Plot of warmongers slammed

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. reportedly has a new "operation plan" in the making with South Korea under the pretext of "coping with the unexpected situation on the Korean Peninsula." In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that though the U.S. is talking about "emergency" and the "capability to defend the metropolitan area" as regards its new "operation plan," It is nothing but a scenario of aggression that makes the outbreak of the second Korean war a fait accompli.
    The commentary goes on:
    The new "operation plan" is now being worked out at a time when a dangerous situation is prevailing on the Korean Peninsula due to the U.S. nuclear racket. This goes to clearly prove that the nuclear issue raised by the U.S. imperialists is a product of their aggressive plan to disarm and stifle the DPRK by force.
    Raising a hue and cry over the north's "southward invasion," a fiction, the U.S. imperialists have got the South Korean military authorities involved in their moves. Through this they seek to incite confrontation between the north and the south and militarily threaten the DPRK in a bid to attain its sinister aim.
    The DPRK is ready both for dialogue and war. Anyone who attempts to make a preemptive strike at the DPRK can never go safe, the commentary warns.

Rodong Sinmun on national defence and assistance to army

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The noble spirit of attaching importance to the army and the military affairs displayed among the Korean people is a striking expression of their warm love for the country, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    It is a sacred work for building a dignified, powerful and invincible nation to increase the defence capability in every way.
    Strong defence capability means a powerful nation under the present situation where the imperialists' high-handed and arbitrary practices have reached the extremes.
    Assistance to the army is a rewarding patriotic work to demonstrate the dignity of the country united as one thanks to the might of the army-people unity.
    The harmonious whole of ten million servicepersons and people, who share the idea and intention, destiny and future with leader Kim Jong Il, is more powerful than a nuclear weapon.
    Assistance to the army means defending the country and the single-hearted unity. national defence and assistance to the army represent a traditional spirit of the Korean people's struggle and their way of life.
    The noble trait of the Korean people considering the national defence and assistance to the army as the most patriotic work can find an expression in sincerely helping the KPA both materially and morally, regarding the principle of the army-based policy as a lifeline in all domains.
    The Korean people can survive without sugar but not without bullets. They remain content only if the army is strong, though they do not enjoy an affluent life. This is the faith enshrined by them. They are giving priority to the development of the national defence industry in the economic construction. Everything is subordinated to this work in the creation and construction.
    The Korean people assist the army, regarding their devotion to the servicepersons as something very rewarding and proud.

Kim Jong Il sends modern equipment to Hamhung branch of Academy of Sciences

    Hamhung, January 22 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent a lot of modern scientific research equipment to the Hamhung branch of the Academy of Sciences. He, deeply considerate of the scientific and technological development in the country, visited the branch several times to indicate the path for the branch and has solved all the problems arising in the scientific researches.
    A meeting was held on the spot on Jan. 22 to convey the equipment.
    Present there were Ri Thae Nam, chief secretary of the South Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, officials concerned and officials, scientists and employees of the branch.

KCNA blasts U.S. lip-service to dialogue

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- "The U.S. is keeping all options on the table in dealing with North Korea's nuclear ambitions", U.S. defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld said when interviewed by Fox TV and ABC on Jan. 19, according to a news report. His remarks prove that the U.S., paying lip-service to "dialogue" and "peaceful settlement," still keeps the DPRK listed as a main target of its preemptive attack and its hostile policy to isolate and stifle it remains unchanged.
    After its emergence the Bush administration singled out the DPRK as part of an "axis of evil" and declared it as a national policy not to recognize the system of the DPRK. It also listed the DPRK as a target of its preemptive nuclear attack, an open declaration of a nuclear war against it. Moreover, it instigated the International Atomic Energy Agency to escalate the moves to stifle the DPRK.
    The DPRK can never remain a mere onlooker to the cry made again by the U.S. defense secretary for an attack on the DPRK at a time when there is the real danger of a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula due to the U.S. vicious hostile policy toward it.
    Rumsfeld again dubbed the DPRK the "biggest ballistic missile disseminator in the world" in a bid to justify the U.S. strategy for reckless preemptive assaults.
    The U.S. is, in fact, not in a position to talk about the proliferation of ballistic missiles.
    The U.S. tops the list of countries producing and selling mass destruction weapons including nuclear weapons, and has the world's biggest military spending to produce and develop those weapons.
    The U.S. has exported 44.8 billion dollars worth of weapons in the last 5 years, becoming the biggest arms exporter. Last year it allocated 281.4 billion dollars as its military spending, stunning the world.
    The U.S. keeps vociferating about a preemptive attack on the DPRK, asserting the need to contain the missiles developed and produced by the DPRK to defend the sovereignty of the country as they can reach not only Japan but the U.S. this once again clearly indicates that the U.S. has no intention to normalize the relations with the DPRK, considering it as the principal enemy of the U.S. and is waiting for a chance to invade it.
    Such reckless moves of the U.S. only compel the people and the people's army of the DPRK to further increase the self-defensive military capability to cope with the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.

