Wreaths laid before statue and grave of Kang Pan Sok

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the statue of Kang Pan Sok, an indomitable revolutionary fighter and an outstanding leader of the Communist women's movement in Korea, at the Chilgol Revolutionary Site and her grave in Mangyongdae yesterday morning on the occasion of her 110th birth anniversary.
    Seen there were wreaths sent by General Secretary of Kim Jong Il.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Hong Song Nam, Kim Il Chol, Jon Pyong Ho and other senior party and state officials.
    Amid the playing of wreath-laying music, wreaths were placed before the statue and the grave in the name of the WPK Central Committee, the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly and the cabinet of the DPRK.
    Then wreaths were laid before them in the name of working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions, military academies of the Korean People's Army, educational and the press organs, and party and power organs and farms in Pyongyang.

Senior party and state officials visit Korean Revolution Museum

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials and leading officials of ministries and national institutions visited the Korean Revolution Museum yesterday on the occasion of the 70th birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army. They went round the room for the history of revolutionary activities showing the undying revolutionary feats of leader Kim Jong Il.
    Displayed in the room are materials on the facts that he realized the sacred cause of perpetuating the memory of President Kim Il Sung and worked hard night and day for the country and people, travelling over 116,692 km-long journey for inspection to military units and field guidance to economic units for the last seven years.

KPA, invincible army

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The founding anniversary of the Korean People's Army (KPA) falls on April 25. This day 70 years ago President Kim Il Sung founded the anti-Japanese guerrilla, the first revolutionary armed force of Korea, and declared an anti-Japanese war to liberate the country from the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists.
    With his superb tactics he waged a 15-year-long bloody struggle against one million-strong Kwantung Army of the Japanese imperialists and liberated the country in 1945.
    The KPA, developed as a regular army in a short span of time after the liberation of the country, defeated the troops of 16 countries led by the U.S. which boasted of being the "strongest" in the world and the South Korean puppet army in the three-year war (1950-1953) provoked by the U.S. imperialists and defended the security of the country and the sovereignty of the nation and smashed the myth about the U.S. "mightiness" to smithereens.
    And the KPA shattered the U.S. imperialists' military provocations such as the armed spy ship "Pueblo" incident (1968), the large spy plane "EC-121" incident (1969), the Panmunjom incident (1976) and helicopter incident (1994) for a half century.
    The KPA, whose Supreme Commander is leader Kim Jong Il, is now displaying its mightiness as a matchless army.
    Soldiers have grown strong in ideology and faith and the KPA, equipped with modern offensive and defensive means, has developed into an ever-victorious army in terms of traits and military potentials.

Joint, separate and group performances of art festival given

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Joint, separate and group performances were given by art groups of different countries participating in the 20th April Spring Friendship Art Festival at theaters in Pyongyang yesterday. The song and dance troupe of the general political department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army gave a joint performance with the Korean People's Army song and dance ensemble at the Ponghwa Art Theater, the art troupe of Koreans in the United States, the art troupe of the International United Confederation of Koreans, the Tajik art troupe and the Moldovan musical group gave a joint performance at the Pyongyang International Cinema House, the Moiseyev State Academy National Dance Ensemble of Russia performed at the April 25 House of Culture, the group of famous actors and actresses of Russia, the Ukrainian musical group, the Armenian musical group and the Swiss flute quartet gave a joint performance at the Moranbong Theater, the Ukrainian dance group performed at the Central Youth Hall while Chinese, Russian and Mongolian circuses gave a joint performance at the Pyongyang Circus Theater.
    The performers praised the immortal feats performed by President Kim Il Sung for the friendship among countries and for the human cause of independence and the great feats made by leader Kim Jong Il in accomplishing the cause of perpetuating the memory of Kim Il Sung and giving steady continuity to his history.
    They put on stages art pieces representing people's desire for independence and peace and numbers spiced with national flavour.

