2nd anniversary of diplomatic relations between DPRK and EU observed

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Papers here Wednesday dedicated articles to the second anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the European Union. The DPRK visit of the EU top-level delegation in may 2001 marked an important occasion in developing the relations between the DPRK and the EU.
    The relations between the DPRK and the EU have developed since the opening of diplomatic relations between them, said Rodong Sinmun in a signed article.
    It went on:
    The EU is firmly maintaining its independence in the fields of politics, economy, security and diplomacy as required by the new century.
    It is the desire of the EU to build integrated, united and powerful Europe. It is increasing its say to realize the multipolarization of the world, opposed to U.S. unilateralism as evidenced by its arbitrary and high-banded practices on the international arena.
    The EU worked out its economic strategy with a view to checking the U.S. economic infiltration and pressure upon the European region and introduced euro from January 1, 2002.
    Now the countries of the EU are going ahead of the united states in gross output value and trade value of the world at present. The EU recently agreed with ASEAN to found the EU-ASEAN trans-regional trade organization as part of the preparations to conclude a free trade agreement between the two regions with an aim to boost the economic ties between them.
    It also agreed to set out a new European security conception, drawing the lesson that the security of the EU can not be guaranteed without its strong defence capability. It is going ahead with the project to coordinate views of its member states on many issues such as joint European security and defence policy. "European rapid defence force " will appear before long to perform its independent defence function.
    The efforts of the EU to protect independence and realize the multipolarization of the world will create an atmosphere favorable for the development of its relations with the DPRK.

166th candle-light rally and demonstration held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The 166th candle-light rally, "cultural function to get 10,000 people ready as members of the preparatory committee and make the memorial service for Hyo Sun and Mi Son on the first anniversary of their death" was reportedly held in front of Kwanghwamun in Seoul on May 10. It was attended by at least 300 people.
    At the end of the rally, members of the school youth and children's voluntary service group and the group for implementing the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and students of Kyongwon University staged an anti-U.S. art performance, singing "the dirty united states" and other songs.
    Its participants also staged a demonstration, singing the song "Arirang".

S. Korean organization vows to intensify anti-U.S. and anti-war struggle

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The headquarters of the movement opposing the U.S. and war and urging the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between North Korea and the U.S. reportedly vowed to intensify the struggle against the U.S. and war and for the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between the DPRK and the U.S. under the banner of the June 15 Joint Declaration. A rally urging the conclusion of the non-aggression treaty and the implementation of the June 15 Joint Declaration was held in Seoul on May 10 under the sponsorship of the organization.
    A resolution titled "Let us turn out in the struggle against the U.S. and war and for the conclusion of the non-aggression treaty between North Korea and the U.S. under the banner of the June 15 Joint Declaration" was read out at the rally.
    It held that Koreans cannot beg foreign forces to guarantee national dignity, existence and peace but they can be protected only by the concerted efforts of the Korean nation.
    In another development the headquarters is reported to have conducted information service among citizens opposing the U.S. and war and urging the conclusion of the non-aggression treaty in front of Thapgol Park every Saturday.

Annual meeting of Canada-DPRK Association held

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- An annual meeting of the Canada-DPRK Association was held in Toronto on April 30. At the meeting chairman of the association Lois Wilson made a report on its activities and secretary general Erich Weingartner referred to what the association should do.

