U.S. hit for aggravating situation

    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The U.S. intends to establish the international "cooperation system" in a bid to stifle the DPRK with the nuclear weapons under the pretext of its "nuclear issue" and disarm it, and opt for the undisguised invasion of it in case the "system" fails, says Rodong Sinmun today. The news analyst says:
    The U.S. is ceaselessly staging the joint military drills in and around the Korean Peninsula and U.S. President Bush in a press interview openly talked about the military counteraction for the settlement of the nuclear issue of North Korea.
    The crisis issue between the DPRK and the U.S. over the nuclear issue is being driven into a tight corner.
    More dangerous, the U.S. military moves against the DPRK are in full swing in the wake of Bush's bellicose remarks.
    24 strategic bombers capable of using nuclear weapons were deployed in Guam island from the U.S. mainland, aimed at the Korean Peninsula, and the U.S. imperialists are hell-bent on aerial espionage on the DPRK.
    The DPRK cannot remain a passive onlooker to the U.S. intensified military moves as they are a dangerous military racket to ignite the second Korean war.
    If the U.S. opts for the military method, the revolutionary armed forces and people of the DPRK will react to it with the strong self-defensive retaliatory measure.

GNP's racket over introduction of "special inspection system" flailed

    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration in South Korea reportedly denounced the grand national party for its racket to introduce the "special inspection system". The organization in a commentary on March 12 said that just before the "presidential election" last year the GNP sent its secret envoys to the north and said that "it would aid the north in a big way more actively than that the DJ Government did if Ri Hoe Chang was elected", which is shocking the people.
    Recalling that the GNP faked up an incident at the time of the "presidential election" in 1997 only to invite worldwide ridicule, the commentary said:
    The GNP talked about the "aid to the north" as a ploy for a political operation, obsessed with the win in the "presidential election", which was not for the interests of the nation. Its behavior is a base operation that deserves judgment by law.
    The economic dealing between the north and the Hyundai group is a just exchange and cooperation that cannot be called into question, and it is a worthy thing to be praised by all the fellow countrymen.
    The GNP should stop the moves to introduce the "special inspection system" at once and apologize to all the people, though belatedly.

Struggle against U.S. troops declared

    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the Movement for Returning the U.S. Military Base in Ryongsan reportedly held a press conference before the front gate of the U.S. eighth army command in Ryongsan on March 11 at which it declared that it would struggle against the U.S. troops. The U.S. eighth army in Ryongsan said that it would transfer to other place but it started to build luxury apartment houses within the base from the end of last year and is now building highways squandering at least 12.9 billion won tax collected from the South Korean people.
    At the press conference Kim Chong Il, co-executive chairman of the organization, charged that when reporters at the ground-breaking ceremony on Feb. 6 asked why the U.S. troops intend to build highways that will not be used after some years, a general of the U.S. troops took an arrogant attitude, saying that they are bound to live there in comfort.
    The participants in the press conference vowed to wage a vigorous struggle for the return of the U.S. military base by their concerted efforts.
    The organization said that with the press conference as an occasion it would raise such demands as halt to the construction of highways linking to the U.S. military base in Ryongsan and apartment houses, opposition to the burden of the South Korean side for the cost of transfer of the military base and land for its replacement, total return of the military base in Ryongsan and total revision of the joint land management plan and continue a rally till March 29.

Movement for solidarity with Korean people called for

    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- The participants in the meeting of the executive committee of the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea in Paris on March 8 decided to set this year as a "year of international solidarity for the independent reunification of Korea" and called for actively conducting the solidarity movement for the purpose of further increasing the international support and solidarity movement for the independent reunification of the Korean people and making the period from June to September a period for such positive activities. This call was carried in an appeal to the governments, political parties and public organizations in all countries and international organizations which was adopted at the meeting.
    The appeal noted:
    The participants in the meeting were unanimous in expressing great satisfaction over the achievements made in the process of reconciliation, cooperation and reunification between the north and the south of Korea and estimated that they proved the historical significance, validity and great vitality of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and showed that Korea can be reunified by the Korean nation itself free from outside forces' interference.
    The participants in the meeting expressed the expectation that the governments, political parties and public organizations in all countries and international organizations would pay due attention to the grave situation on the Koran Peninsula which is getting extremely tense owing to the U.S. hostile hard-line toward the DPRK, positively support the implementation of the north-south joint declaration and make active efforts to get the U.S. troops withdrawn from South Korea and put an end to the U.S. interference in the internal affairs of Korea.
    The participants in the meeting ardently call upon all the forces of the world loving independence and peace to take steps to actively encourage the Korean people in their cause to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country and realize the independent reunification of the country.

