Greetings to Sudanese President

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Sunday sent a message of greetings to Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashin, President of Sudan, on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the revolution in Sudan. The message sincerely wished the president and people of Sudan greater success in their work to defend the sovereignty of the country and territorial integrity and achieve progress and prosperity.

Greetings to President of Democratic Congo

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on June 23 sent a message of greetings to major-general Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of its independence. Sincerely wishing the president, government and people of Democratic Congo great success in their work to defend the country's sovereignty and achieve national unity and peace, the message expressed the belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger.

Conclusion of non-aggression treaty between DPRK and U.S. urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The South headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the Country's Reunification on June 26 issued a statement titled "U.S. plan for a nuclear war against the north brings about the second June 25 war. Let us all turn out in the anti-U.S. and anti-war movement for the conclusion of a non-aggression treaty between North Korea and the U.S.", according to a news report. Such a war as was on June 25, 1950 should not break out again in this land, the statement said, adding that the second June 25 war means national extermination.
    To conclude the treaty is the only way to overcome war crisis on the Korean peninsula, the statement noted.

Mass rallies held

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Mass rallies took place in North Phyongan, Jagang, South Hwanghae and North Hamgyong provinces on June 29 on the occasion of "June 25, the Day of Struggle Against the U.S. Imperialists." Chairmen of provincial people's committees and representatives from all walks of life in their speeches at the rallies bitterly denounced the U.S. imperialists for massacring more than 4.2 million innocent Korean people in an unprecedentedly brutal way during the last Korean war.
    Many years have passed since the ceasefire, but the U.S. imperialist aggressors are still pursuing their hostile policy toward the DPRK and bringing clouds of a nuclear war to hang over the Korean peninsula in a bid to realize their sinister ambition far from drawing a lesson from their bitter defeat in the last Korean war, they said.
    They solemnly warned that if the U.S. bellicose forces unleash another war in sacred Korea, oblivious of their bitter lesson from the Korean war, the army and people of Korea who have grown to be invincible ranks under the leadership of illustrious great men and woman of Mt. Paektu will turn out as one to deal a merciless sledge-hammer blow and a shameful setback to the aggressors and their followers.

Anniversary of Kim Il Sung's work observed

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed article to the 20th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's famous work "On the Korean People's Struggle to Apply the Juche Idea". The work is a historic work which proudly reviews the history of the Korean revolution that emerges ever-victorious under the banner of the Juche idea and a monumental library once again clearly proving the justness of the revolutionary cause of Juche and its sure victory.
    Ours is the cause of Juche and the way we have followed is the road of Juche opened by the president, the article says, and goes on:
    The road of Juche is ever-victorious and the idea and feats of the president serve as an eternal boon to accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.
    Kim Jong Il has steered the Korean revolution to one victory after another the way the president did. Kim Jong Il's wise leadership found a vivid manifestation in that he has remarkably strengthened the driving force of revolution as required by a new era and brought about a new turn in the developing revolution in reliance upon its might.
    The DPRK increased the driving force of the revolution in every way and built a powerful socialist nation of independence, self-sustenance and self-defence on this land with its might. This is the immortal feat performed by the president.
    The whole party and the entire army and all the people should uphold Kim Jong Il's idea and leadership in a do-or-die spirit, displaying the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and devotedly carrying out his instructions. This single-hearted unity serves as a sure guarantee for the victory in the struggle to smash the imperialist's moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and in the drive to build a great prosperous powerful nation in the new century.
    The wise leadership of Kim Jong Il, who has led the Korean revolution along the road of Juche, is clearly demonstrated by the fact that he has built up the military power strong enough to accomplish the president's cause.
    In recent years Kim Jong Il has strengthened the Korean People's Army into invincible forces, consolidated our national defence industry and built up the military power strong enough to beat back any imperialist aggression by providing dynamic Songun revolutionary leadership.
    It is thanks to the invincible self-defensive military power and the strong military deterrent force built up under the leadership of Kim Jong Il that the DPRK has vigorously advanced along the road of Juche chosen by its people themselves while defending the sovereignty of the nation and its vital rights even under the present situation where the imperialists are engrossed in high-handed practices and aggression and wantonly violating the sovereignty of countries and nations.

