Exploits of Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il is a great man endowed with unusual wisdom, outstanding leadership ability and lofty trait, said Khim Sarith, under-secretary of State of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts of Cambodia. He said that during his visit to Korea he went round many grand monumental edifices in Pyongyang and localities and cultural assets of the Korean people, which are associated with the wise leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il.
    He went on:
    The International Friendship Exhibition left deep impressions on me and the gifts presented to Kim Jong Il by party and state leaders and figures of all walks of life in different countries clearly represent ardent reverence of the world people for him.
    The Korean art is well known to the world as brilliantly developing Juche art. It is unthinkable without the leadership exploits of Kim Jong Il.
    All people are moved by his great feats. The world progressives will praise his exploits forever.

Release of fellow students demanded in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Council of Girl Student Representatives released a statement on May 4, denouncing the South Korean prosecution authorities for arresting Ri Yun Mi, former chairperson of the General Student Council of Chonnam National University and girl student Pak Mi Ra, according to a news report. Recalling that the prosecution authorities arrested 5 students in a recent week, the statement said that they are students under the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils who had been wanted by the police for the reason that they are members of "enemy-benefiting organization".
    Questioning how long the prosecution authorities arrest and search for students and bring them misfortunes with the "security law" and the label of "enemy-benefiting organization" on Hanchongryon, the statement demanded the immediate release of all the arrested students, lifting of the special dragnet order and halt to arresting those wanted under Hanchongryon.

Purchase of public bonds brisk in DPRK

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Subscription for and purchase of people's life bonds are making successful progress in the DPRK. According to data available, public bonds worth tens of billion won have been subscribed for in a short span of time since the start of the sale of people's life bond by subscription and more than one million working people have bought public bonds in the first 3-4 days after the start of the sale this month.
    All the officials of the ministries and national institutions including the foreign trade bank, the academy of sciences, the ministry of post and telecommunications, the ministry of construction and building materials industries, the commission for the construction of the capital city under the cabinet, the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of City Management have subscribed for the bonds.
    Officials and working people in all parts of the country including Jagang, South Hwanghae, North Phyongan and Ryanggang provinces and Pyongyang are all out to purchase people's life bonds so as to contribute to the prosperity of the country.

Message of greetings to Kim Jong Il from Iranian President

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a message of greetings from Seyed Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, on April 29 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The message warmly congratulated Kim Jong Il and the DPRK government and people on this occasion.
    The message said that the efforts made by President Kim Il Sung have served as a solid foundation for boosting the relations between the two countries in all fields and as a valuable asset that should be taken as guidelines in developing the bilateral relations.
    Expressing the belief that the friendly relations that exist between the two countries will gain in scope and strength by their joint efforts, the message wished Kim Jong Il good health and success in his work and the Korean people happiness and prosperity.

