KCNA blasts U.S. decision to send carrier to S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The U.S. reportedly announced that it would soon dispatch its carrier Carl Vinson, now operating in the West Pacific, to a South Korean port. The U.S. plan to send this super-class carrier dubbed "golden eagle" to South Korea to let it play a major role in the Foal Eagle joint military exercise betrays its operational intention to carry out the biggest-ever joint military exercise targeted against the DPRK.
    The U.S. and South Korean warhawks have ceaselessly staged north-targeted sabre-rattling. But it is the first time for them to mobilize troops and operational means huge enough to wage a war and use all parts of South Korea as theatres for month-long war exercises to be staged in the sky and seas and on land.
    There is the growing danger of the U.S.-led exercises as the "Foal Eagle" joint military exercise, an annual event since 1961, is combined with Rsoi which has been staged since 1994.
    The U.S. claims that the exercises are annual events which have nothing to do with the "nuclear issue" of the DPRK. But this is nothing but a broad hoax to mislead the public opinion and cover up its sinister military purpose.
    As the U.S. campaign to internationalize the DPRK's "nuclear issue" and force it to scrap its "nuclear weapons program before dialogue" proved futile, the U.S. launched the large-scale war exercises in a bid to attain its strategic goal of militarily pressurizing and threatening it, while watching for a chance to mount a preemptive attack on the nuclear facilities in the DPRK.
    This is clearly evidenced by recent war outbursts made by U.S. President Bush that it would take a "military option" in case its diplomatic efforts to settle the DPRK's "nuclear issue" fail.
    The "Foal Eagle" joint military exercise is at its height with the carrier, to be involved in it, rendering the situation on the Korean Peninsula so tense that a nuclear war may break out any moment.
    The DPRK has consistently urged the U.S. to conclude a non-aggression treaty with it to cope with such disturbing development. But the U.S. turned down it and openly disclosed its intention to launch a war against the DPRK. This compels the people and the army of the DPRK to keep themselves fully ready to go into action.
    The U.S. should not boast its military muscle.
    The DPRK has self-defensive national defence capacity powerful enough to beat back any formidable enemy at a single stroke.
    The U.S. is well advised not to run amuck, clearly understanding the DPRK's self-defensive power and single-hearted unity of its people.

S. Korean police criticized for violating human rights

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) reportedly called a press conference in front of the Ministry of Unification on March 4 to denounce the South Korean police authorities for illegally kidnapping and keeping in custody Sin Chang Gyun, its honorary chairman. Ra Chang Sun, chairman of the south headquarters of Pomminryon, said that the recent arrest is a police violation of human rights and an intolerable violence inciting division and the Cold War at a time when people in the south and the north visit each other.
    Han Sang Ryol, permanent representative of the reunification solidarity for the implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and peace on the Korean Peninsula, dismissed the kidnapping and arrest of the honorary chairman as an act against humanity which can not be justified under any circumstances.
    Saying that the case can never be hushed up, he demanded the authorities probe into the truth behind the incident and punish those responsible for it.
    At the end of the press conference, the participants held a protest rally in front of the police office and strongly demanded the authorities probe into the truth behind the arrest.

U.S. plan to bomb DPRK blasted

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Members of the Solidarity for Implementing the South-North Joint Declaration, the Society of People Working for Peace and Reunification and the Council for National Reconciliation and Independent Reunification reportedly held a press conference in front of the U.S. embassy in Seoul on March 7 in denunciation of U.S. "plan to bomb the north". They said that the New York Times in an article titled "horrible secret plan" on Feb. 28 disclosed the U.S. "plan to bomb the north", adding it has become clear that the U.S. is going ahead with the plan to bomb the nuclear facilities of the north, quite different from Bush's remarks that he has no plan to attack North Korea.
    Noting that this plan is being pushed forward by the U.S. in disregard of the will of the Korean nation, they said this is a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of the Korean nation and a blatant challenge to it. They strongly demanded the U.S. immediately withdraw its plan.
    They declared that they would wage a large-scale death-defying struggle to check the plan while Foal Eagle and Rsoi are under way.