U.S. dastardly moves against DPRK assailed

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Under the coercion of the United States the tenth ministerial meeting of the ASEAN regional forum held in Phnom Penh recently adopted its "president's statement" containing the part referring to the Korean peninsula that reflected Washington's unilateral assertion only. The U.S. is keen to refer the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula to the UNSC in a bid to have its president's statement adopted for increased pressure upon the DPRK. Rodong Sinmun Monday dismisses this as a wanton violation of the purpose of the forum and its principles adopted at the second ministerial meeting of the forum held in August 1995.
    The commentary goes on:
    The U.S. misused the forum for forcibly adopting the statement that reflects its unreasonable assertion calling for interference in the internal affairs of the DPRK and pressure upon it. This was prompted by its sinister intention to increase international pressure upon the DPRK.
    It is preposterous and unreasonable for the U.S. to try to bring the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula up for discussion at the UNSC and force it to take stronger measures. This is a very insolent, provocative and dangerous move.
    The UN is by no means a body that should allow a big country to control and pressurize small countries to meet its interests and aim.
    The UN should not be misused to serve the purpose of the U.S. policy of pressurizing the DPRK.
    If the UNSC is to deal with the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, it should blame the U.S. for having spawned the issue and escalated the tensions on the principle of impartiality.
    It is none other than the U.S. which openly listed non-signatories to the NPT as targets of its preemptive nuclear attacks, unilaterally scrapped the DPRK-U.S. Agreed Framework and the DPRK-U.S. Joint Statement and wantonly violated the NPT and all other international agreements.
    The UNSC should strongly blame the U.S. for those criminal responsibilities.
    The U.S. intention to use the un as means of putting pressure upon the DPRK over its nuclear issue and secure a justification for provoking a new Korean war would only create an uncontrollable situation.

Greetings to President of Burundi

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on June, 28 sent a message of greetings to Domitien Ndayzeye, President of Burundi, on the occasion of the 41st anniversary of its independence. Kim Yong Nam wished the president and people of Burundi success in the work for the national unity and the peace and prosperity of the country and expressed belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms.

Medical dictionary developed

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Public Health of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has recently developed a classified medical vocabulary dictionary in an effort to put the general medical services on it basis. It contains about 30,000 vocabularies which standardize and encode the classification of diseases and related health problems, various examinations, medicines and other subsidiary diagnoses. These are essential for the comprehensive computerization of medical services.
    With the classification of diseases, function, disability and health corresponding to that fixed by the world health organization, the dictionary concretizes and subdivides them to suit the actual conditions of the country.
    It makes it possible to exchange information in scientific and quick diagnosis and treatment through computer networks among relevant sections of hospitals.
    It gives English name and abbreviation to each vocabulary.
    It is also used for the computerization of general hospital management including the management of manpower, finance, equipment and medicines.

Royal blood-fresh

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The royal blood-fresh, an herbal health food produced by the Korea Pugang Pharmaceutic Company, is attracting worldwide interests. It is a traditional health additive made on a hi-tech basis from secret recipes of the olden royal palace of Korea.
    It facilitates complete cure of numb limbs, hemiplegia, speech disorder, giddiness, headache, cerebral thrombosis, high or low blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, etc. it is also good for preventing aging.
    According to dr. Jon Sung Hun, director of the company, it has been applied to millions of patients at home and abroad over the last 20 years and the results proved that its efficacy is more than 95 percent.
    It was highly appreciated at several international expositions.
    It was awarded the Wipo Gold Medal in April Juche 91 (2002).
    Dr. Gamila Moussa, First Deputy Minister of Health of Egypt, said that the royal blood-fresh is the best blood purifier and thrombus dissolver in the world.
    Dr. and prof. Issam Hasanacha, dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of Damascus University of Medicine of Syria, had this to say:
    "According to our 3-year-long records of clinical tests, the efficacy of the royal blood-fresh, though it is a health food, is far better than any other medicines such as streptokinase, atroxofilis, urokinase, euphilin, cavinton, notrophil, musk, bezoars, etc.
    It was also awarded the gold tower by the Ministry of Public Health of Tunisia and registered as a marvelous health food by the Ministry of Health of Syria.
    It finds markets in some 20 countries including China, Russia, Germany and Canada.
    The Ugarit Pharmaceutical Company of Syria imports raw materials to produce royal blood-fresh under the license of the Pugang Pharmaceutic Company.
    The company is located in Pothonggang district, Pyongyang.
    Its telephone number is 850-2-18555 (3818514), fax number 850-2-3814544 and e-mail address

