S. Korean authorities' pro-U.S. funkeyist behavior under fire

    Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Korean Council of Religionists on Saturday issued a statement denouncing the South Korean authorities' pro-U.S. flunkeyist behavior. He said:
    It is quite natural for religionists and people from all walks of life in South Korea to condemn the flunkeyist trip of the chief executive and express concern over the danger of war.
    Pro-U.S. servile diplomacy brought great disappointment and displeasure to the people of all social strata desirous of protecting independence and peace through national cooperation.
    None of the successive South Korean regimes so undisguisedly joined the U.S. in its moves to stifle the north and impose disasters upon fellow countrymen as the present regime did.
    The Korean council of religionists fully supports the South Korean people from all walks life in their struggle and bitterly denounces the authorities' submissive act, branding it as blatant challenge to the basic spirit of the June 15 Joint Declaration calling for defending the nation's safety and peace by our nation itself and an anti-national criminal act of paving the way for a nuclear war.
    All the religionists in the northern half of Korea will positively defend the great Songun policy defending the nation's safety and peace and continue to wage a vigorous peace movement against the U.S. war moves.
    The spokesman expressed the expectation that the religionists and people from all walks life in South Korea who are concerned about the destiny of the nation and love peace would more valiantly struggle against the U.S. moves to ignite a war in Korea and the authorities' anti-national act of supporting them.

U.S. ambition for world supremacy under fire

    Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- The Bush team in its official statements declared not only the U.S. mainland but all other countries of the world as regions where U.S. security should be protected. It claimed they include those countries that do not follow its policy, terrorism-sponsoring countries, states possessing weapons of mass destruction and anti-imperialist and independent countries. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    The U.S. loudmouthed "protection of security" is nothing but a revelation of its intention to continue "war against terrorism" in a bid to put the world under its domination and control in the new century.
    The Bush team is violating the sovereignty and disturbing the peace and security of other countries and nations under the signboard of "protection of U.S. security".
    All forms of aggression and intervention by the U.S. imperialists are veiled with the motto of "protection of U.S. security". In the new century they waged two brigandish wars of aggression against those regions allegedly to protect "U.S. security" with the mobilization of their aggressor forces.
    They proclaimed South Korea far away from the U.S. mainland as a "forefront for carrying out the U.S. strategy for security".
    They are posing a serious threat to the peace and security on the Korean Peninsula and the rest of Asia, keeping huge aggressor forces and nuclear weapons in South Korea.
    There is no limit to the "sphere of defending U.S. security."
    The military actions being perpetrated by the U.S. imperialists in different parts of the world under the pretext of "defending the security" mean bloody mass killings based on the jungle law to dominate the world.
    Their wild ambition for world supremacy, however, will never come true.

National people's solidarity formed in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- The South Korean National People's Solidarity was inaugurated in Seoul on May 21. It groups the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the National Federation of Peasants Associations, the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils, the National Alliance for Democracy and Reunification and 33 other organizations.
    A meeting of representatives from across South Korea held prior to its inauguration discussed its programme, statute and main tasks.
    The organization's programme calls for opposing neo-liberalist "globalization", winning the people's right to existence and labor, guaranteeing women's rights, abolishing undemocratic evil laws and system, achieving democracy, national independence and peaceful reunification against foreign forces' domination and interference and strengthening the unity of people's movement for nation and democracy and its solidarity with the world progressive forces.
    The meeting elected permanent representatives of the solidarity and appointed the executive chairman and chairman for policy-making.
    Speakers at the inaugural ceremony called for solving through concerted efforts basic problems of the people who are suffering from social fetters and contradictions, standing up against the threat of war and neo-liberalist offensive and achieving the independent reunification of the country through the concerted efforts of the nation.
    A declaration read out at the ceremony stressed that darker clouds of war are gathering over the Korean Peninsula due to the moves of the bush administration for aggression and this calls on them to form a front of a powerful joint struggle under the banner of the struggle against the U.S., war and "globalization".

