Kim Jong Il Club formed in Jordan

    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of Kim Jong Il Club was held in Amman on January 3. At the ceremony Marwan Sudah, chairman of the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People and Supporting the Reunification of Korea, was elected the chairman of the club.
    Speakers at the ceremony expressed support for the Korean people's cause and denounced the U.S. moves to suffocate the DPRK.
    A resolution adopted at the ceremony expressed gratitude to the Korean people for their support to the Arab cause and said that the club was formed to introduce the cause and personality of leader Kim Jong Il on the occasion of his birthday February 16 and strengthen the friendly and cultural ties between the peoples of the DPRK and Jordan.

U.S. warned against any more piratic acts against DPRK trading cargo ships

    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The United States, instead of making an apology and compensation for the piracy committed against the DPRK trading cargo ship Sosan, blustered that it would seize DPRK ships loaded with missiles. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses this as a preposterous outcry and a blatant provocation to the DPRK. It goes on:
    If the U.S. had even an iota of conscience, it should have honestly apologized for its piratic act of grossly infringing upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and duly compensated for all the mental and material damage done to the DPRK ship and its crew.
    The hearts of the people's army and people of the DPRK are afire with the towering grudge against the U.S. imperialists who are wantonly infringing upon the sovereignty and interests of the country and the resolve to take a thousand-fold revenge upon them.
    It is their fixed faith and will not to show any mercy and tolerance to the U.S. imperialist aggressors but force them to pay for the blood shed by Koreans.
    If the U.S. commits another reckless provocation despite the DPRK's warning, the KPA will counter it with a decisive measure and the U.S. will be held entirely responsible for all the ensuing consequences.

U.S. urged to behave with decorum

    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The DPRK Government's decision to completely withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the International Atomic Energy Agency was a legitimate measure taken to cope with the grave situation where the supreme interests of the state are seriously threatened, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. As already known, the DPRK, a non-nuclear state, acceded to the NPT and signed the safeguards agreement with the IAEA mainly for the purpose of removing the U.S. threat of a nuclear war from the DPRK.
    The DPRK has been exposed to a constant nuclear threat of the U.S. which has become more undisguised in recent years.
    As the United States is keen to bring a nuclear disaster to the Korean nation the DPRK obviously cannot remain a passive onlooker to it.
    Under the situation where the NPT and IAEA are being misused for implementing the U.S. policy of stifling the DPRK it can no longer remain bound to them.
    A military option is not a monopoly of the United States. If the United States dares challenge the DPRK with a "military punishment", the DPRK will take a thousand-fold retaliation against it and root out the very source of aggression on the Korean Peninsula.
    The U.S. imperialists should drop its suicidal option, mindful that they will not escape an ignominious defeat in the DPRK-U.S. confrontation.

KCNA refutes U.S. officials' lies about cause of economic difficulties

    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- Some elements of the Bush administration hostile to the DPRK are floating sheer lies that some economic difficulties in the DPRK are attributable to its wrong policy. This is nothing but a U.S. hypocritical political propaganda to cover up the criminal nature of its blockade policy, a crime against humanity, committed against the DPRK for several decades.
    Temporary economic difficulties including the acute shortage of electricity and food in the DPRK were partly caused by consecutive years of natural disasters. But they are chiefly attributable to the U.S. aggressive and hostile policy of blockade towards the dprk.
    The U.S. has pursued this policy for over half a century since its military occupation of South Korea in 1945. This was, in fact, aimed to deprive our state and people of their right to existence.
    The U.S. cooked up a "COCOM" in 1949, taking advantage of its monopolistic position in the capitalist world after the 2nd World War and has controlled the export of technology and trade with the DPRK in different fields.
    It fabricated "U.S. rules on controlling assets" of hostile countries in December 1950 in a bid to apply a trade and financial embargo against the DPRK.
    Inestimable is the mental and material damage done by this U.S. hostile policy to the DPRK.
    The U.S. imperialists' hostile policy toward the DPRK was escalated after they cooked up a military "regime" in South Korea and stepped up the preparations for a new war in the 1960s.
    In order to cope with this situation the DPRK advanced a line of simultaneously carrying on the economic construction and defence upbuilding and had no option but to direct enormous efforts to boosting the country's defence capability.
    Since the 1970s the U.S. has carried on extremely adventurous and provocative moves to ignite a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula, annually staging "Team Spirit" joint military exercises.
    The U.S. policy of aggression and blockade became more vicious and desperate in the 1980s and the 1990s under the pretext of the non-existent "nuclear issue" of the DPRK.
    Taking advantage of the collapse of the former soviet union and other socialist countries in East Europe and their return to capitalism, the U.S. escalated its political and military offensive to destroy the DPRK's socialist system and tightened its economic blockade and sanctions against the DPRK to bring its economy to a total collapse.
    It is a universally known historical fact that the DPRK was compelled to proclaim a semi-war state in 1993 as the U.S. desperately escalated its pressure and sanctions against it under the pretext of its "nuclear issue" through the IAEA and the UN.
    The U.S. was so mean and perfidious as to grossly violate the spirit of the agreement reached between the two sides through a series of DPRK-U.S. talks.
    It refused to implement the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework which calls for the provision of light water reactors to the DPRK in return for its freeze on nuclear facilities, thus causing a tremendous loss of electricity to the DPRK.
    The army and people of the DPRK have defended the sovereignty and the right to existence of the country and successfully carried out the "arduous march" and the forced march, despite the U.S. vicious and desperate blockade policy and war moves, thus opening a favorable phase for the building of a powerful nation. This was possible only thanks to the invariable correct policy of the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK.
    The U.S. should stop falsifying truth with sheer lies.
    It should pay heed to the voices of the international community and drop its wrong anti-DPRK policy before meddling in other's internal affairs.

