Seminars on Kim Jong Il's Songun(army-based) revolutionary line held

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Seminars on Kim Jong Il's Songun revolutionary line were held on April 21 and 23 by officials of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League and the Union of Agricultural Workers of Korea. Attending seminars were Kim Kyong Ho, first secretary of the central committee of the league, Sung Sang Sop, chairman of the c.c., the union, and officials concerned.
    Speakers cited many facts to clearly prove the originality, justice and great vitality of the Songun revolutionary line and policy of Kim Jong Il who has led the revolution and construction to victory depending on the invincible might of the revolutionary army, which has inherited the tradition established by the army born on Mt. Paektu.
    They pointed out that Kim Jong Il put forward the original Songun revolutionary line and the Songun political mode, regarding as a basis and starting point of socialist politics the idea and line of attaching importance to military affairs invariably maintained by President Kim Il Sung in the whole course of the Korean revolution, firmly convinced that the independence and prosperity of the country and the nation can be achieved only in reliance on the arms.
    Kim Jong Il's Songun policy is the mode of revolutionary leadership and socialist politics as it regards the military affair as the most important state affair and helps defend the country, the revolution and the socialist system and step up the overall socialist construction by drawing on the revolutionary spirit and militancy of the People's Army, they noted, adding:
    His Songun revolutionary line and policy are a strategic revolutionary line and political mode that should be consistently adhered to as long as the imperialists remain on the earth.

U.S. chiefly to blame for posing threat

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Laporte, commander of the U.S. forces in South Korea, speaking before a motley crew there on April 22, asserted that the north is pushing forward its nuclear development program and it is escalating tensions in the region in violation of international conventions. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses his outbursts as an unreasonable gangster-like logic, an intolerable challenge and provocation to the DPRK.
    It goes on:
    The DPRK has so far exerted all its efforts to ensure stability and peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the region.
    However, the situation on the peninsula is getting extremely tense for which the U.S. is wholly to blame.
    The U.S. has pursued a hostile policy toward the DPRK pursuant to its strategy to dominate the world after occupying South Korea by force half a century ago. It has posed a constant threat to the DPRK after massively stockpiling nuclear weapons in and around South Korea.
    It is a hard fact that the U.S. troops in South Korea are the biggest cancer-like entity standing in the way of peace and reunification on the Korean Peninsula. Laporte dared make such reckless remarks not because he was unaware of this reality.
    This only reveals his trite trick to cover up even a bit the true colours of the U.S. imperialists as an aggressor and harasser of peace and invent a pretext for igniting a war on the Korean Peninsula.
    No one will lend an ear to his lie. He is well advised to go back home with the aggression troops present in South Korea before being punished for telling such whopping lies.

Reception given by Palestinian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Palestinian Ambassador to the DPRK Shaher Mohammed Abdlah gave a reception at the embassy on April 23 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the 10th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and the 71st anniversary of the founding of the heroic Korean People's Army. The ambassador said in his speech that the leadership and people of Palestine will remain true to the militant and comradely friendship between the two countries provided by President Yasser Arafat and eternal President Kim Il Sung, adding that these friendly relations are growing stronger thanks to the concern of Kim Jong Il.
    The Palestinian people extend full support and solidarity to the peace efforts of the Korean people to achieve the reunification of the country without interference of foreign forces under the wise and tested leadership of Kim Jong Il and solve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and all other issues with the U.S. through the direct talks between the DPRK and the U.S., he added.
    Choe Thae Bok, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, noted in his speech that by holding Kim Il Sung in high esteem, the Korean people could greet a new history of national resurrection and emerge the most proud and happiest people in the world.
    The election of Kim Jong Il as Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK provided a sure guarantee for accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche started by the president and strengthening and developing the revolutionary armed forces, he said, adding:
    The Korean people highly estimate the Palestinian people's heroic struggle to found an independent state with Kuds as its capital, while courageously smashing Israel's moves for barbaric aggression under the leadership of President Yasser Arafat and will always stand by the Palestinian people in their struggle to win back their legitimate national rights.
    Present there on invitation were Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and officials concerned.

