Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today issued a statement as regards the fact that on November 14 the U.S. announced a decision to stop supplying heavy oil to the DPRK from the upcoming December. The U.S. has provided supply of heavy oil to it under the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework.
The statement says:
The decision is a wanton violation of article 1 of the framework which stipulates that the United States of America, representing the Korean Energy Development Organization in accordance with the October 20, 1994, guarantee message of the U.S. President, shall adopt a measure to make for the loss of energy in return for the freezing of the graphite moderated reactors and their related facilities of the DPRK till the completion of light water reactor no. 1 and it shall supply heavy oil for the use of heat and electricity production as alternative energy.
The above-mentioned article is the only one of the four articles of the framework that has been observed.
With a view to playing down the responsibility for breaking its international commitment, the U.S. described the decision as "collective will" of KEDO member nations. It is as clear as noonday that in actuality the U.S. Government made a decision to stop supplying heavy oil before forcing it upon KEDO which is not a signatory of the framework.
In making public the decision the U.S. claimed that the DPRK violated the framework first.
Now that the U.S. unilaterally gave up its last commitment under the framework, the DPRK acknowledges that it is high time to decide upon who is to blame for the collapse of the framework.
It is well known to the world that the U.S. has violated the framework and boycotted the implementation of its commitments.
The U.S. has drastically delayed the construction of LWRs, worked out a plan for a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK and listed the latter as part of an "axis of evil."
It is also well known to the world that the U.S. has so far threatened the DPRK by incessantly staging large-scale nuclear war exercises of various types against the DPRK, a variant of the "Team Spirit" war exercise, in South Korea and its vicinity.
The U.S. hard-line policy to stifle the DPRK fully betrayed its true colors in the wake of the Bush administration's listing the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" and announcement of its plan for a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK.
The U.S. outcries for disarming the DPRK are, in essence, little short of calling upon the DPRK to abandon its system. This was more clearly evidenced by the statement of the U.S. President issued on Nov. 15.
The U.S. gravely insulted the spirit of the UN Charter by listing a UN member nation as part of an "axis of evil", to say nothing of the agreed framework. It also wantonly transgressed the basic spirit of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty by singling out nuclear-free states as the targets of its preemptive nuclear attack.
The DPRK has exercised its forbearance to the full.
With a view to keeping the AF from being derailed at any cost the DPRK proposed the U.S. for concluding a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. as a way of settling the nuclear issue on Oct. 25.
The DPRK proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty is, in essence, the only realistic solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula as it is aimed to settle the issues caused by the threat from the U.S. by the way of removing it.
The U.S. President and all other authorities said that the U.S has no intention to invade the DPRK. So, if they are sincere in their remarks, there is no reason whatsoever for them not to give legal assurances of non-aggression to the DPRK.
But the U.S. responded to the DPRK proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty with a decision to stop supplying heavy oil to the DPRK.
The U.S. assertion that the DPRK violated the framework is a burglary logic of America-style superpower chauvinism that a big country may threaten a small country as it wishes but a small country should not try to cope with such threat.
The U.S. is seriously mistaken if it thinks this logic will work on the Korean Peninsula.
Hanchongryon issues statement
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly issued a statement on Nov. 18. It dismissed the South Korean public security authorities' decision to sentence Kim Hyong Ju, chairman of Hanchongryon, to prison terms as a challenge to the desire of the people for a democratic reform, social progress and reunification.
The court bench in a sentence defined the north as "an anti-state organization" despite the fact that the south and the north have entered the era of reconciliation and asserted that the security law should be kept so long as there exists a threat of aggression to the south from the north and, accordingly, the label of an enemy-benefiting organization should remain attached to the tenth-term Hanchongryon as it has shared the same stand with the north, the statement said.
Saying that the court bench turned away from the fast changing south-north relations and the efforts for peaceful reunification exerted by various social strata in the wake of the publication of the June 15 joint declaration, the statement branded its recent sentence as an anachronistic one.
Friendly ties established between DPRK and Ecuadorian provinces
Sariwon, November 20 (KCNA) -- An agreement was signed here today on the establishment of friendly ties between North Hwanghae Province of the DPRK and Canar province of Ecuador.
It was signed by chairman of the North Hwanghae Provincial People's Committee Kim Pyong Song and perfect of Canar Province Diego Ormaza Andrade.
Scientific symposium held
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A scientific symposium on turning the country into a thick woodland and greenery was held at the People's Palace of Culture on Wednesday under the sponsorship of the Central Committee of the DPRK Natural Conservation Union.
