Rodong Sinmun on struggle for peace against U.S. and war in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- The South Korean people's struggle for peace against the Iraqi war of the U.S. is a just struggle for protecting peace, universal idea of humankind, and life and dignity of people, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    At least 70 national assemblymen, including those of the ruling Democratic Party of South Korea, set themselves against the troop dispatch to the Iraqi war projected by the South Korean authorities, saying that the mobilizing of the South Korean people for the unjustifiable war deserves moral and political denunciation.
    As the world peace-loving people unanimously said, the Iraqi war provoked by the U.S. is an illegal war of aggression which can not be justified in any case.
    The U.S. ignited a Iraqi war under the pretext of disarming Iraq, acting as an interpol no body authorizes it to do and ignoring the U.N. that is a vicious challenge to the sovereignty of an independent state and an unpardonable encroachment upon the sovereignty of the country.
    The Bush hawks are going to unleash a war against the DPRK on the basis of the experiences in the on-going Iraqi war.
    In a nutshell, the Iraqi war is a test war for the second Korean war.
    But the South Korean authorities are keen on a farce for "support" to such dangerous war and troop dispatch.
    They are trying to justify their unjust moves, clamoring about "interests of the state" and "wise settlement of the nuclear issue, but the projected troop dispatch is a criminal act of welcoming the United States' war of aggression against the DPRK.
    From this point of view, it is only too just that the South Korean people denounce the U.S. war of aggression against Iraq and the authorities following it.
    Their misbehaviour against the interests of the nation deserves curses and denunciation by all the fellow countrymen.
    All the fellow countrymen should frustrate the war and confrontation efforts of the United States and its followers through the national cooperation and turn out in a struggle for national sovereignty and peace.

Struggle for national interests in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- The All-People Council for National Reconciliation and Cooperation called a regular meeting of its deputies in Seoul on March 26, opposing any war on the Korean Peninsula, according to Yonhap News of South Korea. At the meeting, Jong Tae Chol, representative of the Democratic Party, said that the past division and confrontation between the north and the south of Korea had dissipated and dispersed the nation's forces only, adding: it is necessary, though belatedly, to realize the importance of preventing the tragedy of the extermination of the nation and ensuring its prosperity through the south-north reconciliation and cooperation and exchange.
    He held that exchange and cooperation should be developed in all fields including the economy and all the politicians from the ruling and opposition parties should join efforts in the settlement of the inter-Korean issue only.
    A resolution adopted at the meeting said: the organization hopes for the direct talks between North Korea and the U.S., expecting that the settlement of the nuclear issue will lead to removal of the bilateral hostile relations.
    It called for doing utmost efforts to encourage the dialogue and build up the public opinion for the nation's interests.

Withdrawal of "motion of troop dispatch" urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification reportedly issued a statement on March 26, denouncing the authorities for attempt to pass a "motion of troop dispatch" to the Iraqi war through the "National Assembly". The statement said it is ridiculous for the authorities to insist on the passage of the motion as an "unavoidable thing" and "inevitable and strategic option" when protests against the U.S. war of aggression on Iraq are growing worldwide.
    The dispatch of troops will be as good as an act of adding fuel to the war, not ensuring peace in this land, it noted, and said:
    The authorities and the ruling and opposition parties' attempt for it is a modern version of the slogan "involvement in the imperial army's war" put by the pro-Japanese elements during the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea.
    They should clearly know that they will face a punishment by the people if they railroad the motion, the statement said, urging the authorities to withdraw the motion from the "National Assembly" at once and clarify the stand for peace against the war.

DPRK cabinet report on issuing people's life bonds

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea announced an official report on issuing people's life bonds on March 27. The report said: under an ordinance on issuing people's life bonds adopted at the sixth session of the tenth Supreme People's Assembly, the DPRK cabinet has decided to issue and sell bonds and redeem them by lottery, on the basis of our people's noble patriotism and their awareness as citizens to build a powerful and prosperous socialist nation in this land by themselves without fail.
    According to it, the people's life bond of the DPRK is a form of state credit as its redemption is guaranteed by the state in a responsible manner. The issue of such bonds is intended only for the prosperous development of the country and the promotion of the people's wellbeing.
    The bonds have three forms: 500-won bond, 1,000-won bond and 5,000-won bond. They will remain valid for ten years from may 1, Juche 92 (2003) to the end of April, Juche 102 (2013).
    The bonds will be redeemed by payment of drawn prize money and principal sum.
    Lottery on the bonds will be held once in every six months in the first two years from this year and then once in a year, on the principle of openness and objectivity.
    The total principal sum of the bonds drawing a losing number will be redeemed on a phased basis by the annual state budget from December Juche 97 (2008) to the expiry of the term of validity.
    Those buying many bonds will be duly rewarded politically and materially in recognition of their patriotic devotion to the building of a powerful nation.

