Happy Korean women

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Papers here carry a lengthy article "our women are indeed flowers" which says about the happiness of the Korean women. Women in the DPRK are true beautiful flowers and a grand flower garden of women was provided by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, the article says, and goes on:
    The cherished desire of the women to retake their dignity and position of humankind and live a life worth humanity is fully materialized in the northern half of Korea. Women serve our society as a flower of life, happiness, country and revolution.
    No other women in any page of human history and any country of the world take so lawful position of masters of a country equal with men and play the role of masters as the Korean women.
    There is no other country in the world than the DPRK where many laws, regulations and social measures for women have been instituted. Our society attaches importance to women and in our era women are respected and active.
    Only the great sun, the genuine leader can bring up and train women as a flower of family, the society, the country and the nation. Kim Il Sung broke all iron chains of inequality and oppression and turned the history of women's ordeals into a history of happiness.
    The Korean women are now more fully blooming as beautiful flowers under the loving care of Kim Jong Il who is carrying forward the president's idea and theory on solving the problem of women.

Return of U.S. bases called for

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the Kyonggi provincial movement for retaking our land against the new establishment and expansion of the U.S. military bases held a function to start a bus trip protest at the plaza of Uijongbu in demand of the return of the U.S. military bases, according to Seoul-based Radio No. 1. At the end of the function the organization offered a red card symbolic of exit and a letter of protest to the U.S. military base side in Uijongbu.
    The organization announced that it would make a bus trip to the Suwon airport, the air force base in Phyongthaek, the firing range in Maehyang-ri and other U.S. military bases until May 27, demanding their return.

Outburst of Bush administration condemned

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) and the solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration issued statements on May 22, denouncing the U.S. for designating the DPRK again as a "terrorism-supporting state," according to news reports. Hanchongryon in a statement said that the U.S. is entirely to blame for the worsening DPRK-U.S. relations caused by war threat and military tensions prevailing in the Korean Peninsula.
    Hanchongryon stressed it will never overlook the Bush administration designating the DPRK again as a "terrorism-supporting state" in an "annual report on terrorism" issued on May 21 and take the lead in the vigorous struggle for independence against the U.S.
    The solidarity in a statement bitterly condemned the U.S. for designating the north as a "terrorism-supporting state" and announced that it will not stop the anti-U.S., anti-war struggle until unwarranted pressure upon the fellow countrymen is repealed.

Mass killings of civilians discovered

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The international investigation group of the nationwide special committee for probing the truth behind GIS' mass killings of civilians reportedly conducted an investigation into GIS' crimes committed during the Korean War in South Korea for several days from May 20. On May 21 it heard testimonies made by victims in Jojang-ri and Magok-ri in Sachon city, South Kyongsang Province into mass killings committed by GIS at that time.
    The bombing and strafing perpetrated by U.S. planes over Jojang-ri in the wake of the appearance of U.S. reconnaissance planes on August 2, 1950 left at least 150 civilians dead or wounded.
    U.S. fighters killed or wounded by bombing and strafing at least 20 civilians in Magok-ri on July 31 of the same year.
    After hearing testimonies made by victims, a member of the group said the U.S. is a criminal and the Korean War was carried out to meet U.S. interests.
    The head of the group said:
    The testimonies clearly prove that the U.S. committed crimes to be condemned worldwide. The U.S. troops violated the 1949 Geneva Convention. There should be compensation for killing defenseless civilians by bombing.
    I will inform the international association of democratic lawyers of this fact and take a legal action as regards these crimes.

Pilot plant of light industry branch of academy of sciences

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The pilot plant of the light industry branch of the academy of sciences is situated in Rakrang district, Pyongyang. This plant recycles cuttings and pieces of cloth from textile and clothing factories to produce textile and cotton.
    The plant is well known to the field of textile industry for having achieved many successes and contrived and manufactured new equipment in conformity with the actual conditions since it was established on July 18, 1995.
    It has brought many economic profits to the state.