Museum draws endless stream of visitors

    Pyongyang, May 25 (KCNA) -- An endless stream of visitors are visiting the Sinchon Museum in South Hwanghae Province which bears witness to the monstrous massacres committed by the U.S. imperialists during the last Korean war. The museum turned into a centre for anti-U.S. education, class education as instructed by Kim Jong Il on May 25, Juche 87 (1998).
    Since then the museum has drawn 2.25 million visitors.
    They included officials of ministries and national institutions such as the ministries of power and coal industries, railways and people's security, servicepersons of the three services of the Korean People's Army, workers in Ranam, agricultural workers and youth and students from all provinces. The historical evidence displayed in the museum helped them keenly realize once again that the U.S. imperialists are the enemy of the Korean people and wolves in human skin.
    They had meetings to condemn the barbarism and swear revenge after visiting the tomb of 400 mothers, the tomb of 102 children and the tomb of patriots, the powder storehouse and the anti-air raid shelter which bear witness to mass killings.
    Overseas compatriots and foreign friends who visited the museum said that the bloodbath in Sinchon should not be allowed to repeat itself.
    Should the U.S. imperialists unleash another war of aggression in Korea, they will not be able to escape death as the Korean people are fully determined to take revenge upon them, they stressed.

U.S. fully accountable for derailing denuclearization process in Korea

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- The U.S. bellicose forces are vociferous that the DPRK has unilaterally recoiled from implementing the declaration on denuclearization and is fuelling regional instability. Refuting these outbursts Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    Those remarks indicate that the U.S. warhawks are much upset by the recent KCNA report which indicted the U.S. for derailing the process of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and they are making desperate efforts to flee from the responsibility.
    The U.S. instigated the International Atomic Energy Agency to kick up the racket of a "special inspection" in a bid to spark the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula. After the emergence of the bush group, in particular, the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK reached its zenith and this put the process of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula into the danger of collapse.
    What is more serious is that the U.S. worked out and made public a "scenario for nuclear attack", adopting it as its policy to mount a preemptive nuclear attack on the DPRK.
    Such being a stark fact, the U.S. is spreading misinformation that the DPRK has unilaterally backtracked from the declaration on the denuclearization.
    This is nothing but a mean behavior to shift the blame onto the DPRK.
    The U.S. false propaganda about "North Korea's non-compliance with the declaration on denuclearization" is aimed to pit the international community against the DPRK and increase international offensive to isolate and stifle it.
    The DPRK has nothing to fear.
    The United States should clearly see who its opponent is and stop playing a clumsy sleight of hand to flee from its responsibility for derailing the process of the denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

KCNA urges U.S. to admit its responsibility for nuclear crisis

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- The United States is recently spreading the rumor that the DPRK unilaterally derailed the north-south joint declaration on denuclearization. This is nothing but a foolish attempt of the U.S. to flee from its responsibility for the crisis caused by the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula.
    KCNA issued a detailed report on May 12 to cite historical data scientifically explaining why the nuclear issue surfaced on the Korean Peninsula and who is to blame for derailing the process of denuclearizing it.
    As we have already clarified, it was the United States that spawned the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and consistently obstructed the process of denuclearizing it, the process that had started thanks to the initiative and sincere efforts of the DPRK to settle the nuclear issue, and disrupted the process, in the long run.
    Nevertheless, the U.S. is seeking to bedevil the relations between the north and the south and fish in troubled waters for a political purpose, shifting the blame for reducing the inter-Korean joint declaration on denuclearization to a dead document onto the DPRK. This only brings into bolder relief the shameless and crafty nature of the U.S.
    Clear is the DPRK stand toward the nuclear issue on the peninsula and its settlement.
    If the U.S. officially drops its political, military and economic hostile policy toward the DPRK intended to destroy its state and system and approaches negotiations with it from a fair and equal stand, it will take the U.S. touted "security concern" into full account.
    The U.S. is, however, persistently insisting only on "North Korea's dismantling of its nuclear weapons program before dialogue", while talking about "all options" or "further steps," paying lip-service to the "peaceful settlement" of the nuclear issue. This can never go down with the DPRK which regards independence as its life and soul as it is an insult and violation of international justice.
    The lesson drawn from the U.S. Iraqi war proved that it is necessary to boost the physical deterrent force to stand up against aggression and war.
    The U.S. styling itself the world's only superpower is describing the DPRK's self-defensive stand and steps as "threat" and "blackmail". This is a far-fetched assertion and a sinister trick which can convince no one.
    The conception of absolute denuclearization on this planet is quite meaningless unless the U.S., the nuclear weapon state, proves its anti-nuclear policy by dismantling its nuclear weapons and abandoning its nuclear threat. This is the stark reality today created by the U.S. nuclear blackmail policy.
    The U.S. is well advised to humbly admit its responsibility for nuclear proliferation, advance a correct policy quite understandable to all the sovereign states before approaching the debate on the nuclear issue. It should drop its policy to stifle the DPRK with nukes as its first practical step.

