Iranian diplomats visit Taekwon-do hall

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- Jalaleddin Namini Mianji, Iranian Ambassador to the DPRK, and staff members of the Iranian embassy visited the Taekwon-do hall in Pyongyang yesterday on the occasion of the week for the friendship between the DPRK and Iran. Being briefed on the hall, they looked round several training rooms including the all-round training room.
    They enjoyed an exhibition performance given by Taekwon-do instructors and players and conversed with the officials concerned about Taekwon-do, the pride of the Korean nation.
    After the visit, the ambassador made an entry into the visitor's book.

Preparatory committee for Pusan headquarters inaugurated

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- A preparatory committee for the Pusan headquarters of the movement opposing the U.S. and war and urging the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between North Korea and the U.S. was inaugurated with due ceremony at the plaza of Pusan railway station of South Korea on May 10. The committee consists of seven organizations.
    Ri In Su, co-representative of the Pusan solidarity for implementing the south-north joint declaration, said at the ceremony that in order to guarantee peace on the Korean Peninsula a non-aggression treaty should be concluded between North Korea and the United States, calling on all the fellow countrymen to turn out in a struggle to force the U.S. troops, killers of the schoolgirls, to withdraw from South Korea.
    A declaration published at the ceremony said that Koreans can not achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula by begging the United States, stressing that true peace can be achieved only when they demand the U.S. conclude the non-aggression treaty which calls on it to commit itself to drop its hostile policy toward the north.
    The preparatory committee would protest the United States through diverse activities and make every effort to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula through the concerted efforts of the Korean nation, the declaration stressed.

U.S. urged to drop its hostile policy towards N. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- At least 200 members of social organizations such as the reunification solidarity of South Korea held a "national independence rally demanding U.S. drop a hostile policy toward the north, opposing South Korea-U.S. Alliance for Cooperation in War and urging a stop to pressurizing South Korea to open its economy" in Jongmyo park, Seoul on May 10. Kim Kyu Chol, vice-chairman of the south headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification, said at the rally that cooperation between South Korea and the United States means going back to the past era of the Cold War. He called on the north and the south to realize national cooperation without fail as the publication of the June 15 Joint Declaration helped them realize that the Koreans are of the same nation.
    Jong Tae Yon, chief in charge of policy of the reunification solidarity, accused the authorities of their wrong decision to defer the revision of sofa under the pretext of "giving priority to the settlement of the nuclear issue of the north" and dispatch troops to the Iraqi war.
    A resolution was read out at the rally.
    Noting that without sovereignty there would be neither peace nor people's right to existence, the resolution called on the authorities to reject the U.S. hostile policy towards the north and opt for peace on the Korean Peninsula from a firm stand of national cooperation.

Honorary title of citizen awarded to Kim Jong Il

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il was awarded the honorary title of a citizen of San Nicolas de Los Garza, Nuevo Leon State, Mexico. A certificate of honorary citizen and city medal as well as a gift to Kim Jong Il were handed to the DPRK Ambassador to Mexico by the mayor on May 7.
    On the occasion the mayor said that it is the honor and pride of the city to list as an honorary citizen Kim Jong Il, supreme leader of the DPRK, who sent competent handicraft experts and Taekwon-do instructors and a good delegation of handiwork exhibition, paying deep attention to further developing cultural relations between the two countries.

Koreans called upon to make long journey of revolution with firm conviction

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in an editorial calls on everyone to accept the immutable truth and law that one is sure to emerge victorious if one remains true to leader Kim Jong Il's Songun policy and make a long journey of revolution upholding his idea and leadership. The headquarters of the revolution in the DPRK is leading the destiny of the country and the nation, firmly convinced of its strength, cause and people while the people are firmly determined to make revolution to the last, remaining loyal to the headquarters, the editorial says, and goes on:
    The DPRK is decisively prevailing over imperialism with its faith and blazing a trail towards a great prosperous power with its faith. No one dares provoke the DPRK, though small in its territory and population, as its people have strong faith.
    The army and the people of the DPRK will stand firm and defend the country to the last in a do-or-die spirit even when they have to fight a battle decisive of the destiny of the nation.
    The Korean people are now fully confident that our leader, idea, army and system are best and they will share the destiny with the homeland to the last in any event.
    The single-hearted unity the core of which is the ever-victorious WPK, the people's government and the headquarters of the revolution, provides a sure guarantee for firmly protecting the sovereignty of the nation under any circumstances.
    The army and the people of the DPRK have the noblest ideological and moral world and the revolutionary spirit and militant enthusiasm prevail throughout the society. Final victory is in store for the army and the people of the DPRK who are dynamically advancing, rallied close around the headquarters of the revolution with firm conviction.