DPRK degree of master conferred on Korean teacher in China

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A degree of master of history was conferred on Pak Jong Yang, teacher of Yanbian University of China, in recognition of the tangible contribution he made to enriching the literary heritage of the Korean nation and carrying forward and developing it by comprehensively studying poems in Chinese characters in the middle ages and systematizing it from a new angle. An awarding ceremony was held at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on April 23.
    Present there were vice-premier of the cabinet Jo Chang Dok, chairman of the DPRK State Commission for Conferring Degrees and Titles, Kang Chun Gum, secretary of the commission, and other officials concerned.
    Pak Jong Yang extended deepest thanks to General Secretary Kim Jong Il for bestowing upon him the high honour of receiving a degree of master of history of the DPRK. He renewed his pledge to deepen the study of the literary heritage of the Korean nation in the future, too.

Idea of foreign policy of DPRK reiterated

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A call of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea once again identified independence, peace and friendship with an avowed idea of the invariable foreign policy of the WPK and the DPRK government. It underscored the need to oppose the imperialists' moves for aggression and war and boost friendship and cooperation with all peoples on the principle of independence, equality and mutual benefit.
    Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed article:
    Unshakable is the foreign policy of the WPK and the DPRK government whose idea is independence, peace and friendship.
    Independence, peace and friendship serve as basic ideas and principles to be observed by the peoples in their struggle to strengthen international solidarity and accomplish global independence.
    The U.S. imperialists resort to high-handed and arbitrary practices and unilateralism to turn the world into a unipolar world under its thumb. This international situation requires humankind to hold higher the banner of independence, peace and friendship.
    The foreign policy of the WPK and the DPRK reflects the wish of humankind.
    Friendship and solidarity among peoples advocating independence provide a fundamental guarantee for frustrating imperialists' moves for aggression and war, ensuring independent progress of all countries and successfully carrying out global independence. Now that the imperialists seek to topple progressive countries one by one in alliance with the reactionary forces, it is important for all the countries and peoples advocating independence to strengthen friendship and solidarity.
    The WPK and the DPRK government will strive to improve relations with even those countries which were hostile to the DPRK if they respect its sovereignty and drop a hostile policy toward it.
    The Korean people will work hard to implement the idea of its foreign policy in hearty response to the calls of the WPK Central Committee.

Egyptian Ambassador gives reception

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Ahmed Ramy, Egyptian Ambassador to the DPRK, gave a reception on April 23 on the occasion of the Day of the Sun, the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung. Addressing the reception, the ambassador said that Kim Il Sung will always live in the hearts of the Korean people and the world progressives for his immortal exploits for the country and the people, the times and history.
    Kim Il Sung boosted the friendly relations between Egypt and the DPRK with President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, he said.
    Noting that the Egyptian government is fully supporting the Korean people in their struggle for peaceful reunification of the country, the ambassador hoped that the Korean people would achieve greater successes in the building of great prosperous socialist power under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il.
    Speaking next, Yang Hyong Sop, Vice-President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly, said that the birth of Kim Il Sung was a great auspicious event which opened a new era of victory and prosperity to the Korean people for the first time in history and helped them demonstrate national dignity and stamina and a historical event which promised a future of the human cause of independence.
    As they have Kim Jong Il at the head of the Korean revolution, the Korean people are successfully carrying forward the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered by Kim Il Sung, he said, and stressed:
    The traditional friendly relations between the DPRK and Egypt forged by Kim Il Sung and Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and other successive leaders of Egypt are invariably consolidating and developing under the deep concern of the two leaders.
    Invited to the reception were Minister of Education Pyon Yong Rip, acting chairman of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Mun Jae Chol and officials concerned.

Revolutionary armed forces of DPRK fully ready to wipe out aggressors

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The revolutionary armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea are closely following the evermore undisguised moves of the U.S. bellicose forces for aggression and fully ready to deal crushing blows at the aggressors, declared Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed Forces, in a report made at a national meeting held here today to celebrate the 71st birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army. He said:
    The U.S. bellicose forces should behave with discretion, properly judging the might of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK and their will to wipe out the enemy.
    If the U.S. imperialists and their followers invade even an inch of our inviolable sky, land and seas despite our serious warning, our People's Army will deal merciless deadly blows at the aggressors and win a final victory in the confrontation with the U.S.
    Recalling that the people's army has grown to be an invincible army equipped with powerful offensive and defensive means capable of defeating any formidable enemy at one swoop, relying on the independent and modern national defence industry, he called on the servicepersons to always keep themselves ready to mercilessly crush the aggressors in any unexpected situation.

