KCNA blasts U.S. psychological warfare

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The United States is resorting to a despicable and mean psychological warfare aimed to destabilize the DPRK by mobilizing even riff-raff to attain its sinister goal to isolate and stifle it. It is contemplating sending balloons to fly over the military demarcation line to reach the north carrying transistor radios and pamphlets, etc. agitating its internal change.
    The Bush administration is leaving no stone unturned to carry out its psychological operation, saying that transistor radios are secret weapons more destructive than any conventional weapons and they will help change North Korea internally by sucking up all information from outside just as cactuses do water in deserts.
    Timed to coincide with this, the CIA allotted a huge amount of fund to let the Voice of Free Asia broadcast its programs round the clock.
    This goes to clearly prove that the U.S. is channelling all its efforts into the psychological warfare to break the single-hearted unity in the DPRK and destabilize it.
    The U.S. psychological warfare can be called a prelude to a military attack.
    The U.S. spent a colossal amount of money for such operation before starting wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    The U.S. is working hard to lay an international siege to the DPRK over its nuclear issue in a bid to increase pressure upon it from outside and, at the same time it seeks to destabilize the DPRK and bring it to its knees by mounting a preemptive attack on it.
    But this is as foolish an act as trying to sweep the sea with a broom.
    Our single-hearted unity is strongest and unshakable as neither nuclear weapon nor any crafty operation can ever break it.
    It is common sense that man's ideology and faith are formed only through life experience, not under someone's coercion or by any preaching.
    The Korean people have cherished their ideology as their faith in the course of their protracted revolutionary struggle and chosen the most advantageous man-centred socialist system of Korean style which they value more than their own lives.
    It is a tragedy of the Bush administration that it does not know this fact.
    The U.S. mean act might have proved successful in other countries but that will never work on the DPRK.
    The U.S. is resorting to such a psychological warfare by use of transistor radios and pamphlets, expecting that they would prove "effective". But that only reveals more glaringly its mental poverty and vulnerability.
    Its psychological warfare only helped the army and the people of the DPRK renew their will and faith to consolidate the single-hearted unity in every way, the precious gain of our revolution and the eternal foundation of our system, touched off stronger hatred against the u.s. and hardened their determination to annihilate enemies.

Tanzanian President hopes nuclear issue will be settled through dialogue

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Tanzanian President Benjamin William Mkapa, when meeting with Ro Min Su, DPRK Ambassador to Tanzania, who paid a farewell call on him on June 30, hoped that the nuclear issue would be peacefully solved through the dialogue between the DPRK and the United States. He noted with satisfaction that the close relations of friendship and cooperation between the two countries had favorably developed for a long time, which are all the more solid as they are based on the close relationship between President Kim Il Sung and former Tanzanian President Nyerere.
    Noting that the friendly relations are well reflected in various aid projects in Tanzania, he said he would value the relations and make efforts to further develop them in the future.
    He said he was pleased that under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Il shining successes are being made in the DPRK. He extended congratulations to Kim Jong Il who is brilliantly carrying forward the cause of the president. He expressed sympathy with the stand of the government and the people of the DPRK to reunify the country independently and peacefully.
    He said he would always support it.

Economic and commercial councillors' corps visits revolutionary site

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The economic and commercial councillors' corps here visited the Paeksong Revolutionary Site on July 3 on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's demise. The guests laid a floral basket and bouquets before his statue at the site and paid tribute to him.
    Being briefed on the president's immortal exploits associated with Kim Il Sung University situated in Paeksong-ri in the period of the Fatherland Liberation War, they looked round historical buildings with keen interest.
    At the end of the visit Evelio Duenas Ponce, commercial councillor of the Cuban embassy, said the visit provided an opportunity to learn that in the rigorous days of the war the president trained dependable native cadres, foreseeing the victory in the war.
    Tran Van Hieu, councillor of the Vietnamese embassy, made the following entry in the visitor's book: visiting this revolutionary site I knew well about the warm loving care shown by the president for the students of the university.