DPRK History Society indicts Japan for its crimes during Imjin War

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- The history Society of the DPRK Wednesday issued a statement denouncing the criminal acts Japan perpetrated in the period of the Imjin War (from 1592 to 1598). Japan invaded Korea under an absurd pretext that the latter did not allow the former to go to Ming dynasty through Korea.
    During the war the Japanese troops killed or kidnapped hundreds of thousands of Koreans in their occupied areas and destroyed or looted many cultural treasures.
    The three-part statement cites detailed facts to prove them.
    Referring to the truth about the "grave of ears" in Kyoto, Japan, the statement says:
    The "grave of ears" indicts the then Japanese ruling quarters headed by Hideyoshi Toyotomi for the most monstrous massacre of Koreans in history committed by their troops during the war by their order.
    Toyotomi issued an order to cut noses, saying:
    "Man has two ears but one nose. So cut noses of Koreans instead of their heads. A soldier will be allowed to capture Koreans alive only after he has cut a one doe of noses." doe means dry measure.
    Japanese aggressors went so barbarous as to kill Koreans irrespective of sex and even infant babies. They sent their pickled noses to Japan.
    Hidemoto Okauchi who participated in the war in the book "Story About Korea" vol. 2 wrote that the number of the people whose ears were buried in the "grave of ears" reached 214, 752 and among them 185, 738 were Koreans.
    The grave was originally called a grave of noses. But later its name was changed into the grave of ears to play down its barbarous nature.
    The statement also laid bare the truth about man-hunting and plunder of cultural treasures perpetrated by the Japanese aggressors during the war. They took at least 100,000 Koreans to Japan by force and vandalized or looted many artifacts listed as national treasures.
    Most of them were handicraftsmen, doctors, printing technicians and confucianists. A large number of young pretty women were also taken to Japan and they were forced to provide their sex to the Japanese nobility. This proves that the sexual slavery committed by the imperial Japanese army in the 20th century was a continuation of what was committed by their ancestors centuries ago.
    After occupying Hansong (Seoul), the then capital of Korea, aggressors committed such barbarity as setting fire to the ancestral temple of the royal family, digging the son and Jong mausoleums, looting articles inside them and setting the coffins on fire.
    They shipped to Japan most of the books printed in Korea including the complete collection of Buddhist sutras of Koryo listed as a national treasure.
    They also looted scores of fine art pieces of national value.
    Referring to the lesson drawn from the Imjin War, the statement warned that the Japanese authorities should not think that the Koreans have forgotten their enemy who left indelible scars on them with the passage of time. They should opt for atoning for their crimes, not oblivious of the historical lesson.
    Japan should honestly admit the crimes it committed against the Korean nation in the past, teach the coming generations not to repeat the crimes, clearly settle its crime-ridden past and strive for the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries as it pledged in the DPRK-Japan Pyongyang Declaration, the statement concludes.

Reply message to Iranian President

    Pyongyang May 8 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent a message of greetings to Iranian President Seyed Mohammad Khatami on May 6 in reply to the latter's message of greetings sent on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Iran. The message said:
    I express deep thanks to you for sending warm congratulations and best wishes to me on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Iran.
    I, availing myself of this opportunity, express the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will grow stronger in various fields and sincerely wish you good health and happiness.

Greetings to Iranian President

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Seyed Mohammad Khatami, President of Iran, on April 15 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Expressing the belief that the good relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries will further expand in political, economic, cultural and other fields in the interests and desire of the two peoples, the message wished the Iranian government and people progress and prosperity as well as the president good health and success in his work.

Greeting to Kim Yong Nam

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received a message of greetings from Seyed Mohammad Khatami, President of Iran, on April 29 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Hoping that the friendly relations between the two countries would further develop in all fields by joint efforts, the message wished Kim success in his work as well as the Korean people happiness.

DPRK Red Cross Society

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- The Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was founded on October 18, Juche 35 (1946) on the initiative of President Kim Il Sung. Its mission is to prevent and alleviate the misfortunes and sufferings of the people, improve their health and welfare, promote friendship, unity and cooperation among peoples and contribute to the world peace.
    It is represented by 1,053,000 working people of all social strata and has subordinate organizations in all local areas.
    In conformity with its humanitarian mission, it conducts such activities among the people as propaganda concerning public health, first aid service, preparations to cope with disasters, emergency relief work and explanation of the basic principles of the red cross and the international humanitarian idea. It is making efforts to possess the capacity to give emergency aid to over 135,000 people and going ahead with preparations to cope with disasters.
    It ensured the return of 187 batches of Koreans in Japan to the DPRK from 1957 to 1986, and sent relief goods to the South Korean flood victims in 1984. It has worked hard to alleviate sufferings of the families and relatives separated by the division of the country.
    Since the unprecedented natural disaster hit the DPRK in 1995, the society has conducted a long-term work to stabilize the life of the victims and protect their lives and health in cooperation with the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies.
    It joined the international federation of red cross and red crescent societies on may 11, 1956.
    It has developed friendly bonds and cooperative relations with the federation, the international committee of red cross and national organizations.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- May 8 is the world red cross and Red Crescent Day. It is since Juche 84 (1995) that the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies has conducted activities to remove aftereffects of natural disasters and stabilize the life of the victims in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The federation has made appeals on 11 occasions to support and inspire the Korean people in their efforts to do away with the damages caused by floods, droughts and tidal waves.
    It has extended much assistance to the DPRK in the fields of public health, sanitation and anti-calamity work, etc.
    This year it has been active in 4 provinces and municipality, and 52 cities and counties.
    It has offered medicines and medical equipment to 1,762 public health institutions at all levels up to date.
    The International Committee of the Red Cross concluded an agreement on prostheses with the Red Cross Society and the Ministry of Public Health of the DPRK in March 2002 and built an orthopedic centre in Songrim city, North Hwanghae Province, for victims of labor accidents.
    The Songrim Orthopedic Centre, which was opened in July 2002, has provided polypropylene plastic legs to 750 cripples.
    Three experts dispatched by the committee are training their Korean colleagues at the center. The term of cooperation is from 2002 to 2004.
    A briefing on activities of the DPRK Red Cross Society will be held here with the attendance of representatives of the Pyongyang missions of international cooperative organizations and delegates from the donor countries on the occasion of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.