Eradication of leftover of Cold War called for

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary calls for eradicating the leftover of the Cold War against the backdrop of the growing demand for the U.S. troops' withdrawal from northeast Asia. The commentary says:
    The ever-escalating tensions in northeast Asia are entirely attributable to the U.S. attempt to keep huge aggression forces in the region and maintain and expand the sphere of its domination over it by force.
    This suggests that the U.S. troops' pullout from South Korea and Japan is urgently required for the peace and security in the region.
    Their presence in South Korea and Japan is the leftover of the Cold War era. It is quite abnormal that there still remains this leftover although the world entered the 21st century. The U.S. should drop its policy to keep its troops overseas.
    In the past the U.S. justified its forces' presence in South Korea with the Cold War logic. But it no longer works.
    The present situation has deprived the U.S. of any justification to keep its forces in South Korea any longer.
    The U.S. forces' pullout is an irresistible trend of the times and it is urgently required for the peace and stability in northeast Asia.
    The U.S. should take a bold decision to withdraw its forces at once.

Beauty spot on west coast of Korea

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The Kumi Inlet has been widely known as a beauty spot on the west coast of Korea from olden times. It is situated in south Taedong bay of Ryongyon county, South Hwanghae Province.
    It is called Kumi Inlet as it has nine charms.
    The Kumi Inlet is noted for rising sheer from the sea with its fantastically shaped rocks and thick pine trees growing on the precipices. The clear blue water of the sea, a vast beach extending on the seashore and the blooming sweetbriers and other flowers go well with the surf with its foamy crest, adding to the beauty of the inlet.
    There are many resources including quality silica sand well known to the world.
    The sea teems with croaker, pacific sand launce, hair-tail, shell-fishes and other fishes. Dishes prepared with them are popular among tourists. Drawing keen interest of tourists is to catch fishes and cook by themselves.

Unha clothing exports exhibition

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The Unha clothing exports exhibition is situated at the foot of picturesque Moran Hill in Pyongyang. The exhibition was opened in April of Juche 90 (2001).
    It has a total floor-space of nearly 2,000 square meters.
    The exhibition is sectioned into an exhibition room of clothes, two interview rooms, a video camera room, etc.
    On display at the exhibition room are over 1,000 pieces of clothes including high-quality suits for man and woman, padded clothes, jackets, shirts made by the Korea Unha General Trading Corporation.
    These clothes are the best sellers in Europe and Southeast Asia including Germany, France, Japan and China.
    Many trade delegations from different countries visited the exhibition to have dealings with the Korea Unha General Trading Corporation.
    The exhibition receives orders for clothes.

Signal success in land realignment

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The land leveling and rezoning are making brisk headway in South Phyongan Province, Pyongyang and Nampho cities. The two-phased projects are aimed to level and rezone a total of 90,000 hectares of land. Each field of standardized shape will cover 1,000 or 1,500 phyong.
    Although the projects started just a few months back, more than 12,000 hectares of land had been realigned as of the middle of May to pave the way for rice transplanting.
    These gigantic nature transformation projects followed those in Kangwon, North Phyongan and South Hwanghae provinces.
    In recent years the DPRK has pushed forward the land leveling and rezoning as a patriotic movement involving the whole party and army and all people to bring prosperity and progress to all the generations to come.
    More than 200,000 hectares of land have been realigned throughout the country in a matter of a little over three years.
    As a result, over 1.5 million patches of fields have turned into over 560,000 fields of standardized shapes.
    More than 90,000 kms of ridges between rice-fields have been cut down to over 53,000 kms while at least 15,000 kms of waterways have appeared between fields and 5,000 hectares of new land have been brought under the plough.