KCNA slams Japan's moves for overseas expansion

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- The House of Representatives of Japan on May 15 passed the bills allegedly intended to cope with "emergency". They are "the bill to cope with armed attack," "the bill on revising the law on the 'self-defence forces'" and "the bill on revising the law on setting up the security council." As it is universally known, these bills are war laws and regulations similar to the "state law on general mobilization" during Japan's war of continental aggression in the past as they are wartime legislations aimed at mobilizing the human and material resources of the country in case of military emergency, that is, in case Japan goes to war.
    These three bills were passed as an extension of legislative activities to rearm Japan and escalate the SDF's overseas advance over the last ten years including the institution of the "law on emergency surrounding Japan" and the "law on supporting measures against terrorism". They provide a sure legal guarantee for Japan's emergence as a military power and overseas expansion.
    The Japanese right-wing forces consider it as their vital demand to realize their ambition for overseas expansion by force of arms and the present Japanese government is adopting it as its policy and putting it into practice.
    Japan is now involved in wars in different parts of the world under the pretext of "supporting the anti-terrorism war" and stepping up the SDF's overseas advance in real earnest.
    What should not be overlooked is the fact that these bills focus on Japan's mode of coping with the "emergency" on the Korean Peninsula. After listing the DPRK as the first target of overseas aggression, Japan passed those bills by unprecedented majority vote in a bid to legalize its war actions. This is arousing the DPRK's great precaution and concern.
    Now that Japan, obsessed with its ambition for militarization, is leveling guns at the DPRK, the latter is compelled to take strong steps to cope with it.

Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's work marked

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Today marks the 8th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's historic letter "on developing the movement of Koreans in Japan onto a new higher stage" he sent to the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and the Koreans in Japan on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Chongryon. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article dedicated to the anniversary says:
    In the letter he estimated the path covered by Chongryon as a proud history in which it glorified the dignity and honor of an overseas compatriots' organization of Juche Korea true to the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and a glorious history in which it protected the national right and interests of Koreans in Japan and contributed to the prosperity and progress of the country and the cause of reunification. He comprehensively clarified important tasks to be fulfilled by the movement of Koreans in Japan which entered a new stage of development and ways of implementing them.
    All the Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan have made remarkable successes in Chongryon's patriotic work, overcoming manifold hardships and difficulties despite the difficult and complicated conditions in an alien land. This stirring reality clearly testifies to the validity and the vitality of the historic letter.
    All the Chongryon officials and Koreans in Japan should hold Kim Jong Il in high esteem with loyalty as intended by the president in his lifetime and true to his last instructions and remain boundlessly faithful to the leader's steermanship. His idea and leadership serve as a life line of Chongryon's patriotic work.
    There may be hardships and difficulties before the movement of Koreans in Japan. But victory is always in store for it as there are wise guidance of Kim Jong Il, the invincible socialist homeland of Juche and Chongryon, a powerful organization.