Kim Il Sung's feats for army building

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The foundation and development of the Korean People's Army (KPA) are closely linked with imperishable exploits performed by President Kim Il Sung, an invincible and iron-willed commander. He, who founded a revolutionary army, the first of its kind in Korea, on April 25, Juche 21 (1932) for the purpose of saving the destiny of the country and the nation, defeated in his twenties the Japanese imperialist aggressors who were boasting of being the "leader of Asia".
    In a short period after the liberation of the country he developed the armed forces into a modern and regular army with all branches of arms and services and brought the Korean war started by the U.S. imperialists to a great victory.
    He successfully commanded the operations for liberating Seoul and Taejon and many other operations and combats, setting a model of commanding art. He created aircraft-hunting activities, assaults, night actions, tunnel warfare and other peculiar war methods and repelled the invaders.
    In the period of socialist construction, he directed strenuous efforts to strengthening the kpa.
    He, in conformity with the prevailed situation, put forward a unique policy of carrying on the economic construction in parallel with military buildup and laid foundations of a powerful defence industry to arm the KPA by the nation itself.
    The whole country has turned into an unconquerable fortress and the KPA has reliably defended the security of the country and the people, smashing the ceaseless provocations of the U.S. imperialists.
    It is under the leadership of Kim Jong Il that the KPA has grown stronger, equipped with sophisticated means of attack and defence.

New stamps issued

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- The Korea Stamp Corporation has issued four kinds of new stamps on Sunday. The stamps portray four insects - pantalaf flavescens, tibicen japonicus, xylotrupes dichotomus and lycaena dispar.
    Pantala flavescens eats flies and mosquitoes and tibicen japonicus lives on the sap of needle-leaf trees in alpine regions.
    Xylotrupes dichotomus lives on the sap of trees and juice of fruits, while lycaena dispar lives on leaves, sprouts and flowers.
    Insects, the most populous animals in the world, can be seen in any part of the earth. studying insects and propagating knowledge of them is important in protecting cereals, domestic animals and forest resources from them.
    The stock number of the stamps is 4274 and their size is 30mm42mm.
    Their denominations are 15, 70, 220 and 300 won.

National meeting celebrates KPA birthday

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held at the April 25 House of Culture today to celebrate the 71st birthday of the heroic Korean People's Army, the revolutionary armed forces of the Workers' Party of Korea. KPA vice marshal Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence Commission and Minister of the People's Armed Forces, made a report.
    He said that 71 years covered by the KPA was a glorious history in which the KPA has grown to be a main force of the Korean revolution and emerged victorious thanks to the outstanding idea of army building and the tested leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.
    Recalling that the president declared to the world the birth of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army, the Juche-oriented revolutionary armed forces, the first of its kind in Korea, on April 25, Juche 21 (1932), the reporter said that this marked the beginning of the glorious history of the People's Army of Korea and the building of the revolutionary armed forces in the era of independence.
    He continued:
    The KPA which was founded by the president and grew stronger under his leadership has reached the high watermark of its development thanks to Kim Jong Il.
    The greatest feat performed by supreme commander Kim Jong Il in accomplishing the cause of army building is that he has successfully carried forward the president's Juche-based idea and theory of army-building and perfected the unique theory of building revolutionary armed forces based on the Songun idea.
    It is the highest honour of the KPA that it has grown to be an army of the party, the leader and the supreme commander devotedly defending the headquarters of the revolution.
    The KPA has grown to be one-match-for-a hundred revolutionary armed forces firmly equipped with Kim Jong Il's Juche-oriented military strategy, idea and tactics and possessed of high combat technology and an invincible army with offensive and defensive means strong enough to wipe out any formidable enemy at a single stroke relying upon its self-supporting and modern national defence industry.
    The KPA has become an invincible revolutionary army capable of mercilessly striking and destroying aggressors coming in attack on socialist Korea no matter where they may be on earth.
    This is a great victory of Kim Jong Il's Songun idea and the Juche-oriented line of army-building and a great pride of the Korean people.
    It is the supreme task of the KPA to devotedly safeguard the headquarters of the revolution, the reporter said, underscoring the need for the KPA to wage a vigorous movement to obtain the Title of O Jung Hup's 7th Regiment and turn the whole army into the 7th regiment today which devotedly defends the headquarters of the revolution and train all the servicepersons to be human bombs and fighters ready to blow up themselves so as to protect the supreme commander at the cost of their lives.
    He called for organizing all the work on the principle of giving top priority to military affairs and directing primary efforts to increasing the military potential of the country true to the WPK's idea of attaching the greatest importance to the army.
    We should hold fast to the WPK's strategic line of giving priority to the development of the national defence industry and implement to the letter its policy to put all people under arms and turn the whole country into a fortress so as to give full play to the advantages of the all-people, nationwide defense system, he said.
    Referring to the complicated and acute situation the Korean revolution is facing, the reporter said:
    The U.S. imperialists, persistently pursuing their policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK, are staging madcap war exercises one after another after hurling a huge task force into South Korea and its vicinity under the pretext of the "nuclear issue" of the DPRK.
    The DPRK's revolutionary armed forces are closely following the U.S. belligerent forces' ever-more undisguised moves for aggression and war and keeping themselves fully ready to deal telling blows at the aggressors.
    The U.S. warhawks are well advised to behave with discretion, properly judging the might of the KPA and its will to annihilate the enemy.
    If the U.S. imperialists and their followers intrude into even an inch of the inviolable sky, land and sea of the DPRK defying the DPRK's serious warning, the KPA will deal merciless deadly blows at the aggressors and achieve a final victory in the confrontation with the U.S., he stated.
    The meeting was attended by senior party, state and army officials, chairpersons of the friendly parties, senior officials of military institutions, commanders of the three services and arms of the KPA, the chief of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea and overseas Koreans.
    Also present there on invitation were diplomatic envoys of different countries and members of the military attaches corps here and other foreign guests.