Army-people power station built in Sangwon

    Pyongyang, January 13 (KCNA) -- The Army-People Power Station was built in Sangwon county, Pyongyang. It, which produces electricity from a low head irrespective of water level and season, is equipped with production processes controlled by computers.
    The county built the modern power station by damming up the River Nam to solve the shortage of electricity and basically meet the county's demand for electricity.
    The electricity produced by the station is supplied to the locally-run factories, schools, hospitals, public establishments and 20,000 odd families for lighting.
    It is also used for heating of a hundred apartment buildings built some time ago.
    The county also built a bridge on the dam, shortening the transport route to Kangdong county, with which it has close economic relations, one-two hundredth.
    Planted around the power station were 30,000 flower trees and fruit trees of 20 species.

KCNA hails DPRK's withdrawal from NPT

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- As was reported, the DPRK Government issued a statement Friday, as regards the dangerous situation of the Korean Peninsula where the sovereignty of the Korean nation and the DPRK's security are seriously violated due to the U.S. vicious hostile policy toward the DPRK, and declared its withdrawal from the NPT (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty). This is an important measure taken to protect the supreme interests of the DPRK and the country and nation's sovereignty, right to existence and dignity. It is also a legitimate self-defensive step against the U.S. moves to stifle the DPRK and the unreasonable behavior of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) which is being used as a tool for executing the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK.
    The United States instigated the IAEA to adopt a "resolution" against the DPRK on January 6 in the wake of a similar "resolution" made on November 29, 2002. The IAEA termed the DPRK "a criminal" and demanded it scrap its "nuclear program" at once by a verifiable way.
    After the adoption of the "resolution", the IAEA director general did not hesitate to make an ultimatum-style remarks, even setting the deadline for its implementation.
    In the recent "resolution", the IAEA insisted on the unilateral demands of the United States, keeping mum about its gross violation of the NPT and the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework.
    This reveals once again the falsehood and hypocrisy of the signboard of impartiality the IAEA put up as an international body.
    The DPRK Government vehemently rejected the "resolution" of the IAEA as a grave encroachment upon the country's sovereignty and the dignity of the nation.
    It is none other than the U.S. which wrecks peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and drives the situation to an extremely dangerous phase. It has been evidenced by the belligerent and extremely hostile policy towards the DPRK pursued by the U.S. after the appearance of the Bush administration.
    The Bush administration listed the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil", adopting it as a national policy to oppose its system, and singled it out as a target of preemptive nuclear attacks, openly declaring a nuclear war.
    The U.S. brought up another "nuclear suspicion" in a bid to shift the blame for its systematic violation of the AF on to the DPRK. It also stopped the supply of heavy oil, reducing the AF to a dead document, and answered the DPRK's sincere proposal for the conclusion of a DPRK-U.S. non-aggression treaty and its efforts for negotiations with such threats as "blockade" and "military punishment".
    The U.S. went so far as to set the IAEA in motion to internationalize its policy to stifle the DPRK, putting its declaration of a war into practice and intentionally eliminating the last possibility of a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula.
    The present military situation on the Korean Peninsula is reminiscent of the touch-and-go situation created by the U.S. hardline policy to stifle the DPRK ten years ago.
    Under this situation, the people and the army of the DPRK are filled with the strong resolution to increase the self-defensive military capabilities under the uplifted banner of the army-based policy and decisively repulse the intervention and provocative pressure of the hostile forces seeking to encroach upon the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation.