Congratulations to Palestinian Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, May 8 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, Premier of the DPRK cabinet, sent a congratulatory message to Mahmud Abbas upon his appointment as first prime minister of the Palestinian national authority. The message congratulated him and sincerely wished him success in his work to foil Israel's aggression, protect the national sovereignty and dignity of the Palestinian people and achieve security, stability and economic progress.

For Spanish-speaking people

dia mundial de la cruz roja y media luna roja

    pyongyang, 8 de mayo (atcc) -- hoy es el dia mundial de la cruz roja y media luna roja. las actividades de la liga internacional de las sociedades de la cruz roja y media luna roja para eliminar las consecuencias de las calamidades naturales y estabilizar la vida de los danados en corea datan del ano 84 (1995) de la era juche.
    la liga emitio hasta la fecha en 11 ocasiones llamamientos a apoyar la lucha del pueblo coreano por resarcir los danos de inundacion, sequia y marejada.
    hizo gran aporte a la esfera de la salud publica, higiene, prevencion y resarcimiento de las calamidades en corea.
    este ano brinda asistencia a 4 provincias y ciudades de jurisdiccion central, 52 ciudades y distritos.
    hasta la fecha ofrecio medicinas y equipos medicos a 1 762 organos de salud publica a todos los niveles.
    por otra parte, el comite internacional de la cruz roja (cicr) concerto en marzo del 2002 un acuerdo de aparato ortopedico con la asociacion de la cruz roja y el ministerio de salud publica de la republica popular democratica de corea y establecio un centro en la ciudad de songrim de la provincia de hwanghae del norte para brindar asistencia medica a los invalidos (extremidades superiores e inferiores) por los accidentes de trabajo de toda indole.
    el centro de aparato ortopedico de songrim inaugurado en julio del ano pasado puso las piernas artificiales de resina de polipropileno a los 750 enfermos.
    tres especialistas enviados por la referida organizacion internacional dan un curso de capacitacion tecnica (del 2002 al 2004).
    con motivo del dia mundial de la cruz roja y media luna roja en pyongyang tendra lugar una reunion de informacion sobre las actividades de la asociacion de la cruz roja con la participacion de las organizaciones de cooperacion internacional en corea y los paises donadores.