U.S. spy ship attracts endless stream of visitors

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Over 400,000 people have visited "Pueblo," the U.S. imperialist armed spy ship, over the last three years since it was brought from Wonsan on the east coast of Korea to the River Taedong. nearly 7,000 of them are foreigners. The spy ship was captured by seamen of the Korean People's Army on Jan. 23, Juche 57 (1968), while committing espionage against the DPRK after illegally intruding into its territorial waters.
    The spy ship is anchored in the same place where the U.S. imperialists' pirate ship "General Sherman" was sent to the bottom when it invaded Korea in 1866.
    The hateful appearance of "pueblo" convinces working people from all walks of life, servicemen of the Korean People's Army and youth and students visiting it that the U.S. imperialists are the sworn enemy of the Korean nation as they have imposed immeasurable misfortune and pain upon the Korean people for more than one century.
    They renew their strong resolution to mercilessly destroy the U.S. imperialist aggressors in a do-or-die spirit, if they ignite another war against Korea, oblivious of the shameful defeats they suffered in their aggression against Korea.

Malaysian King supports Korea's reunification

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- There is no ground for the Korean nation of the same blood to live separated. Malaysian King Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail said this when receiving DPRK Ambassador Kim Ja Ryong, who paid a farewell call on him on Jan. 16. He hoped that Korea would be reunified at an early date. He said that he was glad to learn about the active efforts of the north and the south of Korea for national reunification and reconciliation.
    Noting that in recent years the relations between Malaysia and the DPRK have become closer through visits of high-level delegations, he said that it is important to boost the relations because the two countries have many things to learn and cooperate with each other.

U.S. hard-line policy toward North Korea denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The joint action for peace against war consisting of over 700 civic and public organizations called a press conference against the Seoul visit of John Bolton, U.S. undersecretary of state, in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on Jan. 21 and denounced the U.S. for its hard-line policy toward North Korea, according to South Korean MBC. His South Korea visit "is not helpful to peace of the Korean Peninsula and the world", the organization said, and noted:
    His Seoul tour is aiming to pursue sanctions on North Korea through the UN. We turn down UN sanctions and any other form of sanctions on North Korea.
    The U.S. is talking about peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue of North Korea, but it is a deceptive plot to mislead the world public, the organization said, urging the U.S. to withdraw its war plan immediately and come out to dialogue with North Korea at once.
    Bolton's South Korea visit is to force the hard-line policy toward North Korea on the South Korean Government and ask for assistance to the U.S. in a war against Iraq, said the organization.

S. Korean students send protest letter to Bush

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The South Korean youth and students' hunger strike group for anti-U.S. and anti-war action, conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. and withdrawal of the U.S. troops, who killed schoolgirls and the south headquarters of the national alliance of youth and students for the country's reunification sent a joint letter of protest to Bush on Jan. 17, demanding the U.S. immediately halt its nuclear war effort against the north of Korea and come out to dialogue with the north. The letter demanded that the bush administration stop interfering in the inter-Korean dialogue, openly apologize for the killing of schoolgirls, totally revise the "Status of Forces Agreement" and punish the GI killers.
    It also demanded the withdrawal of the U.S. troops who have killed South Korean people and brought a nuclear threat.

Plan of operations for preemptive attacks on DPRK denounced

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) in a statement on Jan. 21 denounced the U.S. and the South Korean military authorities for working out an aggressive plan of operations for preemptive attacks on the DPRK, according to Seoul-based radio Voice of National Salvation. The plan, which was agreed at the "South Korea-U.S. Annual Security Consultative Meeting" and the "South Korea-U.S. Military Committee" in December last year to complete until July this year, is a scenario for a war of aggression to make preemptive nuclear attacks upon the DPRK in case the "north's nuclear issue" is not settled as they intended.
    Worse still, the plan of the "South Korea-U.S. combined forces" is timing to coincide with the hasty reorganization of the U.S. military forces aiming to improve it's capacity, the statement said, and went on:
    The Bush administration is hatching up a criminal plot for the provocation of a nuclear war against the north, while creating a deceptive international public opinion under the pretext of the "north's nuclear issue".
    Following the U.S. nuclear war moves against the north is an act of exterminating the nation.
    The warmongers of South Korea should stop following the U.S. moves for preemptive attacks on the north at once.
    The NDFSK, together with the people, will foil the U.S. attempt at a war of aggression on the north through the nation-wide anti-U.S. resistance, and if Yankees ignite a war of aggression against the north, it will mete out severe punishment to them with brothers in the north.