7th Kimjongilia Show to be held

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- The 7th Kimjongilia Show will be opened on the occasion of the birthday of General Secretary Kim Jong Il (February 16). The show is to be held at the Kimilsungia-Kimjongilia exhibition here from February 12, Juche 92 (2003) representing the deep reverence of the Korean people and the world people for the peerlessly great man and their strong desire to significantly celebrate his birthday.
    At least 31,000 pots of this flower were displayed in the period from the first show in February 1997 to the sixth show in February 2002.
    Kimjongilia is a product of over 20 years of a Japanese horticulturist Mototeru Kamo's great devotion.
    Kamo presented this flower in full bloom and a personal letter to Kim Jong Il on the occasion of his 46th birthday.
    The flower was awarded a special prize and a gold medal at the 12th International Flower Show in former Czechoslovakia in 1991.
    Kimjongilia greenhouses have been built across the country since a similar house appeared in the central botanical garden in Pyongyang in April 1988, where Kimjongilias are cultivated in a large quantity.
    The forthcoming show will be participated in by cabinet commissions, ministries, national institutions, armed forces organs and units of provinces and cities under the direct jurisdiction, and working people, overseas Koreans and horticulturists and flower fans in different countries who are cultivating Kimjongilias.

Rodong Sinmun on DPRK withdrawal from NPT

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Sunday carries an editorial titled "blow to pressure and punishment to 'chastisement'" The DPRK Government's measure for withdrawal from the NPT is the manifestation of do-or-die spirit of the Korean army and people and their high consciousness of national independence to resolutely smash with its toughest hard-line posture the anti-DPRK, anti-socialist moves of the U.S. imperialists who are violently trampling down the principle of impartiality and publicly recognized international law, the editorial notes, and goes:
    The whole army and people of Korea fully support the statement of the DPRK Government, determined to foil the Yankees nuclear racket, firmly defend the people-centered Korean-style socialism and build a powerful nation of Juche at an early date.
    Since it is evidenced that the U.S. is desperately trying to stifle the DPRK and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is used as a tool of the U.S. hostile policy toward theDPRK, the DPRK was compelled not to remain tied to the NPT any longer.
    The DPRK will never be regretful for its withdrawal from the treaty and advance more bravely and confidently along the way chosen by itself, unbound by anything.
    It is the DPRK tradition and independent fighting method to respond to a hard-line policy with the toughest one.
    Our army and people hold General Secretary Kim Jong Il, the illustrious commander of Mt. Paektu, in high esteem as their supreme commander. We have the army-based policy most powerful in the 21st century and the weapon of singlehearted unity stronger than nuclear weapons.
    If the U.S. and its followers come to challenge the DPRK over its withdrawal from the NPT with another pressure and sanctions, the DPRK will counter them with a stronger self-defensive measure.
    No formidable enemy can be safe before the arms of the DPRK.
    Those who dare encroach upon the sovereignty, dignity and right to existence of the DPRK will never survive its unpredictable strike wherever they may be.
    We do not play on words. Option is not the monopoly of the U.S.
    It is the counteraction of the Korean army and people to respond to a pressure with a telling blow and to "chastisement" with merciless punishment.
    The U.S. imperialists should not run wild.

U.S. urged not to run amuck

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- If the U.S. evades its responsibility and recklessly challenges the DPRK, the army and people of the DPRK will never miss the chance but certainly make them pay for the blood and turn the stronghold of the enemy into a sea of fire. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed commentary.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. reacted to the DPRK's sincere proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. and its patient efforts for negotiations with the threat of "blockade" and "military punishment". It even instigated the international atomic energy agency to build up a public opinion over the "nuclear program" and internationalized the moves of stifling the DPRK.
    The DPRK can not sit with folded arms under the prevailing situation where the supreme interests of the state are being seriously encroached upon by the U.S.
    It is the unshakable revolutionary principle and stand of the DPRK to respond to a hard-line with a super hard-line. It has nothing to be afraid of even under the worst situation.
    It is the fighting experience and maxim gained by the DPRK in its more than half-a-century-long confrontation with the U.S. that if all the army and the people unite to fight in a do-or-die spirit against the arrogant U.S. imperialists, they would certainly emerge victorious.
    The Yankees are well advised to stop running amuck, facing up to the essence of the situation and its consequences.