Iraqi war protested in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- South Korean people reportedly released an appeal and statements on March 20 in protest against the U.S. imperialists' war of aggression on Iraq. The headquarters of the movement for urging the anti-U.S., anti-war struggle and the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between North Korea and the U.S. issued an appeal titled "Let us bring down a sledge-hammer of national unity on the aggressors".
    The appeal condemned the U.S. imperialists' Iraqi war as a declaration of war against humankind desirous of peace and a challenge to history going toward independence, peace and progress. "War on terrorism", clamored for by the U.S. imperialists, is nothing but hypocrisy and a fig leaf to cover up their aggressive nature, it said.
    Nobody else can defend our security and we can never have our existence ensured with help of others, the appeal noted, and said:
    The only way of preventing a war and keeping peace is for all the fellow countrymen to firmly unite under the banner of the struggle for peace against the U.S. and war.
    The solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration in a statement rejected any form of aggression by the U.S. imperialists, saying that the Iraqi war sparked by the U.S. is a damned war of aggression to hold its political and military supremacy over the Mid-East region and fatten up American munitions and oil tycoons.
    The headquarters of the people's movement for the U.S. troop pullout in a statement said that the U.S. Iraqi war is a violation of international law and a unilateral war of aggression as it has neither ground nor justification.

Functions held in Democratic Congo and Uganda

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- A joint meeting was held in Kinshasa, Democratic Congo, on March 21 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Addressing the meeting, the national chairman of the genuine Lumumbist Patriotic Party of Democratic Congo warmly congratulated the Korean people on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and Kim Jong Il on his election as Chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and wished him good health.
    He praised socialist Korea in the process of being turned into a powerful nation, under the uplifted banner of the army-based policy of Kim Jong Il.
    A congratulatory message to him was adopted at the meeting.
    Meanwhile, a show of the Korean film "50th Birthday of the Republic" was held by the Kampala City Committee of the National Movement of Uganda on March 20.
    After watching the film, the chairman of the committee said that the army-centred policy is the most just one all countries and nations should pursue without fail and thanks to Kim Jong Il the DPRK is considered, indeed, as the strongest country in the world though small in its territory.

S. Korean forces' DPRK-targeted field maneuvre under fire

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Army corps-level field mobile exercise launched by the South Korean military is an intolerable provocation to the DPRK and a grave challenge to the June 15 joint declaration, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    The war exercise launched by the South Korean warmongers even before the end of the on-going large-scale joint military exercise proves that they are utterly indifferent to the north-south relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula and zealously joining the foreign forces in their moves to stifle the fellow countrymen.
    A dangerous military aim is sought in staging such maneuvre in the area very close to the Military Demarcation Line. This is nothing but a premeditated military move to round off an operational plan to strike the DPRK.
    It is clear that the South Korean military is opting for a war against the north, going against the trend of the era of independent reunification.
    Their play with fire is adversely affecting the north-south relations and peace on the Korean Peninsula as it only adds fuel to the fire.
    The South Korean warmongers should be held fully accountable for this.
    The South Korean military should stop such dangerous military provocation at once.

DPRK will not make any concession or compromise

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The DPRK will not make any slightest concession and compromise with those who pressurize, threaten and blackmail it as it regards the revolutionary principle and faith as its life and soul, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary. It goes on:
    It is too early to make a conclusion on the outcome of the Iraqi war. But it is clear that the destiny of Iraq is at stake due to its concession and compromise.
    The DPRK would have already met the same miserable fate as Iraq's had it compromised its revolutionary principle and accepted the demand raised by the imperialists and its followers for "nuclear inspection" and disarmament.
    The Workers' Party of Korea's army-based policy and self-defensive capacity are no. 1 lifeline of the DPRK and serve as the most powerful weapon of justice and a master key to all its victories.
    They provide a sure guarantee not only for protecting the sovereignty of the DPRK but ensuring the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.
    The DPRK has nothing to fear on earth and a strong pluck as it has the world's most viable army-based policy and a powerful means for self-defence.
    The DPRK will increase its self-defensive capability and fully demonstrate its might under the uplifted banner of the army-based policy.
    No one should expect the DPRK to make any slightest concession or compromise. Those who stage saber-rattling against it had better stop it.