Joint white paper on U.S. germ warfare and use of chemical weapons released

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The nationwide special committee for probing the truth behind GIS' mass killings released the second installment of a joint white paper on May 25 after reinvestigating and confirming the U.S. forces' germ warfare and criminal use of chemical weapons during the Korean War. The white paper said:
    In the autumn of 1950 the U.S. joint chiefs of staff formally examined and approved the long choreographed plan to massively use germ weapons in actual battles and escalated the germ warfare at an experimental stage and at the stage of its full-scale operation.
    According to the germ warfare scenario, the U.S. troops carried out the first germ bomb dropping operation against the northwestern part of Korea (the region north of the River Chongchon to that south of the River Amnok) and Yangdok, Hamhung and Wonsan in November 1951 and towards 1952 this operation escalated from a limited warfare to an all-out one.
    In the period from early January to march 1952 U.S. war planes dropped different kinds of things containing poisonous insects and germs over 169 areas of the north 804 times.
    Involved in this criminal germ warfare were not only bombers based in Okinawa but a quarter of the bombers which flew to make air raids on areas of the DPRK from their bases in South Korea. The number of the bombers making sorties to drop germ bombs reached as many as 480 in a single day.
    GIS used over 20 types of germ weapons including pest, cholera, smallpox and epidemic bleeding fever and more than 34 species of insects and animals infected with germs including fly (5 species), mosquito (3 species), flea, bug and mouse.
    They massively used chemical weapons in 24 cities, counties and front areas in the north including Jangwon, South and North Hwanghae and South Phyongan provinces from February 1951 to July 1953.
    The U.S. imperialist air pirates used poison-gas bombs 33 times from February 27 to April 9, 1952 and U.S. army units fired suffocative and lachrymatory gas shells at defence positions of the Korean people's army 41 times in the almost same period.
    The weapons of mass destruction used by the U.S. troops during the Korean War included more than 15 million spa-napalm bombs.
    The biological and chemical warfare committed by the U.S. forces during the Korean War was a deliberate and premeditated criminal act to exterminate the Korean nation and severely destroy the land of Korea.

Delegation and ensemble of far eastern military district of Russia here

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- A Red-Flag Ensemble of the Far Eastern Military District Under the Russian Federal Armed Forces arrived here today. The Russian guests were met at the airport by generals and officers of the Korean People's Army, and the military attache of the Russian embassy here.

Greetings to Ethiopian President

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, today sent a message of greetings to Ethiopian President Girma Woldegiorgis on the 11th national day. The message wished the president and the people of Ethiopia greater success in their work for the prosperity of the country and expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue to expand and develop.

KCNA on U.S. remarks on "sponsors of terrorism"

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- The U.S. state department on May 21 issued an "annual report on terrorism " and listed the DPRK again as a "sponsor of terrorism". In the "annual report on terrorism" the U.S. put the DPRK on the list of "sponsors of terrorism" again on a new groundless charge that "North Korea is not opting to combat terrorism".
    This is no more than a foolish ruse to tarnish the international prestige of the DPRK and isolate and stifle it at any cost.
    The DPRK has made every possible effort to combat terrorism contrary to world peace, stability, respect for national independence and sovereignty, social justice and humanitarian principle.
    Proceeding from the principled stand on combating terrorism after the "September 11 incident" alone, the DPRK signed and acceded to the "international convention for the suppression of the financing of terrorism" and the "international convention against the taking of hostages" and it is taking active part in the efforts of the international community to eradicate international terrorism as evidenced by its close cooperation with the united nations and other international organizations. On December 26, 2001, the DPRK informed the UN security council of its legal and administrative steps it deemed necessary for combating terrorism.
    All these facts prove that the "charge" brought by the United States against the DPRK this time is baseless and it is another product of its anachronistic hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    Lurking behind the U.S. fallacy is a foolish attempt to "justify" Bush's remarks about the "axis of evil" censured worldwide even through the profound confusing of right and wrong.
    Rumsfeld, U.S. defense secretary, recently told sheer lie that "North Korea is offering weapons of mass destruction to terrorists with whom it has already maintained relations". This is also a foolish remark made to achieve the above-said aim.
    It is nonsensical that the U.S. is imprudently talking about "cooperation with the DPRK in anti-terrorism" after ditching the DPRK-U.S. joint statement that clarifies the political willingness to delist the DPRK as a "sponsor of terrorism" and keeping it on the list of the "sponsors of terrorism" for no reason.
    The more vociferous the U.S., the kingpin of international terrorism, is becoming in slandering others, styling itself a "judge of terrorism" whom no one recognizes, the bitterer worldwide ridicule and criticism it will meet.

Kim Yong Nam meets Indonesian ambassador

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- President Kim Yong Nam of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK met and conversed with Buchari Effendi, Endonesian ambassador to the DPRK who paid a farewell visit to him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there were Kim Yong Il, vice-minister of foreign affairs, and Indonesian embassy officials.

Yang Hyong Sop meets Lao women's delegation

    Pyongyang, May 27 (KCNA) -- Vice-president Yang Hyong Sop of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly met and had a friendly talk with the delegation of the Lao Women's Union led by one Chanh Thammavong, president of its central committee, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.