"Plan" of commander of U.S. Forces in S. Korea rebuffed

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the People's Movement for the Withdrawal of U.S. Forces reportedly rejected the "plan for making a good neighbor" publicized by the commander of the U.S. Forces in South Korea on March 6, talking about the "improvement of relations" with the South Korean people. The organization said in a commentary on March 8:
    The U.S. Forces have been engrossed in all sorts of crimes, killings and interference in internal affairs keeping South Korea under their occupation for more than 50 years. They have not made a formal apology for driving an armored car over Hyo Sun and Mi Son to death and are now bolstering the huge armed forces around the Korean Peninsula even at this moment to ignite a war against the DPRK.
    How can they think of being a "good neighbour" of us?
    The U.S. troops in South Korea should apologize for those thrice-cursed killings of civilians and all other crimes and quit this land at once.
    The "plan of making a good neighbor" reminds one of a stray cat asking a fish shop owner to be on good terms with each other.

U.S. urged to respond to proposal for non-aggression treaty

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The Socialist Unionist Party of Syria, the Communist Party of Lebanon, the Palestine National Liberation Movement (FATAH) and the Palestinian People's Struggle Front released a joint statement on march 4 in connection with the situation of the Korean Peninsula. The statement said:
    The U.S. has introduced over 1,000 nukes and other military hardware into South Korea in systematic violation of the armistice agreement and thus turned South Korea into its military and nuclear base.
    Recently, the U.S. devised the "nuclear issue" of Korea and is rendering the situation extremely tense, opposing the proposal of People's Korea for concluding a non-aggression treaty with the U.S., while dispatching an aircraft carrier to blockade seas, committing aerial espionage and military provocations almost every day and staging large-scale war games aimed at a sudden preemptive nuclear attack on People's Korea.
    We strongly demand that the U.S. immediately halt its large-scale war drills and arms buildup in and around the Korean Peninsula and respond to the proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. as early as possible, if it truly wants peace and security in this region and the rest of the world.

DPRK delegate on principle of UN peace-keeping operation

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The UN peace-keeping operation should in any case be conducted on the principle of respect for sovereignty, non-interference in other's internal affairs and impartiality if war and conflict are to be averted and lasting peace and security are to be ensured which are the most urgent tasks common to all countries and nations, said a delegate of the DPRK at a meeting of the special committee on un peace-keeping operation held on March 4. Big powers have used the un peace-keeping operation as a leverage to achieve their political purpose and this practice is going on even today, he said, and went on:
    "The UN command" in South Korea is the command of the U.S. Forces and the UN Force there is U.S. troops.
    The UN resolution adopted in 1975 calls for dismantling "the UN command" but none of its points has been implemented so far. This is a mockery of the UN resolution and an act of impairing the authority and credibility of the UN.
    There is neither reason nor ground for the U.S. troops to remain in South Korea and their withdrawal from South Korea has been raised as an urgent need and irresistible trend of the times. The U.S. should roll back its policy of military presence in South Korea.
    The U.S. spawned the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and is staging large-scale war exercises under the simulated conditions of a real war after massively beefing up its troops in the region.
    This is part of its premeditated military operation to strangle the DPRK through preemptive nuclear attacks and its escalation.
    No U.S. saber rattling can browbeat the Korean nation.
    As the nation loves peace more than anyone else, the Korean people do not allow any slightest compromise or concession in the struggle against the harassers of peace.
    The option is not a monopoly of the U.S. there is an option on the part of the DPRK, too.
    The U.S. should bear in mind that its forces may venture on a provocation and attack on the DPRK but they would not be able to go back alive in battles.
    The army and people of the DPRK will wipe out at a single blow the aggressors coming in attack to torpedo the peace and reunification movement on the Korean Peninsula and firmly defend its peace and national security, pursuant to the army-centered policy.