Presented at the symposium were valuable papers and scientific and technical data helpful to turning the country into a thick woodland and greenery. They were aimed to carry out the tasks set forth in Kim Jong Il's celebrated work "Let Us Build the Country into a Tapestry-Like Land in the Workers' Party Era through a Vigorous Drive for Afforestation and Water-Conservancy".
Speakers there clearly proved the validity and vitality of the Workers' Party of Korea's policy of turning the country into a thick woodland and greenery. And they referred to scientific and technical matters and ways of creating forests suited to specific local conditions, greening urban areas and fundamentally improving this work in keeping with the requirements of the new century.
Prizes were awarded to those excellent papers.
Present at the symposium were Minister of Land and environment preservation Jang Il Son, who is chairman of the c.c., the DPRK Natural Conservation Union, and officials concerned.
Chosun Ilbo rejected in S. Korea
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A meeting was reportedly held in Seoul on Sunday to reject the newspaper Chosun Ilbo, the enemy of peace and the public.
Speakers at the meeting cited false and distorted reports recently made by Chosun Ilbo, describing the newspaper as the worst pro-Japanese traitorous group.
As long as such newspaper is allowed to exist, it is impossible to expect the realization of democracy and even slight progress of the public, they said, calling for a strong and effective struggle against the newspaper.
They also called for destroying the harmful Chosun Ilbo and joining in the campaign to boycott the forced reading of this newspaper.
A resolution, adopted at the meeting, branded the newspaper as an enemy of peace as it has conducted press activities beneficial to the U.S. interests and cunningly incited inter-Korean confrontation.
S. Korean workers threaten to call general strike
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The South Korean workers threatened to call a general strike in protest against the railroading of the bill on the special economic zone through the National Assembly, according to Seoul-based Yonhap News.
On Nov. 16 the (South) Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) declared that at a recent emergency meeting of its central executive committee it decided to stage a general strike in January and February 2003 to demand the chief executive exercise veto over the law on the special economic zone and, to this end, it decided to conduct large-scale propaganda activities and institute a suit on charge of violation of the constitution.
Noting that the law, in particular, would have serious implications not only on the labor field but on the other fields including women, environment, education and health care, the KCTU said that it would form an all-people measure committee together with civic organizations to stage a struggle for the repeal of the evil law.
The Federation of (South) Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) at a meeting of representatives of unions held on Nov. 18 decided to work out an action plan including the formation of a joint headquarters of the FKTU and KCTU to struggle for the abrogation of the law.
Japanese official's anti-Chongryon remarks flailed
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Representatives of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) visited the Public Security Investigation Agency of Japan (PSIA) on November 15 to lodge a protest with Shotaro Tochigi, deputy director general of the PSIA, against his anti-Chongryon remarks, according to Nov. 18 issue of the newspaper Choson Sinbo published in Japan.
Referring to the fact that he let loose the anachronistic outbursts that he was contemplating about the application of the "anti-sabotage law to Chongryon," they demanded him immediately drop his intention.
The unwarranted stand taken by the PSIA, asserting that it had no will to retract its statement, touched off their stronger protest.
Effective deodorizer
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang University of Medicine in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has succeeded in developing liquid deodorizer it is very effective in removing bad smell such as Ammonia, sulfide hydrogen and sulfurous acid in toilets, underground structures and other places.
Two or three milliliters are enough to completely decontaminate the smell of Ammonia and sulfide hydrogen in one cubic meter of air.
The colorless and scentless deodorizer has no harmful effect on human body.
According to researcher Jo Kwang Il, the method of spraying the liquid deodorizer in the air and completely decomposing the harmful substances through reaction is better than the method of eliminating bad smell with aroma.
It is also larger in the scope of use.
It was very popular at the 7th exhibition of inventions and new technologies in the domain of public health and was awarded a state certificate of scientific and technical merits.
Unhasu Technology Corporation
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The Unhasu Technology Joint Venture Corporation of the Democratic People' s Republic of Korea has developed many goods of practical use and exported them to other countries.
Among them are MN-63B, a beauty appliance, and UHS-R5, a robot for image on stone. They are very popular in foreign markets.
The beauty appliance is used in removing skin mole, wart, fibroma, corn, etc. and treating skin diseases.
It can be used also in surgeons, otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, etc.
This appliance was awarded a special medal "Metz Fair Medal" in the 54th Metz International Invention Fair, a gold medal in the 19th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, new technologies and products and a gold medal and a prize for quality in the 17th Havana International Goods Fair.
It is registered in the Switzerland patent bureau (patent no. ch688263) in Juche 86 (1997).
The robot for image on stone inputs photos of people, animals and landscapes into computers, processes and treats them on natural stones and thus produces industrial art works.
The speed of producing images on stone plates is different according to the size of stone plates. Completing one product takes one to four hours.
This appliance was awarded a silver medal in the 24th Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions, New Technologies and Products.