Regulations on development of Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone adopted

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Regulations on the development of Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone were adopted to properly establish a system and order in developing the tourist zone and help turn the mountain into the world's famous natural and ecological tourist zone according to the law on Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone. The regulations were adopted as decision no. 106 of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK dated May 12, Juche 92 (2003). They have 24 articles.
    The regulations specify the selection of developers, the classification of tourist areas, working out of a master plan for development, the distribution of enterprises and the provision of conditions for development.
    The Central Tourist Zone Guiding Organ shall select developers according to the agreement reached between the north and the south.
    The zone shall be divided into scenic spots touring district, accommodation and service district and industrial district.
    A developer shall work out the master plan for development.
    It shall correctly reflect a plan for using land in the zone, a plan for infrastructural construction, plans for district development and phased investment and a plan for pushing forward undertakings, etc.
    The zone shall be developed by a developer according to its approved master plan. The construction of any buildings or facilities which may destroy natural scenery, natural monuments and historical relics or pollute environment shall not be allowed In the zone.
    Expenses for the evacuation of buildings and their annexes in the zone, their transfer and the resettlement of residents shall be covered by a developer.
    Infrastructural construction in the zone shall be undertaken by a developer. He may build it in collaboration with other investors or by transferring it to other person or placing the project in other's charge.
    An enterprise or investor willing to carry out a project shall submit a relevant design to the tourist zone management institution and get a permit for the construction.
    The Central Tourist Zone Guiding Organ shall be immediately informed of any discovery of historical relics made in the process of developing the zone.
    The organ shall handle the relics after reaching an agreement with an institution concerned.
    If necessary, a developer may make contracts with institutions, enterprises and organizations concerned in the DPRK through the Central Tourist Zone Guiding Organ to have manpower, materials and water provided.
    A developer has business rights in such sectors as tourism, infrastructural construction, energy supply, transport, storage, and advertisement. These rights may be transferred to a third party or left to it to exercise them.

Regulations on developing Kaesong Industrial Zone adopted

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Regulations on developing the Kaesong Industrial Zone were adopted to establish a strict system and order in the zone and help effectively develop the zone according to the law on the Kaesong Industrial Zone. They were adopted by decision no. 102 of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on April 24, Juche 92 (2003).
    They have 19 articles.
    They specify points related to the working out of a master plan for development, infrastructural construction, business distribution, provision of conditions for development, developers' rights, etc.
    According to them, developers shall be selected by the central industrial zone guiding organ. The master plan for developing the industrial zone shall be worked out by developers, reflecting a plan for utilizing land, a plan for infrastructural construction, a plan for phase investment and promotion of work, etc.
    Infrastructural construction in the industrial zone shall be undertaken by developers and they may jointly undertake with other investors or build through transfer and consignment such infrastructure as power, telecommunications and water supply facilities, if necessary.
    The construction of infrastructure linking the industrial zone with the area outside it shall be undertaken by the Central Industrial Zone Guiding Organ.
    Developers may transfer the right to use land and lease buildings in the industrial zone to businessmen or investors according to their purpose.
    In case historic relics and remains are discovered in the course of developing the industrial zone, the Central Industrial Zone Guiding Organ shall be informed of them and they shall be dealt with through negotiations with the relevant institution.
    A developer shall have rights in the fields of infrastructural construction, energy supply, transport, storage, advertisement, etc. in the industrial zone. A developer may transfer and leave their business rights to the third party if necessary.

