Troop dispatch to Iraqi war gets flak in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The Roman Catholic Human Rights Committee issued a statement on April 4 in denunciation of the decision made by the authorities to dispatch troops to the Iraqi war, according to Yonhap News of South Korea. The statement strongly accused the president and the national assembly of opting for an anti-peace and anti-human rights troop dispatch aimed to boost the South Korea-U.S. relations at the cost of blood shed by Iraqis and thus dampening the people's desire for reform and peace.
    It declared the committee would fully support the struggle of all the forces loving peace and opposing the Iraqi war and the troop dispatch and join them in their actions.
    The Christian Solidarity For Peace Against War in a statement issued on the same day said that it was shameful that the national assembly passed the motion on troop dispatch to the Iraqi war, declaring the passage of the motion invalid.
    The passage of the motion on the troop dispatch to the dirty and base war of aggression is little short of declaring the law invalid, noted the statement.

Japan's spy satellite launch under fire

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification, in a statement issued on April 1 condemned Japan's launch of spy satellites as a hostile act of threatening the sovereignty of the DPRK and the security of its people. By launching those satellites Japan betrayed its true colors as a faithful stooge and follower of the U.S. imperialists in their moves to provoke the second Korean war, he said.
    In a protest letter he sent to the Japanese Prime Minister on the same day he said that Japan's launch of spy satellites poses a direct threat to the DPRK and the Korean people and is a breach of the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration signed by the prime minister himself.
    He urged Japan to stop acts of violating the security and sovereignty of the DPRK and its unreasonable nuclear racket.

S. Korean government's sycophantic action under fire

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration in a statement issued on April 7 said that if the government truly wants peace, it should stop its sycophantic act and opt for national cooperation and the Korean nation must get united and reconcile with each other to achieve peace, not taken in by the U.S.-proposed multilateral talks, according to a news report. The statement said that the decision made by the government to dispatch troops to the Iraqi war despite the protest of the South Korean people clearly showed that the government's talk about peaceful cooperation was an empty one.
    The South Korea-U.S. cooperation precisely means cooperation for a war but national cooperation means peaceful cooperation and the present government should know well that dialogue, peace and prosperity can never be realized as long as it is under the control of the U.S., the statement added.

KCNA terms S. Korean "National Assembly" political waiting maid of U.S.

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The South Korean "National Assembly" reportedly decided on April 4 to recommend the authorities to fully examine the sanctions to be applied against the DPRK, talking about a solution to the "nuclear issue." Earlier, the authorities and the "National Assembly" decided to dispatch troops to the Iraqi war of aggression launched by the U.S. in disregard of international law and the UN.
    They did so under the pretext that they can solve the DPRK's "nuclear issue" in a peaceful way by currying favor with the U.S.
    These facts clearly indicate that the South Korean "National Assembly" is a group of warmongers keen on isolating and stifling the DPRK, pursuant to the U.S. strategy for world domination aimed to bring down one by one those sovereign states it had listed as part of an "axis of evil", its hostile policy toward the DPRK in particular.
    The reckless actions on the part of the authorities and "National Assembly" of South Korea are acts of treachery to the nation as they may bring a disastrous nuclear holocaust to the Korean nation. This is intolerable.
    Explicitly speaking, the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula surfaced because the U.S. posed a nuclear threat to the DPRK after massively deploying and stockpiling nuclear weapons in and around South Korea for the last more than half a century in line with its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
    Pursuant to the U.S. nuclear strategy, South Korea has turned into the biggest nuclear arsenal in the Far East as it has more than 1,000 nuclear weapons, a nuclear advance base for implementing the U.S. strategy to dominate Asia and the Korean Peninsula remains the world's most dangerous nuclear hotspot.
    This goes to clearly prove that the U.S. moves to stifle the DPRK with nukes must be stopped and the nuclear weapons deployed in South Korea must be dismantled if the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula is to be settled.
    This notwithstanding, the South Korean "National Assembly", while keeping mum about this, called for applying sanctions against the DPRK, talking about the settlement of the DPRK's "nuclear issue." this can not be construed otherwise than a hideous crime as they are keen to stifle the DPRK echoing the U.S. gangster-like assertion for the DPRK's disarming in a bid to meet their sinister political aim and interests in utter disregard of the nation's destiny.
    The U.S. demand for the DPRK's scrapping of its "nuclear weapons program before dialogue" would lead to inspection and the resultant disarmament spark a war. The only way of averting a war is to increase one's own just self-defensive means.
    The Iraqi war launched by the U.S. preemptive attack clearly proves that a war can be prevented and the security of the country and the nation can be ensured only when one has physical deterrent force, a military deterrent force strong enough to decisively repel any attack of the enemy with any types of sophisticated weapons.
    If the U.S. launches a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula, all the Koreans in the north and the south will suffer from it and the Korean nation will be exterminated.
    If the South Korean authorities and its "National Assembly" are truly concerned about the destiny of the nation, it should remain true to the June 15 joint declaration and opt for inter-Korean cooperation for the survival of the nation, instead of cooperating with outsiders.