The corporation, founded in 1991, is located in Moranbong district, Pyongyang.
U.S. urged to accept DPRK's proposal
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- The Lebanese Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification issued a statement on Nov. 12 denouncing the United States' anti-DPRK nuclear campaign.
The statement urged the U.S. to respond to the DPRK's proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty between the two countries.
Turning aside this proposal, the U.S. is putting the brake on the process of inter-Korean reconciliation and the improvement of DPRK-Japan relations. And it is rendering the situation of the Korean Peninsula extremely strained and escalating the offensive to stifle the DPRK, the statement noted.
It expressed full solidarity with the leadership of the DPRK, the Korean people and the Korean People's Army.
Ancient brick tomb unearthed
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) --Archeologists of the Academy of Social Science recently unearthed a brick tomb in Saenal-ri, Sinchon county, South Hwanghae Province.
The tomb consists of a burial chamber 288 cm in length, 198 cm in width and 264 cm in height, a side chamber 140cm in length, 100 cm in width and 100 cm in height and corridor. It faces southeast.
The floors of the chambers are paved with two layers of bricks of a reed-mat pattern and their walls were built in such ways that thick layers of bricks were laid sideways or upright.
Its vault is also made up of bricks.
The brick walls are embossed with designs of various geometrical patterns, fantastic animals such as a white tiger and a red bird, figure holding spears, etc.
Letters are seen on some walls.
More than 20 pieces of artifacts including a light gray pot, beads, a silver bracelet, a silver hairpin and nails of coffin were also discovered there.
Basing themselves on the style of the tomb, relics and letters on the walls, archeologists presume that the tomb dates back to the period of Rakrang Kingdom that existed in the mid-3rd century.
The brick tomb is very instrumental in scientific study as it is preserved in its original state.
DPRK weightlifters prove successful
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- DPRK weightlifters won gold medals in the world weightlifting championships now under way in Warsaw.
Im Yong Su came first in the men's 62kg category on Nov. 20 by lifting a total of 315 kilograms (140 snatch, 175 jerk).
Ri Song Hui also bagged a gold medal in the women's 53kg category with a two-lift total of 225 kilograms (97.5 snatch, 127.5 jerk) on the same day.
The championships brought together top-notch weightlifters from different countries of the world.
Greetings to Cuban Foreign Minister
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister of the DPRK Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to his Cuban counterpart Pelipe Perez Roque in connection with the fact that a resolution on terminating the U.S. blockade against Cuba was adopted by an overwhelming majority of support once again at the 57th session of the UN General Assembly.
The message said that the current victory won by the Cuban people in the UN arena fully proved that the U.S. anachronistic and unilateral high-handed policy to disorganize socialist Cuba through vicious economic blockade will be a fiasco finally as it is a common victory of the progressive people of the world struggling for justice and socialism.
The DPRK Government and people will as ever extend invariable support and solidarity to the just cause of the Cuban Government and people to defend the dignity and sovereignty of the country, the message said.
In the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations forged between the two peoples on the revolutionary principle and with comradely obligation will grow stronger, the message sincerely wished the Cuban Foreign Minister greater success in his responsible work.
Yang Hyong Sop meets new Swedish Ambassador
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, vice-President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, met and had a talk with Paul Beijer, new Swedish Ambassador to the DPRK, who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
KPA navy command on S. Korean military's provocation on West Sea
Pyongyang, November 21 (KCNA) -- A warship of the South Korean army committed such a grave military provocation as firing a gun at a patrol boat of the Korean People's Army (KPA) navy on its routine patrol duty in the West Sea on Nov. 20.
In this regard the KPA navy command released a press release on Nov. 21.
It says:
At around 14:00 on Nov. 20 a patrol boat of the KPA navy rushed to the scene to intercept more than 10 unidentified vessels that had illegally sailed into the territorial waters of the DPRK.
Timed to coincide with this, a warship of the South Korean army on alert in waters west of Paekryong islet threatened the patrol boat of the KPA, navy, suddenly firing several artillery shells towards it.
The reckless provocation committed by the South Korean warship in broad daylight can not be construed otherwise than a deliberate and premeditated move of the South Korean military to aggravate the military tensions between the north and the south, keeping pace with the U.S. frantic nuclear racket.
The South Korean military authorities have recently persisted in their military provocations by sending warships one after another to the territorial waters of the DPRK in the West Sea.
In November alone they illegally infiltrated 15 warships into the territorial waters of the DPRK five times including those provocations perpetrated on Nov. 12, 13, 16 and 19.
The reality proves that the South Korean military seeks to push the situation in the West Sea to an extreme pitch of tension as was the case with the last West Sea clash in a bid to curry favor with the U.S. keen on the moves to put international pressure upon the DPRK and isolate it.