rpdc: activase compra de los bonos publicos

    pyongyang, 8 de mayo (atcc) -- en corea se llevan a buen exito la suscripcion y la adquisicion de los bonos publicos de la vida del pueblo. segun las estadisticas recogidas, en un corto plazo que data del inicio de la suscripcion de los bonos publicos, se suscribieron los bonos publicos equivalentes a decenas de miles de millones de wones y durante los primeros 3 dias de inicio de su venta, un millon y cientos de miles de trabajadores los compraron.
    participo en la suscripcion de los bonos publicos el ciento por ciento de los funcionarios y otros empleados de los ministerios y los organos centrales entre otros el banco comercial de corea, la academia de ciencias, el ministerio de comunicaciones, el ministerio de construccion e industria de materiales de construccion, el comite de la construccion de la capital del consejo de ministros, el ministerio de salud publica y el ministerio de administracion urbana.
    tambien los funcionarios y los trabajadores de las provincias de jagang, de hwanghae del sur, de phyong-an del norte, de ryanggang, la ciudad de pyongyang y otras localidades del pais participan unanimemente en la adquisicion de los bonos publicos con la voluntad de contribuir a la prosperidad del pais.

acta de acusacion de la asociacion de historiadores de corea

    pyongyang, 8 de mayo (atcc) -- la asociacion de historiadores de corea hizo publica el dia 7 un acta de acusacion a los crimenes de japon perpetrados en el periodo de la guerra de agresion imjin que duro 7 anos desde 1592 hasta 1598. esta guerra la desato japon para ocupar corea bajo el injusto pretexto de abrir el camino hacia el pais myong (china). durante ese periodo los efectivos japoneses asesinaron o secuestraron a cientos de miles de coreanos y destruyeron o saquearon innumerables bienes culturales. el documento revela el verdadero aspecto de la "tumba de orejas" en la ciudad de kyoto de japon.
    esta "tumba" acusa a todo el mundo las barbaras atrocidades de matanza a los coreanos, sin precedente en la historia, perpetrados durante la guerra imjin bajo la orden de los gobernantes japoneses encabezados por hideyoshi toyotomi.
    este dio la orden de cortar la nariz al decir: "hay que cortar la nariz del coreano en vez de cabeza porque cada uno tiene dos orejas y una nariz. se permite capturar despues de que cada efectivo japones recoja un toe (unidad de volumen equivalente a 1.5 kilogramos) de narices".
    los agresores japoneses mataron cruelmente a los hombres y mujeres incluyendo los bebes de corea y cortaron y salaron las narices para enviarlas a japon.
    en el libro "relato sobre corea" hidemoto okauchi participante en esa guerra aclaro que el numero de los coreanos es de 185 738 de entre 214 752 enterrados en la "tumba de orejas".
    la "tumba de nariz" dio una impresion muy cruel, razon por la cual se llamo posteriormente "tumba de orejas".
    el documento revela el "saqueo del ser humano" y de los bienes culturales.
    durante esa guerra los agresores japoneses se llevaron sin ton ni son a mas de 100 mil coreanos y destruyeron o pillaron numerosos bienes culturales de tesoro nacional.
    la mayoria de ellos la constituyeron los artesanos, los medicos, tecnicos de impresion y confucianistas, asi como las coreanas jovenes y guapas quienes les dieron "servicio sexual". esto demuestra que las atrocidades de los efectivos japoneses del siglo xx en cuanto a las "consoladoras" fueron perpetradas ya hace cientos de anos por sus antepasados.
    despues de ocupar la capital de corea hansong (seul) los agresores quemaron el templo ancestral de la familia real y exhumaron dos tumbas reales para saquear las pertenencias del difunto y quemar los ataudes.
    y se llevaron a japon la mayoria de los libros editados en corea entre otros el tesoro nacional "koryodaejanggyong".
    solo el numero de las obras de bellas artes de tesoro nacional robadas llega a decenas.
    en cuanto a las "lecciones de la guerra imjin" el documento senala:
    pese al transcurso del tiempo y la transformacion de los montes y rios el pueblo coreano guarda en el alma el sentimiento de venganza hacia los enemigos. las autoridades japonesas no deben olvidar las lecciones de la historia sino tomar el camino de la purgacion del pecado.
    japon debe reconocer sinceramente su historia criminal contra la nacion coreana, dar instruccion a los miembros de la nueva generacion de modo que no la repitan y esforzarse por expiar por completo sus crimenes cometidos en el pasado y normalizar las relaciones diplomaticas con la republica popular democratica de corea como lo comprometio en la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang.