Kim Jong Il inspects KPA flying unit

    Pyongyang, April 10 (KCNA) -- Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il inspected flying unit 887 of the Korean People's Army on Thursday. Received by the commander of the unit, he looked round the monument to the on-the-spot guidance given by President Kim Il Sung and historic relics, conducted by the commander.
    After receiving a report on the situation from the commander and learning about the performance of its duty, he saw the indoor training of pilots.
    He met the pilots on duty and gave a pep talk to them.
    Seeing the pilots fully ready to cope with the moves of the enemy for aggression, he noted with great satisfaction that they are always maintaining a high degree of revolutionary vigilance and fully prepared to courageously beat back the enemy any time if he comes in attack. He praised them for reliably defending the sky over the country.
    He took warm care of the living of the pilots with paternal love, going round education rooms, bedrooms, messes and other places of the hero Ri Tong Gyu Wing and the hero Ri Mun Sun Wing.
    He enjoyed an art performance given by the pilots before having a photograph taken with servicepersons of the unit.

Floral basket before statue of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The economic and commercial counsellors' corps here laid a floral basket before the statue of President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill on Thursday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, his birth anniversary, and the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission. They laid the floral basket before the president's statue with ardent reverence for him and paid tribute to him.
    Written on the ribbon were letters "His Excellency The Great Leader President Kim Il Sung Is Immortal."

Philippines-DPRK Friendship Society formed

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- An inaugural ceremony of the Philippines-DPRK Friendship Society was held in Manila on March 31. At the ceremony Jose David Lapuz, vice-chairman of the Philippine Council for External Relations, was elected chairman of the society and Nelia Sancho, coordinator of the Philippine-Asian Women's Human Rights Council, executive chairwoman.

National fine art exhibition opens

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- An opening ceremony of a national fine art exhibition was held at the People's Palace of Culture on Thursday to commemorate the Day of the Sun, birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Hanging on the front wall of the exhibition hall is Korean painting "Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, eternal father of socialist Korea".
    Korean painting "Father of the Nation", oil paintings "Calling for Becoming Pillar of Revolutionary Armed Forces" and "In Days of Capital City Construction" and poster "We Sing of Eternal Sun Comrade Kim Il Sung" and other paintings show the leadership trait of the president who built a powerful socialist country of Juche independent, self-supporting, and self-reliant in national defence in this land.
    On display are paintings reflecting the great glory and happiness of the Korean people blessed with a great leader and general generation after generation having Kim Jong Il at the head of the party, the state and the army.
    Other paintings on show encourage the Korean people in their struggle to demonstrate the dignity and might of socialist Korea. Present at the opening ceremony were Jong Ha Chol, secretary of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, and officials concerned.
    Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su made an opening address.

Foreigners visit various places

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The economic and commercial councillors' corps here visited the Korean Revolution Museum Thursday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun and the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Being briefed on the fact that Kim Jong Il has successfully carried out the cause of perpetuating the memory of President Kim Il Sung and made an immortal contribution to the building of a great prosperous socialist power and the global cause of independence with his unique Songun revolutionary leadership, they looked round relics and mementoes on display.
    On the same day they visited the Taedonggang Beer Factory.
    That day officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations of foreign embassies here visited the Chongsan-ri Revolutionary Museum in Kangso district, Nampho city.

President Kim Il Sung and new Korea

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The number of people visiting the old home of President Kim Il Sung in Mangyongdae, the Kumsusan Memorial Palace and his statues on Mansu Hill and in other places of the country is ever growing with the approach of his birthday, the Sun's Day (April 15). Korea is proud of a long history and brilliant culture as Tangun nation. But the nation had been harassed by backwardness and poverty caused by the corrupt and incompetent feudal rulers' flunkeyism and treachery and then put under the rule of the Japanese imperialists.
    It was since the country was liberated by Kim Il Sung that the Korean people have been able to enjoy a new life. He, who was born into a family patriotic and revolutionary through generations, began activities for the liberation of the country in his early years, keenly feeling the sorrow and sufferings of the ruined nation.
    With twenty years of the hard-fought struggle against the Japanese imperialists, he accomplished the historical cause of national liberation in 1945.
    After the liberation of the country he led the three-year war against the U.S. imperialist aggressors to victory, defending the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation. In a short period after the war, he built a powerful socialist state independent, self-reliant and self-supporting in national defence, and dramatically enhanced the prestige of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the international arena.
    Thanks to his great devotion and tireless efforts for the country and the nation, Korea, which had suffered an eclipse on the world map, exercises its independent rights in the international arena and the people enjoy a worthwhile life and happiness in the socialist society of Juche.
    This is why the Korean people venerate Kim Il Sung as the founder of socialist Korea, eternal president of the DPRK and father of the nation.