President's cause will shine long, says Vishwanath

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea, on a visit to the DPRK in an interview with KCNA on Wednesday said that the cause of President Kim Il Sung will shine long thanks to leader Kim Jong Il who is identical with the president. The hearts of the world progressive people are turning toward the DPRK where the president lies in state for perpetuity in the run-up to the day of the sun, his birth anniversary, he noted, and went on:
    The foundation of the Juche idea which will be everlasting with history is the greatest exploit Kim Il Sung performed for the era and humankind. The idea serves as a powerful mental weapon for humankind to shape its destiny independently and creatively.
    The Korean people could demonstrate the pride of a great people unanimously praised by the world as they were led by the president.
    The history of the sun will go on under the leadership of Kim Jong Il, the another distinguished great man.

Japan urged to behave itself

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- If Japan continues going ahead with preparations for reinvasion of Korea with the help of the United States, the kingpin of state-sponsored terrorism, it will have to pay dearly for its reckless behavior, said the top official of a social organization of Korea on Wednesday. In an interview with KCNA, Rom Sun Gil, chairman of the central committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea, said:
    Recently, Japanese conservatives have openly called for a preemptive attack on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    They, availing themselves of the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK, intend to retake the old position of Japan and reinvade Korea.
    As soon as the United States started the military attack on Iraq, Japan set up a "headquarters of emergency measures" and has kept a close eye on the DPRK. Worse still, the Japanese conservatives say that in case "North Korea is going to launch missiles to Japan", it would not be a breach of the constitution to make an preemptive attack on the missile launching sites and that a war with North Korea would not be ruled out. They also say that before Japan is submerged in flames, it is necessary to make a preemptive attack on North Korea with the help of the United States.
    Their remarks indicate that they want to repeat the holocaust Japan inflicted on Korea in the past, and establish the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere".
    The Korean people will never forget all crimes of the blackest dye committed by Japan during more than 40 years of its military occupation of Korea.
    The indiscreet behavior of Japan, which still regards the DPRK as "enemy" and refrains from the settlement of the past wrongdoings, waiting for a chance to reinvade Korea, only heightens the vigilance of the Korean people.
    Japan would be well advised to behave itself with a correct understanding of the situation.

August names reflecting nation's desire

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The august names of President Kim Il Sung, the eternal sun of Juche, reflected desires of the Korean people in different ages. He was born in Mangyongdae, Pyongyang, on April 15, Juche 1 (1912).
    Those who visited his house were admired by the infant genius and wanted him to be called Kim Song Ju in the hope that he would defeat the Japanese imperialists and lead the country.
    His name was changed as Han Pyol by Kim Hyok, Cha Kwang Su, Choe Chang Gol and other young revolutionaries of Korea in the early years of his revolutionary activities.
    At that time they deeply respected and trusted in him as lodestar and the center of unity.
    His name was changed again in 1930.
    The young revolutionaries, who were deeply impressed by Han Pyol successfully hewing out the untrodden path of the arduous Korean revolution with outstanding ideas and theories and extraordinary political ability, strategies and virtues, decided to call him Kim Il Sung.
    Since then he has been called by the name of the sun.
    For his imperishable feats for the Korean revolution and global independence and for his noble virtues and distinguished traits, Kim Il Sung is immortal in the hearts of the Korean people and the world progressive people along with the name of the sun.

Floral basket laid before President Kim Il Sung's statue

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The diplomatic corps here laid a floral basket before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill and made a bow to him yesterday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the birth anniversary of the president and the 10th anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's election as Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission. Letters "The Great Leader His Excellency Kim Il Sung Is Immortal" were written on the ribbon of the basket.

