party, the Socialist Unionist Party of Syria, the Palestine National Liberation Movement, the Palestine Liberation Democratic Front and the popular front for the liberation of palestine released a joint statement denouncing the hostile policy of the united states toward the DPRK on March 28. The statement said:
    The United States organized more than 690,000-strong aggressor army for "emergency" on the Korean peninsula at the end of last year and is going to equip it with various warships and planes based in the U.S. mainland and japan. It is working hard to set up "National Missile Defence" system under the pretext of non-existent "missile threat" from the DPRK.
    Such moves of the U.S. pose a grave threat to the implementation of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, Korea's reunification, peace and security in this region and the world peace.
    The U.S. should drop at once the hostile policy toward the DPRK, the leftover of the Cold War era. The South Korean authorities should stop cooperating with the U.S. and implement the declaration to the letter, which calls for reunifying the country by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    On the same day, the Peruvian committee for supporting the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea released a statement, in which it urged hardline conservatives of the present U.S. administration to immediately stop all provocations against the dprk, sincerely implement the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework, and withdraw their lethal weapons and aggression forces from South Korea at once.

U.S. bombast ridiculed

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary accuses U.S. bellicose forces of openly disclosing their wild ambition to seize the DPRK. The commentary says:
    The commander-in-chief of the U.S. central command called for maintaining the "win-win strategy" at a recent meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee. He bluffed that the "U.S. can win two wars on the korean peninsula and other area." Meanwhile, U.S. defence secretary rumsfeld asked Bush to "shift the europe-centred U.S. military forces in the era of the Cold War into the Pacific," talking about the "win-win strategy."
    This is an indication of their stand to provoke the second Korean war any time at any cost.
    It is the unchangeable intention of the U.S. imperialists to stifle the dprk by force, put the whole of korea under their control and use it as a springboard from which to carry out their asia-pacific strategy for aggression.
    To this end, they are contemplating the shift of even their military forces present in Europe to the Pacific.
    Regarding the DPRK as their "no. 1 enemy," they seek to "emerge as victor" in their "confrontation" with the DPRK with the mobilization of all their military forces stationed in the U.S. mainland, the Asia-Pacific and europe. But this is nothing but a pipe dream.
    If the U.S. imperialists finally ignite a war of aggression, oblivious of the serious lesson drawn from the last Korean War, the army and people of the dprk single-heartedly united around the great illustrious commander in the spirit of becoming human bombs will retaliate against Yankees by mobilizing all attack means and potentials they have built up for decades.
    The yankees are well advised to bear in mind that their big talk about the "victorious win-win strategy" prove a dirge.

U.S. abrogation denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- South Korean environment organizations including the Environment Movement Association and the Green Federation simultaneously denounced the United States for its declaration that it will not implement the convention on preventing the global warming, Seoul-based MBC said. The organizations charged that it is an outrage upon the humankind that the U.S. abrogated the convention under the pretext of fostering its energy industry.
    They declared that they will wage a campaign to boycott U.S. goods as well as an organized protest drive in case of no change in the U.S. position.

Japan's moves to tamper with its history protested in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- South Korean internet subscribers staged a protest on March 31 against Japan's moves to twist the content of its history textbooks, Seoul-based MBC said. They kept making inputs to the homepages of the Liberal Democratic Party, the Ministry of Education and Science, the "society for preparing new history textbooks" and 5 other units of Japan, getting their computers constantly engaged.
    Due to this protest around 3:30 p.m. that day the homepage of the Ministry of Education and Science malfunctioned and then followed disorder on the homepages of the "society," the Hokkaido prefectural assembly and the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.

Members of Chinese youth delegation meet with young Korean builders

    Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- A delegation of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) met with innovators in the construction of the youth hero motorway at the Central Youth Hall on Wednesday. Present there were Kim Kyong Ko, secretary of the central committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, officials of the youth league and innovators in the construction of the motorway.
    Members of the delegation headed by Zhou Qiang, first secretary of the central committee of the CYLE, was also present there.
    The participants visited the room for the education in comrade Kim Il Sung's exploits in the youth movement before looking round an exhibition of successes made by the builders of the motorway.
    The guests were told by innovators that young koreans successfully built the motorway, known as a highway for building a powerful nation, in less than two years with matchless pluck and gut instilled by leader Kim Jong Il into them.
    The participants appreciated "Building of Powerful Nation and Unknown Heroes and Heroines," part 16 of the Korean documentary film "Care Shown for Brilliant Life."