Regulations on business operation in Kaesong Industrial Zone

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Regulations on establishing and operating enterprises in the Kaesong Industrial Zone were adopted according to the Law on the Kaesong Industrial Zone. Tthey are aimed to establish a strict order on setting up, registering and operating enterprises in the zone to provide conveniences for business activities.
    The regulations adopted as decision no. 103 of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on April 24, Juche 92 (2003) has 32 articles.
    They specify points related to investors, forms of establishing an enterprise and its rules, investment period and forms, customs, the scope of business activities, distribution of profits, notice about the disorganization of an enterprise, etc.
    According to the regulations, Koreans in the south and overseas, corporate bodies, individuals and economic organizations of other countries may invest in the fields of industry, construction, transport, telecommunications, science and technology, commerce, banking, tourism, etc. in the industrial zone.
    Setting up enterprises in the fields of infrastructural construction, light industry and ultra-modern science and technology shall be specially encouraged in the industrial zone.
    An investor may invest in the industrial zone independently or in collaboration with other investors to establish enterprises of diverse forms.
    An enterprise shall have its rules and management staff and employees necessary for business activities and set up a fixed business house.
    The registered capital shall be over 10 percent of the total fund invested.
    An investor shall submit a written application for establishing an enterprise to the industrial zone management organ. It shall specify the total fund invested, registered capital, type of business and its scope, investment period, annual income and profits, etc. with an enterprise rules, a letter of confirmed capital credit, etc. attached to it.
    The investment period may be extended for six months.
    Investment may be made in cash and kind and by right of property, etc. and in this case the value of the property invested and the right of property shall be estimated at international market price at the given time.
    An investor shall submit an application for business registration to the industrial zone management organ after investing registered capital or the amount in excess of it.
    According to the rules, an enterprise may issue stock, bond, etc. bring materials necessary for the business activities into the industrial zone without restriction or take goods produced and purchased in the industrial zone out of the zone. An enterprise may make contracts with organs, enterprises and organizations in the DPRK through the central industrial zone guiding organ and purchase materials necessary for the business activities or sell products and process raw material and other materials and parts on commission.
    Its settlement of accounts shall be made bi-annually or yearly. It shall create reserve fund after paying its fixed income tax from its profits.
    An enterprise to be disorganized shall submit a notice about disorganization to the industrial zone management organ and open it to the public within ten days from the notification.
    The enterprise that has operated for over 15 years shall be exempted from its income tax for excess profits.
    The enterprise that applied for its disorganization shall not dispose of its properties at its own will before its accounts are settled. In case branch offices, business offices and individuals intend to make profits in the industrial zone, they shall be registered at the industrial zone management organ.

Regulations on Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone adopted

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Regulations on the establishment, registration and operation of enterprises in Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone were adopted according to the law on Mt. Kumgang Tourist Zone. The regulations that have 34 articles are aimed to establish a proper order and provide every convenience for investment and other business activities. They were adopted as decision 107 of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on May 12.
    The regulations specify issues such as investors, objects to be invested in, forms of setting up enterprises, period and forms of investment, the scope of business activities, distribution of profits, notification of the disorganization of enterprises.
    According to the regulations, South Koreans and overseas Koreans shall make investments in the tourist zone and foreign corporate bodies, individuals and economic bodies may also invest in it.
    An investor shall invest in such tourist sectors as travel service, accommodating service, amusement and service facilities and the construction of infrastructural facilities related to them as well as pollution-free ultra-modern scientific and technological field such as software industry.
    Investments in tourist sectors and the construction of infrastructure related to them shall be encouraged but those which may pollute or change the natural and ecological environment of Mt. Kumgang shall be restricted or banned.
    An investor may set up enterprises of various forms and operate them on his own or in collaboration with other investors and the registered capital shall be over 10 percent of the total fund invested.
    An enterprise shall conduct activities within the scope of the permitted type of business and shall have facilities enough for the environmental protection and sanitation.
    An enterprise may issue stock or bonds according to its rules and bring in necessary materials to the zone or take manufactured goods and purchased materials out of the zone without restriction.
    Goods shall be taken into and out of the zone according to prior notice.
    An enterprise may make contracts with any institution, enterprise and organization in the DPRK through the Central Tourist Zone Guiding Organ, introduce materials necessary for business activities and sell manufactured goods and may process raw and other materials and parts on commission.
    The settlement of accounts at an enterprise shall be made bi-annually or yearly.
    An enterprise shall create a reserve fund only after paying its fixed income tax from its profits. It may annually raise reserve fund equivalent to 5 percent of its profits till it reaches 10 percent of the registered capital.
    And it may use it only for increasing the registered capital and making up for financial loss.
    An enterprise may allocate its profits to financiers and this allocation shall be made with net income, ie. money that has been left after its income tax is paid and a reserve fund is created from its profits.
    An enterprise to be disorganized shall submit a notice of its dissolution to the tourist zone management institution after discussing and deciding it at its board meeting or at the general meeting of financiers.
    An enterprise that has operated for more than 15 years shall be exempted from paying its income tax for excess profits.
    No one shall be allowed to dispose of the properties of the enterprise, which has sent a notice about its disorganization, at one's own will. Properties left after accounts are settled with an enterprise may be disposed of inside the tourist zone or be taken to areas outside the DPRK.
    In case branch offices, business offices or individuals intend to make profits in the zone they shall be registered at the tourist zone management institution. In this case the institution shall issue a relevant registration card.