Kim Il Sung praised

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) --President Kim Il Sung who devoted all his life to the country, the people and the cause of global independence will always be with progressive humankind, said Sri Hastanto, vice-Minister of Culture and Tourism, who visited the DPRK at the head of the Indonesian government cultural delegation. There are many well-known politicians in history, but no politicians performed such great historic feats for the times and humankind as Kim Il Sung did. He founded the immortal Juche idea to indicate the road to be followed by humankind, he said, and went on:
    The foundation of the Juche idea, an ideological and theoretical treasure of the world progressives, is the greatest of exploits performed by the president.
    The progressive humankind has infinite reverence for him and he will live forever as the great teacher of humankind and the sun of all people.
    The Korean people are demonstrating to the world their dignity and honor as the most proud and happy people as they are led by leader Kim Jong Il who is identical with the president.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Papers today devote articles to the 15th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work "Let Us All Live And Struggle Like Heroes". The work published on May 15, Juche 77 (1988) serves as an immortal banner encouraging all the servicemen of the Korean People's Army and people to a heroic struggle for accelerating the socialist construction and bringing earlier the reunification of the country, Rodong Sinmun in a signed article says, and continues:
    The work provided precious guidelines which enabled all the Korean people to become a heroic people with strong desire for a worthwhile life and a clear goal as it clarified the philosophy that it is the most worthwhile and proud life and the greatest honor for an independent human being to live like a hero and become a hero.
    The past 15 years since the publication of the work have witnessed great heroic feats performed by the army and people of the DPRK in the sacred struggle to defend the socialist motherland and achieve the prosperity of the country. a large number of known and unknown heroes have been produced from among them while the spirit of waging a heroic struggle is prevailing throughout the country.
    Minju Joson in an article calls for more strikingly demonstrating the heroic spirit of the Korean people in the drive to greet the 55th birthday of the DPRK as a grand festival of victors.

U.S. urged to drop its hostile policy towards DPRK

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The United States is still insisting on its old assertion that the DPRK should scrap its nuclear weapons program before dialogue, claiming that it will be an act of rewarding bad behavior to accept the new bold proposal advanced by the DPRK and Washington will not offer quid pro quo to Pyongyang. This is a clear indication that the U.S. is not willing to renounce its hostile policy toward the DPRK even after the Beijing talks. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says that it is illogical for the U.S. to insist on its hostile policy toward the DPRK, creating the impression that the renunciation of its hostile policy towards the DPRK is a sort of reward to it.
    The news analyst continues:
    The U.S. is escalating the tensions on the Korean Peninsula by increasing its threat and pressure on the DPRK, after labeling it an "enemy," pursuant to its hostile policy towards Pyongyang.
    It is not a sort of reward to the DPRK for the U.S. to drop its hostile policy towards the former. Washington should have done it long ago.
    Such complicated outstanding issues between the DPRK and the U.S. would not have cropped up had the U.S. dropped its hostile policy toward the DPRK as demanded by Pyongyang.
    There is neither reason nor pretext for the U.S. to fail to renounce its hostile policy toward the DPRK in order to defuse the tensions and settle the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, now that the DPRK advanced a new comprehensive bold proposal for clearing up U.S. security concerns at the same time.
    It will be possible to settle the outstanding issues between the DPRK and the U.S. including the nuclear issue only if the U.S. opts to renounce its hostile policy toward the DPRK and approaches dialogue from a proper stand, though belatedly.

National symposium on Kim Jong Il's Songun revolutionary line held

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- A national symposium on the Songun revolutionary line of Kim Jong Il was held at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday. Present there were Choe Thae Bok and Jong Ha Chol, secretaries of the c.c., the Workers' Party of Korea, and officials concerned.
    Speakers said that the Songun revolutionary line serves as a great idea which clearly indicated the way for socialism to triumph in our times because the popular masses' cause of independence was started and has triumphantly advanced by dint of arms.
    The revolutionary principle that the revolution starts and emerges victorious with the help of arms and the Songun principle that the socialist cause is accomplished by the leading and hardcore role of a revolutionary army were comprehensively clarified by the Songun revolutionary line of the WPK on the basis of the Juche idea for the first time in history, they noted.
    Saying that Kim Jong Il set forth the unique Songun political mode by developing in depth President Kim Il Sung's idea and line of attaching importance to arms, military affair, they stressed that the Songun policy serves as a powerful political mode in our times as it most correctly reflects the requirements of the changed times.
    The Juche-based Songun idea projected the revolutionary army as the main force of revolution which takes the lead in implementing the policy and gave an original and flawless exposition of the unique and important position and role of the revolutionary army on the principle of placing the army before workers unlike the preceding theory of regarding the army as a political leverage, they pointed out, and went on:
    The validity and vitality of the Songun policy are being displayed in honorably defending the dignity of the country and the nation. They were clearly demonstrated in bringing about miraculous changes in all fields of society in the most difficult period of the Korean revolution and history.
    Noting that the Songun revolutionary leadership and the Songun policy of Kim Jong Il serve as an all-powerful treasured sword of our revolution and an ever-victorious banner, they called upon all people to push ahead with the drive to defend socialism and build a great prosperous power, remaining true to his leadership.