Anniversary of "250-Mile Journey for Learning" commemorated

    Pyongyang, March 16 (KCNA) -- Today is the 80th anniversary of the "250-Mile Journey for Learning" made by President Kim Il Sung (march 16, 1923). On this occasion, Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial notes:
    The journey made by him for the country and the people with the great intention of revolution was the first step of great patriotism linked with the glorious origin of the Korean revolution and the milestone that occupies a brilliant place in the immortal revolutionary history of him as a great man of the century and peerless patriot.
    The journey is the road of patriotism that can be made only by the great hero of the nation and the great man of the century and the road of revolution that all the Korean people should continue to cover with the new century.
    His noble intention recorded on the journey is successfully carried forward century after century thanks to Kim Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century.
    It is an unwavering will of Kim Jong Il to exalt Korea, our dear country, true to the cause of the president.
    The editorial calls upon all the servicemen and people to deeply grasp the patriotic and noble intention and the great trait of the president recorded in the journey and glorify them and exalt the dignity and honor of Kim Il Sung's nation forever, upholding Kim Jong Il's army-based revolutionary leadership with loyalty.

Violation of women's rights denounced

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The DPRK maintains the consistent stand of strongly condemning the sexual abuses and traffic in women and girls, regarding them as a most serious violation of women's rights as it has a bitter history in which a great many Korean women and teenage girls were forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese imperial army during the Second World War, Japan's crimes against humanity. A DPRK delegate to the 47th meeting of the un commission on women's status said this in a speech made on March 6.
    Women still remain the first target of human rights violation, the delegate said, and continued:
    The appalling poverty of women, a negative aftereffect of "globalization", an unbalanced distribution of wealth and benefits and women's marginalization resulting from the rapid progress made in information and communication technology, and the violation of women's rights caused by the misuse of information and communication technology -- all these new challenges arouse the international community's due concern and urgently call for immediate measures to address them.
    In order to put an end to the traffic in women and girls, a major form of violence against women in several regions of the world at present, it is necessary to incriminate sexual abuses and wage a government-sponsored well-conceived, sustained struggle on a regional and worldwide scale.
    There are no such evils as sexual abuses and traffic in women in the DPRK guided by the man-centered Juche idea. Its women are fully granted by law the same rights with men to freely participate in all fabrics of social life including politics, economy and culture. All the Korean women make a great contribution to the building of a powerful nation free from any legal or administrative restrictions.

U.S. and S. Korean warhawks' sabre-rattling assailed

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The large-scale joint military exercise launched by the U.S. and the South Korean warhawks came under fire by a signed commentary of Rodong Sinmun today. It says:
    The U.S. has already worked out a war scenario to invade the north dubbed "contingency plan" and put the U.S. 7th air force command in South Korea in a "semi-war state." Huge aggression troops are being deployed in and around the Korean Peninsula against this backdrop.
    The Foal Eagle is timed to coincide with the U.S. nuclear racket against the DPRK which has reached its zenith and it will be staged in combination with Rsoi to start on march 19.
    By combining the Foal Eagle, north-targeted nuclear attack exercise, with Rsoi, an exercise aimed at the deployment of its reinforcements on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. seeks to round off its preparations for a nuclear war against the DPRK at its final phase and mount a preemptive nuclear attack on it any time.
    The U.S. can attack the DPRK any moment.
    The U.S. claims that it has no plan to attack North Korea and wants a peaceful and diplomatic solution to the nuclear issue.
    But this is nothing but a sheer lie.
    Dialogue and peace can never go together with war and war exercises. The U.S. anti-north nuclear war exercises are a blatant challenge to the dialogue and peace and a criminal act of disturbing the process of national reconciliation, unity and independent reunification.
    With no broad hoax can the U.S. cover up its true colors as a warhawk and a disturber of Korea's reunification.
    The South Korean belligerent forces' joining in the war exercises launched by outside forces to do harm to the fellow countrymen can not but be an act of bringing a nuclear holocaust to them.
    The provocateurs are well advised to behave with discretion, well aware that their preemptive attack would only bring disastrous consequences.