Compensation for damage of mines laid by U.S. troops demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- The Anti-Personnel Mine Measure Committee of South Korea called a press conference in Seoul on Jan. 15 to make public the results of investigation into the South Korea-based U.S. troops' laying of anti-personnel mines in the Korean Peninsula and damage, according to a news report. Kim Sin Myong, director of the South Korean Institute of the mine issue, said that the fact-finding committee of the measure committee grasped realities of mine laying through investigation into over 60 U.S. military bases and facilities across South Korea, secret documents and conversation with residents in those regions and workers employed at the U.S. military units.
    Ri Si U, executive member of the organization, announcing the results of investigation, said that as the U.S. troops have not removed mines laid around their bases across South Korea during the Korean War nor transferred the information of mine laying to the South Korean military authorities, damage by U.S. mines has been reported one after another in Kimpho, Phaju, Ryonchon, and Cholwon and Kosong of Kangwon Province and other parts of South Korea.
    Jo Jae Guk, executive chairman of the organization, in a statement requested the U.S. forces side to deliver the information of anti-personnel mines laid in the Korean peninsula and compensate to the victims. He urged the South Korean authorities to make an overall investigation into it and immediately revise the South Korea-U.S. "Status of Forces Agreement".

Biological micromanipulator developed

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- Mechanical scientists of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have developed an up-to-date biological micromanipulator. The machine is used for researches into medical science, bionics, electronics, etc.
    It can manipulate what can be seen through a microscope of 250600 magnifications. Its accuracy is a micrometer.
    It has already proved effective in cell surgical operation, ophthalmologic micro-surgery, etc.

Enlarged plenary meeting of cabinet held

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) -- An enlarged plenary meeting of the DPRK Cabinet was recently held. The meeting reviewed last year's performance of the plan of the national economy and discussed measures to implement the militant tasks set forth in the Joint New Year Editorial. It was attended by cabinet Premier Hong Song Nam and the members of the cabinet.
    Leading officials of power organs and economic institutions and officials of leading factories and enterprises in Pyongyang and localities attended the meeting as observers.
    A report was made by Pak Nam Gi, chairman of the State Planning Commission, which was followed by speeches of ministers of power and coal industries, railways, light industry, and agriculture, the president of the academy of sciences, managers of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex and the Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex and the chairman of the Anju City People's Committee of South Phyongan Province.
    The meeting discussed specific tasks to fully implement the Juche-oriented idea and line of attaching great importance to the military affairs in political, economic and cultural fields so as to bring about a great victory this year, which marks the 55th anniversary of the DPRK, with the might of the army-based policy.
    The meeting underscored the need to regard the military affairs as the most important state affair and direct primary efforts to the national defence industry while implementing the Workers' Party of Korea's policy to put all the people under arms and turn the whole country into a fortress.
    The meeting also elaborated on the tasks to be carried out in different domains of the national economy including power, coal and metal industries and railway transport, key links in the efforts to boost the country's economy, to effect fresh innovations in those fields.

Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit

    Pyongyang, January 23 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il today inspected KPA unit 230 on the forefront. He was accompanied by KPA generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    He mounted the forward command post on top of a height.
    He acquainted himself in detail with terrain conditions and the deployment of forces before hearing a report on the situation from the commander of the unit.
    He was greatly satisfied to learn that the servicemen of the unit have turned all the operation theatres into an impregnable fortress with burning hatred and resentment at the U.S. imperialist aggressors, the sworn enemy of the Korean people, and firmly prepared themselves to be a matchless fighters capable of repelling any surprise invasion of the enemy at a single blow.
    Feasting his eyes for a long while on the defence theatres firmly guarded by dependable soldiers filled with the loyalty determination to always share destiny with the party and lay down their lives to the party and the leader, he said that out socialist motherland is sure to win as our soldiers who have grown to be one-match-for-a hundred fighters in the crucible of the arduous revolution are firmly standing guard of the forefront with arms in hands to wipe out the enemy.
    He set forth important tasks which would serve as guidelines in further increasing the combat capability of the unity and consolidating the defence theatre as firm as an iron-wall in view of the ever more undisguised moves of the enemy for aggression.
    The next of leg of his inspection was a company under the unit.
    Noting that the soldiers on the forefront are genuine revolutionaries and patriots who are dedicating themselves to the defence of the country everyday despite rain or snow, he called for paying special attention to their living.
    He spared time to see an art performance given by the servicepersons of the company.
    He gave a pair of binoculars and automatic rifle to the servicepersons of the company as gifts.
    He had a photograph taken with the servicepersons of the unit.