Koreans called upon to defend security and interests of nation

    Pyongyang, January 12 (KCNA) -- If the people in the north and the south of Korea oppose the U.S. imperialists' moves for war, the Yankees can never wreck peace nor provoke a war on this land. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    Under the present situation where the U.S. policy of aggression on the DPRK has gone beyond its danger line Koreans who are concerned about the destiny of the nation and its future should turn out as one in an anti-U.S., anti-war struggle.
    All political parties, organizations, classes and social strata in the north and the south of Korea should wage a struggle to frustrate the Yankees moves to invade the DPRK. If a war breaks out, all the Koreans will suffer from the disaster.
    All the Koreans should be mindful that only anti-U.S. struggle would guarantee their life.
    The security of the nation and its independent reunification are unthinkable without the struggle against aggression and war.
    Clear is that the target of the Korean people's struggle is the U.S. imperialists and their policy to invade the DPRK.
    Their moves to provoke a nuclear war are a cancer-like one that wrecks peace in Korea and a main stumbling block lying in the way of its independent reunification.
    There is no reason nor conditions whatsoever for the fellow countrymen to fight with each other now that they are staging a movement for independent reunification by their concerted effort under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration.
    The target of struggle is the Yankees who, displeased with the inter-Korean reconciliation and reunification, run amuck to disturb them and force the holocaust of a war upon the Koreans for the sake of their own interests.
    It is indisputable that there exists only confrontation between the Korean nation in the north and the south and the U.S. on the Korean Peninsula.
    All the Koreans should wage a bold nationwide struggle against the U.S. and war.
    Peace and independent reunification are guaranteed only by anti-U.S. struggle.
    If the enemies dare provoke a war, we will resolutely wipe out the aggressors and reduce them to the forlorn wandering spirit and certainly remove the bulwark of aggression from the earth.

Kim Il Sung's reminiscences printed in U.S.

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The Federation of Koreans in the United States brought out an English version of vol.8 (continuing edition) of part 1 the anti-Japanese revolution of President Kim Il Sung's reminiscences "With The Century" in New York. The federation has already published and distributed seven volumes of the reminiscences.

All Koreans called upon to frustrate U.S. anti-peace moves

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The nation will suffer irrevocably serious consequences unless the U.S. imperialists' reckless offensive against the DPRK, Korea's reunification and peace is foiled, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The U.S. keen on putting the whole of Korea and other parts of Asia under its domination and control is watching for a chance to ignite a war against the DPRK any moment while escalating tensions with a hue and cry over the non-existent threat from someone.
    The U.S. assertions that it has no idea to respond to the north-proposed talks and it will not deal with it are just part of its hostile policy to stifle the DPRK and reveal its dangerous intention to push the belligerent relations between the DPRK and the U.S. to a nuclear war.
    All the Koreans should unite close under the banner of the June 15 joint declaration in order to foil the U.S. offensive against Korea's reunification and peace. When the Koreans go united they can certainly frustrate the imperialists' moves for aggression.
    This unity also represents the strength to remove the hurdle laid by the U.S. conservative hardliners in the way of Korea's independent reunification.
    No force on earth can overpower the united strength of the nation. Whoever wishes national reunification should turn out to achieve the great unity of the nation irrespective of their abode, idea and ism.
    One of the major goals sought by the U.S in sparking a nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula is to prevent the north and the south of Korea from achieving unity.
    All the Koreans should see through the U.S. trite trick to perpetuate Korea's division and turn out in an anti-U.S struggle for independence and demonstrate the strength and mettle of the Korean nation.