DPRK Ambassador to Nigeria appointed

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Pyong Gi was appointed as the DPRK Ambassador to Nigeria, according to a decree of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly.

Floral basket and congratulatory letter to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, April 24 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a floral basket and a congratulatory letter from the military attaches corps on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the heroic Korean People's Army. They were handed to an official concerned by Abdullah Hamidi Benam, military attache of the Iranian embassy, on behalf of the corps today.

For Spanish-speaking people

hazanas del presidente kim il sung acumuladas al construir el ejercito

    pyongyang, 24 de abril (atcc) -- en la historia de la fundacion y el desarrollo del ejercito popular de corea estan registradas las inmortales hazanas del presidente kim il sung, invencible y genial comandante de acero. el presidente fundo el 25 de abril del 21(1932) de la era juche las primeras fuerzas armadas revolucionarias con la voluntad de salvar el destino del pais y la nacion y gano fama a la edad veintenaria como jefe de la guerrilla de paektusan que manejaba a su antojo a los invasores japoneses que se jactaban de "amo de asia".
    en un corto espacio de tiempo despues de la restauracion de la patria desarrollo las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias en un ejercito moderno regular dotado de todas las armas y ejercitos y condujo a la gran victoria la guerra de la liberacion de la patria contra la invasion armada de los imperialistas yanquis.
    creo un brillante ejemplo del arte de mando militar en numerosas operaciones y batallas en particular en las operaciones para liberar seul y taejon.
    creo los peculiares metodos de combate entre otros el movimiento del grupo de cazadores de aviones, el combate de asalto, el combate nocturno y el combate de galeria para infligir golpe demoledor a los agresores norteamericanos y asi realizo las brillantes hazanas en la historia de construccion del ejercito.
    en el periodo de la construccion socialista el presidente dedico gran fuerza a desarrollar el ejercito popular en las poderosas fuerzas armadas revolucionarias preparadas en lo politico e ideologico y en lo tecnico y militar.
    a principios de la decada de 1960 presento la consigna combativa "uno contra cien enemigos" al ejercito popular y oriento a todos los militares a disponer de elevada capacidad combativa.
    presento la original linea para simultanear la construccion economica y la construccion de defensa nacional conforme a la demanda de la situacion creada y asento la firme base de la industria de defensa nacional.
    todo el pais se ha convertido en una fortaleza inexpugnable y el epc se ha desarrollado en las fuerzas armadas revolucionarias capaces de frustrar rotundamente las incesantes maquinaciones de provocacion del imperialismo yanqui y defender seguramente la seguridad de la patria y el pueblo.
    el epc fundado y desarrollado por el presidente, hoy exalta su aspecto de invencibles fuerzas armadas revolucionarias dotadas de todos los medios de ofensiva y defensiva modernos bajo la direccion del dirigente kim jong il.