U.S. President's statement on human rights refuted

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- U.S. President Bush in a recent statement accused a number of countries including the DPRK of "violating" human rights, asserting that the U.S. is committed to build a world in which human rights are respected and protected by laws. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    No people in the world fully enjoy true human rights as the Korean people do under the man-centered socialist system of Korean style, where the popular masses have become genuine masters of the country and everything in the society is made to serve them.
    The U.S. in its recent "report on 2002-2003 human rights and democracy" referred to "humanitarian crisis in North Korea" and "concerns," urging other countries to raise improvement of the human rights record as a condition for establishing any relations with North Korea.
    This is just part of the U.S. anti-DPRK psychological warfare to tarnish the image of the DPRK and lay an "international siege" to it and the U.S. policy to stifle it.
    As far as the human rights issue is concerned, the U.S. tops the world list of human rights abuses. People's right to existence and inviolability are always threatened and infringed upon in the American society where gun-related murders are hourly occurrences and all sorts of crimes are rampant.
    The number of prisoners in the U.S. is equivalent to a quarter of the total number of prisoners of the world. More than 2 million toiling people are exposed to threats of violence in their workplaces and over 1.8 million labourers are injured in their workshops on a yearly average. The U.S. has also the worst record of racial discrimination in the world.
    The U.S. is citing the DPRK's "human rights issue" to woo those countries, which wish to normalize relations and develop good-neighborly and friendly relations with the dignified DPRK, to put up such unreasonable demand as "demand for better human rights record" in a bid to plug them into the moves to execute its policy to isolate and stifle the DPRK. But this is futile.

"Final results of investigation" published in S. Korea blasted

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea issued a statement on July 3 assailing the "final results of investigation" into the so-called "remittance to the north" published in South Korea. The statement said:
    The "special inspection team" in South Korea deliberately linked the issue of "remittance to the north" to the historic Pyongyang summit meeting. Such foolish act was intended to serve its political purpose of playing down the historic significance of the north-south summit meeting and the June 15 Joint Declaration and bedevilling the north-south relations. If South Korea truly needs any special investigation, it should not look into the issue of "remittance to the north" but probe and punish the crimes committed by the group of the "Grand National Party" against the country and the nation by spending a stupendous amount of money collected from the South Korean workers and other people for the U.S. imperialists' overseas invasion and the upkeep of the U.S. troops in South Korea.
    The history will certainly mete out a stern judgment to those who are seeking to try as criminals the persons who contributed to the summit meeting, the first of its kind in the history of national division.
    The statement called on the South Korean workers and people of all other strata to turn out as one in the struggle to decisively frustrate the moves of the splittist forces to bar the reunification of the country under the uplifted banner of the joint declaration.

Patriotic programme for national reunification

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- July 4 is the 31st anniversary of the publication of the North-South Joint Statement. Its main contents are the three principles of national reunification--independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity--provided by President Kim Il Sung.
    It is a patriotic programme reflecting the ardent aspiration and desire of the entire Korean nation for the reunification of the country and serves as a landmark indicating the most correct way for the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.
    The joint statement is guidelines common to the Korean nation in solving the reunification issue in an independent and peaceful way and in accordance with their will and interests.
    Its publication was an epochal event which dealt a heavy blow to the anti-reunification flunkeyist and bellicose forces at home and abroad and brought a bright future of reunification to the entire Korean nation.
    The president also put forward the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo and the 10-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation in the 1980s and 1990s on the basis the three principles of national reunification.
    The president's ideas and policies for national reunification are now being successfully implemented by leader Kim Jong Il.
    It is well illustrated by the fact that a north-south summit meeting was held in Pyongyang in June 2000 for the first time since the division of the country and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration made public.
    Over the past three years since the publication of the joint declaration, talks have been held in political, economic, cultural, sports and other fields, and cooperation and interchange realized between the north and the south of Korea so as to promote the great unity of the nation and the reunification of the country.
    All this proves that when the Korean people unite and cooperate with each other, transcending the differences in ideology, social system, political view and religious belief, they can achieve the country's reunification and prosperity with their own efforts.

Anniversary of KPA Supreme Command

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- July 4 is the anniversary of the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army (KPA). When the war broke out in Korea President Kim Il Sung took a just measure to organize the Supreme Command of the KPA to command the entire armed forces in a unified way.
    A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on organizing the Supreme Command was issued on July 4, Juche 39 (1950) and Kim Il Sung took the assumption of office as the Supreme Commander in accordance with the unanimous will and desire of the entire Korean people and servicemen.
    The organization of the Supreme Command made it possible to give a monolithic command over all the armed forces and military actions, take the initiative in the whole course of the war, change the military and political situation in favor of the DPRK and thus bring earlier the victory in the war.
    On the same day, the front headquarters and the regional headquarters were also organized by decision no. 7 of the military commission.
    With the front and regional headquarters formed, a swift and monolithic commanding system was established from the Supreme Command to the front headquarters, regional headquarters, combined units, units and subunits to cope with the changed military and political situation in the first days of the war. The wartime general commanding system was also fully established on the basis of the monolithic leadership system of the leader.
    It was the historic measure which provided a definite guarantee for fully ensuring the leadership of Kim Il Sung over the Workers' Party of Korea, state and army and a great event which opened up a decisive phase for achieving the final victory in the Fatherland Liberation War.

South Korean unionists go on strike

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) conducted a campaign against the "government" on July 2 in protest against the crackdown on the recent strike of the railway workers' union, according to MBC of South Korea. More than 90,000 unionists affiliated to the federation of metal industrial workers' unions and the federation of chemical fibre workers' unions under the KCTU went on a solidarity strike all at once, demanding the abolition of discrimination in the informal sector and so on.
    Meanwhile, the KCTU held large-scale rallies in Seoul and 14 other cities.
    Speakers at a rally of at least 10,000 unionists in Seoul said that the police repression of the strike of the railway workers' union showed retrogression of the present government's labor policy.
    They declared that they would wage the struggle against the "government" in parallel with collective negotiation for wage hike.

S. Korean "National Assembly" described as voting machine of U.S.

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- The "National Assembly" dominated by the "Grand National Party" of South Korea in a resolution adopted recently threatened the authorities to "raise more actively the human rights issues in the north" and "strengthen diplomatic negotiations as regards humanitarian aid". It even went to the lengths of letting loose nonsensical words calling for cooperating with the international community in its efforts concerning the north. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    This is a clear indication that the pro-U.S. conservative forces of the NA including the GNP are supporting the U.S. in its anti-DPRK operation aimed to use the NA as a platform to incite confrontation with the north.
    It is the true aim sought by the U.S. to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK by putting political pressure upon it and justify the U.S. attempt to isolate and stifle the DPRK.
    The "resolution" attacking the DPRK over its human rights performance adopted at the South Korean "National Assembly" recently was possible only under the strong impact of the U.S. anti-north smear campaign.
    Yet, it dared pull up the DPRK, a dignified country, in its "resolution". The South Korean "National Assembly" is not in a position to say what it should say and adopt a resolution what it should do. This only reveals that it is a foolish NA and a waiting maid NA.
    It is as clear as noonday that the traitorous GNP group will be politically ostracized in the "general election" to be held next year if it fails to drop its stand of submitting to America and a bad habit as traitors.
    The South Korean NA is well advised to do what it should do, instead of wasting time doing such a foolish thing as barking at the moon to the tune of outsiders.

Anniversary of July 4 Joint Statement observed

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Papers today dedicate articles to the 31st anniversary of the publication of the historic July 4 Joint Statement in which President Kim Il Sung clarified the three principles of national reunification. His clarification is an event of national history which provided the Korean nation with a great program for reunification common to the nation and brought about a fundamental turn in the movement for reunification, say the articles. A signed article of Rodong Sinmun notes that the three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- are a cornerstone of national reunification which indicates the fundamental stand and way of settling the issue of national reunification by the concerted efforts of the nation in the interests of the nation.
    It goes on:
    The three principles are the charter for reunification the fellow countrymen should constantly hold fast to in the struggle for national reunification and clearly indicate the fundamental stand and way to accomplish the cause of reunification.
    The principles are, indeed, a highly important guideline of national reunification and an immovable charter of reunification that the Korean nation should invariably maintain.
    Leader Kim Jong Il has applied the three principles of national reunification advanced by the president to the cause of reunification.
    The three principles are embodied in the June 15 Joint Declaration, a landmark for national reunification in the new century, which is associated with the steadfast faith and will of Kim Jong Il to accomplish the cause of reunification in the idea of the president.
    Minju Joson in a signed article says: no force can block the movement for independent reunification of the Korean nation vigorously advancing on the three principles of national reunification and under the banner of the June 15 Joint Declaration, the proposal for reunification common to the nation based on them.