It education in Korea

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is directing much effort to the it education. The government has taken various measures for increasing it-related subjects and introducing advanced teaching methods at colleges and universities through regular meetings for exchanging experience in the it education.
    Competent teachers have been selected and sent to Kim Chaek University of Technology, Kumsong School and other educational institutions which play an important role in the it education.
    Universities of education in all provinces are paying deep attention to the it education, in close relations with Kim Il Sung University, university of science and other advanced institutions.
    With a goal to rapidly develop the it in the near future, the government has established a well-arranged it education system in the middle schools and higher educational institutions. It has selected bright students throughout the country to be educated at talent education centers and universities.
    Great achievements have been made by higher educational institutions in the efforts for the it development.
    It is proved by the fact that it is dealt with in 40 per cent of the treatises presented recently by 52 doctors and bachelors who graduated from Hamhung University of Chemical Engineering.

New farm machines developed

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Agricultural scientists and technicians of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea have manufactured new farm machines. The machines are of great significance in reclaiming land and doing farming with machines in intermediary and mountainous areas of the country.
    The stone-picking machine can not only pick up stones in paddy and non-paddy fields but harrow fields. It can pick up stones of 50-350 millimeter size up to 95 per cent in 8-10 hectares of fields a day and pile them in line at distances of 6 meters.
    The rock-pulling machine can pull out more than 1,000 large stones within 6 hours.
    The stone-loading machine has a loading capacity of 1-1.5 tons. It can bring piles of stones together and carry them away.
    The machines are working now on farms in Samjiyon county, Ryanggang Province.

Kim Yong Nam greets President of Democratic Congo

    Pyongyang, May 15 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, sent a message of greetings to Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of its liberation. In the belief that the excellent friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries would grow stronger, Kim in the message sincerely wished the president and the people of Democratic Congo greater success in their work for protecting the sovereignty of the country and achieving lasting peace.

For Spanish-speaking people

simposio nacional sobre linea revolucionaria de songun de kim jong il

    pyongyang, 15 de mayo (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia 14 en el palacio cultural del pueblo el simposio nacional sobre la linea revolucionaria del songun (priorizacion militar) del dirigente kim jong il. en el simposio participaron choe thae bok y jong ha chol, secretarios del comite central del partido del trabajo de corea y otros funcionarios.
    los oradores dijeron que el motivo por el cual la linea revolucionaria del songun constituya una gran idea que ilumina claramente el camino de la victoria del socialismo de nuestra epoca radica en que la causa de independencia de las masas populares se allano por las fuerzas armadas y avanza triunfante por estas.
    el principio de que la revolucion se inicia y triunfa por las fuerzas armadas y el principio de songun de que la causa del socialismo se lleva a feliz termino segun el papel directivo y nuclear del ejercito revolucionario fueron aclarados globalmente por primera vez en la historia por la linea revolucionaria del songun del ptc sustentada en la idea juche, senalaron y continuaron:
    el dirigente kim jong il presento el original modo de politica de songun que es la profundizacion y el desarrollo de la idea y la linea del presidente kim il sungde dar importancia a las fuerzas armadas y los asuntos militares. el fundamento por el cual la politica de songun constituya un poderoso modo de politica de nuestra epoca reside en que esta politica refleja mas correctamente la demanda de la epoca cambiada.
    a diferencia de la teoria anterior de que el ejercito es un medio politico, la idea del songun jucheano y en el principio: el ejercito, primero y la clase obrera, despues, presenta el ejercito revolucionario como un grueso de la revolucion que oriente al frente la politica y dio aclaracion original y perfecta sobre la especifica y importante posicion y papel del ejercito revolucionario.
    la justeza y la vitalidad de la politica de songun se manifiestan claramente en la defensa honrosa de la dignidad del pais y la nacion y en la epoca mas ardua de la revolucion y la historia de nuestro pais en que se operaron cambios prodigiosos en todos los sectores de la sociedad, dijeron los oradores.
    la politica y la direccion revolucionaria de songun del dirigente kim jong il es un remedio universal y una invencible bandera de la revolucion coreana, dijeron y subrayaron que todos deben seguir con fidelidad su direccion y desplegar con mas energia el combate de defensa del socialismo y la construccion de gran potencia prospera.