21st April Spring Friendship Art Festival opens

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- The 21st April Spring Friendship Art Festival was opened at the April 25 House of Culture here this afternoon amidst the great concern of people at home and abroad. The opening ceremony was attended by government cultural delegations, delegates and artistes from many countries and overseas Korean artistes.
    Diplomatic envoys, staff members of foreign embassies here, foreigners and overseas Koreans visiting the DPRK, Pyongyangites, and men and women of culture and art were also present there.
    Premier of the cabinet Hong Song Nam, Vice-President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) Yang Hyong Sop, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea Jong Ha Chol and others took the platform.
    After a bugle blowing for the opening of the festival 40 women in national costumes of various countries danced with shawls of five colors, emphasizing the significance of the festival which will be held in the idea of independence, peace and friendship.
    Then women dancers presented a dove dance reflecting the desire of the participants in the festival for a peaceful world.
    What deeply impressed the participants were some scenes of documentary films on the background of the stage showing President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il congratulating the artistes on their successful performances in the past festivals and the history of the festival.
    Vice-chairman of the SPA Jang Chol, chairman of the festival organizing committee, made an opening address which was followed by a ceremony of hoisting the festival flag.
    Hong Song Nam in a congratulatory address said that artistes from various countries presented successes made in developing arts and contributed to boosting the friendly and cultural ties, prompted by the noble idea and aim to give a strong impetus to the independent development of national arts and the human cause of independence in the past festivals.
    The Korean people are very happy to significantly commemorate the birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung with talented artistes and friends from various countries and overseas Korean artistes, he added.
    Then the floor was taken by the head of the Chinese government cultural delegation, the head of the chorus troupe of the Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and the head of a Cuban musicians group.
    Korean artistes gave a performance.
    Earlier, the festival participants marched from the arch of triumph to the April 25 House of Culture amid the warm welcome of Pyongyangites from all walks of life.
    Since the curtain of the festival was raised in Juche 71 (1982) till last year more than 12,000 foreign artistes and overseas Korean artistes including international and national concours winners participated in the festivals, significantly adorning them as the world's art festival.

Paek Nam Sun meets new Bangladeshi Ambassador

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun met and conversed with new Bangladeshi Ambassador to the DPRK Iftikharul Karim who paid a courtesy call on him today.

Yang Hyong Sop meets Chinese government cultural delegation

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Yang Hyong Sop, Vice-President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with the Chinese government cultural delegation led by vice-Minister of Culture Zheng Xinmiao at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today. On hand were vice-minister of culture Song Sok Hwan, vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 21st April Spring Friendship Art Festival, and officials concerned and Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Wu Donghe.
    Noting that April 15 is the significant day when President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the Korean people, was born, the head of the delegation said the Chinese government attaches great importance to the art festival to be held on the occasion of his birth anniversary.
    The friendship between China and the DPRK was provided by the veteran revolutionaries of China and Kim Il Sung, he said, adding: during the visit, the delegation has witnessed many achievements made by the Korean people in socialist construction under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Il.

For Spanish-speaking people

festividades en diversos paises para efemerides de corea

    pyongyang, 10 de abril (atcc) -- mitin, charla y simposio dedicados al dia del sol (cumpleanos del presidente kim il sung) y al x aniversario de la elevacion del dirigente kim jong il como presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea tuvieron lugar del 28 de marzo al primero de abril en copenhague de dinamarca, el partido comunista (bagdash) y el partido comunista (youssef), de siria y la sociedad de juche de la universidad de innsbruck de austria. en los actos los oradores elogiaron altamente a las hazanas revolucionarias del presidente kim il sung y senalaron que hoy, el pueblo coreano, bajo la destacada direccion de songun (priorizacion militar) del dirigente kim jong il quien sucede la causa revolucionaria del presidente, logra grandes exitos en la lucha por la construccion de gran potencia socialista y la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la patria frustrando las maniobras de aplastamiento y aislamiento de los imperialistas norteamericanos.
    anadieron que bajo la circunstancia en que se tornan mas abiertas la arbitrariedad y las maniobras de agresion de los yanquis, es preciso intensificar mas el movimiento de solidaridad para apoyar la justa lucha del pueblo coreano.
    por otra parte, con motivo del dia del sol se efectuaron del 26 al 31 de marzo en etiopia, francia, mexico y mongolia reuniones de recordacion, seminarios, proyecciones filmicas, exhibiciones de fotos, bordados y articulos artesanales, de corea, y campeonato de taekwon-do.
    en los actos los oradores dijeron que toda la vida de su excelencia el presidente kim il sung fue la del eminente politico quien confio en el pueblo estando siempre entre este y logro la victoria cierta apoyandose en el pueblo.
    en los actos celebrados en dinamarca, austria y mongolia fueron aprobadas las cartas dirigidas al dirigente kim jong il.

