Russian Ambassador gives reception

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov gave a reception at the embassy yesterday evening in connection with the visit of a delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church to the DPRK. Present on invitation were Vice-Premier of the DPRK cabinet Jo Chang Dok, chairman of the Pyongyang City People's Committee Ryang Man Gil, chairman of the Korean Council of Religionists Jang Jae On, deputy director of a department of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea Ji Jae Ryong, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kung Sok Ung, vice-chairperson of the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Hong Son Ok who is chairperson of the Korea-Russia Friendship Association, chairman of the Committee of the Korean Orthodox Church Ho Il Jin and other officials concerned.
    Attending there were members of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church headed by Archbishop Kliment, first vice-chairman for foreign affairs who will participate in a ground-breaking ceremony of an Orthodox Church to be built in Pyongyang and Russian embassy officials. Speeches were made at the reception.

Drop of U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK urged

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The World Federation of Trade Unions issued a statement on June 16 on the occasion of the Month (June 25-July 27) of anti-U.S. Joint Struggle. The statement appealed to all the trade union organizations and peace-loving forces of the world to observe the month of solidarity with the working class and people of Korea according to a decision made by the 14th meeting of the federation.
    The statement charged that the united states keeping huge aggression forces and nuclear weapons in South Korea is laying a stumbling block in the way of the Korean people's struggle to achieve the peaceful reunification of the country in the spirit of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration. It accused the U.S. of staging military exercises for aggression in wanton violation of international law and the un charter, while watching for a chance to make a military preemptive attack on the DPRK.
    Calling on the un and the international community to take a prompt action to make the U.S. forces withdraw from South Korea and ensure peace and security on the Korean peninsula, the statement demanded the U.S. drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK, stop hamstringing the Korean people's efforts to achieve the reunification of the country and immediately lift all sanctions against the DPRK.

Meeting of peasants held in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- A meeting of peasants across South Korea was reportedly held in front of the building of the "National Assembly" in Seoul on June 20 with at least 1,700 peasants attending. Its participants accused the ministry of foreign affairs and trade of recommending the NA to ratify the "free trade agreement" between South Korea and a foreign country in the interests of a multinational company in a bid to cut the lifeline of agriculture.
    In case the "agreement" is concluded, the agriculture of this land will be completely ruined, they warned, calling for condemning those national assemblymen who agree with the ratification.
    Meanwhile, the "national people's solidarity" has been on an all-night sit-in strike there since June 19 in protest against the NA ratification of the agreement.

Five-point policy of national reunification supported

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The Central Association of Korean Nationals in Russia and the United Confederation of Koreans in Far Eastern region, Russia released a statement on June 18 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the publication of President Kim Il Sung's famous work "Let us prevent a national partition and reunify the country". Noting that the president set forth the five-point policy of national reunification in the work, the statement said that the policy which calls for reunifying the country by the efforts of the Korean nation is a very just proposal for reunification in view of the present situation.
    The statement said that on the occasion of the Month (June 25-July 27) of Anti-U.S. Joint Struggle the Korean Nationals in Russia would stage a protest campaign to resolutely denounce the U.S. imperialists for unleashing a war of aggression against Korea and committing monstrous atrocities against the Korean people in the past and force them to immediately halt their moves for a new war and withdraw their nuclear weapons, aggression troops and military hardware from South Korea without delay.

U.S. imperialists' mass killings of Koreans denounced

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- The mass killings of prisoners of Jonju prison in South Korea in the past were recently disclosed by U.S. government documents and photos, and remains of civilians killed in Kochang, Pusan, Ryangsan, Jinyong and other parts of South Korea were unearthed and there appeared witnesses to them. Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary denounces the U.S. imperialists for their genocide, noting that they killed more than 5.2 million Koreans before and after the Korean war.
    It is hard to find in human history such murderers who brutally massacred guiltless civilians as the U.S. imperialists did, the commentary says, branding this as the most flagrant violation and challenge to human rights.
    The news analyst goes on:
    The U.S. imperialists should be tried at international court for their crimes against humanity. They should own the political and moral responsibility, penal responsibility and material responsibility for their mass killings of Korean people, the responsibilities stipulated by international law, in view of their criminal nature, content and gravity.
    Whoever violates international law should be punished by international law. There is no prescription in the case of crimes against humanity.
    The U.S. imperialists should be brought to the international court to stand trial.
    The Korean people have the legitimate right to take the penal responsibility of the U.S. imperialists to task according to the DPRK law any time. The Korean people will exercise this right generation after generation.
    Those countries and nations that ignited wars and committed the massacres in the past have already made or are making repentance, apology and compensation for their wrongdoings.
    This is an international trend and practice. The U.S. had better face up to the reality, swim with this trend and follow the practice.