Japan urged to mind its own business

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Some time ago, Japanese Foreign Minister Kawaguchi said that it is the basic policy of the Japanese Government to settle the abduction issue and the issue of nuclear development, etc. in the direction of normalizing the relations between Japan and the DPRK. And she called for the establishment of the U.S.-Japan-South Korea "cooperation system" allegedly for a solution to the DPRK's "nuclear issue". Commenting on her remarks, Rodong Sinmun today says:
    Japan adds fuel to the U.S. moves to ignite a war on the Korean Peninsula while turning aside the implementation of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration and supporting the U.S. pressure on the DPRK over the nuclear issue. It is as foolish an act as lifting a rock only to drop it on one's own toes.
    Kawaguchi's remarks run counter to the basic spirit of the declaration, ignoring the fundamentals of the DPRK-Japan relations.
    In fact, the abduction issue, much touted by Japan, has already been settled and the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is a matter that has nothing to do with Japan.
    Turning aside the past settlement, Japan is clamoring for the settlement of "abduction and nuclear development" issues, linking it with the matter of normalizing the bilateral relations.
    Such moves only prove that it is behaving without any principle just to join the U.S. in its anti-DPRK nuclear racket.
    High-ranking officials of Japan have implored other countries to put international pressure upon the DPRK or called for sanctions against it. Worse still, they went to the lengths of making provocative remarks that preemptive strikes should be made against North Korean military bases to remove "missile threat". These outbursts are intended to find a legitimate pretext for turning Japan into a military power and realizing its overseas military expansion, by joining the U.S. in its racket over "North Korea's nuclear threat" and evade the settlement of Japan's past.
    If they are truly concerned for their country's security and hope for a peaceful solution of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, the Japanese authorities should not meddle in the matters that have nothing to do with them, but concentrate efforts on the past settlement, a key point for normalizing the DPRK-Japan relations, as clarified in the Pyongyang declaration, and urge the united states to come out to the direct dialogue with the DPRK.

Independent economy of Korea

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) --The independent national economy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has steadily developed in spite of the persistent economic sanctions and blockade of the united states and its allies. Korea's is an economy that develops on the basis on its efforts and resources to meet its people's demand and that serves the people for their happy life. It is also a comprehensive economy that produces by itself in the main industrial goods and agricultural products needed for economic construction, defence upbuilding and people's living.
    The Korean people built a solid independent national economy in a short period after the Korean War and developed it as a powerful economy equipped with a consolidated economic structure and modern technologies through the fulfillment of several economic plans.
    The abolition of taxation in 1974, the manufacture of such up-to-date machines as 10,000-ton press and large-scale oxygen plant and the successful launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong No. 1 in August 1998 are results of the country's powerful economy.
    Thanks to the national economy, the country's defence industry is capable of fully producing by itself sophisticated weapons and technical means and equipment necessary for the defence of the country.
    With the independent national economy and a strong self-defence power based on it, the Korean people have defended socialism from the imperialists' military threat and aggressive moves.
    The Korean economy has developed, unaffected by the imperialists' economic blockade and the changed situation of world economic markets.
    Any kind of their economic sanctions and blockade can never work on Korea with its own solid economic foundations.

Kaesong Railway Station

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Kaesong Railway Station is 200 kilometers south of Pyongyang Railway Station in the capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. It was until just after the liberation of the country in Juche 34 (1945) that Korean people traveled between Pyongyang and Seoul by the Seoul-Sinuiju train.
    After Korea was divided by the U.S. occupation of South Korea and the Military Demarcation Line was drawn in Korea, the railways were also severed.
    Since then, Kaesong Railway Station has been called a "terminus".
    The rails have gotten rusty within wire entanglements of the Military Demarcation Line and trees which stroke root on the roadbed are now measuring an arm's span round.
    With the era of the country's reunification looming ever closer, the time has come for the Korean nation to put a period to the "terminus", a symbol of national division.
    The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration was made public at a time when the nation's desire for reunification was growing ever stronger, and undertakings have been launched to relink railways and roads after more than half a century.
    The projects of reconnecting the west coastal railways and roads took place with due ceremony in Kaesong Railway Station on September 18 last year. The railway project is going on in real earnest.
    The day is not far off when a train will go down to the south through Kaesong Railway Station.