Kim Jong Il's exploits in completing theory of socialism

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) - General Secretary Kim Jong Il made public many famous works which prove the truth, scientific accuracy and invincibility of socialism toward the end of the last century. Among them are "Socialism is a Science", "Abuses of Socialism are Intolerable", "The Historical Lesson in Building Socialism and the General Line of Our Party", "Giving Priority to Ideological Work is Essential for Accomplishing Socialism", "On Preserving the Juche Character and National Character of the Revolution and Construction", which powerfully encourage the progressive parties and people of the world in their struggle as they serve as great immortal programme clarifying the victorious road of the socialist cause.
    The People's Front of Workers, Peasants and Students of Peru, the Workers' Party of Mexico, the New Communist Party of Great Britain and other political parties of different countries adopt his famous works as their must book, charter of socialism and action program.
    For more than last one year the Communist Party of Venezuela, the Communist Party of Germany, the Lao State Publishing House, the Portugal-Korea Friendship Association and other political parties, organizations and publishing organs brought out his works on socialism in pamphlet.
    His works were studied in various forms and ways on over 300 occasions in more than 60 countries including Nepal, India, Egypt and Guyana in a recent year.
    Meanwhile, the Russian newspaper Patriot, the Syrian newspaper Al Baath, Radio Guinea and other media of many countries this year reported the full text or gist of his works, giving an account of his immortal exploits in the development of the theory on socialism.

U.S. bellicose forces' war outcries blasted

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Rice, adviser to the U.S. President for National Security, in a recent interview with foreign media blustered that the U.S. would not take the plan for preemptive attack upon North Korea off the table under any circumstances. Timed to coincide with this, a spokesman for the U.S. administration, clarifying the U.S. stand toward the "theory of preemptive attack on North Korea" said that "it is the long-standing policy of the U.S. not to take all options off the table including a military one". And "that continues to be the case here." Minju Joson today in a signed commentary carried in this regard says that such war outcries peppered with serious threat and blackmail to the DPRK clearly indicate what the u.s. truly seeks in dramatizing the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula. The news analyst continues:
    The U.S. is aggravating the military confrontation with the DPRK in a bid to launch another war on the Korean Peninsula and stifle the DPRK militarily.
    The U.S. design to mount a preemptive attack on the DPRK remains unchanged. It is obstructing the settlement of the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula and escalating the military standoff between the DPRK and the U.S.
    The situation on the Korean Peninsula is, therefore, inching close to an extremely dangerous phase. The DPRK can not remain a mere onlooker to such disturbing developments.
    The army and the people of the DPRK value the sovereignty and the dignity of the country more than anybody else.
    Therefore, they are left with no option but to take tougher military counteraction to cope with the U.S. hawks' invariable plan to mount a preemptive attack. This is a matter pertaining to the option of the DPRK and the legitimate right of a sovereign state.
    The U.S. is well advised to be prudent, clearly understanding who its opponent is.

Message of sympathy to Algerian President

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, yesterday sent a message of sympathy to Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika as regards the great human and material losses caused by a strong earthquake in Algeria. The message expressed deep sympathy and consolation to the government and people of Algeria, the victims and bereaved families.
    It hoped that the government and people of Algeria would do away with the aftermath of the earthquake at an early date and achieve great success in the work for the social stability and development under the correct leadership of the president.

Greetings to Jordanian King

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, today sent a message of greetings to Abdullah the second, King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the occasion of the 57th anniversary of its independence. Expressing belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would grow stronger, the message wished the king and people of Jordan success in the work for the prosperity of the country and peace of the region.