DPRK government light industry delegation leaves

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- A DPRK government light industry delegation led by Ri Ju O, Minister of Light Industry, left here today to visit Russia. The delegation was seen off at the airport by Min Il Hong, Vice-Minister of Light Industry, and Andrei Karlov, Russian Ambassador to the DPRK.

Kim Yong Nam meets Nigerian Ambassador

    Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on Monday met and had a talk with outgoing Alhaji Daudu Sulaiman, Nigerian Ambassador to the DPRK, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall. Kung Sok Ung, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and other officials concerned were present there.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il presencia la suite de coro "larguisimo camino del songun"

    pyongyang, 30 de junio (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo del ejercito popular de corea, junto con los oficiales y soldados del epc, presencio el dia 29 la funcion "larguisimo camino del songun (priorizacion militar)", suite de coro creada por el coro benemerito del epc. es el solemne himno a la revolucion y la inmortal cancion monumental de la epoca actual que hizo balance brillante de la historia del songun del dirigente kim jong il que ocupa una especial posicion en la historia de la nacion coreana.
    mediante la funcion los ejecutantes cantaron con gran emocion el larguisimo camino del songun que el dirigente tomo con la ferrea conviccion y voluntad, la decision a ultranza y el ferviente amor al pueblo y mostraron bien el firme impetu del ejercito y el pueblo de corea que avanzan hacia el triunfo final de la revolucion jucheana bajo la bandera del songun.
    el comandante supremo dio respuesta con la mano levantada a los ejecutantes y espectadores quienes lanzaban aclamaciones entusiastas hacia el y felicito los exitos de funcion.
    manifesto una gran satisfaccion de que los creadores y artistas del coro benemerito, con la infinita fidelidad al partido y la revolucion, crearon una excelente suite de coro perfecta en lo ideologico y artistico y evaluo altamente los exitos de creacion de ellos.
    expreso esperanza de que en el futuro tambien los artistas del coro benemerito del epc sembraran el ardiente amor al lider, el partido y la patria, el credo y la voluntad indoblegables en el corazon de todos los militares y habitantes y cumpliran excelentemente su sagrada mision de trompeteros de la epoca del songun, y presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para desarrollar mas energicamente las actividades de creacion del arte revolucionario.
    le acompanaron en verla kim yong chun, jefe del estado mayor general del epc, kim il chol, ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares y otros miembros de mando del ejercito, los secretarios kim kuk thae y jong ha chol y otros funcionarios del cc del ptc.

diccionario electronico de los terminos medicos

    pyongyang, 30 de junio (atcc) -- el sector de salud publica de corea presta gran fuerza a la informatica general de las actividades de servicio medico. lo prueba bien el diccionario electronico de los terminos medicos desarrollado por el ministerio de salud publica.
    el diccionario registra mas de 30 mil terminos estandarizados y hechos en signos, alusivos a la clasificacion sobre los nombres de diagnosis por cada seccion especializada de medicina clinica, sintomas de enfermedad, los nombres del ensayo y examen de todo genero, los nombres de medicamentos y otros nombres de diagnosis adicional.
    especialmente, concreta mas conforme a las condiciones reales del pais la clasificacion de los nombres de enfermedades, la obstruccion funcional, la salud y los nombres de medicamentos aun acordandola con la clasificacion de la organizacion mundial de la salud.
    tambien, hace que todas las secciones correlacionadas de los hospitales realicen satisfactoriamente el intercambio de informatica por la red de computacion haciendo que se aseguren la cientificidad y la prontitud en la diagnosis y la cura.
    da la clasificacion por sectores y etapas para dar ayuda practica al compartimiento del expediente clinico electronico y al aseguramiento de la continuidad en la curacion de clientes, la nota de ingles y la abreviatura a cada termino.