Just part of truth about GNP's dispatch of its secret envoys disclosed

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee issued a statement on Friday disclosing just the tip of the iceberg related to the dispatch of secret envoys to the north by the Grand National Party of South Korea. This came as a rebuff to the smear campaign launched by the party denying the fact.
    The statement said:
    The GNP sent its secret envoys to Pyongyang and Beijing in September and December last year. Its envoys told the north side that candidate Ri Hoe Chang was sure "to be elected president," predicting his election as president an established fact. They also requested the north side to support candidate Ri Hoe Chang as the "Ri's Government" has a plan to "aid the north in a big way" without limit to items and scale, to say nothing of giving larger financial aid than the DJ "Government" does if the north side meets its request.
    In mid-December last year, a crucial time when the "presidential election" was near at hand, the GNP sent another secret envoy to the north carrying with him a "confidential message" in which it requested the north to help the "Ri's Government" emerge as Roh Moo Hyun is radical and inexperienced in the state administration and the international relations and so it is the right way for the country and the nation to enable candidate Ri who has 5-odd-year-long political experience as president of the GNP to administer the country and serve the people. Ri said that he was sending his message of cooperation to the north side in the spirit of crossing himself.
    Ri personally got in touch with foreign governments and parliaments on three occasions in July and October last year in the run-up to the "presidential election" and asked them to transmit to the north his words requesting it to cooperate with him without misunderstanding as his criticism of Kim Dae Jung's "sunshine policy" was aimed to win the election, not prompted by his bitterness towards the north. He requested them to convey to the north his intention to change his present stand once he takes office, saying he is not a dangerous and bad man.
    On every occasion the north side told the GNP that it should refrain from inciting the inter-Korean confrontation and driving the situation to the brink of war, and it would be well advised not to add to the crimes committed against the nation.
    The GNP should not act like an ostrich with its head in the sand but stop the futile anti-north racket and probe the truth by itself.

U.S. demand for S. Korea's troop dispatch to Iraq under fire

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the People's Movement for the Withdrawal of the U.S. Forces reportedly issued a statement on March 11 in protest against the U.S. which demanded the South Korean authorities dispatch troops to the war of aggression against Iraq. The statement said that the organization cannot recognize the authorities' planned troop dispatch as demanded by the U.S. on the basis of the "S. Korea-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty".
    If the authorities finally dispatch troops to the war, South Koreans cannot but be killers of Iraqi people like GIs and this will only expose before the world that South Korea is a U.S. colony, the statement said, and went on:
    No troop dispatch to the war of aggression should be allowed.
    There should be no support by a medical corps or whatever form of troop dispatch.
    We should not let our young people die a dog's death in the war of the U.S. South Koreans cannot allow themselves to be branded as war criminals along with GIs.

Huge U.S. troops hurled into joint military exercises

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is massively hurling troops into the "Rsoi" scheduled to begin from March 19, according to KBS from South Korea. Six "F-117" stealth fighters took off the air base in New Mexico and flew into South Korea on March 13 to participate in the war exercise.
    This is the first time in the last decade since the "Team Spirit" joint military exercise was suspended.
    A wing of "F-15", the backbone of the U.S. air force, is said to arrive in South Korea soon.
    The carrier "Carl Vinson" with 80 modern deck-planes on board is now heading for the waters off the Korean Peninsula. KBS noted with concern that the U.S. is unprecedentedly "amassing ultra modern combat forces" for the "Rsoi" aimed to promptly and effectively mobilize and deploy 690,000 troops on the Korean Peninsula from its mainland once a war breaks out there.
    All facts go to clearly prove that the U.S. is massively introducing ultra-modern lethal equipment into South Korea from its mainland under the pretext of the joint military exercises, increasing the danger of a nuclear war on the peninsula.