Meeting of Pyongyang youth and students joining KPA held

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- A meeting of youth and students in Pyongyang joining the heroic Korean People's Army was held at the Open-Air Theatre of Youth Park on July 3. The meeting place was pervaded with the strong enthusiasm of the youth and students to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution and safeguard the socialist motherland at the risk of their lives at the sacred posts for defending the country.
    Kim Song Chol, first secretary of the Pyongyang City Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, in a report said that the extremely tense situation prevailing in the country due to the moves of the U.S. imperialists and their followers to stifle the DPRK calls upon all the young people to turn out in the battles for protecting the country and socialism in a do-or-die spirit with rifles in their hands.
    Noting that the youth and students in the capital city who have received more profound loving care and benevolence from leader Kim Jong Il than any others should take the lead in the sacred battles to protect the country, he called upon all the young people to protect the country as firm as an iron wall with rifles of revolution in their hands.
    Representatives of different social strata in their speeches expressed their determination to glorify their youth as soldiers just as hero Ri Su Bok readily laid down his life for the sake of the country in the 1950s and hero Kil Yong Jo devotedly defended the headquarters of the revolution in the 1990s.
    A resolution was adopted at the meeting.
    All the participants loudly shouted slogans and sang songs such as "Let us defend the headquarters of revolution led by the great comrade Kim Jong Il at the risk of our lives", "Let us glorify youth on the road of upholding the Songun policy of the great general" and "Let the whole country attach importance to military affairs and all people earnestly study them" and "song of defending the motherland".

Greetings to President of Cape Verde

    Pyongyang, July 4 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on July 1 sent a message of greetings to Pedro Pires, President of Cape Verde, on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of its independence and declaration of the Republic. In the belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would continue to develop on good terms, the message sincerely wished the president greater success in his work for the prosperity and development of the country.

Inter-Korean panel meeting held

    Munsan, July 4 (KCNA correspondent) -- The third meeting of the north-south panel for reconnecting railway and road links was held in Munsan of the south side from July 2 to 4. At the meeting both sides discussed practical issues and adopted the following agreement:
    The north and the south fixed items of equipment and materials and their quantity to be provided by the south side for steadily pushing forward the projects for reconnecting the east and west coastal railways and roads in each other's direction.
    The north and the south agreed to make a separate field survey for designing railway signal, telecommunications and power system on the east and west coastal railroads at an early date and the south side committed itself to render continued technical service for the normal operation of the provided equipment and vehicles.
    They agreed to continue discussing a draft basic agreement on train service and the issues of setting up an office for the operation of trains and vehicles and effectuate it before the start of train and motor services.
    It was decided to hold the fifth working contact for reconnecting the inter-Korean railway and road links in Kaesong early in August, Juche 92 (2003).

For Spanish-speaking people

recomiendan a kim jong il como candidato al diputado a la aps

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- las asambleas de los votantes para la recomendacion como candidato al diputado a la xi legislatura de la asamblea popular suprema de la republica popular democratica de corea tuvieron lugar en los distritos electorales de las localidades del pais. los participantes recomendaron al dirigente kim jong il como candidato al diputado a la xi legislatura de la aps.
    los oradores senalaron que las presentes elecciones sirven de un evento politico de gran significado para fortalecer el poder de la republica como arma politica para realizar la idea y la direccion del dirigente mediante el songun (priorizacion militar) y manifestar con potencia el poderio de nuestra unidad monolitica, la superioridad de nuestro regimen socialista centrado en las masas populares y el invencible impetu de corea del juche.
    los informantes recomendaron cortesmente al dirigente kim jong il como candidato para diputado a la xi legislatura de la aps reflejando el unanime deseo de todos los electores y otros habitantes y los oradores y los electores expresaron entero apoyo y aprobacion a la proposicion.
    las asambleas dieron a conocer que el dirigente fue recomendado candidato al diputado a la xi legislatura de la aps de los distritos electorales correspondientes.
    las asambleas aprobaron carta dirigida al dirigente.