encuentro de familiares y parientes separados del norte y el sur de corea

    kumgangsan, 28 de junio (atcc) -- el septimo encuentro de los familiares y parientes separados del norte y el sur de corea tuvo lugar en el monte kumgang. segun el acuerdo de las entidades de la cruz roja del norte y el sur, el dia 27, los familiares y parientes de ambas partes se encontraron colectivamente.
    los familiares y parientes de la parte norte dijeron a los surcoreanos consanguineos sobre la digna vida de que disfrutan en la patria socialista en que se aplica la politica de amor y confianza, la abarcadora del dirigente kim jong il.
    los de la parte sur expresaron profundas emociones sobre las medidas populares del partido del trabajo y el gobierno de la republica popular democratica de corea.
    el dia 28, los familiares y parientes separados de ambas partes se encontraron por unidad de la familia.
    ellos departieron en un ambiente armonioso y tomaron juntos comidas profundizando el sentimiento consanguineo.
    expresaron voluntades de contribuir activamente a lograr la reunificacion de la patria con las propias fuerzas de la nacion enarbolando la bandera de la declaracion conjunta del 15 de junio y se fotografiaron juntos.
    los de la parte norte ofrecieron a los consanguineos surcoreanos panos y mesas de cumpleanos e intercambiaron prendas de recuerdo.
    por otra parte, el comite central de la asociacion de la cruz roja de la rpdc ofrecio un banquete en honor de los familiares y parientes separados del norte y el sur.
    estos presenciaron una funcion del conjunto circense de la parte norte.

se podra causar un estado irremediable

    pyongyang, 30 de junio (atcc) -- en la x reunion a nivel de ministro del foro de la region asiatica sostenida recientemente en phnom penh ee.uu. obligo aprobar la "declaracion del presidente" que refleja su insistencia unilateral en un articulo referente a la peninsula coreana. a continuacion, urde llevar el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana al consejo de seguridad de la onu para fortalecer mas la ofensiva de presion contra la republica popular democratica de corea por medio de aprobar una "declaracion del presidente de consejo de seguridad". esto es una flagrante violacion al objeto y principios de actividades de ese foro aprobados en la ii reunion a nivel de ministro del foro de la region asiatica convocada en agosto de 1995.
    asi senala el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un comentario individual de hoy y continua.
    ee.uu. maniobra para discutir el problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana en el consejo de seguridad de la onu y tomar las medidas de intensiva presion, lo que es un acto peligroso y provocativo que carece de la justeza y la legitimidad.
    la onu no es un lugar en que para realizar sus intereses y objeto un pais grande gobierna y presiona a un pais pequeno. ella no debe ser utilizada a favor de la politica de presion de ee.uu. contra la rpdc.
    el consejo de seguridad de la onu debe verificar justamente la responsabilidad de ee.uu., fautor del surgimiento del problema nuclear de la peninsula coreana y la agravacion de la situacion.
    este pais violo flagrantemente el tratado de no proliferacion nuclear y otros acuerdos internacionales, en particular definio abiertamente como blanco de primer ataque nuclear a los paises desprovistos de armas nucleares que firmaron el tnpn, no ejecuto sino anulo unilateralmente el acuerdo basico y la declaracion conjunta concertados con la rpdc.
    el consejo arriba mencionado debe cuestionar y fustigar seriamente tales responsabilidades criminales de ee.uu.
    si este pais intenta utilizar la onu como palanca de presion nuclear contra corea y hallar un "pretexto" de la provocacion de la nueva guerra coreana, podra causar un estado irremediable.