U.S. urged not to raise format of talks as precondition

    Pyongyang, May 24 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea today issued the following statement clarifying its principled stand toward the issue of bilateral talks and multilateral talks on the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula: One month has passed since the DPRK-U.S. talks on the nuclear issue were held in Beijing.
    As already clarified, at the talks the DPRK put forward a new and bold proposal for simultaneously clearing up the concerns of the DPRK and the U.S., the parties concerned with the nuclear issue, prompted by the heavy responsibility and good faith to prevent a war on the Korean Peninsula and achieve durable peace and stability there at any cost.
    The U.S., however, only repeated its earlier assertion that the DPRK should drop its nuclear weapons program before dialogue in a bid to force it to unilaterally disarm itself, without advancing any new proposal at the talks, and persistently avoided the discussion on the essential issues to be discussed between the DPRK and the U.S.
    The U.S. has not yet said any word about the DPRK's proposal for the settlement of the nuclear issue but is talking only about the format of talks calling for the "five-party talks".
    Format of talks does not present itself as an essential issue if the U.S. is truly willing to settle the problem.
    The DPRK has already clarified its stand that it will not stick to any particular format of talks if the U.S. is truly ready to make a bold switchover in its Korea policy.
    The nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula was spawned owing to the threat caused by the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK. The solution to the issue, therefore, depends on whether the U.S. has a true willingness to make a switchover in its Korea policy or not.
    It is the DPRK's stand that the DPRK-U.S. talks should be held first and they may be followed by the U.S.-proposed multilateral talks.
    As there are the issues to be settled between the DPRK and the U.S., the two sides are required to sit face to face for a candid discussion on each other's policies. only then, is it possible to have multilateral talks and make them fruitful.
    It is clear that talks of any format will prove meaningless unless the U.S. has any willingness to make a policy switchover.
    If the U.S. is truly interested in the settlement of the issue, it should not raise the format of talks as a precondition.
    The U.S. adamant insistence on the multilateral talks despite the DPRK's flexible stand on holding the bilateral talks first and then multilateral talks for the sake of a reasonable settlement of the issue would only increase the suspicion of the U.S. ulterior motive.
    The DPRK will never do anything unfavorable to it.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 1973 del epc

    pyongyang, 24 de mayo (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea inspecciono el dia 23 la unidad no. 1973 del epc que gano el titulo del septimo regimiento de o jung hup. en la casa de los militares, el comandante supremo escucho la historia de la unidad y recorrio la sala de educacion en la historia revolucionaria. evaluo altamente las hazanas realizadas por la unidad, diciendo que esta gano primeramente el titulo de la guardia de corps kum song y el septimo regimiento de o jung hup, se destaco entre todo el ejercito en el ejercicio del combate y politico, desplego el heroismo masivo en los campos de la construccion socialista y asi se hizo la unidad tradicional que ha apoyado siempre la direccion del ptc mediante el songun (priorizacion militar).
    viendo el ejercicio de los militares, se mostro muy satisfecho de que todos los militares crecieron como valientes soldados capaces de combatir uno contra cien preparados firmemente en lo ideologico y politico y en lo tecnico y militar de modo que frustren de un solo golpe el ataque inesperado de cualquier enemigo y defiendan con firmeza la patria socialista y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para fortalecer aun mas la combatividad de la unidad.
    senalo que hoy, los militares del epc conservan en su corazon el espiritu revolucionario de los militares cuya base es el espiritu de defensa a ultranza al lider, el de ejecucion decisiva y el de sacrificio heroico y subrayo que nuestra causa revolucionaria del juche es invencible al contar con el gran ejercito revolucionario que toma por sangre y alma el espiritu revolucionario que simboliza y representa la epoca del songun.
    elogio que la unidad esta arreglada limpiamente como un parque y recorrio la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, cocina, bano y otros lugares atendiendo cordialmente con amor paternal la vida de los militares.
    enseno que nuestro ejercito debe ponerse a la cabeza en apoyar la linea y la politica del partido y las medidas del estado y anadio que debe poner en pleno juego el rasgo tradicional de la unidad entre el ejercito y el pueblo, una fuente del poderio de nuestro ejercito revolucionario.
    el comandante supremo kim jong il se fotografio junto a los militares de la unidad.