Greetings to Mauritian President

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on March 8 sent a message of greetings to Karl August Offman, President of the Republic of Mauritius, on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the independence of his country and the 11th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic. Kim expressed the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would grow stronger and develop.

Working talks held between Athae and Hyundai Asan

    Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- Working talks were held in Pyongyang today between the Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee (Athae) and Hyundai Asan of South Korea. Present were vice-chairman of the committee Ri Jong Hyok and other officials concerned, president Jong Mong Hon, director Kim Yun Gyu and other personages concerned of Hyundai Asan.
    Both sides discussed the working issues arising in cooperation including the issue of activating the tour of Mt. Kumgang.

4th north-south working contact held

    Kaesong, March 12 (KCNA) -- The 4th working contact for the project of reconnecting rail and road links in the east and west coastal areas between the north and the south was made in Kaesong from March 10 to 12. At the contact both sides discussed pending issues in carrying out the project and adopted an agreement.
    According to it, the north and the south agreed to hold a ceremony of reconnecting the east and west coastal rail links in the place where the military demarcation line extends toward the end of march and push forward the project toward the area of its side without a let-up.
    They also agreed on providing equipment and materials necessary for the project, letting technical personnel visit the project and taking measures to repair and maintain the equipment provided for the project, etc.
    At the contact the north and the south agreed to further discussions on other technical matters by way of exchanging documents.

For Spanish-speaking people

poderosa economia nacional independiente de corea

    pyongyang, 12 de marzo (atcc) -- la economia nacional independiente de corea se desarrolla sin dejarse afectar por las persistentes maquinaciones de sancion y bloqueo economicos de ee.uu. y otros imperialistas. la economia de corea es la independiente que se desarrolla apoyandose en sus propias fuerzas y los recursos domesticos segun la voluntad y la demanda de su pueblo, la popular que sirve para la vida feliz del pueblo y es la economia multilateral y combinada equipada con las tecnicas modernas que cubre por cuenta propia principalmente los productos industriales y los agricolas necesarios a la construccion economica, la de defensa nacional y la vida del pueblo.
    el pueblo coreano construyo en un corto tiempo de posguerra la solida economia nacional independiente y cumplio los planes de varias veces para su desarrollo, y en ese proceso construyo una poderosa economia. las estructuras de todos los dominios fueron perfeccionadas por tecnicas modernas.
    corea abolio en 1974 por primera vez en el mundo el sistema tributario, produce a sus anchas la prensa de diez mil toneladas, el gran separador de oxigeno y otras maquinas y equipos ultramodernos y lanzo exitosamente en agosto de 1998 el satelite artificial de la tierra "kwangmyongsong no. 1". todo esto no se puede pensar jamas al margen de la poderosa economia nacional independiente.
    tambien, la industria de defensa nacional produce y asegura con suficiencia, basandose en esa economia, las armas modernas y los medios tecnicos y materiales necesarios a la fortificacion de todo el pais.
    gracias a esta economia nacional el pueblo coreano defiende firmemente el socialismo sin vacilar en lo minimo ante cualquier amenaza militar y conjuras agresion de los imperialistas.
    hoy, el pueblo coreano considera como terreno de su vida el socialismo centrado en las masas populares con la economia nacional independiente que asegura el enriquecimiento y el desarrollo del pais y su vida dichosa y dedica todo lo suyo a defenderlo y hacer brillarlo.