The KPA warns the South Korean military authorities not to run amuck, clearly understanding that such military provocations committed, pursuant to the U.S. strategy, may spark a new clash and entail irrevocable consequences.
Notice from Korea News Service
Korea News Service opened web site of English News of the Korean Central News Agency with fresh home page.
We have been receiving e-mails from many countries of the world.
We extend our thanks to you for sending them.
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For Spanish-speaking people
compania mixta de tecnica unhasu de corea
pyongyang, 21 de noviembre (atcc) -- en el pasado la compania mixta de tecnica unhasu de corea investigo, produjo y exporto al extranjero muchos productos de gran utilidad.
en particular, el aparato de belleza semiconductora "mn-63b" y el robot para foto de piedra "uhs-r5" gozaron de gran reputacion de varios paises del mundo.
el primero se trata de aparato para eliminar el lunar, verruga, fibroma, callo y otros de la superficie de piel y curar las enfermedades de piel.
se puede usar tambien en cirugia, otorrinolaringologia, ginecobstetricia, etc.
recibio la medalla del mercado de mech, medalla especial, en el 54o mercado internacional de invenciones de mech, la medalla de oro en la 19a exposicion internacional de invencion, nuevas tecnicas y nuevos articulos de ginebra y la medalla de oro y el premio de calidad en la 17a exposicion internacional de mercancias de la habana. en el 86 (1997) de la era juche fue registrado como patente de suiza (no. ch688263).
el segundo produce obras de artes aplicadas con metodo de imputar a la computadora las fotos de personaje, animal y paisaje y representarlas en la tabla de piedra natural.
para la elaboracion de una foto de piedra se necesitan 1-4 horas segun el tamano de la tabla de piedra.
este robot gano la medalla de plata en la xxiv exposicion internacional de invencion, nuevas tecnicas y nuevos articulos de ginebra.
la compania impulsa activamente la labor para investigar y desarrollar nuevos articulos.
fundada en 1991, esta situada en el municipio de morambong de la ciudad de pyongyang.
firmado acuerdo entre corea y ecuador
sariwon, 20 de noviembre (atcc) -- quedo suscrito el dia 20 en esta ciudad el acuerdo sobre el establecimiento de las relaciones de amistad entre la provincia de hwanghae del norte de la republica popular democratica de corea y la provincia del canar de la republica del ecuador.
rebricaron el documento el presidente del comite popular de la provincia de hwanghae del norte kim pyong song y el prefecto de la provincia del canar, diego ormaza andrade.
contacto de expertos para unir ferrovias y carreteras norte-sur
kosong, 20 de noviembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar del dia 18 al 20 en el monte kumgang el contacto de expertos para unir las ferrovias y carreteras norte-sur segun el acuerdo de la tercera reunion del comite por la promocion de la cooperacion economica norte-sur.
en el contacto ambas partes revisaron el estado del abastecimiento de las instalaciones y materiales necesarios a la union de las ferrovias y carreteras de las costas oriental y occidental, discutieron con sinceridad el problema de priorizarlos en la construccion y llegaron a un acuerdo sobre una serie de problemas.
pese al estorbo de los estados unidos, ambas partes determinaron el procedimiento y el metodo de la medicion conjunta necesaria a definir el lugar de la union de las ferrovias y carreteras norte-sur.
al mismo tiempo se efectuo la consulta sobre el acuerdo basico concerniente a la circulacion de vehiculos en las carreteras entre el norte y el sur y ambas partes decidieron aprobarlo despues, a la manera del intercambio del documento.
contacto de expertos para aprobar acuerdo de transporte maritimo norte-sur
kosong, 20 de noviembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar del 18 al 20 del mes en curso en el monte kumgang el contacto de expertos para la aprobacion del acuerdo de transporte maritimo norte-sur de corea segun el acuerdo de la tercera reunion del comite por la promocion de cooperacion economica norte-sur.
ambas partes consultaron sobre el asunto de abrir el camino de la cooperacion realista en la esfera del transporte maritimo entre el norte y el sur y publicaron un comunicado conjunto.
el documento senala que ambas partes llegaron a la identidad de criterios de que es necesaria la cooperacion entre el norte y el sur en el dominio del transporte maritimo, intercambiaron criterios y discutieron sinceramente sobre el transito de los barcos civiles por aguas jurisdiccionales de la contraparte, la apertura de la ruta maritima, la navegacion segura de los barcos, etc.
destaca que acordaron seguir consultando en el proximo contacto de expertos los problemas presentados en el presente contacto y efectuar en el monte kumgang en diciembre de 2002 el segundo contacto de expertos.