S. Korean students vow anti-U.S. resistance

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification Tuesday in a statement declared that youth and students would turn out in a nation-wide movement to oppose the United States and war and urge the U.S. to conclude a non-aggression treaty with North Korea and withdraw its troops from South Korea in the spirit of the April 3 Jeju islanders' popular uprising in order to take the lead in defending the dignity and right to existence of the nation. The April 3 Jeju islanders' popular uprising was nation-wide anti-U.S. national salvation resistance against the moves of the U.S. and its stooges to set up a separate "government" aimed to split the nation, the statement noted.
    The statement referred to the fact that the U.S. troops brutally suppressed Jeju islanders who participated in the resistance, prompted by a patriotic idea, and they massacred tens of thousands of civilians even by mobilizing right-wing gangsters including the "northwest youth corps."
    The statement stressed that the youth and students would never forget the monstrous atrocities of the U.S. troops but wage nation-wide anti-U.S. resistance to force them to pay for the blood shed by Koreans.

Gift to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il received a gift from the visiting Chinese government cultural delegation. The gift was handed yesterday to Yang Hyong Sop, vice-President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, by vice-Minister of Culture of China Zheng Xinmiao who is heading the delegation.

Reception for participants in April Spring Art Festival

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- The Organizing Committee for the 21st April Spring Friendship Art Festival gave a reception Thursday evening for participants in the festival. Present there on invitation were delegations, delegates and artistes of different countries and overseas Korean artistes.
    Present there were chairman of the organizing committee for the festival Jang Chol, Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su, vice-chairmen of the committee, and officials concerned. Speeches were made there.

Iranian Ambassador gives reception

    Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- Iranian Ambassador to the DPRK Jalaleddin Namini Mianji gave a reception at his embassy yesterday on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. The ambassador said in a speech that Kim Il Sung was the great leader who changed the history of his country and nation and led the revolutionary movement of the popular masses against the domination of imperialists and foreign forces to victory.
    The president always asserted the necessity to consider it as faith to believe in the popular masses and rely on them in the revolutionary struggle, he said, and stressed:
    Aware that only the struggle of the popular masses can be a powerful means of repelling imperialists' aggression, I have deeply grasped the justice of the president's idea.
    Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, said in a speech that the relations between the DPRK and Iran are the traditional friendly and cooperative relations established by the president with the top leaders of Iran. The DPRK will make positive efforts to boost the relations between the two countries as required by the new century, he added.
    Present at the reception on invitation were minister of foreign trade Ri Kwang Gun, Minister of Labour Ri Won Il and other officials concerned.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il inspecciona unidad de aviacion no. 887 del epc

    pyongyang, 11 de abril (atcc) -- el comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciono el dia 10 la unidad de aviacion no. 887 del ejercito popular de corea. recibio el saludo de recibimiento y, guiado por el jefe de la unidad, recorrio el monumento a la visita de orientacion y los objetos historicos del presidente kim il sung. se informo de la situacion de la unidad por parte del jefe, se entero del estado de cumplimiento del deber y vio el ejercicio bajo techo de los aviadores.
    compartio una charla cordial con los aviadores de servicio de guardia.
    al ver a los aviadores plenamente dispuestos para hacer frente a las maniobras de agresion de los enemigos, se mostro muy satisfecho de que con una alta vigilancia revolucionaria estan completamente listos para combatir a los enemigos si estos se les abalanzan y elogio sus esfuerzos por defender fidedignamente el cielo de la patria.
    a continuacion al recorrier las salas de educacion, los dormitorios, los comedores y otros varios lugares de los batallones de aviacion heroes ri tong gyu y ri mun sun atendio cordialmente con un amor paternal la vida de los aviadores.
    el comandante supremo presencio la funcion artistica de los aviadores y se fotografio junto a los militares de la unidad.

presidente kim il sung y nueva corea

    pyongyang, 11 de abril (atcc) -- en visperas del dia del sol, jubilosa fiesta (15 de abril), muchas personas concurren diariamente a mangyongdae, sagrado lugar de la revolucion coreana, el palacio memorial kumsusan donde esta guardado el cuerpo del presidente kim il sung, la colina mansu y otros lugares en que estan erguidas sus estatuas de bronce. el pueblo coreano tiene ferrea conviccion de que al margen del presidente no se puede pensar en el destino de corea digna de hoy.
    debido al servilismo a las grandes potencias y los actos vendepatrias de los impotentes y corruptos gobernantes feudales, corea, al cabo de gemir en el atraso y la pobreza, se convirtio en colonia de japon.
    los coreanos tomaron el camino de la creacion de nueva vida desde cuando el presidente restauro el pais.
    el presidente nacio en una familia patriotica y revolucionaria de generacion en generacion, experimento en carne propia el destino del pueblo del pais arruinado y tomo, a la tierna edad, el camino de la lucha por rescatar el pais.
    llevo 20 anos de ardua lucha por derrotar a los imperialistas japoneses y logro la historica causa de la restauracion de la patria en 1945.
    despues, al llevar a la victoria la guerra de tres anos contra los agresores norteamericanos defendio la soberania del pais y la dignidad de la nacion. tambien, en un corto tiempo de postguerra levanto la potencia socialista independiente, autososten y autodefensiva poniendo en la cuspide la autoridad exterior de corea.
    gracias a los infatigables esfuerzos del presidente kim il sung por la patria y la nacion, corea que perdia su color en el mapa mundial ejerce dignamente su derecho independiente en la escena mundial y su pueblo goza de una verdadera vida y felicitad en la sociedad socialista del juche.
    por eso, el pueblo coreano enaltece al presidente kim il sung como fundador de corea socialista, presidente eterno de la rpdc y padre de la nacion.