Penal servitude passed on chairman of Hanchongryon confirmed

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- The supreme court at a hearing of final appeal held on May 13 confirmed 2 years in prison and 2 years of suspension of civil rights imposed on Kim Hyong Ju, chairman of the 10th-term South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) who had been arrested and indicted for violating the "security law," according to South Korean KBS. The court ruled that Hanchongryon should be considered as an "enemy-benefitting organization," charging that "it is difficult to judge Hanchongryon has radically changed in its nature."
    The recent decision is likely to raise public voices demanding the withdrawal of the label of "enemy-benefitting organization" attached to Hanchongryon and lift of search for wanted political offenders, the KBS reported.

All Koreans called upon to uphold Songun policy

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- All the Koreans in the north and the south and abroad should uphold with patriotic devotion the great Songun policy which is demonstrating its invincible might in the struggle to meet all sorts of challenges in history and achieve the cause of national reunification and peace, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. The Songun policy is a principled and just policy for national independence and a noble patriotic one which makes it possible to reliably prevent the requirements of the country and the nation for independence and their interests and sovereignty and the dignity from being infringed upon by outsiders and fully guarantee them as it is enforced in reliance upon invincible revolutionary armed forces, the article says, and goes on:
    Peace has so far been ensured on the Korean Peninsula and the South Koreans have lived safe within the sphere of self protection because the DPRK has built up steel-strong self-defensive capacity, pursuant to the Songun policy.
    But for this policy neither the existence of any member of the nation and any political party and organization nor the operation of any enterprise would have been thinkable. This is a stark reality.
    The era of independent national reunification has been ushered in and a movement for national reconciliation and unity and independent reunification is making brisk headway as there are the Songun policy, an embodiment of the principle of national independence and patriotism, the Workers' Party of Korea's policy for national reunification based on the policy and its positive efforts.
    How to approach the Songun policy serves as a touchstone judging whether one wishes for the wellbeing of the nation, the peace and independent reunification of the country opposed to foreign aggression or stands by the outsiders keen to do harm to the interests of the nation.
    All the Koreans should unite close and wage a vigorous struggle against those forces who challenge the Songun policy.
    The dignity, sovereignty and security of the country and the nation will be firmly defended and the independent reunification be achieved at an early date so long as there is the Songun policy.

Rodong Sinmun on Songun idea

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- It is a fundamental requirement of the building of a great prosperous power, clarified by the Songun idea, to put forward the Korean People's Army as the main force of defending and building the country and enhance its role. Rodong Sinmun says this today in a signed article.
    It is the principle made clear by the Songun idea that the successful building of a great prosperous power and the victory of the popular masses' cause of independence are made sure only by the hardcore and leading role of the army, the paper notes, and goes on:
    In the DPRK, the KPA carries on the duty of defending the country and the building of a great prosperous power as the driving force, the main force of the revolution.
    The state and political system with powerful national defence as its prime object has been firmly established under the wise Songun revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il and its might is demonstrating as days go by.
    The building of a great prosperous power is militarily and politically guaranteed by the Korean-style state structural system under which all state affairs are dealt with on the principle of attaching great importance to arms and priority to military affair, guided by the Songun idea in state building and activities..
    The building of a great prosperous power requires holding fast to the line of economic construction in the Songun era, modelling all the members of the society on the revolutionary army and cementing their single-hearted unity.
    The reality of the DPRK clearly proves that only when it simultaneously develops light industry and agriculture while preferentially developing the national defence industry can it build up its national power.
    A great prosperous power will be creditably built when all the people unite around the leader and the army and the people are unanimous in ideology, spirit and way of struggle.