delegado de corea se refiere al principio de la onu para mantener la paz

    pyongyang, 12 de marzo (atcc) -- el representante de la republica popular democratica de corea, al hacer uso de la palabra el dia 4 en una sesion de la comision especial sobre la operacion de la onu para el mantenimiento de la paz, senalo: hoy en dia, para detener la guerra y el conflicto y preservar la duradera paz y la seguridad, que son la tarea comun apremiante de todos los paises y naciones es preciso que la operacion de la onu para el mantenimiento de la paz se desarrolle en todo caso en el principio del respeto a la soberania, la no intervencion en los asuntos internos y la imparcialidad.
    como en el pasado tambien ahora las potencias utilizan la palanca de la operacion para el mantenimiento de la paz en su finalidad politica.
    la "comandancia de las fuerzas de las naciones unidas" en surcorea es la comandancia de las tropas norteamericanas y las "fuerzas de las naciones unidas" son las tropas norteamericanas.
    la resolucion de la onu aprobada en 1975 incluye la disolucion de la "comandancia de las fuerzas de los naciones unidas", pero hasta la fecha no se ha ejecutado ni un articulo de este documento, lo que es una burla a la resolucion de la onu y una difamacion a la autoridad y la confianza de esta organizacion internacional.
    hoy en dia desaparecio el motivo por el cual sigan permaneciendo las tropas yanquis en sudcorea. el problema de la retirada de estas viene a ser una demanda apremiante y una corriente indetenible de la epoca. ha de ser puesto fin a la politica de ocupacion militar sobre sudcorea.
    ahora ee.uu. engendro el problema nuclear en la peninsula coreana y al aumentar en gran escala sus fuerzas armadas en esta region desarrolla los ejercicios belicos de gran envergadura que se asemejan a una guerra real, lo que es un eslabon de la operacion militar y su escalada para aplastar con el golpe nuclear anticipado la rpdc.
    la nacion coreana no es tal que se asuste o cobre miedo del alboroto belico de ee.uu.
    aprecia mas que nadie la paz y no hace conciliacion ni concesion alguna con los perturbadores de la paz.
    ee.uu. no es el unico con el derecho a la opcion.
    ee.uu. puede desencadenar facilmente la guerra contra la rpdc, pero debe conocer que en esta no podra salvarse jamas.
    el ejercito y el pueblo de corea aniquilaran de un golpe con el poderio de priorizacion militar a los agresores que se arrojen para suprimir el movimiento por la paz y la reunificacion de la peninsula coreana y preservaran con firmeza la paz de esta peninsula y la seguridad de la nacion coreana.

"rodong sinmun" condena al canciller japones

    pyongyang, 12 de marzo (atcc) -- hace poco, el ministro de rr.ee. de japon kawaguchi, en cuanto al problema de las relaciones con la republica popular democratica de corea, senalo que "realizar la normalizacion de las relaciones diplomaticas japon-corea mediante la solucion del problema del secuestro, el desarrollo nuclear, etc. es la orientacion principal del gobierno japones" y hablo de establecer el "sistema de cooperacion" entre ee.uu., japon y sudcorea para la solucion del "problema nuclear" de la rpdc. al respecto, el diario "rodong simun" inserta hoy un comentario individual, que senala:
    japon vuelve las espaldas a la ejecucion de la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang y se adhiere a las maquinaciones de presion nuclear de ee.uu. contra la rpdc para estimular las maniobras de ee.uu.
    tendentes a desatar la guerra en la peninsula coreana. tal conducta es un acto estupido igual que pinchar el ojo con su mano".
    la palabra de kawaguchi contraviene al espiritu de la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang y es un disparate que ignora la esencia de las relaciones bilaterales.
    de hecho, el problema del secuestro de que habla japon no difiere de que ya se soluciono, y el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana no tiene que ver con japon.
    japon habla de la solucion del "problema del secuestro y el desarrollo nuclear" dejando atras el problema de liquidacion de su pasado, y lo vincula con el problema de normalizacion de las relaciones diplomaticas corea-japon.
    ahora las personalidades de alto rango del circulo politico de japon visitan a varios paises para que ejerzan la presion internacional sobre la rpdc, hablan de la sancion contra esta y profieren el ataque anticipado a las bases militares de la rpdc bajo el rotulo de la "amenaza de misiles", lo cual es para sacar el pretexto legal de la conversion de japon en una potencia militar y su expansion ultramarina militar y eludir la liquidacion de su pasado.
    si las autoridades japonesas desean de veras la seguridad de su pais y la solucion pacifica del problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana, no deben inmiscuirse en la cosa innecesaria sino hacer esfuerzos por la liquidacion del pasado, fundamento de la solucion del problema de las relaciones bilaterales segun la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang y demandar a ee.uu. que se presente en las conversaciones directas con la rpdc.