Korean people's anti-U.S. struggle supported worldwide

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- The world progressive forces have expressed positive support to the DPRK's invariable mode of retaliation, the mode of strongly reacting to the U.S. attempt for a preemptive attack with the toughest stand to firmly defend the national dignity and sovereignty. The Czech newspaper "Czech, Moravia, Silesia Matice" in an article noted it is a just measure for the defence of sovereignty for the DPRK to strongly react to the U.S. policy of aggression while increasing its self-defensive capability to cope with the latter's escalating threat.
    The Syrian newspaper "Al Baath" in an article said that such a small country as the DPRK is standing firm against such ferocious brutes as the U.S. imperialists by building up its own strength despite its great economic difficulties, adding that this is something "unpredictable and unimaginable" to be specially mentioned as imperialists term.
    The Center for the Research on Korea of the Institute for World Economy and International Relations in the Russian Academy of Sciences in a commentary carried in the newspaper "Vladivostok" said neither persuasion nor pressure and sanctions will work on the DPRK.
    The Tanzania-DPRK Friendship Association and the Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee of the Juche Idea Study Groups in a joint statement said:
    The DPRK has already clarified its stand that it is entitled to possess nukes and other weapons more powerful than them to defend the sovereignty and dignity of the country in view of the U.S. intensified moves to stifle the DPRK and its escalating nuclear threats.
    The DPRK does not say empty words. This is proved by a series of counter-measures taken by it recently.
    The chairman of the Arab Committee for Solidarity with the Korean People and Supporting the Reunification of Korea in Jordan in a commentary carried in the newspaper "Al-Itishah" said that people's Korea standing firm on the forefront in the struggle against the imperialists solemnly declared that if enemies invade it, it will throw them into an abyss of ruin. And it has invariably adhered to its own political and military stand, lending no ear to anybody's threats and abuses, it added.
    An article entitled "truth about the nuclear issue and security and peace of the Korean peninsula" carried in the information bulletin issued by the International Liaison Committee for Reunification and Peace in Korea laid bare the cunning trick of the Bush administration to garner support of the international community for preemptive military strike at the DPRK.

Withdrawal of new "bill on special inspection" urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- The Reunification Solidarity for the Implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace on the Korean Peninsula on June 27 reportedly released an open letter titled "withdraw a new bill on special inspection, a plot to ditch the June 15 Joint Declaration". The letter dismissed the vicious moves of the Grand National Party of South Korea to resume the "investigation" under a "new law on special inspection" is a sycophantic and treacherous act to execute the war and confrontation policy of the u.s. that does not want to see improved inter-Korean ties and a criminal act of chilling the desire of the fellow countrymen for national reunification.
    It urged the party to withdraw the bill, well aware of the serious consequences to be entailed by the fresh investigation.

Kim Il Sung's exploits praised

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- Functions took place in different countries on the occasion of the 9th anniversary of President Kim Il Sung's demise. There was a speech titled "the revolutionary exploits the great President Kim Il Sung performed on behalf of humankind will be immortal" and the Korean film "The Great Life in 1994" was shown at the functions. The chairwoman of the Peruvian Association for the Study of Revolutionary Activities of Comrade Kim Jong Suk in a speech said that Kim Il Sung was a great leader and sun in the 20th century who performed undying feats for the Korean and the world revolution. He founded the immortal Juche idea, thus providing the popular masses with the banner of independence and leading the human cause of independence to victory, she noted.
    The chairman of the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association in a meeting to remember Kim Il Sung said that his idea and cause are being creditably carried forward by leader Kim Jong Il, adding that the Songun idea and revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Il helped the DPRK carry out the president's last instructions and achieve a sure victory in the confrontation with the U.S.
    The Minister of State in the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment of Uganda at a film show said that the DPRK is demonstrating its might as a powerful socialist country that the U.S. styling itself the world's "only superpower" dares not provoke, adding this is thanks to the Songun policy, an effective political mode. The basis and starting point of this unique political mode in the DPRK were provided by Kim Il Sung, he stressed.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at a function held in the Czech Republic.

International solidarity functions held

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- A month of International Solidarity with the Korean People was opened with due ceremony in Mexico on June 26 on the occasion of the month (June 25-July 27) of anti-U.S. joint struggle. The chairman of the Mexican Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification in a speech said that the U.S. is keen to ignite another war in Korea instead of drawing a lesson from the shameful defeat it suffered in the last Korean war.
    Under the wise leadership of Kim Jong Il the Korean people are struggling to beat back the U.S. interference and aggression and protect the sovereignty and dignity of the country, he noted, urging the U.S. to drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK and quit South Korea taking its nuclear weapons with it.
    A meeting took place in Karachi on June 25 under the co-sponsorship of the Karachi branch of the Pakistan-Korea Friendship Association and the society for the study of self-reliance of Pakistan.
    The secretary general of the Karachi branch of the association and other speakers referred in detail to the immortal exploits Kim Jong Il has performed in the cause of Korean reunification.
    They extended firm solidarity to the DPRK government and the Korean people in their struggle to smash the imperialists' moves for supremacy, defend Korean socialism and the global peace and achieve the independent and peaceful reunification of the country.
    A letter of solidarity and a message to Kim Jong Il were adopted at the functions.

International solidarity with Korean people voiced

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- A statement of solidarity with the Korean people was adopted at an international meeting of communist and workers parties held in Athens on June 19 and 20. The statement was jointly signed by 42 communist and workers parties including the Communist Party of Australia, the Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism, the Belgian Labour Party, the Brazilian Communist Party, the New Communist Party of Great Britain, the Communist Party of Canada, the Communist Party of Egypt, the Communist Party of India, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Communist Party of the United States of America.
    Expressing solidarity with the party, the government and people of the DPRK in their efforts to cope with the imperialist threat of aggression, the statement said:
    The moves taken by the U.S. imperialists for aggression and provocation after dividing Korea into two parts since 1945 are escalating the tensions on the Korean peninsula day by day and these acts pose a dire threat to the peace on the peninsula.
    We denounce the imperialists for hamstringing the inter-Korean dialogue and the reunification process.
    We express great concern about the threat posed by the U.S. imperialists to other countries in a bid to build a new imperialist world order.
    We reiterate our commitment to join the world peace movement in its struggle to protect the rights of other countries to repel the imperialist aggression and defend independence, sovereignty, their way of life and social systems.

Security authorities' suppression of students denounced in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the South Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon) reportedly issued a statement on July 2 denouncing the security authorities for their suppression of students. The statement accused the security authorities of intensifying their suppression of Hanchongryon in connection with the May 18 demonstration. This demonstration was a just struggle in line with the people's spirit and desire for peace on the Korean peninsula as it criticized the servile diplomacy of the present regime, it added.
    The statement demanded the security authorities release all the arrested students and stop at once the arrest of those involved in the demonstration and wanted students.

Tribute paid to Kim Il Sung's immortal exploits performed for reunification

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung made sure that the movement for reunification consistently maintained the line of one Korea, a line of reunification, after defining national reunification as the supreme task of the nation from the very day of the country's division. This is a shining exploit he performed for the cause of national reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It goes on:
    The line of one Korea, the line of reunification, serves as a line of national independence for achieving the complete independence of the country and the nation and a true patriotic one for the prosperous development of a reunified country and the prosperity of the whole nation.
    Referring to the fact that the president firmly maintained the patriotic line of reunification at all times and led the nation to achieve it, the article says:
    He convened the historic joint meeting of representatives of political parties and public organizations of the south and the north of Korea at a crucial time when a campaign for "separate election and separate government" was underway in South Korea under the signboard of the un soon after the liberation of the country and led the whole nation to wage a nationwide struggle to frustrate the flunkeyist and traitorous forces' moves for the permanent division of Korea. And at a time when there were acute and sharp conflict and struggle between the two lines, ie. one for one Korea and the other for two Koreas, he waged an incessant struggle to frustrate the separatists' moves to create two Koreas. He also led the north and the south to resume dialogue and negotiations when their relations remained frozen and adopt joint statements and agreements, thus opening a new phase of the movement for reunification.
    After setting forth the line of one Korea, a line of reunification, the president devoted himself to its materialization. Thanks to his immortal exploits the cause of national reunification has victoriously advanced despite the challenge and obstructive moves of anti-reunification forces at home and abroad and the pro-reunification patriotic forces have grown to be invincible forces. This is a great victory of the line of one Korea, a line of reunification, over the line of two Koreas, a line of division.
    Leader Kim Jong Il, the sun of the 21st century and the lodestar of national reunification, is wisely leading the nation's movement for reunification, with the firm determination and will to reunify the country in the present generation at any cost, carrying forward the cause of national reunification started and led by the president.