operacion de intriga psicologica es el camino de la autodestruccion

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- ee.uu., en el marco de sus abiertas maquinaciones de aislamiento y aplastamiento a la republica popular democratica de corea, se aferra a la amanada guerra psicologica para desintegrarla desde adentro con la movilizacion de tales y cuales gentuzas. busca "acelerar el cambio interno" de la rpdc con la infiltracion de las miniradios y los folletos en el sector de esta por los globos aerostaticos a lo largo de la linea de demarcacion militar.
    la administracion bush se vale de todos los medios y metodos para la guerra psicologica al decir: "la miniradio es el arma secreta mas destructiva que la convencional" y "producira cambio interno de corea del norte" por medio de absorber las informaciones externas como cactaceas del desierto".
    al mismo tiempo, la agencia central de inteligencia de ee.uu. destino enorme suma de fondos para poner en funcionamiento 24 horas la "radio de asia libre".
    esto demuestra que ee.uu. encauza toda su fuerza a la guerra de intriga psicologica para destruir la unidad monolitica y el interior de la rpdc.
    la guerra psicologica es un preludio del ataque militar.
    en visperas de la guerra de agresion contra afganistan e irak ee.uu. invirtio enormes fondos para la operacion psicologica.
    pero, consideramos ridiculas e ingenuas tales maquinaciones de ee.uu.
    nuestra unidad monolitica no la pueden destruir las armas nucleares ni las amanadas conspiraciones. en el fragor de la larga lucha revolucionaria el pueblo coreano guarda por credo su ideologia, escogio el regimen socialista mas ventajoso a nuestro estilo centrado en las masas populares y lo considera mas precioso que su vida.
    lo ignora la administracion bush.
    tal metodo con que logro "exitos" en otros paises no podra surtir efecto para con la rpdc.
    tal operacion de intriga psicologica de ee.uu. hara mas firmes la voluntad y la conviccion del ejercito y el pueblo de corea de fortalecer por todos los medios la unidad monolitica que es la preciosa conquista de la revolucion y la base eterna de nuestro regimen, y les agrandara la hostilidad a ee.uu. y la decision de aniquilar a los enemigos.

"rodong sinmun" condena a ee.uu.

    pyongyang, 4 de julio (atcc) -- el presidente norteamericano bush, en una declaracion, se comprometio a "construir el suyo como un mundo en que se respeten los derechos humanos y que se proteja por la gobernacion constitucional" y acuso a la republica popular democratica de corea y otros varios paises de "violadores de los derechos humanos". al respecto, el diario "rodong sinmun", en un comentario individual de hoy, senala:
    en el mundo no habra ni un pueblo que disfrute a sus anchas de los autenticos derechos humanos y la libertad como el coreano que vive bajo el regimen socialista a nuestro estilo centrado en las masas populares en que estas son los genuinos duenos del pais y todo de la sociedad sirve para estas.
    en el "informe sobre los derechos humanos y la democracia para 2002-2003" ee.uu. senalo la "crisis humanitaria de corea del norte" y la "preocupacion" por el respecto y urgio a otros paises a "condicionar el mejoramiento de los derechos humanos" cuando establezcan "relaciones con corea del norte".
    esto es un eslabon de una guerra de intriga psicologica y la politica de aplastamiento a la rpdc, que tienden a afectar la imagen de esta y formar una "red de cerco internacional" contra esta.
    ee.uu. tiene el registro de los derechos humanos mas gravemente violados en el mundo.
    en la sociedad norteamericana se perpetran de hora en hora los asesinatos y otros actos criminales por la posesion indisciplinada de armas de fuego y asi se amenazan y atentan permanentemente los derechos a la vida e inviolabilidad de las personas. los presos de ee.uu. equivalen a la cuarta parte de los del mundo. cerca de dos millones de trabajadores en promedio anual son objeto de amenaza por actos de violencia en los centros de trabajo y mas de 1.8 millones de personas sufren heridas en los lugares de trabajo y mas grave la discriminacion racial en ee.uu..
    este pais intenta en vano aislar y aplastar la rpdc al exigir injustamente la "condicion de mejoramiento de derechos humanos" a los paises que desean la normalizacion de las relaciones diplomaticas y de buena vecindad con la digna rpdc.