Letter to IAEA director general

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea will completely withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) from Jan. 11, 2003. Ri Je Son, director general of the General Department of Atomic Energy, clarified this in a letter sent to Mohamed el-Baradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on Jan. 10 as regards the statement of the DPRK Government.
    The letter says:
    The DPRK Government declared its withdrawal from the NPT on March 12, 1993 as a measure to defend the supreme interests of the country so as to cope with the abnormal situation caused by the nuclear threat posed by the U.S. and the partiality of the IAEA.
    The DPRK Government unilaterally decided to declare a moratorium on the effectuation of the withdrawal so long as it deems necessary in line with the DPRK-U.S. joint statement adopted on June 11, 1993, a day before the effectuation of the withdrawal from the treaty according to paragraph a of article 10 of the treaty.
    Instead of giving formal assurances against its use of nukes, the Bush administration listed the DPRK as part of "an axis of evil" and a target of preemptive nuclear attack, thus not only breaking the foundations of the DPRK-U.S. joint statement and the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework (AF) but wantonly violating the basic spirit of the NPT.
    Even under this grave situation, the DPRK Government, proceeding from its peace-loving stand to save the AF from its total collapse, exercised its maximum self-restraint and proposed to conclude a non-aggression treaty with the U.S. as a realistic way of settling the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula on Oct. 25 last year.
    Despite the DPRK Government's patient efforts, the U.S. stopped supplying heavy oil, the last commitment it had been implementing under the AF, thus reducing the AF to a dead document. Moreover, it reacted to the DPRK's sincere efforts for negotiations with threats of "blockade" and "military retaliation" and with the arrogant remarks that "it may talk but negotiations are impossible."
    Still worse, the IAEA unilaterally adopted unreasonable resolutions against the DPRK on Nov. 29 last year and on Jan. 6 this year while keeping mum about the U.S. which scrapped the AF and is openly posing a nuclear threat to the DPRK after listing it as a target of preemptive nuclear strike, ignoring the nature of the nuclear issue, a product of the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, and the DPRK's unique status in which it declared a moratorium on its withdrawal from the NPT.
    Under the prevailing situation where the U.S. seeks to destroy the DPRK by force and the IAEA is incapable of observing the principle of impartiality, the DPRK Government issued a statement on Jan. 10, 2003 declaring an automatic and immediate effectuation of its withdrawal from the NPT on which it declared a moratorium.
    According to the statement, the DPRK will completely pull out of the NPT from Jan. 11, 2003.

More than one million Pyongyangites support DPRK's withdrawal from NPT

    Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- Today more than one million Pyongyangites met to fully support the statement of the DPRK Government on withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and firmly resolve to devotedly protect the sovereignty, vital right and dignity of the country and the nation. People from all walks of life thronged to Kim Il Sung Square and other parts of the city, the meeting places, with burning hatred for the U.S. imperialists.
    Seen in the meeting places were slogan boards titled "Let us fight against the U.S. imperialists to the finish and protect the nation's dignity and sovereignty" "Let us win certain victory in the sacred anti-U.S. war with the might of army-based policy" "Let us wipe out the U.S. imperialists to the last man if they invade the DPRK" etc. And posters reflecting the iron will of the Korean people to wage a life-and-death battle with the aggressors.
    Present at the meeting held on Kim Il Sung Square were senior party and state officials.
    Premier of the cabinet Hong Song Nam conveyed the DPRK Government's statement at the meeting.
    Representatives of different strata in their speeches made at the meeting said that the DPRK's withdrawal from the NPT is a just and legitimate measure of self-defence as it reflected the unanimous will and demand of the Korean people.
    The DPRK Government's statement is a bold decision that can be made only by General Kim Jong Il strongest in faith, will and pluck and a bomb-like declaration that humbled the U.S. imperialist aggressors and their followers, they stressed.
    The current measure demonstrated to the whole world once again the revolutionary principle and determination of the DPRK that it does not say an empty word but does what it intends, they said, adding that if the U.S. brings dark clouds of war to hang over this land, the army and the people of the DPRK will remove the land of the U.S. from the earth and root out the very source of evil and war.

For Spanish-speaking people

se montara 7 exhibicion de kimjongilia

    pyongyang, 13 de enero (atcc) -- con motivo de la fiesta de febrero (cumpleanos del dirigente kim jong il) la septima exhibicion de kimjongilia se realizara a partir del 12 de febrero del 92 (2003) de la era juche en la exhibicion de kimilsungia y kimjongilia en pyongyang en reflejo de alma de ardiente veneracion del pueblo coreano y los demas pueblos del mundo de celebrar significativamente esa efemeride. el numero de kimjongilias expuestas desde la primera exhibicion inaugurada en febrero del 1997 hasta la sexta efectuada en febrero de 2002 llega a mas de 31 mil, en total.
    la flor fue creada por mododeru kamo, jardinero japones al cabo de investigacion de mas de 20 anos.
    con motivo del 46 aniversario del nacimiento del dirigente kim jong il el le dirigio una carta junto con esa flor.
    kimjongilia fue condecorada con el premio especial y la medalla de oro en la duodecima exhibicion internacional de flores efectuada en 1991 en ex-checoslovaquia.
    en abril de 1988 quedo inaugurado el invernadero de kimjongilia en el jardin botanico nacional de pyongyang y, luego, fueron construidos los invernaderos de kimjongilia en todas partes del pais, donde florecen plenamente kimjongilias.
    en la presente exhibicion participaran los cultivadores de esta flor, a saber: los comites del consejo de ministros, los ministerios, los organos centrales, los organismos de las fuerzas armadas, las unidades de las provincias (ciudades subordinadas directamente al centro), trabajadores individuales, coreanos en ultramar, asi como floricultores y aficionados a las plantas decorativas de varios paises del mundo.