For Spanish-speaking people

ee.uu. ocupa primer lugar en la proliferacion de misiles - comentario de atcc -

    pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- segun informaciones, rumsfeld, secretario de defensa norteamericano, comparecido el dia 19 ante la fox tv y la abc, dijo que "ee.uu. mantiene abiertos todos los proyectos de opcion para hacer frente a la ambicion de desarrollo nuclear de norcorea". esto demuestra fehacientemente que ee.uu. habla mucho del "dialogo" y de la "solucion pacifica", pero, considera siempre la rpdc comoblanco del ataque anticipado y mantiene invariablemente su politica de hostilidad a esta.
    despues de su aparicion la administracion bush, al definir nuestro pais como "eje del mal", proclamo como politica estatal la negacion a nuestro regimen e hizo una abierta declaracion de guerra nuclear fijando nuestra republica como objeto de ataque nuclear adelantado. hoy en dia, intensifica las maniobras de aplastamiento a nuestro pais movilizando hasta la organizacion internacional de energia atomica (oiea).
    no podemos estar con os brazos cruzados ante tal disparate de rumsfeld, hoy que se hace realidad el peligro de guerra nuclear en peninsula coreana debido a la politica hostil de ee.uu. a la rpdc.
    a fin de racionalizar ls insensata estrategia de ataque anticipado ese tipejo volvio a censurar a la rpdc como "maximo pais de proliferacion de misiles balisticos en el mundo".
    de hecho, ee.uu. no esta a punto de hablar de la proliferacion de misiles balisticos, porque produce y vende la mayor cantidad de armas nucleares y otras de exterminio masivo e escala mundial e invierte inmensos gastos militares a su produccion y desarrollo.
    en los ultimos 5 anos exporto las armas equivalentes a 44 mil 800 millones de dolares ocupando primer lugar en el valor de exportacion de armas. el ano pasado invirtio 2 81 mil 400 millones de dolares como gastos militares.
    tal pais insiste en el ataque anticipado contra ta rpdc que produjo misiles para defender la soberania, lo cual demuestra claramente que ee.uu. nos define invariablemente como "el enemigo no. 1", no desea la normalizacin de relaciones diplomaticas con nuestro pais, sino acecha solo una oportunidad para agredirnos.
    tales actos insensatos de ee.uu. incitan al pueblo y el ejercito de la rpdc solo a fortalecer mas el poderio autodefensivo para hacer frente a la politica hostil de ee.uu..

conspiracion de los maniacos de guerra

    pyongyang, 23 de enero (atcc) -- en estos dias, ee.uu. y sudcorea establecen un nuevo "plan de operacion" bajo un pretexto de "hacer frente a la emergencia de la peninsula coreana". el periodico "rdong sinmun", en un comentario individual de hoy, senala que ee.uu. habla de un "caso imprevisto" y la "capacidad defensiva de la esfera de la capital" con respecto al establecimiento del nuevo "plan de operacion", pero, eso es, de hecho, el plan de agresion que considera como hecho consumado el estallido de la segunda guerra coreana.
    el comentario continua:
    el establecimiento del nuevo "plan de operacion" de ee.uu. coincide con los alborotos nucleares que en estos dias acarrean una peligrosa situacion a la peninsula corena, lo cual demuestra patentemente que el problema nuclear de que hablan los imperialistas yankis no pasa de ser un producto del plan de agresion a corea para desarmarnos y aplastarnos por la fuerza.
    los imperialistas norteamericanos introdujeron en ese plan hasta las autoridades militares de sudcorea cacareando de la supuesta "agresion al sur" del norte.
    esto muestra que ee.uu. trata de alcanzar su siniestro objeto fomentando, so pretexto de la supuesta "agresion al sur", el enfrentamiento entre el norte y el sur de coreay amenazando militarmente al norte.
    estamos dispuestos no solo para el dialogo, sino tambien para la guerra. no podra sobrevivir quien desate la guerra contra nosotros.