Korean unionists denounce U.S. imperialists

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- An indignation meeting of unionists in Pyongyang was held before the U.S. imperialists' armed spy ship "Pueblo" exhibited on the River Taedong and a meeting of youth and students in Pyongyang "pledge of avengers" at the Central Youth Hall on Monday on the occasion of June 25, the day of struggle against the U.S. imperialists. Speakers at the meetings recalled that the U.S. imperialists reduced factories, peaceful cities and villages of Korea to heaps of rubbles in the most barbarous way and brutally killed innocent people in the past 1950s.
    The U.S. imperialists are now committing such murder, plunder, rape, assault and destruction almost every day as cruelly driving an armored car over young schoolgirls to death, they said, branding the U.S. imperialists as present-day barbarians and murderers, and the sworn enemy of the Korean nation.
    If the U.S. imperialists unleash the second Korean war, oblivious of the historic lesson of their bitter defeat in the last Korean war, the Korean youth and working people, together with the people's army, will wipe out the aggressors with the arms of merciless revenge and accomplish the historic cause of national reunification, they stressed.
    Poems condemning the murderous atrocities of the U.S. imperialists were recited and an indignation statement read out at the meetings.
    Present there was Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Meanwhile, an indignation meeting of members of the Korean Democratic Women's Union took place before the armed spy ship "Pueblo" to condemn the U.S. imperialists.

Labor law for workers and office employees

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- June 24 is the 57th anniversary of the promulgation of the Labor law for the workers and office employees in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Busy as he was to organize and guide the work for building the party, state and army right after the liberation of the country, President Kim Il Sung inspected various industrial establishments to acquaint himself with working conditions and demand of the workers.
    One day in November Juche 34 (1945), he went to the Pyongyang Cornstarch Factory to learn about the working conditions of those engaged in harmful labor. When he called at a ceramic factory in Kyongsong county, North Hamgyong Province he indicated ways of mechanizing its workers' manual labor.
    While inspecting an iron works and chemical factories, he conversed with workers for hours and took measures for labor safety.
    Whenever he was in an inspection tour, he used to look round dinning rooms, dormitories and dwelling houses of workers and acquainted himself with the management of the sanatoriums and rest homes newly built in hot spring areas and scenic spots. in those days, he completed articles of the Labor Law one by one.
    On the basis of this, the "Labor Law for the Workers and Office Employees in North Korea" was promulgated at the 9th session of the Provisional People's Committee of North Korea in June 1946.
    With the law put into effect as an important step of democratic reforms, the remnants of the harsh colonial forced labor and exploitation by the Japanese imperialists were liquidated, a radical improvement was made in the working and living conditions of the workers and office employees. The social insurance and security system was carried into effect at the expense of the state and sanatoriums and rest homes were built in different parts of the country. As a result, great changes took place in their material and cultural life.
    After the establishment of the socialist system, the "Socialist Labor Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" was instituted and promulgated in April 1978 as required by the changed situation. It guarantees the working life of the people by law.

U.S. State Secretary's anti-DPRK remarks blasted

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- U.S. State Secretary Powell and other of the Bush group recently cried out for increasing pressure and making preparations for destroying nuclear-related facilities while talking about the solution to the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula. Dismissing these outbursts as an open declaration of a war against the DPRK, Minju Joson today in a signed commentary says: The situation on the Korean peninsula is growing tenser as the days go by due to the Bush group's undisguised moves to stifle the DPRK by force and the acute confrontation between the DPRK and the U.S. may lead to a war anytime. This situation compels the DPRK to do whatever it deems necessary.
    The DPRK has not only the legitimate right to take self-defensive measures but the will and capability enough to exercise it.
    Now that the U.S. is invariably seeking to stifle the DPRK by force, the latter is left with no option but to take all measures as scheduled. Under the present circumstances and conditions the DPRK is compelled not only to increase its nuclear deterrent force but build up something more powerful than that for self-defence.
    The U.S. should ruminate about what consequences its acts of rattling the DPRK's nerves and escalating the military stand-off with the DPRK will entail.

Greetings to Mozambican President

    Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, sent a message of greetings to Mozambican President Joaquim Alberto Chissano on June 18 on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the Republic of Mozambique. Wishing the president greater success in his responsible work for the stability and prosperity of the country, the message expressed belief that the friendly relations between the two peoples would continue to develop on good terms in the future, too.

For Spanish-speaking people

acto por el 30 aniversario de publicacion de una obra de kim il sung

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el dia 23 en el palacio cultural del pueblo el acto de la ciudad de pyongyang por el 30 aniversario de la publicacion de la imperecedera obra clasica del presidente kim il sung: "evitemos la division de la nacion y reunifiquemos la patria".
    la obra aclara la orientacion de cinco puntos para la reunificacion de la patria: acabar con el estado de enfrentamiento militar y eliminar la tension entre el norte y el sur, lograr la colaboracion y el intercambio multifaceticos entre ambas partes, convocar una gran asamblea nacional que este compuesta por representantes de diversos sectores de la poblacion, los partidos politicos y entidades sociales del norte y del sur, implantar un sistema federal del norte y del sur con un nombre estatal unico de republica federal de coryo y el ingreso en la onu con este nombre.
    el informe del acto estuvo a cargo de yang hyong sop, vicepresidente del presidium de la asamblea popular suprema de la rpdc, quien dijo:
    la presentacion de la orientacion de cinco puntos para la reunificacion de la patria es un historico evento que permite eliminar el peligro de la division perpetua de la nacion coreana y desarrollar a la etapa mas alta la lucha por la reintegracion de la patria y como tal constituye una sobresaliente proeza del presidente kim il sung realizada en la causa de reunificacion de la patria.
    el dirigente kim jong il tiene la firme decision y voluntad de lograr sin falta en un futuro cercano esta causa iniciada y conducida por el presidente kim il sung.
    la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio es la bandera comun que los coreanos deben tomar para lograr la reintegracion y el jalon de la reunificacion de la patria del siglo xxi.
    a fin de ejecutar estrictamente esta declaracion es preciso tener ante todo la firme conciencia de independencia nacional y solucionar de manera independiente el problema de la reunificacion del pais, el problema del destino de la nacion, bajo el ideal "con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana".
    para lograr la causa de reunificacion de la patria bajo la bandera de esta declaracion hay que realizar firmemente la gran unidad de toda la nacion.
    el problema que se presenta mas primordialmente para este fin es convertir las relaciones de desconfianza y enfrentamiento entre el norte y el sur en las de "con las fuerzas unidas de la nacion coreana" inspiradas en la confianza, la unidad y la cooperacion.
    corea del sur debe poner fin a todos los actos de confrontacion, en particular, de difamacion a la contraparte del dialogo, que impiden la mejora de las relaciones entre ambas partes de corea y que crean un gran obstaculo en la reunificacion del pais y dejar de seguir la politica de hostilidad que practican las fuerzas extranjeras con respecto a la rpdc pretextando el problema nuclear de esta.
    el norte y el sur de corea deben activar el dialogo y el contacto para la gran unidad nacional y la reunificacion, desarrollar la cooperacion e intercambio para lograr el desarrollo equilibrado de la economia nacional y la prosperidad comun de la nacion en el principio humanitario y de amor a los compatriotas y extenderlos en su anchura y tamano.
    para lograr la paz y la reunificacion del pais con la declaracion conjunta norte-sur del 15 de junio en alto, toda la nacion debe frustrar rotundamente las temerarias maquinaciones de provocacion de guerra nuclear que perpetra ee.uu. so pretexto del problema nuclear.
    la paz que se preserva hoy en la peninsula coreana se debe enteramente a lo poderosa que es la politica de songun (priorizacion militar) del partido del trabajo de corea y nuestra poderosa fuerza de detencion autodefensiva.
    debemos dar acicate al fortalecimiento de la fuerza de detencion nuclear frente a la estrategia de aislamiento y aplastamiento de ee.uu. a la rpdc, que se torna cada dia mas grave.
    si ee.uu. desencadena por fin la guerra en esta tierra, el ejercito y el pueblo de corea, con la fuerza de detencion justa, con el martillo del castigo, aniquilaran a todos los agresores.
    las autoridades japonesas, en vez de adherirse a la politica hostil de ee.uu. a la rpdc, deben poner de inmediato fin a sus maquinaciones contra esta y tomar el camino de ejecutar sinceramente la declaracion corea-japon de pyongyang.
    en el acto participaron kim yong dae, presidente del comite central del partido social-democrata de corea, ryu mi yong, presidenta del cc del partido chondoista-chong-u y otros funcionarios.