All countries called upon to be cautious against U.S. assertions

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The U.S. has insisted on its unreasonable assertions intended to disarm the DPRK, claiming that the DPRK should "accept inspection" as regards the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula and dismissing the DPRK's just measure as "violation of NPT". In this regard, Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says that the U.S. seeks to totally disarm the DPRK and realize with ease its wild ambition to stifle the DPRK, its long-cherished dream, by force of arms under the pretext of the DPRK's "nuclear issue".
    If the second Iraqi crisis is sparked on the Korean Peninsula, no one can predict its consequences.
    It is by no means fortuitous that the second Korean war will be the curtain-raiser to a new world war.
    Unilaterally demanding the DPRK fulfil its commitment, ignoring this fact, would only encourage the U.S. self-righteous act.
    The U.S. military attack should be averted as it will disturb peace and security of the world and bring an irrevocable disaster to humankind.
    All the countries of the world should be cautious against the U.S. assertions and refrain from any act of pushing the U.S. to a military attack upon the DPRK.
    This is good for themselves.

Vigilance against U.S. "method of cooperation" called for

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The world people who are opposed to aggression, war, domination and subjugation and value independence, peace and justice should clearly see through the true nature of the U.S. "method of cooperation" and turn out as one in a struggle to frustrate it. Rodong Sinmun says this in a signed article today.
    It goes on:
    The U.S. "method of cooperation" is a very craftily camouflaged method of domination adapted to the changed times.
    It serves as a leverage for domination, interference, aggression and plunder of other countries and nations.
    Typical examples of it were the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the 1999 Balkan War and the 2001 Afghan War.
    Tricked in by the method, Iraq is suffering the disaster of war with its sovereignty wantonly violated. The U.S. imperialists' "method of cooperation" is clearly evidenced by its policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK with nukes over its "nuclear issue."
    It is the U.S. which has authored and complicated the "nuclear issue" on the Korean Peninsula.
    If it sincerely stands for solving the nuclear issue on the peninsula it should come out for direct negotiations with the DPRK.
    However, it is keen to establish an international "cooperation system" against the DPRK calling for multilateral talks while shunning the DPRK-U.S. direct talks, the only way of settling the issue in a peaceful way.
    This clearly proves that the U.S. has no willingness to settle the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula but seeks only "international cooperation" in a bid to disarm, isolate and stifle the DPRK by charging it with "nuclear weapons development."

Students' group for "250-Mile Journey for Learning" arrives

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held at the playground of the Mangyongdae Revolutionary School on March 28 to welcome the arrival in Pyongyang of the group of students from across the country for "250-Mile Journey for Learning" to mark the 80th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's "250-Mile Journey for Learning". Conveyed at the meeting was a congratulatory letter of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea to the participants in the journey.
    The letter said that the journey made by the group holding high a red flag on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Kim Il Sung's "250-Mile Journey for Learning" marked a significant occasion of fully demonstrating their firm confidence and will to follow the party to the last along the road of revolution of Juche.
    It expressed the firm belief that all the students would become the young vanguard and children's guards loyal to the party who hold leader Kim Jong Il in high esteem and follow him with loyalty.
    Speeches were made by its participants at the meeting.
    Present there were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, Kim Jung Rin, Secretary of the WPK Central Committee, and others.
    The study group of at least 3,000 excellent students from across the country left Phophyong on March 16 and travelled 200 miles on foot from Kim Hyong Jik county, Ryanggang Province to Kaechon city, South Phyongan Province along the course covered by Kim Il Sung 80 years ago in order to deeply grasp his noble idea associated with the historical course. They journeyed between Kaechon and Pyongyang by train.

Spokesman for DPRK Foreign Ministry blasts U.S. assertion about Iraqi regime change

    Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in an answer given to a question put by KCNA today assailed the United States' assertion that the final goal of its Iraqi war is to "remove the leadership" of Iraq. He said:
    It was a grave encroachment upon the sovereignty of Iraq that the U.S. unilaterally launched a military attack on Iraq despite the strong opposition of the United Nations and the world.
    The U.S. is openly asserting that the basic aim of its Iraqi war is to overthrow the Iraqi leadership.
    It began its military attack on Iraq with a surprise strike to kill the Iraqi President and is now leaving no stone unturned to put it into practice.
    The arrogant and outrageous behavior of the U.S. that adopted it as its national policy to kill the state leader of other country is typical state terrorism that can never be tolerated.
    It is the full right of its people to elect one its leader.
    No one has granted the U.S. the right to change the regime of other country and there is no sovereign state in the world which will allow such brigandish state terrorism on the part of the U.S.
    Those who have committed such grave state terrorism as doing harm to the safety, peace and human life of other country going beyond the limit to high-handed and arbitrary practices will be sternly judged by history.