Preservation of national identity called for

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Now that the whole nation is going in for reunification, the national identity has become a strong ideological and moral basis of steering the era of national independence and reunification. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    The Korean nation was divided by foreign forces against its will. Failure to underscore and preserve the national identity would make the nation heterogenous and put it in the danger of living separated forever as two different nations.
    For the divided Korean nation, reunification of the country precisely means achieving independence and a struggle for independence would be unthinkable without efforts to preserve the national identity.
    National identity is an ideological and moral weapon to encourage the whole nation to turn out in the struggle for the reunification of the country irrespective of interests of classes and strata.
    The United States, displeased with the efforts of the Koreans to implement the June 15 Joint Declaration, is frantically escalating its moves to start a nuclear war in a bid to hamstring its implementation at any cost.
    Only when the national identity is underscored under this situation is it possible to frustrate the U.S. ambition to invade the DPRK and promote the process of national reconciliation and unity by the concerted efforts of the nation.
    If main emphasis is not put on the national identity under the present serious situation the nation will get disunited and fall victim to the U.S. ambition for domination.

Kim Jong Il greets Jiang Zemin

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of greetings on March 15 to Jiang Zemin, Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China. The message says:
    I warmly congratulate you upon your reelection as Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the PRC at the first session of the Tenth National People's Congress of the PRC.
    Your reelection as Chairman of the PRC Central Military Commission is an expression of deep respect and trust of the Chinese armed forces and people for you.
    The powerful armed forces of the Chinese people with a proud tradition which have been strengthened and developed under the leadership of the communist party of china have become dependable defenders who are guaranteeing the victory of the socialist cause in china by force.
    To steadily strengthen the ties of traditional friendship and cooperation between the armed forces of the DPRK and China is in accord with the fundamental interests of the two peoples and a great contribution to the peace and security in Asia and the rest of the world.
    Availing myself of this opportunity, I wholeheartedly wish you fresh success in your responsible work to increase the national defence capability, expressing belief that the Korea-China friendship forged in blood will grow stronger.

Congratulations to Hu Jintao

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il today sent a congratulatory message to Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and President of the People's Republic of China. The message reads:
    I extend my warm congratulations to you on your election as president of the People's Republic of China at the first session of the 10th National People's Congress of the PRC.
    Your assumption of the important post of state leadership is an expression of the Chinese people's profound trust and respect for you.
    I believe that the fraternal Chinese people will achieve fresh successes in their struggle to attain the goal at a higher stage of the socialist modernization drive under the leadership of the CPC.
    It is the consistent stand of the WPK and the DPRK Government to set store by the Korean-Chinese friendship that has stood all tests of history and steadily strengthen and develop it.
    Availing myself of this opportunity, I would like to express the belief that the bilateral friendship that was forged in blood would grow stronger and develop thanks to the common efforts exerted by both sides and wholeheartedly wish you great success in your responsible work to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and reunify the whole country.

Greetings to Hu Jintao and Wu Bangguo

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on March 15 sent a message of greetings to Hu Jintao upon his election as President of the People's Republic of China and to Wu Bangguo upon his election as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress at the 1st session of the Tenth NPC of the PRC. The message expressed belief that the fraternal Chinese people would certainly register good successes in the efforts to achieve the prosperity of the country under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
    It expressed belief that the Korea-China friendship would grow stronger thanks to the common efforts of the two parties, two governments and two peoples and wholeheartedly wished Hu and Wu greater success in their responsible work to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.

S. Korean delegation leaves

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- The delegation of trade unions of South Korea co-headed by Ri Nam Sun, chairman of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions, and Ryu Tok Sang, acting chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, left here today . The delegation was seen off at the airport by Ryom Sun Gil, chairman of the central committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, and other officials concerned.
    The delegation gave a reception in connection with its Pyongyang visit Friday evening.

Message of condolence to acting President of Nauru

    Pyongyang, March 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, sent a message of condolence on March 13 to Derog Gioura, acting President of the Republic of Nauru, upon hearing the news that President of Nauru Bernard Dowiyogo died of a long illness. The message expressed deep condolences to the acting President and, through him, to the deceased and the bereaved family.

