Kim Yong Nam meets South Korean national assemblymen

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, met Kim Thae Sik, deputy speaker of the national assembly of South Korea, and other national assemblymen at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Friday. They came to Pyongyang together with the symphony orchestra of the South Korean broadcasting system. Present at the meeting were director of the secretariat of the committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland An Kyong Ho, chairman of the c.c., the Korean Christian Federation Kang Yong Sop, vice-chairman of the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee Ri Jong Hyok, who are deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly, and other officials concerned. They had a conversation in an atmosphere overflowing with compatriotic feelings.

DPRK-Japan summit talks hailed by Mongolia

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Mongolian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on September 19 hailing the talks between the top leaders of the DPRK and Japan. The statement said that the first ever summit between DPRK top Kim Jong Il and Japanese prime minister Junichiro Koizumi laid a foundation for normalizing the bilateral relations.
    It noted:
    The normalization of the DPRK-Japan relations will further promote peace and stability in the region and contribute to expanding cooperation among nations there.
    The Mongolian government insists on keeping peace and security in northeast Asia and supports the negotiated solution to the issue of the Korean Peninsula.

Ceremony to hand over remains of KPA fallen fighters held in Hanoi

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- A ceremony to hand over the remains of fallen fighters of the Korean People's Army took place at the State Funeral Hall in Hanoi on Sept. 19. They died a heroic death in the anti-U.S. war of the Vietnamese people.
    Amidst the playing of the wreath-laying music, wreaths were laid before their remains in the name of the Ministry of National Defence and other institutions of Vietnam, the DPRK government delegation and the DPRK embassy in Hanoi.
    The participants observed a moment's silence in memory of the servicemen who fought heroically in the Vietnamese people's anti-U.S. war with a strong sense of internationalism.
    The national anthems of the DPRK and Vietnam were played and speeches made at the ceremony.
    The vice-minister of National Defence of Vietnam and the head of the DPRK government delegation exchanged documents on the hand-over of the remains.
    Then a hearse carrying the remains left.
    Earlier, the DPRK government delegation laid a wreath before the grave of President Ho Chi Minh and observed a silent tribute.

GIs' killing of S. Korean condemned

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Japan mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) issued a statement on September 19 as regards the killing of a South Korean by a U.S. military vehicle in a war drill in Phaju, Kyonggi Province, Monday night. The statement said:
    The killing came at a time when South Korean people of all strata were raging at GIs' killing of two South Korean schoolgirls with an armored car. It was done by the vehicle of the same 2nd division of the U.S. army only four km from the place where the schoolgirls were killed.
    The killings by U.S. imperialist aggressor troops are excesses committed against the South Koreans and unpardonable crimes openly committed only in this colony.

KBS Symphony Orchestra performs

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The symphony orchestra of the South Korean broadcasting system gave a performance at the Ponghwa Art Theatre Friday. Among the audience were Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, Kang Nung Su, minister of culture, officials concerned, creators, artistes and working people in the city.
    Put on the stage were symphony orchestra, solo and others.

Korean-nation-first spirit lauded

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Saturday in a signed article says the Korean-nation-first spirit is the ideological and moral source enabling the Korean people to fully demonstrate the might of Kim Il Sung's nation and work hard to build a powerful nation. The article continues:
    With national self-esteem, can the people reject the interference and high-handed practice of foreign forces, fully exercise the sovereignty and preserve their excellent national character.
    In the past the Korean people were deprived of the sovereignty of the country and the nation by foreign forces. That was the result of the rulers' flunkeyism and submission to big countries.
    But the Korean people could put an end to the disgraceful history of the nation and fully demonstrate its dignity as they were guided by President Kim Il Sung.
    The Korean-nation-first spirit has been fully displayed in the era of the army-based policy pursued by Kim Jong Il.
    The revolutionary mettle of the Korean people with the spirit has been clearly manifested in smashing the moves of the imperialists and steadfastly defending the sovereignty of the nation.
    Armed with the spirit the Korean people have advanced the revolution and construction in their own way as required by the Juche idea, irrespective of what others say.
    They are also working hard to build a powerful nation in their own revolutionary style, under the slogan "Let us live our own way".
    As the Korean people hold Kim Jong Il, brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu, in high esteem, they have become an independent nation with a strong sense of the Korean-nation-first spirit.

S. Korean moviedom denounced for making anti-DPRK films

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Anti-north moviemaking now under way in South Korea not only cools the atmosphere for reconciliation and cooperation but adversely affects the favorably developing inter-Korean relations. It is also a violation of the basic spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. The secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said this in information bulletin no. 827 on Friday.
    It goes on:
    The South Korean moviedom is getting feverish in producing films which give a distorted explanation of the last Korean War provoked by the U.S. imperialists in the 1950s and those who fled to the south after committing crimes in the north.
    South Korean filmmakers are spending a huge amount of money in producing and screening those films fostering north-south distrust and confrontation, influenced by dishonest rightists.
    They also seek to make money by taking advantage of the present inter-Korean relations, a great concern in South Korea. Such films going against the nation's strong trend towards reconciliation, unity and reunification would only be condemned and rejected by the fellow countrymen.
    The South Korean moviedom should stop making such anachronistic films and try to create art works conducive to national reconciliation, unity and reunification in the spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    The South Korean authorities concerned would be well advised to take a responsible measure to stop making and screening such anti-north films, pondering over their consequences.