Korean revolution sure to triumph

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries a joint article entitled "the Korean revolution is sure to triumph under leadership of great brilliant commander" issued by Rodong Sinmun, the organ of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Kulloja, its politico-theoretical magazine, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Korean People's Army. The Korean revolution is sure to triumph as it is advancing for the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche under the army-based leadership of Kim Jong Il, a peerlessly brilliant commander, the article says, and goes on:
    The Korean revolution is ever-victorious as Kim Jong Il is held in high esteem as supreme commander of the revolutionary armed forces.
    The Korean revolution has been able to witness epoch-making military miracles in the historic confrontation with the imperialists under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, endowed with rare military wisdom and talents.
    The Korean revolutionary armed forces which launched a great anti-Japanese war in the 1930s, fought death-defying battles for 15 years with conviction of sure victory and the Juche-motivated war tactics under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, the peerlessly brilliant commander, and thus achieving the historic victory in the anti-Japanese armed struggle and the cause of the liberation of the country. It was under his supreme commandership that the people's army and people of Korea could defeat the U.S. imperialist aggressors who boasted of being "the strongest" in the world and honorably defend the freedom and independence of the country in the Fatherland Liberation War.
    The people's army and people of Korea have always emerged victorious by frustrating the repeated desperate moves of the U.S. imperialists to provoke a war in the period following the 1950s under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, both possessed of all the qualifications and traits as brilliant commanders.
    The Korean revolution is making a long drive, holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the top political leader.
    Politics and military affair are two main pillars for accomplishing the socialist cause. A good combination of politics and military affair can be made only by a great brilliant commander with literary and military accomplishments.
    In the early days of his revolutionary struggle Kim Il Sung gave origin to the army-based revolutionary leadership which calls for building revolutionary armed forces not only into a combat contingent fighting enemy but into an army of political nature educating people and leading a revolution so as to achieve the victory of the Korean revolution in reliance upon it.
    The great tradition of the army-based revolutionary leadership in the DPRK is now being successfully carried forward and developed by Kim Jong Il on the basis of his army-based policy.
    Having him as the top leader of the party, state and army, our army and people could adhere to the revolutionary principle to the last despite rigorous adversity in the 1990s.
    Recalling that the Korean revolution is demonstrating the invincible might of the single-hearted unity thanks to Kim Jong Il, the father of the people, the article notes:
    Having Kim Jong Il as the center of unity the DPRK has been able to firmly preserve generation after generation the tradition of unity which originated from the down-with-imperialism union.
    The precious tradition of the single-hearted unity of the revolutionary ranks which Kim Il Sung established in the days of the anti-Japanese revolution and the exploits he performed in fully embodying it in building the driving force of the Korean revolution are now being successfully carried forward and developed by Kim Jong Il.
    Holding Kim Jong Il in high esteem as the father and the center of the unity, the DPRK has achieved the most solid single hearted unity between the supreme commander and his soldiers, between the leader and the people.

U.S. urged to swim with trend of times

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- It was recently disclosed that the U.S. had surreptitiously brought pressure to bear upon the South Korean military to purchase U.S.-made "F-15K" fighters. Commenting on the fact, Rodong Sinmun today says such pressure is intended to arm South Korea with latest weapons and use it as a shock brigade for realizing the U.S. hostile policy to stifle the DPRK. It is also designed to tide over the financial crisis of the U.S. munitions monopolies, the commentary says, and goes on:
    It is an invariable evil practice of the U.S. to draw water to its mill by making sacrifice of other countries. The deadlocked dialogue has been resumed and an atmosphere for reconciliation and cooperation created again between the North and South of Korea. This proves that the hostile policy toward the DPRK, unilateralism and strong-arm policy pursued by the U.S. are going busted.
    The U.S. can never bring the situation on the Korean Peninsula under its thumb.
    The U.S. should change its unreasonable policy toward the DPRK, though belatedly. If not, it would be put under more unfavourable condition. The U.S. bellicose and aggressive nature has been more clearly disclosed under the eyes of the world.
    The U.S. should swim with the trend of the times.
    It is well advised to stop hindering the peace and reunification of Korea and withdraw its forces from South Korea.

Central Botanical Garden

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The Central Botanical Garden is situated at the foot of Mt. Taesong in Pyongyang. It was built in April Juche 48 (1959).
    It covers millions of square meters.
    There are thousands of species of plants including gift plants sent to President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il by heads of state and public figures of various countries and overseas compatriots.
    The garden has been sectioned into gift plants, plant classification, arboretum, herbary, etc.
    It boasts of the Kimilsungia hothouse, the Kimjongilia hothouse, a greenhouse of gift plants, a plant museum, a house of botanical specimen which keeps hundreds of thousands of plant and seed specimen and a research institute.
    It is regularly introducing achievements in the fields of botany through its journal "information of the Central Botanical Garden."
    It has established academic relations with more than 100 botanical gardens abroad to exchange plants, seeds and botanical technology.