rpdc: actos por el "dia de lucha antiyanqui - 25 de junio"

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- con motivo del "dia de lucha antiyanqui - 25 de junio", el acto de repudio de los miembros de sindicatos y la escena de decision de los jovenes estudiantes "juramento de los vengadores", de la ciudad de pyongyang tuvieron lugar el dia 23 el primero frente al barco espia armado norteamericano "pueblo" exhibido en el rio taedong y la segunda en la casa central de la juventud. en los actos los oradores senalaron que en la pasada decada de 1950 los yanquis destruyeron con el metodo mas brutal y barbaro las fabricas, ciudades y aldeas pacificas y asesinaron sin ton ni son a los habitantes inocentes.
    hoy tambien, en sudcorea los agresores yanquis perpetran en casi a diario atrocidades de asesinato, saqueo, violacion, violencia y destruccion como atropello por el carro blindado de dos alumnas de escuela secundaria, dijeron ellos y puntualizaron que los yanquis son barbaros de la edicion contemporanea, monstruosos asesinos y enemigo jurado de la nacion coreana.
    si ee.uu., al olvidar la leccion historica de su ignominiosa derrota en la pasada guerra coreana, provoca por fin la segunda guerra coreana, los jovenes y otros trabajadores de corea, junto con ejercito popular, aniquilaran despiadadamente con la bayoneta de venganza a los agresores y lograran sin falta la historica causa de la reunificacion de la patria.
    en los actos se recitaron las poesias y se dieron lectura a los documentos de denuncia a las atrocidades homicidas de los yanquis.
    en los actos participo el secretario del cc del partido del trabajo de corea kim jung rin.
    el mismo dia, tuvo lugar el acto de miembros de la union de mujeres de denuncia a los yanquis frente al barco espia armado norteamericano "pueblo".

"minju joson" denuncia peroracion belica de compinches de bush

    pyongyang, 24 de junio (atcc) -- recientemente, powell, secretario de estado norteamericano, y otros compinches de bush, en cuanto a la solucion del problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana, propusieron "fortalecer la presion" y hacer "preparativos para destruir las instalaciones nucleares". esto es una abierta declaracion de guerra contra la republica popular democratica de corea.
    asi senala el periodico "minju joson" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua:
    debido a las siniestras maquinaciones de la banda de bush encaminadas a aplastar militarmente la rpdc, la situacion de la peninsula coreana se agrava mas con el paso de los dias y el estallido del enfrentamiento agudo entre ambos paises es la cuestion de la hora. en estas condiciones no podemos estar con los brazos cruzados.
    tenemos el legitimo derecho a tomar las medidas autodefensivas, la suficiente voluntad y capacidad para ejercerlo.
    bajo la situacion actual en que ee.uu. persigue invariablemente su plan de aplastamiento militar a la rpdc, no podemos menos que tomar todas las medidas que hemos planeado. si es necesario para defendernos justamente, debemos fortalecer la fuerza de detencion nuclear y disponer de lo mas poderoso que esta. estas son las circunstancias y condiciones en que nos hallamos.
    ee.uu. debe reflexionar de las consecuencias que emanen del enfrentamiento militar que agudiza el mismo incitando a la rpdc.