"Results of investigation" published in S. Korea castigated

    Pyongyang, July 6 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Agricultural Workers Union of Korea in a statement released on Saturday said that it was none other than the traitorous group of the Grand National Party of South Korea which persistently insisted on the "special inspection" in South Korea, desperately worked to link the "remittance to the north" to the Pyongyang meeting in a far-fetched manner and is adamantly calling for a "new bill on special inspection" even after the announcement of the "results of investigation."
    This desperate move on the part of the party is aimed to play down at any cost the tremendous vitality of the historic Pyongyang meeting and the June 15 Joint Declaration supported and welcomed by the whole nation and the world and bring the improving inter-Korean relations back to those in the era of confrontation, the statement noted and continued:
    If South Korea is to fault any party, it should blame the group of the Grand National Party for having protected the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces which have deprived the South Korean peasants of their means of living by devastating the mountains and fields and even farmland in South Korea and worked hard to block the reconciliation, unity and reunification of the Korean nation as cat's paws of the U.S. imperialists.
    The ruckus kicked off by South Korea talking about "special inspection" and "results of investigation" into the small amount of money spent in the course of inter-Korean cooperation, instead of taking the real criminal to task cannot be construed otherwise than a deliberate move of those who are seeking a sinister aim through this din.
    The fate of the Grand National Party is no better than a bubble. With no frenzy can it stem the strong trend of the nation towards unity and reunification.
    All the arrested personages related to the Pyongyang meeting should be acquitted and set free and the trial of them be stopped at once.

Inter-Korean working contact made

    Mt. Kumgang, July 6 (KCNA) -- A working contact between the University Students' Sports Association of the north side and the South Side's Organizing Committee for the 22nd Universiad to be held in Taegu took place at Mt. Kumgang resort from July 4 to 6 to discuss the issue of the north side's participation in the games. Present there were a delegation of the north side led by Jang Jong Nam, vice-chairman of the University Students Sports Association and a delegation of the south side headed by Ha Jin Gyu, secretary general of the Organizing Committee for the Universiad.
    At the contact, both sides had a wide-range discussion on all technical issues related to the participation of the north side's sports team and supporters' group in the games and published a relevant agreement.
    According to the agreement, the north side will send an about 200-member sports team including sportspersons, officials and referees, an about 310-member supporters' group and a 19-member press corps to the games and its sports team and supporters' group will fly direct to Taegu and return by an airliner of the north side.
    The teams of the two sides will march together at the opening and closing ceremonies with a Korean peninsula flag in the van and follow the precedent established during the 14th Pusan Asian Games as regards the designation and uniforms of the sports teams.
    The north and south sports teams will separately compete in games and their own flags will be hoisted and the song of the International University Sports Federation played at prize-awarding ceremonies.
    The two sides will let their respective delegates or delegations participate in meetings to be held during the games.
    It was pointed out in the agreement that Korean peninsula flags will be used during the joint entry of the north and south teams into the stadium and the matches between them and the south side will hoist the flag of the DPRK and use its name according to international practice and the rules of the international university sports games.
    It is also noted in the agreement that both sides will have detailed consultations and agree on specific technical procedural matters related to the participation of the north side's sports team and supporters' group in the games by way of exchanging documents through a Panmunjom channel.