problema clave para el exito de las conversaciones rpdc-ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 24 de abril (atcc) -- comenzaron el dia 23 en beijing las conversaciones entre la republica popular democratica de corea y estados unidos para solucionar el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana. corea y otros paises circunvecinos y la sociedad internacional observan con interes el resultado de las conversaciones.
    el problema clave para dar frutos que satisfagan la esperanza y el interes de la sociedad internacional es que ee.uu. debe demostrar con la accion su voluntad politica de cambiar audazmente la politica de hostilidad a corea.
    como se ha divulgado ampliamente, el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana es producto de la politica de hostilidad de ee.uu. a corea y la condicion esencial para la solucion del problema es la eliminacion de las relaciones hostiles.
    si durante el periodo pasado, se publicaron la declaracion conjunta y el acuerdo basico corea-ee.uu. y se logro un cierto avance en las relaciones bilaterales, se debe a que la administracion clinton expuso oficialmente la voluntad politica de eliminar las relaciones hostiles con la rpdc e hizo gestiones practicas en ese rumbo.
    pero, las relaciones hostiles rpdc-ee.uu. llegaron a la extremidad con la aparicion de la administracion bush que califico a aquella de "eje del mal" y la definio como blanco de "primer ataque".
    realmente, en la peninsula coreana se ha creado una peligrosa situacion en que ee.uu. puede desatar a toda hora la guerra.
    particularmente, la guerra iraqui impuesta por ee.uu. pese a la unanime oposicion de la sociedad internacional, da a todos los paises soberanos una leccion de que para defender la soberania del pais y la nacion es preciso disponer de una poderosa fuerza de detencion fisica.
    ee.uu. impone sin ningun motivo justificable la "inspeccion" y el desarme a los estados soberanos en desprecio a la independencia y el derecho a la existencia de estos con miras a justificar la agresion y la guerra.
    huelga decir que si la existencia de "arma de gran destruccion" y la capacidad de su desarrollo, en fin la capacidad militar en las relaciones estatales se consideran como premisa de la guerra, el terrorismo y lo proliferacion de armas que amenazan la paz del mundo y ambas partes, ee.uu. sera el primer objeto a ser sometido a tal verificacion.
    por tanto, la tarea primordial que incumbe a ambas partes corea y ee.uu. no es hablar de la "verificacion" y de la renuncia de fuerza de detencion fisica sino debatir y lograr la renuncia de la intencion hostil y su reflejo, politica hostil.
    he aqui la causa fundamental por la cual el problema esencial no vio solucion repitiendose el alivio y la agravacion de la tension en las relaciones bilaterales y el dialogo corea-ee.uu. durante el periodo pasado.
    nuestra posicion de principios para la solucion del problema nuclear en la peninsula coreana es clara e invariable.
    ee.uu. debe acudir con una sincera actitud a las presentes conversaciones y esforzarse por solucionar el problema esencial.
    observaremos el proceso de las conversaciones para confirmar la verdadera intencion de ee.uu. y escogeremos nuestro camino apropiado.

"rodong sinmun" refuta la peroracion de laporte

    pyongyang, 24 de abril (atcc) -- reunido el dia 22 con las gentuzas surcoreanas laporte, comandante de las tropas agresivas norteamericanas en sudcorea, dijo que "norcorea promueve el programa del desarrollo nuclear" y "agrava la tension de la region al violar los convenios internacionales". esto es una logica bandidesca del ladron que se desganita gritando "ladron" y un intolerable desafio y provocacion a la republica popular democratica de corea. asi senala el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    hasta la fecha hemos hecho todos nuestros esfuerzos posibles por preservar la estabilidad y la paz de la peninsula coreana y la region. pero, la situacion de esta peninsula llega a una fase peor por culpa de ee.uu..
    hace un medio siglo que ee.uu. mantiene sus tropas en sudcorea y al perseguir la politica hostil a corea segun la estrategia de hegemonia mundial, tiene acumulada enorme cantidad de armas nucleares en sudcorea y su contorno amenazando permanentemente a la rpdc.
    acaso, ?es posible que no se entere de esta realidad evidente laporte siendo cabecilla de las tropas norteamericanas ocupantes en sudcorea que constituyen un mayor obstaculo para la paz y la reunificacion de corea? su peroracion es la revelacion de una artimana de encubrir el designio de ee.uu., agresor y destructor de la paz, y persigue la finalidad criminal de procurar un pretexto de la guerra en la peninsula coreana.
    nadie prestara oidos a la mentira de laporte. este debe regresar voluntariamente a su madriguera junto con sus tropas agresores ocupantes de sudcorea.