"asamblea nacional" de surcorea es servidora politica de ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 10 de abril (atcc) -- segun informaciones, la "asamblea nacional" de sudcorea decidio el dia 4 recomendar a las autoridades la tarea de "revisar con suficiencia la sancion" contra la rpdc pretextando la "solucion" del problema nuclear de esta. con anterioridad, las autoridades y la "asamblea nacional" de sudcorea decidieron "enviar los efectivos" a la guerra iraqui que ee.uu. perpetra en desprecio al derecho internacional y la onu.
    dicen que lo hicieron para agradar a ee.uu. y solucionar por via pacifica el "problema nuclear" de norcorea.
    los hechos arriba mencionados demuestran que la "asamblea nacional" de sudcorea es precisamente un colectivo de los belicistas que maniobran freneticamente para aislar y aplastar la rpdc adhiriendose estrictamente a la politica hostil a corea y la estrategia de heguemonia mundial de ee.uu. encaminada a doblegar uno tras otro a los paises soberanos definidos como "eje del mal".
    los actos insensatos de las autoridades y la "asamblea nacional" de sudcorea son crimenes para acarrear una horrible catastrofe nuclear a la nacion coreana.
    evidentemente dicho, el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana fue causado por ee.uu. que al perseguir en mas de medio siglo la politica hostil a corea tiene acumulada enorme cantidad de armas nucleares en sudcorea y su contorno contra la rpdc y le ejerce amenaza nuclear sobre esta.
    segun la estrategia nuclear de ee.uu. sudcorea se ha convertido en un mayor arsenal nuclear en el extremo oriente con mas de 1000 armas nucleares y una base avanzada nuclear de la estrategia de agresion a asia y, la peninsula coreana se ha hecho un foco de guerra nuclear mas agudo en el mundo.
    esto prueba que a fin de solucionar el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana se debe poner fin a las maniobras de aplastamiento nuclear de ee.uu. a la rpdc y sacar las armas nucleares de sudcorea.
    no obstante, la "asamblea nacional" de surcorea no habla de eso, sino sale con la teoria de "sancion" a la rpdc para la solucion del "problema nuclear" de esta.
    esto constituye un crimen ultragrande que comete al perseguir solo su objeto politico malsano e intereses sin tomar en consideracion el destino de la nacion y al tratar de perjudicarnos simpatizando con la demanda bandidesca de ee.uu. de desarmarnos.
    la insistencia de la "renuncia nuclear, primero" de ee.uu. traera la "inspeccion": esta, el desarme y este, la guerra. para prevenila es preciso fortalecer los medios de defensa justa.
    la guerra iraqui nos ensena que, solo al poseer la fuerza de detencion fisica, la poderosa fuerza de detencion militar para rechazar con superioridad aplastante cualquier ataque por las armas de punta, podemos prevenir la guerra y preservar la seguridad del pais y la nacion.
    en el caso de que ee.uu. provoque la guerra nuclear en peninsula, el norte y el sur de corea seran por igual victimas de ella y la nacion coreana se destruira.
    si las autoridades y la "asamblea nacional" de sudcorea se preocupan de veras del destino de nacion, deben mantener el espiritu de la declaracion conjunta del 15 de junio y no deben "cooperar" con las fuerzas extranjeras sino con sus compatriotas del norte para salvar la nacion.

japon debe actuar con prudencia

    pyongyang, 10 de abril (atcc) -- japon no podra menos que sufrir una gran desgracia inesperada al cabo de recurrir a las freneticas maniobras de preparacion de nueva agresion a corea llevando a cuestas ee.uu., rey del terrorismo estatal. respondio asi ryom sun gil, presidente del comite central de la federacion general de los sindicatos de corea, a la pregunta de un reportero de la agencia telegrafica central de corea formulada el dia 9 en relacion con que en estos dias los reaccionarios japoneses ponen al desnudo su ambicion del primer ataque a la republica popular democratica de corea.
    y continuo:
    llega a una etapa muy peligrosa la ambicion de nueva agresion de los reaccionarios japoneses de restaurar la epoca del "emperador" y rescatar la antigua posicion, en adhesion a la politica hostil de ee.uu. a la rpdc.
    tan pronto como ee.uu. inicio su ataque militar a iraq, los reaccionarios japoneses instalaron la "direccion de medidas urgentes" y promueven la mision de guardia y vigilancia a la rpdc. para colmo, dicen:
    no es la "violacion a la constitucion" el primer golpe que se de a los lugares de lanzamiento de misil de norcorea "en el caso de que esta lance su misil a japon", "es bueno desatar la guerra con norcorea" y hay que dar el primer golpe a norcorea bajo el amparo de ee.uu.
    antes de que japon se convierta en un mar de fuego.
    en fin, los reaccionarios japoneses tratan de repetir la catastrofe del siglo pasado en corea y realizar a toda costa el sueno de la "esfera de coprosperidad de la gran asia oriental".
    el pueblo coreano no se olvida jamas de los crimenes antiteticos sin precedentes en la historia que japon cometio durante mas de 40 anos de su ocupacion militar a corea.
    japon define invariablemente como "enemigo" a la rpdc y no salda cuenta de sus crimenes cometidos en el pasado, sino trata de volver a agredir a corea, lo que eleva solo nuestra vigilancia.
    tenemos el arma de la unidad monolitica mas poderosa que el artefacto nuclear y un invencible ejercito dotado de medios de ofensiva y defensa capaces de rechazar de un solo golpe a cualquier enemigo poderoso.
    japon debe juzgar correctamente la tendencia y actuar con prudencia.