Briefing on Red Cross activities held

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- A briefing on Red Cross activities was held in Pyongyang on Thursday to mark the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day. Present at the briefing were the head of the cooperation delegation of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRCRCS) and its members, the head of the cooperation delegation of the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and its members, representatives and officials of the Pyongyang missions of un and non-governmental organizations and Swedish and British diplomatic envoys here. The participants were briefed on the activities of the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and on cooperative activities of the IFRCRCS and ICRC in different countries and their humanitarian cooperation in the DPRK.
    The IFRCRCS has helped the Korean people in healing unprecedented natural disasters that hit the DPRK for years from Juche 84 (1995).
    This year it has offered medicines to the DPRK and assisted it in the work to keep drinking water clean and fresh and cope with disasters.
    The ICRC built the Songrim Orthopedic Centre in 2002 and has provided prosthesis to amputees.
    The committee is making efforts to improve the quality of prosthesis and training experts.
    The federation and the committee expressed their willingness to continue rendering humanitarian aids to the DPRK.
    Foreign diplomats and officials of un and non-governmental cooperation organizations in Pyongyang highly appreciated the ongoing red cross cooperation in the DPRK.

New pancreatitis granules developed

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- The General Hospital of Koryo Medicine in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has developed pancreatitis granules. The granules are made of barley malt mixed with various Koryo medicinal materials.
    The drug has a special virtue for chronic pancreatitis. It is also used for killing convulsion and pains, promoting digestion, dissolving protein, etc.
    According to clinical examinations, subjective and objective symptoms began to disappear two or three days after its application and pancreas pain was completely killed from 19.6 days on an average.
    Its efficacy is 84.4 percent, or 20 percent higher than modern medicines.
    With abundant raw materials in the country, the drug is easy to manufacture.

Complete collection of Korean dishes

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- The Korean Association of Cooks has published the "Complete Collection of Korean Dishes". It consists of 10 volumes. The first six volumes are already out.
    The collection introduces recipes for over 6,000 Korean dishes including traditional dishes and modern dishes which have been developed to suit modern aesthetics or newly created.
    Each volume carries 500-600 photo-illustrated dishes and cooking methods for the convenience of the readers.
    Vol.1 introduces 600 kinds of staple food including rice-cake, noodle and boiled rice, vol.2 traditional dishes of the nation, vol.3 dishes for reception, vol.4 dishes served at hotels, vol.5 dishes prepared with hunted animals and fishes and vol.6 local dishes.
    The remaining four volumes will introduce family dishes, pickled food, health food and dessert and their cooking methods.

Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs here

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- Micheline Kalmy-rey, chief of the Federal Department of the Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, and her party arrived here today. They were met at the airport by Choe Su Hon, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, officials concerned, and Ueli Muller, resident coordinator of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs here.

Paek Nam Sun meets Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, today met and had a friendly conversation with Micheline Kalmy-rey, chief of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation, and her party at the Mansudae Assembly Hall when the latter paid a courtesy call on him. Present there were officials concerned and the resident coordinator of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs here

Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il inspects KPA unit 841

    Pyongyang, May 16 (KCNA) -General Secretary Kim Jong Il Friday inspected KPA unit 841 honored with the title of Kum Song lifeguard. He arrived at the unit in the forefront area after crossing steep mountain peaks.
    At the operational command room he learned in detail about the performance of the unit's duty.
    He expressed great satisfaction over the fact that commanding officers and soldiers of the unit have made great successes through the big efforts to implement the self-defensive military line of the WPK to the letter and reliably defended the forefront of the country.
    He set forth important tasks that would be serve as guidelines in increasing the combat power of the unit.
    At the servicemen's hall he saw the records showing the victorious path of the unit. He said that the noble fighting spirit of the servicepersons of the unit who have dedicated their all to the party, the leader, the country and the people would shine long along with the colors.
    He underscored the need to pay primary attention to the ideological education so as to make all the servicepersons strong in ideology and faith.
    After looking round the all-round tactical training ground, he highly appreciated the unit for having built it into an effective training ground on its own efforts and conducted persistent training, true to the training-first policy of the party so as to prepare the soldiers as a-match-for-a hundred combatants.
    He then went to the Sungri Power Station built by the unit.
    He was much pleased to see the modern power station built by the unit's servicepersons in a short span of time even under the difficult conditions and highly appreciated their exploits.
    While feasting his eyes on the thick forests in the mountains around the unit, he said that all the soldiers of the army are the most ardent patriots and revolutionaries who value even a tree and a blade of grass as much as their lives, adding as such patriots are standing guard over the defense line of the country, our socialism would remain an indestructible fortress and win victory after victory.
    Te posed for a photograph with the officers and men of the unit.
    The next leg of his inspection was a company under the unit.
    While looking round entertainment and logistical facilities of the company, he took warm care of the living of the soldiers with paternal love.
    He gave the company servicepersons a pair of binoculars, a machinegun and an automatic rifle as gifts and had a photograph taken together with them.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il recibe titulo de ciudadano honorario de mexico