acuerdo de la v reunion del cpcens

    pyongyang, 24 de mayo (atcc) -- tuvo lugar del 19 al 23 del mes en curso en esta capital la v reunion del comite por la promocion de cooperacion economica norte-sur (cpcens). en la ocasion ambas partes presentaron y discutieron las medidas para vigorizar la labor de colaboracion economica con cooperacion nacional en rechazo a la "cooperacion" con las fuerzas extranjeras, de acuerdo con la tendencia de la epoca a la reconciliacion y la reunificacion de nuestra nacion bajo la bandera de la declaracion conjunta del 15 de junio.
    el norte y el sur de corea decidieron impulsar activamente la cooperacion economica en direccion de lograr el desarrollo equilibrado y la coprosperidad de la economia nacional segun el espiritu fundamental de la referida declaracion, y aprobaron un acuerdo.
    pak chang ryon y kim kwang rim, presidentes de ambas partes del cpcens, firmaron el acuerdo que senala:
    1. el norte y el sur realizaran a eso del 10 de junio de 2003 el acto para la union de las ferrovias oriental y occidental en el lugar de union en la linea de demarcacion militar y se esforzaran activamente por impulsar de continuo la obra de union de vias ferreas y carreteras para de este modo culminarla cuanto antes posible.
    2. el norte y el sur procuraran para que se efectue en la segunda mitad de junio la ceremonia de colocar la primera piedra para la construccion de la zona industrial de kaesong segun un acuerdo de las partes interesadas y haran activa cooperacion para que esta tenga la competitividad internacional.
    3. el norte y el sur realizaran en junio la averiguacion conjunta para la prevencion de danos por inundaciones en el rio rimjin de acuerdo con las medidas de aseguramiento militar que se tomen e implantaran el sistema de informacion de inundaciones antes de la estacion de lluvia.
    el norte ofrecera al sur informacion pertinente del desague del dique imnam para hacer frente a la estacion de lluvia de este ano.
    4. el norte y el sur haran poner cuanto antes posible en vigor, a traves de los tramites necesarios de cada parte, los cuatro acuerdos para la garantia institucional de la cooperacion economica, el acuerdo del transporte maritimo norte-sur y el acuerdo de comunicaciones, admision de la aduana y la cuarentena para la construccion de la zona industrial de kaesong.
    5. el norte y el sur deciden revitalizar el turismo del monte kumgang y se esforzaran activamente por reanudar en junio el turismo por via rutera y maritima a este monte tomando las medidas necesarias. 6. el norte y el sur realizaran la cooperacion humanitaria inspirandose en el amor fraternal y en el principio de apoyo y asistencia mutuos y la parte sur ofrecera a modo de prestamo 400 mil toneladas de arroz a la norte.
    7. el norte y el sur sostendran en la segunda mitad de agosto en seul la vi reunion del cpcens.
    tendran lugar en kaesong o munsan segun los programas acordados las reuniones de las secciones y los contactos de trabajo, del cpcens.

ee.uu. no puede eludir su responsabilidad

    pyongyang, 24 de mayo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy senala: los belicistas de estados unidos hablan de que la republica popular democratica de corea "rehusa unilateralmente la ejecucion de la declaracion de desnuclearizacion" y "crea la inestabilidad regional" porque estan muy perplejos al enterarse de que la rpdc acuso sus actos criminales de haber llevado al fracaso el proceso de desnuclearizacion de la peninsula coreana y se esfuerzan desesperadamente por eludir su responsabilidad.
    ee.uu., al armar alboroto de la "inspeccion nuclear" por conducto de la organizacion internacional de energia atomica (oiea), ocasiono una crisis nuclear de la peninsula coreana y particularmente con la aparicion de la administracion bush la politica de hostilidad a la rpdc de ee.uu. llego al extremo y el proceso de desnuclearizacion de la peninsula comenzo a frustrarse realmente.
    lo mas grave es que ee.uu., con la elaboracion y publicacion del "plan de ataque nuclear", politizo el primer ataque nuclear a la rpdc.
    tal es el verdadero aspecto de las cosas, pero ee.uu. difunde una erronea opinion como si la rpdc "rehusara unilateralmente la ejecucion de la declaracion de desnuclearizacion" para imputar su responsabilidad a aquella.
    con tal demagogia se propone arreciar la ofensiva de aislamiento y presion internacionales a la rpdc.
    pero no nos amedrentamos.
    ee.uu. debe distinguir justamente su contraparte y abandonar su artimana de eludir su responsabilidad criminal de la frustracion del proceso de desnuclearizacion de la peninsula coreana.