U.S. to blame for sparking nuclear crisis in Korea

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The Social Federation "For the Union and Union's Communist Party" of Belarus in a statement on June 27 said that the U.S. is to chiefly blame for a nuclear crisis and expressed full support to the DPRK in its stand to defend the country from the U.S. nuclear threat. The U.S., which invaded Iraq on the "suspicion of possessing weapons of mass destruction," is now going to use the same pretext for attacking the DPRK, the statement said, adding that unlike Iraq which yielded to the U.S. blackmail and failed to repel the U.S. invasion the DPRK is protecting itself with sophisticated weapons.
    Branding the U.S. as an international gangster as it lords it over the world after stockpiling nuclear warheads and cruise missiles in its arsenals, the statement accused Washington of using the nuclear non-proliferation treaty as a leverage to put pressure upon those countries, which incur its displeasure, in a bid to infringe upon their sovereignty.

Drop of U.S. hostile policy toward DPRK urged

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The Asian Regional Committee for Supporting Korea's Reunification and the All India Indo-Korean Friendship Association issued a joint statement on June 24, 53 years after the U.S. imperialists provoked the Korean war. In the statement they demanded the U.S. respond at once to the DPRK proposal for concluding a non-aggression treaty between them, drop its hostile policy toward the latter and withdraw its forces and mass destruction weapons from South Korea without delay to ensure peace on the Korean peninsula. Recalling that the U.S. imperialists unleashed the war on June 25, 1950, the statement said:
    Under the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung the people's army and people of Korea beat back the U.S. imperialists' aggression and won a victory in the war on July 27, 1953.
    Instead of drawing a due lesson from its defeat in the Korean War the U.S. keeps more than 40,000 troops and weapons of mass destruction including at least 1,000 nuclear weapons in South Korea and is scheming to invade the DPRK in wanton violation of the Armistice Agreement and international conventions.
    The U.S. is leading the situation on the Korean peninsula to the brink of a war, persisting in its campaign against the DPRK under the pretext of its "nuclear development."
    The statement bitterly denounced the moves of the U.S. imperialists, chieftain of aggression and harasser of global peace.

Kim Il Sung's short biography newly published

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- "Short Biography of the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung" newly edited by the history institute of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was brought out by the WPK Publishing House. The book comprehensively deals with the noble revolutionary career and immortal exploits performed by Kim Il Sung, a peerlessly great man, in the course of his protracted revolutionary activities.
    It has 12 chapters and 95 sections and a conclusion.
    Chapter 1 to 4 deals with immortal exploits Kim Il Sung performed from April Juche 1 (1912) to August Juche 34 (1945) during which he hewed out the revolutionary cause of Juche and led the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory and achieved the historic cause of national liberation.
    Chapter 5 to 8 deals with his undying leadership exploits from August Juche 34 (1945) to December Juche 49 (1960) during which he successfully carried out two-stage social revolutions after the liberation of the country, victoriously led the Fatherland Liberation War, successfully steered the Korean people in their efforts to carry out the historic tasks to rehabilitate the country two times, ie after liberation and the war, and lay the basic foundation of socialism, thus building the world's most advantageous man-centred socialist system of Korean style in this land.
    Chapter 9 to 12 deals with his immortal exploits from January Juche 50 (1961) to July Juche 83 (1994) during which he led several-phased struggle to build socialism to brilliant victory and built a socialist power, independent, self-supporting and self-reliant in national defence, which demonstrates its dignity and might to the world.

U.S. to blame for human rights abuse

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- The recent campaign launched by the United States over the "human rights performance" in the DPRK is a link in the whole chain of its vicious psychological warfare aimed to tarnish the dignity and image of the socialist system in the DPRK and escalate the international pressure upon it, says Minju Joson today in a signed commentary. It continues:
    The U.S. has neither face nor qualification to pull up others over "human rights issue" as it has the poorest human rights record.
    Referring to the fact that the U.S. invaded Iraq, a sovereign state, in a brigandish way by mobilizing huge troops in utter disregard of the UN Charter and international law, the commentary says that the U.S. should stand trial for seriously abusing human rights, before talking about the "human rights performance" in other countries.
    The U.S. escalated psychological warfare against the DPRK will only heighten its vigilance against the U.S., the paper says, urging the U.S. to ponder over the ensuing consequences.

Greetings to Comoran President

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, on July 1 sent a message of greetings to Azali Assumani, President of Comoros, on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of its independence. The message wished the president greater success in his work for the stability and prosperity of the country and expressed belief that the friendly relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the future.