For Spanish-speaking people

la rpdc publica comunicado sobre emision de bonos publicos

    pyongyang, 29 de marzo (atcc) -- el consejo de ministros de la republica popular democratica de corea hizo publico el dia 27 un comunicado sobre la emision de los bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo. el comunicado senala:
    segun la ley sobre la emision de los bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo aprobada en la sexta sesion de la decima legislatura de la asamblea popular suprema, el consejo de ministros de la rpdc tomo la decision sobre la emision, la venta, la loteria y la amortizacion de los bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo inspirandose en el noble patriotismo y la conciencia civica del pueblo coreano de construir ciertamente con las fuerzas propias una potencia socialista sobre esta tierra.
    segun el documento, los bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo de la rpdc siendo una forma de credito que el estado amortiza con responsabilidad se emiten con el objeto de contribuir estrictamente a la prosperidad y el desarrollo del pais y el fomento del bienestar del pueblo.
    los bonos publicos se emitiran en billetes de a 500, 1 000 y 5 000 wones con un plazo de validez de 10 anos desde el primero de mayo del 92 (2003) de la era juche hasta finales de abril del 102 (2013) de la era juche.
    se reembolsaran por el metodo de devolver el dinero ganado en la loteria y el principal.
    la loteria del bono publico se realizara cada seis meses durante los primeros dos anos a partir del presente y, despues, cada ano, en el principio de la publicidad y objetividad.
    desde diciembre del 97 (2008) de la era juche hasta el fin del plazo de validez el principal de los bonos publicos no sacados a la suerte en la loteria se amortizara paulatina y enteramente en cierta suma cada ano reflejandolo en el presupuestario estatal anual.
    los compradores de mayor cantidad de bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo se estimaran altamente en lo politico y material como conducta patriotica para la construccion de gran potencia prospera.

rpdc: no concesion ni compromiso ante ninguna amenaza

    pyongyang, 29 de marzo (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy senala: consideramos como la vida el principio y el credo revolucionarios y no hacemos concesion ni compromiso alguno ante ninguna amenaza y chantaje por parte de los adversarios.
    aunque sea temprano todavia decir ligeramente como terminara la guerra iraqui, pero si podemos afirmar que el destino de irak esta en peligro por consecuencia de la concesion y compromiso.
    ya hace tiempo que no podriamos evitar el destino tragico que tiene hoy irak si hubieramos cedido el principio al aceptar la demanda de los imperialistas y sus lacayos sobre la "inspeccion nuclear" y el desarme.
    la politica de priorizacion militar del partido del trabajo de corea y el poderio autodefensivo son la linea de vida no. uno, la mas poderosa y justa arma y la llave principal de todas las victorias. nuestra politica de priorizacion militar y las poderosas fuerzas armadas son una potente garantia para defender la soberania de la rpdc y la paz y la estabilidad de la peninsula coreana.
    no tenemos miedo sino estamos de buen animo por contar con la politica de priorizacion militar mas poderosa en el mundo y los potentes medios de defensa justa. tambien en el futuro con la bandera de priorizacion militar en alto consolidaremos la capacidad autodefensiva y daremos prueba de su poderio. nadie debe esperarnos la concesion y compromiso algunos, sera prudente que deje de atreverse a jugar a la guerra contra la rpdc.

"minju joson" rechaza injustas insistencias de ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 29 de marzo (atcc) -- en cuanto al problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana ee.uu. esgrime las injustas insistencias para "desarmar" a la republica popular democratica de corea diciendo que esta "debe aceptar la inspeccion" y que las justas medidas de esta son la "violacion al tratado de no proliferacion nuclear".
    bajo el pretexto del "problema nuclear" de la rpdc, ee.uu. trata de desarmarla por completo y lograr facilmente por la fuerza militar su ambicion de aplastamiento a ella que acariciaba desde hace mucho tiempo.
    asi senala el periodico "minju joson" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    si se reproduce el incidente de irak en la peninsula coreana, nadie puede prever cual seria su consecuencia.
    no es casual la opinion publica de que la segunda guerra coreana sera un preludio de la nueva guerra mundial.
    demandar la unilateral observacion del deber a la rpdc dejando a un lado tal realidad sera un acto de instigar mas las arbitrariedades de ee.uu.
    ha de ser prevenido de antemano el ataque militar de ee.uu. que perturba la paz y la seguridad del mundo y acarrea desastre irreparable a la humanidad. todos los paises del mundo deben tratar con precaucion las insistencias de ee.uu. y abstenerse de las cosas que estimulan a ee.uu. al ataque militar contra la rpdc.
    esto sera util para si mismo.