For Spanish-speaking people

ccpap revela una parte del problema de emisario secreto del partido hannara

    pyongyang, 15 de marzo (atcc) -- en relacion con que el "partido hannara" de sudcorea acusa injustamente a la parte norte de corea negando el mismo caso del "envio de su emisario secreto al norte", el vocero del comite coreano por la paz del asia y el pacifico hizo publica el dia 14 una declaracion revelando una parte del verdadero aspecto del particular. la declaracion senala:
    el emisario secreto enviado por el "partido hannara" en septiembre y diciembre del ano pasado se encontro en pyongyang y beijing con nuestra parte, ocasion en la que al expresar como un hecho consumado la eleccion de ri hoe chang como "presidente surcoreano" afirmo que es definitiva la "eleccion como presidente" del candidato ri e imploro que el norte diera apoyo a este diciendo que el "gobierno de ri hoe chang" tenia el "plan de dar ayuda de mayor dimension" sin restricciones de renglones y tamanos y los fondos mayores que el "gobierno" actual en el caso en que la parte norte satisfaciera la peticion suya.
    tambien, a mediados de diciembre del ano pasado, periodo decisivo y proximo a las "elecciones presidenciales" ese "partido" nos envio otro emisario secreto con un "mensaje secreto" en el que "imploro el apoyo del norte al nacimiento del gobierno de ri hoe chang" diciendo que seria correcto para el pais y la nacion el que este canditado con experiencias politicas de mas de 5 anos como presidente del partido administrara el pais y sirviera para el pueblo y que "ro mu hyon es radicalista con pocas experiencias en la politica nacional y las relaciones internacionales". a continuacion senalo que el mismo envia "a vuestra parte este mensaje de cooperacion con el alma de llevar voluntariamente la cruz".
    en particular, ri hoe chang, candidato al presidente del "partido hannara", en tres ocasiones en junio y octubre en visperas de las "elecciones presidenciales" por conducto del gobierno y el parlamento de otro pais, pidio que el norte de corea le brindara la cooperacion sin malentendido porque su critica a la "politica de rayo solar" de kim tae jung no partio de su mala interpretacion sobre la posicion del norte sino de su objetivo de lograr su eleccion como presidente. y dijo que le transmitiera al norte que "no soy un individuo malo y peligroso. rectificare mi posicion de hoy al tomar el poder".
    al respecto, nuestra parte dijo cada vez al "partido hannara" que dejara de fomentar el enfrentamiento norte-sur, de llevarlo al borde de la guerra y de amontonar crimenes contra la nacion.
    ese "partido" debe poner fin a su alboroto de enfrentamiento con la rpdc y confesar la verdad.

delegado de corea denuncia actos de violacion de derechos de mujeres

    pyongyang, 15 de marzo (atcc) -- la republica popular democratica de corea, pais que sufrio en el periodo de la segunda guerra mundial una historia martirio en que numerosas mujeres y ninas decenarias se vieron obligadas a servir de esclavas sexuales a los militares japoneses por las atrocidades inhumanas de japon, denuncia categoricamente la explotacion sexual a las mujeres y la venta de estas y ninas considerandolas los mas graves actos de violacion a los derechos humanos y mantiene la invariable posicion de repudiarlos. asi senalo el dia 6 el delegado de la rpdc al hacer uso de la palabra en la 47 sesion del comite de la organizacion de naciones unidas sobre la posicion de las mujeres y continuo:
    en los ultimos anos, como antes, las mujeres son primer objeto de la grave violacion de los derechos humanos y los desafios que se ponen nuevamente de relieve entre otros la creciente depauperacion de las mujeres consecutiva a la "globalizacion", la distribucion desigualitaria de los bienes y los beneficios manifestada con el vertiginoso desarrollo de la tecnica de informatica y comunicaciones y la marginalidad de las mujeres y la violacion de derecho de las mujeres por el abuso de la tecnica de informatica y comunicaciones provocan una debida preocupacion de la sociedad internacional y demandan la urgente toma de medidas.
    para poner fin a los actos de venta de las mujeres y las ninas que surgen como una forma principal de violencia a ellas en distintas regiones del mundo es necesario acriminar la explotacion sexual de las mujeres y desplegar una consciente y consecuente lucha gubernamental, regional e internacional para erradicarla.
    en corea donde a base de la idea juche humanocentrica esta asegurada legalmente la participacion libre de las mujeres en todas las ramas de la vida social: politica, economia, cultura con el mismo derecho que los hombres, no existen la explotacion sexual y la venta de las mujeres y todas estas, sin recibir restriccion legal y administrativa, contribuyen grandemente a la construccion de gran potencia prospera.