Kim Yong Nam greets President of Malawi

    Pyongyang, July 5 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, on July 1 sent a message of greetings to Bakili Muluzi, President of Malawi, on the occasion of the 39th anniversary of its independence and the 37th anniversary of the proclamation of the republic. The message wished the president and the people of Malawi greater success in their work for the independent development and the prosperity of the country and expressed belief that the friendly ties between the two countries would grow stronger.

For Spanish-speaking people

india: obra de kim jong il

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- la asociacion de amistad india-corea de toda la india dio a luz en folleto el dia primero la imperecedera obra clasica del dirigente kim jong il "para reforzar el sistema de direccion del partido". la obra, publicada el 28 de abril del 68 (1979) de la era juche, dilucida concretamente los problemas que se presentan para asegurar con firmeza la direccion del partido sobre la revolucion y la construccion, entre otros, el de establecer el ambiente revolucionario de aceptar incondicionalmente y materializar cabalmente las resoluciones e instrucciones del partido y el de establecer la ferrea disciplina revolucionaria segun la cual todo el partido se mueva como un solo hombre.

editada "breve biografia del camarada kim il sung, gran lider"

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- la editora del partido del trabajo de corea dio a luz la nueva "breve biografia del camarada kim il sung, gran lider" recopilada por el instituto de la historia del partido del cc del ptc. el libro relata la noble vida revolucionaria y las inmortales proezas del presidente kim il sung, gran hombre sin par.
    la breve biografia consta de 95 epigrafes de 12 capitulos y el epilogo.
    del primero al cuarto narra las inmortales proezas que realizo el presidente al allanar la causa revolucionaria del juche, llevar a la victoria la lucha revolucionaria antijaponesa y lograr la historica causa de la restauracion de la patria de abril del primero (1912) al agosto del 34 (1945), de la era juche.
    del quinto al octavo relata las inmortales proezas de direccion que realizo el presidente durante el periodo de agosto del 34 (1945) a diciembre del 49 (1960), de la era juche al cumplir con brillantez la revolucion social de dos etapas, la guerra de liberacion de la patria, la rehabilitacion y la construccion de dos ocasiones y la construccion de la base del socialismo y establecer sobre esta tierra nuestro regimen socialista centrado en las masas populares.
    del noveno al duodecimo recopila las inmortales proezas del presidente quien en el periodo de enero del 50 (1961) a julio de 83 (1994), de la era juche al conducir al triunfo la lucha por la construccion socialista de varias etapas establecio una potencia socialista independiente, autosostenida y autodefensiva y exalto a todo el mundo su dignidad y poderio.

vocero del cc de la union de juventud socialista kim il sung declara

    pyongyang, 5 de julio (atcc) -- el vocero del cc de la union de la juventud socialista kim il sung hizo publica el dia 4 una declaracion que senala: el "resultado de averiguacion especial" publicado recientemente en corea del sur constituye un acto criminal anti-nacion y anti-reunificacion que amengua el significado historico nacional del historico encuentro de pyongyang de los maximos dirigentes del norte y el sur de corea y que lleva las relaciones de ambas partes a la confrontacion.
    el encuentro mencionado fue un evento de significado especial que puso fin a la historia de division nacional saturada de discordia y confrontacion y que dejo abierta la nueva historia de la reconciliacion y la cooperacion de la nacion y su reunificacion independiente.
    sin embargo, en corea del sur se hizo objeto de la "averiguacion especial" hasta el problema de la transaccion economica que puede haber en el proceso de cooperacion entre el norte y el sur, lo que deviene un imperdonable acto criminal contrario a la nacion y la reunificacion.
    es pueril e inmaduro calificar de "recompensa" a cierta suma de dinero dedicada a la labor de intercambio y cooperacion economicos entre el norte y el sur.
    en corea del sur se debe poner fin de inmediato al injusto acto de tratar juridicamente a los interesados del encuentro de pyongyang, distinguir con acierto la tendencia de la epoca y dejar de hacer las cosas que obstaculizan la realizacion de la reunificacion de la patria.