Introduction of U.S.-made fighters rejected in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The "joint action for probing the truth behind the suspected outside pressure and demanding the withdrawal of the selection of F-15 K" which groups 279 civic and social organizations reportedly called an emergency press conference in front of the main entrance to the building of the "ministry of national defense" of South Korea on April 19, resolutely slamming the authorities for deciding to introduce the U.S.-made fighters. The press conference was held 30 minutes after the ministry issued the final decision to select the U.S.-made F-15 K as fighters of the next generation.
    A press release was read out by father Mun Kyu Hyon of the (South) Korean Catholic Priests' Council for Justice.
    It said the selection of F-15K is an intolerable contempt and humiliation as South Korea yielded to the pressure of the Bush administration and the boeing company, and it is also contrary to the peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula, the ardent desire of the Korean nation.
    It demanded the resignation of the minister of "national defence" and a halt to the introduction of the fighters, saying that the introduction is intolerable.
    The organization released an action program to launch an all-people signature campaign for checking the introduction of U.S.-made fighters, publish a declaration of elders of society and hold cyber demonstration and other campaigns.

National contest of workers and clerks' family art circles held

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- A national contest of workers and clerks' family art circles was held here yesterday on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. Attending the contest were circles selected from city and county contests held in provinces.
    The participants put on the stage colourful numbers showing the development of the mass culture and art of Korea.
    They vividly represented the greatness and immortal exploits of leader Kim Jong Il who has wrought miracles of history by guiding the Korean revolution with invincible army-based policy.

Talks between delegations of SPA and Nepalese parliament

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Talks between the delegations of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly and the Nepalese parliament were held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. At the talks both sides informed each other of the situation in their countries and exchanged views on the issue of developing the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parliaments and a series of matters of mutual concern.
    Present there were SPA chairman Choe Thae Bok, SPA deputies Jo Kyu Il and Kim In Nam, officials concerned and members of the Nepalese parliamentary delegation led by speaker of the house of representatives Tara Nath Ranabhat.

Credentials presented to Kim Yong Nam

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Ahmed Ramy, new Egyptian ambassador to the DPRK, presented his credentials to Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there was Kung Sok Ung, vice-minister of foreign affairs.
    After receiving the credentials, the president had a talk with the ambassador.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il received a gift from the Nepalese parliamentary delegation on a visit to the DPRK. The gift was handed to Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the Supreme People's Assembly, today by speaker of the House of Representatives Tara Nath Ranabhat who is head of the delegation.

KCNA refutes remark made by U.S. assistant secretary of state

    Pyongyang, April 20 (KCNA) -- John Wolf, U.S. assistant secretary of state, reportedly told a news briefing on April 16 that Bush's remarks singling out North Korea, Iran and Iraq as an "axis of evil" reflected real facts and that the United States is deeply concerned about " North Korea ready to sell missiles to any country." His remark still describing the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" goes to prove that the United States is still clinging to the policy of confrontation with the DPRK with hostility towards it, though Washington is talking about dialogue with the DPRK, and persisting in its war moves against DPRK in a bid to stifle it by force.
    Wolf's outburst that "the United States is ready to unilaterally go into action when its national interests are threatened" cannot but heighten the DPRK's vigilance as it means the green light to implement the plan for a nuclear attack on the DPRK already worked out and announced by the U.S.
    No one can vouch that the tense military situation reminiscent of that on the eve of a war which had prevailed on the Korean Peninsula due to remarks about "an axis of evil" made by Bush in last January will not be created again owing to the U.S. reckless attempt to start a nuclear war.
    The point at issue is that his remark chilled the atmosphere of reconciliation and cooperation prevailing on the Korean Peninsula according to the recent joint press release published by the North and South of Korea.
    The north and the south are required to respect each other and make efforts to prevent any escalation of tensions in the basic spirit of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and create a positive atmosphere of bringing back on track the relations between the north and the south temporarily frozen. To this end it is necessary to put an end to acts obstructive to this process.
    Yet, the United States is still keen to escalate the tensions on the Korean Peninsula, clamoring again about an "axis of evil" which is little short of "declaration of war" against the DPRK, not away from the anachronistic way of thinking belonging to the Cold War era. How can the DPRK remain a mere onlooker to this?
    The DPRK is compelled to maintain a high degree of vigilance and strongly react to the U.S. moves as it is persistently clinging to the policy of strength to stifle the DPRK, indifferent to the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations.
    The United States is well advised to behave with decorum, properly understanding the firm will of the people's army and people of Korea to react to the use of force with force.