    pyongyang, 16 de mayo (atcc) -- al dirigente kim jong il se le otorgo el titulo de ciudadano honorario de la ciudad de san nicolas de los garza del estado de nuevo leon de mexico. el alcalde de la ciudad entrego el dia 7 al embajador de la republica popular democratica de corea en su pais el diploma y medalla, asi como el regalo dirigido al dirigente.
    en la ocasion el alcalde subrayo que es la gloria y el orgullo de la ciudad registrar como ciudadano honorario a su excelencia kim jong il, maximo dirigente de la rpdc quien prodigo profunda atencion a desarrollar mas las relaciones culturales entre ambos paises al enviar los bordadores calificados, maestros de taekwondo y una excelente delegacion de la exposicion de obras bordadas y artesanales.

"serie de culinaria de corea "

    pyongyang, 16 de mayo (atcc) -- la asociacion culinaria de corea dio a luz los primeros seis de entre diez tomos en total de la "serie de culinaria de corea". la serie da los metodos culinarios de mas de 6 000 especies de comida: los platos tipicos nacionales y otros desarrollados e inventados que convienen al gusto contemporaneo.
    cada tomo inserta los metodos culinarios de mas de 500-600 platos junto con las laminas en color para propiciar comodidades para los lectores.
    el primer tomo da metodos culinarios de mas de 600 platos incluidos tok (pastel de harina de arroz), kuksu (fideo) y pab (arroz cocido) que el pueblo coreano tiene como alimentos principales.
    el tomo ii, los platos tradicionales nacionales: el iii, los del banquete: el iv, los del hotel: el v, los de los objetos cazados y el vi, los locales.
    los tomos vii - x daran los platos de familia, ensalada, nutricion y dulce.

informacion de actividades de cruz roja

    pyongyang, 16 de mayo (atcc) -- con motivo del "dia mundial de la cruz roja y media luna roja", el acto de informacion de las actividades de la cruz roja tuvo lugar el dia 15 en esta capital. en la ocasion participaron los jefes y otros miembros de las delegaciones de cooperacion de la liga internacional de las sociedades de la cruz roja y media luna roja y del comite internacional de la cruz roja (cicr), los representantes y otros miembros de la onu y otras organizaciones no gubernamentales y los representantes diplomaticos de suecia y gran bretana en corea.
    en el acto, fue informado el estado de las actividades de la asociacion de la cruz roja de la republica popular democratica de corea y se dieron a conocer las actividades de cooperacion que la liga internacional de las sociedades de la cruz roja y media luna roja y el cicr despliegan en varios paises del mundo y la cooperacion humanitaria que estas entidades libran en corea.
    la primera organizacion internacional apoya la lucha del pueblo coreano por eliminar los danos a partir del 84 (1995) de la era juche en que corea sufrio grandes calamidades naturales.
    el presente ano, ofrece la cooperacion de medicinas, higiene de agua, enfrentamiento de calamidad, etc.
    la segunda organizacion fundo desde 2002 el centro de aparato ortopedico de songrim de corea donde produce piernas artificiales modernas para dar asistencia a los invalidos.
    ahora, esta, basandose en los exitos logrados concentra fuerzas en mejorar aun mas la calidad de los productos y en la labor de formacion de los tecnicos.
    las dos organizaciones expresaron la voluntad de seguir ofreciendo tambien en el futuro a corea la cooperacion humanitaria.
    los representantes diplomaticos y los funcionarios de la onu y de las organizaciones de cooperacion no gubernamentales participantes en el acto evaluaron altamente que se lleva a buen efecto en corea la cooperacion de la cruz roja.