ensenanza de tecnica de informatica en corea

    pyongyang, 15 de mayo (atcc) -- la republica popular democratica de corea encauza mayor fuerza a la ensenanza de tecnica de informatica. crea mas secciones relacionadas con la tecnica de informatica en los organos de educacion superior, regulariza simposios de esta materia y toma medidas para introducir los metodos didacticos avanzados.
    los ensenantes seleccionados fueron enviados al instituto universitario politecnico kim chaek, la escuela kum song y otras unidades importantes del ramo.
    en estrecha cooperacion con la universidad kim il sung,el instituto superior de ciencias naturales y otras unidades destacadas en este sector los institutos superiores pedagogicos de las provincias encauzan mayor fuerza a la ensenanza de la tecnica de informatica para capacitar a los ensenantes de reserva.
    para situar en un futuro cercano al nivel mundial la tecnica de informatica, el estado establecio un ordenado sistema de ensenanza de esta materia en las escuelas secundarias y los demas organos docentes superiores y encauzan gran fuerza a la labor de formacion de un mayor numero del personal calificado.
    en particular, el estado selecciona a mejores alumnos a nivel nacional y se los envia a los centros de formacion de hombres talentosos y los institutos superiores para darles ensenanza especializada.
    bajo la gran atencion del estado se surte gran efecto en el desarrollo de la tecnica de informatica de las unidades de ensenanza superior.

ee.uu. debe abandonar su politica hostil a la rpdc

    pyongyang, 15 de mayo (atcc) -- estados unidos, sin demostrar la voluntad de anular su politica hostil a la rpdc, tambien despues de las conversaciones de beijing, insiste como antes en la "renuncia nuclear, primero" de la republica popular democratica de corea diciendo que aceptar una nueva y audaz propuesta de esta es la "indemnizacion al acto mal" y "no pagara el precio al respecto". ee.uu. dice como si renunciar tal politica fuera un obsequio para alguien, y trata de seguir aplicandola, lo cual es una absurdidad.
    asi senala el diario "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    ee.uu. define a la rpdc como "enemigo" segun su politica hostil a esta y, amenazandola, agrava la tension de la peninsula coreana.
    la renuncia de tal politica anacronica no es la "indemnizacion" para la rpdc. eso es una medida natural que ee.uu. deberia tomar hace mucho tiempo. si ee.uu. hubiese renunciado su politica hostil a la rpdc segun la demanda de esta, no se habrian presentado los problemas complicados como hoy entre ambos paises.
    puesto que la rpdc presento la nueva y audaz propuesta comprensiva capaz de solucionar juntos la "preocupacion de seguridad" de ee.uu., este pais no tiene la razon ni pretexto de no anular su politica hostil a la rpdc para la distension en la peninsula coreana y la solucion del problema nuclear.
    si ee.uu., aunque ahora, declara la renuncia de su politica hostil a corea y toma la posicion correcta sobre el dialogo, sera posible con certeza solucionar los problemas pendientes entre ambos paises incluyendo el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana.